under fire

Chapter 564 What should come will always come

Chapter 564 What should come will always come

After the first snow fell, the mountains were sunny for several days.

In the mountain stream, a pair of military shoes creaked on the snow, leaving a long string of footprints behind.

Soldiers in eight-way clothes strode across the rocky piles by the small river.

The white cotton was exposed from the tattered trousers, and he looked at a cliff in front of him. He had been here half a year ago, and was ambushed by the Eighth Route Army here, losing many comrades in arms.

A long line came up from behind, the gray cotton clothes were so dirty that you couldn't see the color, and the tired figure continued to move forward in embarrassment.

Seeing the people in front stop, most of the people behind immediately pulled the camouflaged quilts behind them to the front, pulled out a raincoat from inside, and spread them on the snow on the ground, regardless of body temperature, which would melt the snow. Just fell asleep.

Platoon Leader Jing gasped for a while, feeling better, and waved to the people next to him, and his subordinates immediately took a map from the quilt behind them and laid it down.

Platoon Leader Jing took out a guide from his bag, drew the position on the map, put away the compass, and took out a pencil.

Then he began to carefully draw a line again on the densely marked map.

As soon as the person next to "Matsui-kun" opened his mouth, he was slapped on the face by the hand holding the pencil, and fell to the ground directly.

"If you slip up again, I'll stick a pencil down your throat!"

"Yes!" The person who spoke was pale, staggered up from the ground, swayed forward, and for the first time did not bow his head to apologize.

Black cliffs, white snow, blue sky, after walking for four or five days, the scenery in the mountain stream seems to have never changed. Everyone knows that the snow only fell for two days, and then it was sunny all the time. The snow on Xiangyang Mountain Road had already melted away, only the shady ditch still had snow higher than the ankles.

The task of this trip was not as difficult as imagined, and it can be said to be very smooth.

After carefully measuring the map, Platoon Leader Jing signaled his subordinates to put the map away: "We are now north of the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army Division, more than ten miles away in a straight line. The road ahead is not easy to walk, but at most, there is only half a day's journey left."

A sergeant next to him immediately stepped forward: "Please give instructions to Platoon Leader Jing!"

"There are still four days left before the Eight-way Gathering, so don't worry about the time!"

"Do you want the radio to turn on?"

"Well, first turn on the radio to see if you can receive a signal in this ravine, and then let the plane come over the day after tomorrow and give them an approximate location."

"Yes!" A soldier next to him who carried a big wooden box on his back immediately opened the box next to him, and then pulled out the clothes inside, revealing a yellow-green iron guy.

A team of 80 people from the Eighth Route Army was walking outside Qingshan Village.

On the muddy road formed after the snow melted, there should be a lot of people passing by during this period, making it difficult for the team to walk.

The first company and the second company each had a platoon leader and received the mission of leading soldiers.

Immediately after were the soldiers of the secret service platoon, and then the teachers of basic subjects who joined the student team after being broken up.

Followed by a group of men and women dressed in all kinds of clothes, not young, it is said that they are cadres who went to the mountains from the plains, and they have always carried heavy burdens.

The only thing that was different was that the Eighth Route Army troops were all wearing Zhaowu army shoes covered in ghosts and mud.

Luo Fugui carried a square-looking bag on his back, followed behind Wang Liujin, pulled out his foot in the mud with difficulty, and stepped on the next pit.

The little girl also wore a pair of military shoes, and stepped hard into the footprints that Luo Fugui had stepped on. This step was too small, and she didn't step into the footprints. She staggered and almost fell, but was pulled by the arm behind her.

Walking behind the girl was Song Xiaoci. After the little girl gave her a beautiful notebook, she had already forgiven this wicked girl who had cheated on her.

After staying in the wine station for so long, I still don't know this girl's temper.

The little pony's tail shook a few times, and he cursed bitterly: "Damn mule, you took such a big step, are you intentionally making trouble for my aunt?"

"If you are asked to sit on a stretcher and you don't sit on it, who can blame it?"

"Which Anti-University student have you seen sitting on a stretcher?"

"Didn't you sit often?"

"Hey, this name is Liang. Captain Liang is in front. I'd be embarrassed if I saw it."

"What are you doing? You just started walking, why can't you walk anymore?" Captain Liang, who was walking in front, heard someone talking in the team, turned his head and shouted.

A few people were separated in the middle, and behind him were the special agents with large and small packages in a class, plus a part of all the students who passed the cultural assessment.

As for the unqualified ones, all of them are still studying at the wine station, but the teacher has become Commissar Ding.

