under fire

Chapter 562

Chapter 562

The bleak wilderness is full of silver frost.

Seems like a forgotten corner of the world.

A few long and narrow leaves swayed unyieldingly with the branches in the cold wind.

Occasional sounds came from the lifeless village.

On the road in the east of the village, a few figures in thin clothes walked with difficulty, greeted the secret whistle hidden in the snow by the roadside, spit out clouds of white mist, and continued to walk into the village with one foot high and one foot low , leaving behind a long string of footprints.

Sun Youshang was reading documents in the room. When he saw Park Buhuan coming in, he put the documents in his hands on the table, got up quickly, and looked outside the room: "Instructor Park, are you alone? Where are the others?"

After finishing speaking, he turned over a teacup, poured hot water on it, and pushed it to the opposite side.

Pu Buhuan went to the table and sat down, took a bowl and tried it in his mouth, the boiling water was boiling hot: "I'm so cold, they went to the kitchen to find food, where is Miss Su?"

"Officer Su went to the city to handle errands, by the way, how is the situation on the mountain?"

"The situation is a bit serious. There are climbing marks on the cliff. After sweeping away the snow, I found that those footprints went into the mountain!"

"Could it be the advancing team?"

Park Buhuan took a sip of hot water: "It must be the enemy, as to whether it will advance to the team is hard to say!"

"Any new news from the town?"

"Director Zhang sent someone back to say that another group of devils came to the city. The number is almost a small team. They are different from those devils in the city. During the day, they disguised themselves as ordinary people and scattered in the city. He was very sexual, and one of the comrades who were followed by the public security team sacrificed one." Sun Youshang's expression was not good.

"Pull again?" Pu Buhuan frowned and looked around.

Sun Youshang raised his head: "Can we understand it this way: What you met that night was the person who sent the advance team into the mountain. The first advance team was destroyed by the Eighth Route Army, and now the enemy has replenished some of them?"

"You mean, those people who entered the mountain are also advancing teams? What are they doing in such a cold day?" Park Buhuan said with doubts.

Hearing what Pu Buhuan said, Sun Youshang immediately changed his expression: "No, there just happened to be a major event in the division, and they must have gone to the division!"

"What activity? Why haven't I heard of it?" Park Buhuan asked in surprise.

"I just got the news that the headquarters is going to celebrate the teacher's birthday!"

"Happy birthday? When?"

"NO.16 of the month"

"Our Eighth Route Army doesn't have such rules. Uh... I understand." Park Buhuan has stayed at the headquarters for so long, of course he knows that the Eighth Route Army has never held personal birthdays, and now even Sun Youshang at the foot of the mountain can know it. Explanation, it must be for publicity again!

"What do you understand?" Sun Youshang asked suspiciously.

"It should be propaganda!"

"That's true." Commander Sun suddenly realized.

Park Buhuan continued the first topic: "The terrain near the road where the devil enters the mountain is steep. We don't have enough manpower, so we can't always stay on that cliff."

"Since we can't prevent them, why don't we find out their whereabouts?"

Pu Buhuan shook his head: "There are only a few hundred of us, if we really want to find out the devil's whereabouts, it's like finding a needle in a haystack!"

"Think about it, the devils didn't send large-scale troops into the mountains this time. Except for the snowy roads in winter and the difficulty in supplies, they probably tasted the sweetness of the last raid on the headquarters, and they probably want to sneak attack again." Sun Youshang began to analyze.

"Hey, since we can't guard against it, I'll go to the mountains to look for it. There are only a few roads. He can climb the cliffs at the foot of the mountain. In the mountains, he can only walk the mountain streams except for the few roads!" Buhuan has stayed in the mountains for a long time and is no stranger to the roads in the mountains.

"What, it has just snowed, and the road can't be walked. You want to go into the mountain?"

"Hey, I can't leave even if these vain enemies dare to enter the mountain? Hey, as long as I find them and don't kill them all, my surname will not be Park!" After Pu Buhuan finished speaking, he almost turned cold He drank all the water that came down and smashed the tea bowl to the ground.

"You prodigal son, why are you throwing my teacup in anger? This is the authentic Ru Kiln blue and white ice porcelain." Sun Youshang was trembling with anger.

