under fire

Chapter 563

Chapter 563
Zizhen Village, Xujiagou Township is not far from the blockade ditch. The sun shines through the mist on the snow, reflecting dazzling light, and the occasional biting cold wind penetrates every hole.

A few years ago, there was a small river surrounding the village. After the devils recruited peasants to dig and seal the ditch, the water flow has been getting smaller, and this year it stopped directly.

The land outside the village without water can no longer feed the villagers on this side.

The Xu family has a powerful clan in this area, and almost all the land was annexed by the Xu family.

After the devils came, Xu Jinsheng, who was not doing his job properly, took the lead to surrender to the enemy, and made a living, and now he didn't even bother to look up when he saw the big house.

Uncle Zhao, who was guarding Xiangzizhen Village, also had to become the maintenance chairman, there was no way not to vote for the devils!The family has an ancestral hall and fields, and they can't run away. Everyone knows that if they dare to resist, they will be dead.

It is said that there is a backing, but the family is even poorer. The ghosts and puppet troops are everywhere, and God is not open. In this year of severe drought, there is almost no harvest in the field. In addition, the plague of locusts is rampant this autumn, and the family cannot continue to operate. In the cracked land, the tenant farmers almost fled the famine.

The family had no choice but to move the whole family to the city. After years of frugality, they slowly set up a backyard of a business in the city.

And those who fled from the east took root in this semi-abandoned village, and got along with the tenant farmers who remained peacefully.

If you go further west, you can enter the territory of the Eighth Route Army. Unfortunately, devils and traitors guard the gun towers day and night. If you are in good health, you can find a way to sneak over the blockade ditch. Old and weak women and children go down the blockade ditch. It is really difficult to climb up the ditch. too big.

After fleeing to this strange village, if someone secretly sent some food every day, Mr. Zhao knew that he would have starved to death long ago.

The people in the village may have died long ago!
Father Zhao also followed those youngsters, preparing to cross the blockade ditch secretly, but unfortunately he was not old but his body was prematurely aging, and he failed to climb up the blockade ditch with his little daughter on his back. But it was soon discovered by the devils and puppet soldiers in the blockhouse. The devils and puppet soldiers in the dull blockhouse did not come out at all, and directly mounted machine guns and shot into the blockade ditch.

It was not easy for Mr. Zhao to be pulled back by a few women who didn't have time to go down the ditch, tore off their trousers and threw them into the ditch. Otherwise, he might have to die in that blocked ditch with his little daughter.

It's a pity for Mr. Zhao, he almost climbed up the small wooden pole standing on the west side of the ditch by himself.

Those young people who killed a thousand swords and climbed to the opposite side first never thought of pulling the people who were still in the ditch.

I have to go back to the village and continue to wait, but what are I waiting for?

Early in the morning, a piece of news spread everywhere in the village. The skinny old man Zhao saw that the bark of the elm trees on the mountain had been stripped off. When he heard the news, he felt inexplicably sad. It was a piece of hopeful news.

After getting the news, people who had fled from several nearby villages began to gather in Xiangzizhen Village.

In the city.

"Second uncle, more and more poor ghosts have come into our village."

"Go as soon as you go, it doesn't matter if there are people living there, there can be some fireworks, and there will be more people working in the spring, remember not to cut off the food or give too much!" The gray-haired old man was worried. .

"But they not only beat Xiaoliu, who was guarding the ancestral hall, but also moved into our family's ancestral hall." Looking at the elderly second uncle, the reporter didn't dare to finish his sentence in one breath.

"Facing a group of old, weak, women and children who are so incompetent, and a group of useless, can the four of you not be able to stop them?

"We walked around the blockade ditch. Those poor ghosts had no firewood. They not only demolished our ancestral house, but even burned the ancestral tablets in the ancestral hall!" The speaker shrank his neck and was ready Run away.

The second uncle was stunned for a moment when he heard this, his mind was buzzing, his eyes rolled over, he almost lost his breath, and slumped on the chair. ,
The reporter hesitated for a moment, and hurried forward, but was blocked by the maid next to him. He poured water and stroked his back for a while, rolled his eyes for a long time and came back to his senses, coughing a few times: "How unreasonable, really unreasonable, little four! Forget it, it’s useless to blame you, immediately go ask the second cousin for help.”