The birthday of the division commander had nothing to do with the independent regiment. The earliest plan was that Captain Liang and Minister Zhang joined the secret service platoon and brought the newly recruited grassroots anti-university students to the southeast foot of the headquarters of the defense division.

The independent regiment spread eyeliner and mobilized the masses, but unfortunately they failed to find any traces of the advance team. According to the plan, some students entered outside the mountain to monitor the movements of the devils, and some students hid on the only way to enter the mountain.

But unexpectedly, the students of the supplementary group arrived at the wine station ahead of schedule, disrupting the original plan.

In fact, the division did not report much hope, and never thought that it would be so easy to find the traces of the devils supporting the team.

The key forces should be placed in the villages around the division headquarters for defense!
Wang Peng was left at the wine station, took the students to study cultural lessons during the day, and had to go to various intersections to perform duties at night.

A dignified battalion commander, he became a sentinel after entering the student class!

Captain Liang took these grass-roots combat backbones and cleared the road from the independent regiment to the division headquarters again as planned.

"Miss Ci, can you still walk?" The girl in front scolded the bear to shorten her steps, and she was finally able to keep up with the marching speed of the team, but the smaller steps allowed the team behind to adapt.

The tall and burly men gave up their hearts, stopped stepping on their footprints, and directly stepped into the mud, and stomped hard when they reached the stones on the ground.

"Uh, I'm fine!" Song Xiaoci raised her head and looked at the surrounding mountains. It was not the first time for her to walk such a long mountain road. The team kept going and stopping, not like a march, but like a winter tour .

However, it's awkward to step on the footsteps of a girl.

"Can you really persevere?" The little girl looked back, and the line behind was very neatly lined up. I don't know if it was on purpose or for other reasons, the distance between the platoon leaders was almost the same.

"Do you think I can't even compare to you?" Song Xiaoci replied angrily.

"Hey! That's not necessarily true." The little girl cast a disappointing glance at her small chest after hearing the comparison, pretending to look back casually, hey, it's pretty much the same.

In this winter, the body is wrapped in thick cotton clothes, and the gap can be seen, how big the gap is.

Hu Yi was very speechless against the big study, which was completely different from the previous study when he sat by the window. For him, it was a bit like a child's play.

Suddenly I thought of Dr. Zhou, smiling with his hands in his white coat, that smooth and plump body in the dark night.

I suddenly felt that time seemed to have passed for a long time, and many details seemed to be unclear.

Feeling a little inconvenient to walk, he quickly moved the gun in a direction with his hand.

He took a deep breath, but suddenly realized that the figure walking in front of him was in good shape.

Hu Yi involuntarily looked up and down a few times, thinking about the positive situation.

Suddenly startled, he quickly glanced around secretly, everyone panted heavily and hurriedly pulled out their feet and shoes that were stuck in the mud, no one noticed their embarrassment at all, heaved a sigh of relief, and then took out their pocket watches He opened it, raised his head to look at the sky seriously, and put away the pocket watch that was still warm with a click.

The walking team gradually blurred among the blue sky, gray mountains and white snow.

After a while, the cadres at the back couldn't keep up with the team in front.

Not long after, a three-way intersection appeared ahead.

Captain Liang made a gesture, and the team stopped immediately, and the pioneers walking in the front looked around in the distance.

"Assemble!" A teacher of the basic department stood at the intersection.

Seeing everyone standing around and standing still, the instructor is going to give a field lecture to these company platoon leaders who are about to become political students: "Today, I will talk to you about reconnaissance. Ah, as grassroots commanders, we have Scouts will definitely be sent, so now... who can tell me, what battlefield elements are scouts going to scout?"

"Hey, scout the number of enemies during the day and equip them with weapons! Sneak attack at night." Someone answered immediately.

"Check the direction the enemy is coming from and set up an ambush." ​​Another added.

"Gathering intelligence behind enemy lines"


Most of the platoon leaders of the [-]st, [-]rd and [-]rd companies were speaking enthusiastically, but the old gods who came out of the [-]th company were looking around, drinking water, eating and sitting down to rest without saying a word.

The teacher immediately discovered this situation, thought for a while and smiled: "The comrades are all right. Since we are studying, each of us should talk about it, so that we can improve each other, right? Well, Comrade Luo Fugui, what do you say?" Don't speak?"

Everyone's eyes immediately turned to the mule on the farthest side. That guy had just stuffed a piece of bun into his mouth. He vaguely heard himself being called, and turned his head to see a group of people staring at him. He didn't know what the teacher said. , Immediately confused.

Apparently, the instructor also deliberately used the fact that he ate while studying as an example.

(End of this chapter)

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