"Hey, mistake, mistake!" Park Buhuan quickly turned around and ran away.

"Sugan, Sister Su?" Liu Wenxia looked at the village woman walking into the shop in surprise.

Su Qing glanced sharply and prepared to meet Liu Wenxia: "I'll see for myself first!"

Slowly looking at the few fabrics and the cotton coats hanging on the wall.

After waiting for a customer in the room to pay for the finished clothes and leave, he turned to look at Liu Wenxia and asked in a low voice, "How is the situation in the barracks?"

"Talk later." Liu Wenxia saw the monkey coming in from the door, nodded her head as a greeting, turned around and opened the curtain to enter the back room.

"This is Mrs. Jiu!" Liu Wenxia introduced a middle-aged woman who was cutting cloth to Su Qing.

"Hello, Nine Sisters!" Su Qing greeted the woman calmly, and took a quick look at the woman. She looked nothing special, maybe she had been holding scissors for a long time to cut cloth, and she had a thick callus.

"You talk, I'll go out and look at the shop." The woman didn't seem very enthusiastic.

"Monkey? Why are you here? Hurry up into the back room, I'll watch here!" As soon as Sister-in-law Jiu came out of the back room, she found the monkey who was opening the curtain at the door, and that bastard was looking out.

After a while, the curtain opened and a young man walked in.

"Didn't you say that you should keep an eye on the gate of the barracks?" Zhang Yi, who had just entered, took off his hat and asked sternly.

Nine Sisters smiled slightly: "What are you worried about, there are no customers in the restaurant at this time, and the head of the house is watching from the next door!"

Zhang Yi hesitated for a moment, didn't speak any more, and walked into the back room directly, and sat beside the cloth cutting case.

After sitting down, Liu Wenxia handed over hot tea.

Su Qing and Director Zhang began to listen to Liu Wenxia's report on the recently collected information.

Su Qing analyzed while listening, the more he listened, the more serious the situation became, and finally fell into deep thought.

Unexpectedly, this time the devils did not raid as before. Like the Eighth Route Army, they also played guerrilla warfare, and the size of the army continued to expand.

"Officer Su, our people have been guarding outside the city for so long, but every time these devils go out of the city, they act separately. In order not to startle the snake, we have not done anything!"

"Do it, those broken guns of yours, are you willing to take action against the advancing team?" Liu Wenxia gave Director Zhang a white look.

"What do you know about filming, you girl? This is called seeing the big picture." Director Zhang was a little embarrassed.

Su Qing probably wanted to understand that Gui Ziming's sweep and assassination would definitely pose a great threat to the Eighth Route Army.

Since the devil has thought of such a method, he must find a way to prevent the devil from entering the mountain. The mountainous area is vast, and it is difficult to prevent it. Send additional sentries. It appears that if you want to set up an ambush to encircle, the possibility of success is very slim.

The vast area of ​​the mountain area is also an advantage for the Eighth Route Army. After the devils raided the headquarters, the ministries have strengthened the defenses at the entrances to the mountain. If you want to enter the mountain silently, there are no doors!
The devils don't stop in winter, and they must have great goals.

That being the case, Shili's fishing plan was half successful!
"You guys avoid it!" Su Qing thought for a while, and calmly said to Liu Wenxia and the monkey next to him.

This made it clear that Director Su should have something to discuss with Zhang Ju.

The monkey smiled triumphantly: "I'll get you some food first!"

After speaking, he followed Liu Wenxia through the back door, Director Zhang said with joy on his face, "Hey, it seems that the master's plan is about to succeed!"

Su Qing was very worried: "The key is, we need to find out the strength of the devil's army now."

"This is very difficult. Some time ago, our comrades followed a devil who put on makeup. Although he was very careful, he was still discovered by the devil. This shows that this group of devils is indeed well-trained. Now we dare not get close to observe those pretending to be ordinary people. Devil." Zhang Yi was a little helpless.

Su Qing began to talk about the business: "You should go back and write a review to your superiors yourself. By the way, your superiors ordered your public security team's intelligence system to fully cooperate with the work team. You should have received the order, right?"

"Yes, the public security team resolutely obeys the orders of the work team!" Director Zhang saluted.

(End of this chapter)

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