"He doesn't agree with our case and has long since lost contact with him. Is this appropriate?"

"The ancestral tablet is gone, what's not appropriate? This is the face of our ancestors of the Xu family! I have committed a lot of crimes, what will I use to meet my ancestors in the future?"

"Second Uncle, I'll try first, I can't guarantee if it will work or not!" The fourth child put his hands into his sleeves, turned around and left.

The fourth child found two clan brothers in the yard, and the three of them went to Xujiazhuang of the detective team to find helpers.

After the devils blocked the ditch and repaired it, life in the mountains became more and more difficult, and businessmen were cut off.

The bandits who bought money from the road had no source of wealth, and the common people on the plain were clinking with poverty. Occasionally going down the mountain to make a small fortune could not fill so many mouths, and some cottages even started to go hungry.

The Eighth Route Army had wiped out the bandits in the mountains several times. The bandits who had no source of income also had to run to the plains.

The bandits are robbing food everywhere, and the common people are desperate for food. Anyway, every family has no food, and everyone doesn't care about anyone in order to survive. Some people then become bandit armed forces.

Other young people who survived the devil's sweep joined various anti-Japanese teams.

In this chaotic situation, some people with guns voted for the devils as security forces, while others voted for traitors as eyeliners.

The chaotic forces made the common people living in the cracks lose their lives at all, and had to flee their homes one after another. They would rather go to those poor places in the mountains, at least to save their lives.

Ma Dabangzi and his gang of bandits who were originally in the mountains immediately voted for Xu Jinsheng after they came down the mountain.

The head of Ma Da's family, with a thick back, a stern face, and a fierce face, after picking up Xu Jinsheng, a traitor, changed his appearance and directly sought a job as the mayor of the devil's security area.

The devil doesn't care about these rural affairs, as long as the villager can hand in the food collection task assigned by the imperial army on time, he doesn't care about anything else, and he, the village head, suddenly becomes the emperor of the country.

The village chief Ma, who was born as a bandit, is no different from other township chiefs on the surface, but he does all kinds of evil in secret, letting his subordinates open opium dens, secretly traffic people, bully and dominate the market, and do evil all day long.

If someone wants to marry a daughter-in-law, the bandit leader can't help but lead a few of his men with guns on their backs, and go to drink wedding wine during the day, but in the middle of the night, he leads a group of men to climb over the wall with headscarves to get married. The daughter-in-law's new husband, first tied up the whole family, and then went to knock on the door of the new house by himself. A few women with strong tempers hanged themselves that night, and more timid women were humiliated. publicity.

After Zhitian hanged himself, his family came to the township office to report to the officials. The mayor of Ma Township pretended to be a good person on the face of it, and even sent people to investigate.
Its bestiality is outrageous!
There is no wall that does not leak in the world. Being ravaged by the smoke, businessmen have lost their way of life. The evil deeds of the village head Ma finally got out. The people who got the news, how could they dare to stay in the ghost cave, raised their voices one after another. The family fled.

Coupled with the sudden appearance of a severe drought, more ordinary people fled from the famine, and the village under Ma Dabangzi almost directly became a den of bandits in the end.

"Report" has a long ending sound, and the sound comes first before the person arrives.

A man with a long gun on his back and a thick cotton coat ran into the village office: "The head of the family, Commander Xu sent his clan brothers here, saying that we need to help you with something important!"

"Please!" Ma Dabangzi was well aware of the power of the Xu family in this area, so he hurried out.

There is no need to ask, Xu Laosi was walking cautiously towards the village office, and when he saw someone coming out, he quickly stopped and cupped his hands: "Excuse me. Is it Brother Ma?"

"Hey, they are all my brothers, why are you being so polite?" Ma Dabangzi went out the door and greeted him with a smile.

"My cousin said he has something to ask you!" Seeing that the village head looked so vulgar, but spoke so politely, Xu Xiaosi was relieved.

"Just say what you have to say, Boss Xu's business is my business!" This winter is here, and he has nothing to do, and he is going to the county town to have fun.

Xu Laosi hurried forward and told what happened in Xujiagou, and Xu Jinsheng, who was dozens of miles away to the north, told him to bring Ma Dabangzi.

(End of this chapter)

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