under fire

Chapter 561

Chapter 561
Cliffs and cliffs, covered with snow.

Somewhere the mountain wall was sunken, forming a natural cave, surrounded by a figure on the cold and damp ground, more than [-] people with drooping heads scattered around the fire, speechless.

The flames crackled, emitting heat continuously, driving away any trace of cold air.

The drooping gray hats were patched with gray military uniforms, and the soaked cloth shoes were steaming, and no one whispered to each other for a long time.

A tree branch was placed across the fire, and more than a dozen lunch boxes were hung. Everyone looked tired and sleepy. Obviously, they were not residents who stayed in the cave all the time.

The dry food bags are all bulging, indicating that they should be about to perform a long-term mission.

A young soldier leaning against the cave wall occasionally licked and pulled the fire with a stick in his hand, so that the flames could better lick the bottom of the steaming lunch box.

After a long while of silence, a voice finally sounded, causing everyone to raise their heads: "Platoon Leader Jing, we walked across the mountains and mountains for a day, encountered heavy snow, and traveled less than [-] miles. This mission may not be completed!"

"Can this be called heavy snow? You forgot, the snow in my hometown is called heavy snow." The young man in the uniform with a stick in his hand stopped. He should be Platoon Leader Jing.

"There are no such steep mountains in my hometown. Even the best hunters should not take the risk of hunting in such mountains during this season."

Platoon Leader Jing finally raised his head: "If you say such things again, I will cut off your head and make you never return to your hometown!"

"Yes!" The one who spoke first fell silent immediately.

Platoon Leader Jing turned his head and looked outside the cave: "No matter how heavy the snow is, we must arrive at our destination by fifteen days!"

"Since it's snowing again, in this weather, there should be no one walking around in the barren mountains and fields. It's better to go directly to the mountain road." Another suggestion was playing with the dirty and torn military cap.

"On our trip, we can only succeed, not fail. The plan we set must not be changed. No matter how difficult it is, we must complete the task. Besides, we still have ten days. Do you understand?" Platoon Leader Jing said in a serious tone.

"However, the snow is so heavy that I can't even see the road clearly, and I can't walk at all. This is an impossible task." The speaker obviously has a high position, and he still dared to express his opinion after the warning of Platoon Leader Jing.

"Everyone thinks so, so can I understand that in such weather, they are actually giving us a chance?" Platoon Leader Jing was patient and not angry. This person's identity is indeed special.

"Yes." The one who spoke did not insist on his opinion.

"Rest early after dinner, and continue walking along the river valley at dawn tomorrow." Platoon Leader Jing arranged the mission for the next day in advance, so that his men were mentally prepared in advance.

So far, no one has spoken.

The cave fell into silence, only the crackling of wet firewood mixed with the gurgling of the lunch box.

The political commissar is giving ideological education to the recruits in the classroom.

Outside the open window, where the political commissar couldn't see, he popped up and waved to someone who was looking around in a bored way.

"Report." Looking around, the ponytail raised his hand, and kicked Luo Fugui who was dozing off with his eyes open beside him.

"What's the matter?" Ding Deyi was talking excitedly when he was suddenly interrupted, feeling a little displeased.

"I want to go to the latrine." Xiao Hongying stood up.

The political commissar has a black line, so can't you be more polite?For example, wash your hands. "You have a lot of things to do, go and come back quickly!"

With a small body, he hurried out of the crowded classroom and turned around the barracks.

A ghostly Chongchong leaned forward immediately: "."

"What did you say? Going to celebrate the teacher's birthday?" Xiao Hongying was stunned when she heard the news.

"Hey, do you think I'll lie to you?" Wang Liujin almost swore.

Although I know that the superior is doing this to inspire people, but no matter what, being able to participate in such a grand occasion is definitely something that can be bragged for half a year. The little girl is really not interested in studying. If she can go to the teacher, then the study will naturally be fine.
It's a pity that it's hard to be my turn in this matter. Perhaps, the head of the regiment and the political commissar should go together.

The mountain road that has just snowed is not easy to walk, so the pony's tail drooped down and he was discouraged: "What's the matter with me?"

"Want to go?"

"Do you think this matter can have my share?"

"Just say whether you want it or not!"

"Come on, what's the condition?" Xiao Hongying narrowed her eyes.

"A mortar." The lion opened his mouth wide.

"No way!" The little girl didn't even hesitate: "Hey, your tone is really serious, hey, let me say, some of you can do it?"

"You don't care about that."

"Such a big matter, can it be your turn as a special agent platoon leader to decide? Stop talking nonsense."

"Song Xiaoci is going to the division."

"Her? How could this matter be her turn? She looks like a goblin. By the way, can the old goblin walk away?"

"Hey, you don't understand! She wants to be the host!"

The little girl turned her head and blinked her eyes. The old monster is more guarded than anything else all day long. Can you let him go to the teacher?What nonsense, I turned my head to look in the direction of the classroom, and suddenly said, "No!"

Wang Liujin was stunned, she was not interested in such a big event?Is this the girl who likes to join in the fun?
"Hey, Captain Liang said that if you agree, I can let you go back to the teacher with me."

After talking for a while, the ponytail of the turned around swayed from side to side, and slowly walked away.

Leaving Wang Liujin alone in the cold wind, hey, did you miss him?Or has this girl changed her sex in the film?
The little pony tail swayed past the newly built barracks, but Wang Liujin couldn't be seen when he turned his head. He raised his little hand and rubbed it in front of his mouth to warm it up. His eyes immediately turned, and his big clear eyes began to smoke.

Go to the division if you want to go, just find an excuse, just use this to change the mortar, there is no door!
It's almost the same as changing the bullets!

The idiot scares away customers by asking extravagant prices.

Is smoking so easy to deceive?
If this news is true, then if you really want to go to the division, you might as well go to the head of the regiment. Of course, you can also find the fox. There are still batches of medicines in the warehouse. Let the fox find an excuse to send the division to the hospital. The spy platoon took advantage?
The small body stepped into the bunker: "Fox."

The voice is tender and crisp, with a long tail, like a lark singing, which is pleasant to the ear.

Hu Yi, who was reading a book, looked up and saw the neat little face at the tent door smiling at him.

A smile appeared on Hu Yi's face immediately: "You are not studying at this time, what's your business in the humble house? Huh?"

Xiao Hongying turned her hands behind her back and grinned and entered the tent: "The political commissar is talking about the chairman's 'several opinions on the political work of the Eighth Route Army'. I can almost hear calluses in my ears, fox, let me give you Clap your shoulders."

After the little girl finished speaking, she turned behind Hu Yi, swung her fists and hammered her fists, and changed her grip and pinch.

"That's right, hehe, how did you learn all this? It's so comfortable!" Hu Yi squinted his eyes, feeling comfortable all over.

After a while: "Tell me, what do you want to do this time?"

"Hey...Fox, I just want to ask...Master's birthday. Are we ready for the gift?"

"Congratulations? Who did you hear that we want to deliver gifts?"

"Uh, isn't everyone in the group talking about it?"

"You know? Why don't I know? If you want to send it, it's the head of the group who will send it." Hu Yi scratched his neck, frowned and thought for a while, then turned his head and asked Xu Xiao at the door: "Have you heard?"

Xu Xiao glanced at Hu Yi, was stared at by Xiao Hongying who was looking over, and quickly scratched his neck: "I seem to have heard someone say it, as for who said it, I can't remember."

Xiao Hongying stopped what she was doing: "I want to go!"

(End of this chapter)

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