under fire

Chapter 565

Chapter 565
More than 300 puppet troops were in front, and more than 100 devils hurriedly followed behind.

There were more than a dozen mules and horses in the team, carrying big and small bags, crossing the blockade ditch arrogantly, all the way west.

A bay horse ran into the village.

After half an hour.

Park Buhuan, with a rifle in his hand, stood by the road in the north of the village, frowning, staring at the east.

The devil came here this winter, did he find something?
Sun Youshang was organizing the transfer of the few people in the village to the south. With the three or four hundred members of the security team, it was impossible to stop the devils!

The security army with devils in the formation is simply not something the small body of the security team can resist.

Obviously, the target of the devils should not be the security group, because if the devils sweep up the security group, they will definitely not act in broad daylight, and if they really want to sweep up the security group, they will not bring a dozen mules and horses with them, which is not quite in line with the devil's sweeping strategy. The situation, on the contrary, looks like entering a mountain.

The sudden appearance of devils forced the members of the security team to take the common people to transfer in the winter.

Not sure what the devil was going to do, Sun Youshang was entangled in his heart. On the surface, he was still the commander of security, and he had to go to see the devil. As for the result, he didn't dare to think about it.

No one can calm down when the situation arises suddenly.

Park Buhuan looked at Sun Youshang who came over: "Captain Sun, if you don't organize the transfer of ordinary people, what are you doing here?"

"I didn't intend to run away." Sun Youshang looked towards the east firmly.

"What did you say?" Park Buhuan took his eyes away from Sun Youshang, and looked to the east as well: "What do you mean?"

Sun Youshang withdrew his gaze and pointed to the crowd outside the village who were staggering towards the southern hilly area: "How do you think they can move so many old and weak women and children? There is mud everywhere, and where can they go with their footprints along the way?"

"Why don't you take them into the mountains?"

"On such a cold day, you can still find some firewood to burn on the plains. In the mountains, it is difficult to find a shelter from the wind. If you go into the mountains, the situation will only get worse!"

Then what's the use of running south?

Sun Youshang smiled wryly, "It counts as much as you can run."

"I don't think you need to run!"

Commander Sun froze for a moment: "What do you mean?"

"Since you are the head of the security team, this year's autumn rations have also been paid, do you think we need to run away?" Pu Buhuan looked gloomy.

Commander Sun hesitated for a moment: "I thought about it too, but I always feel that it's not that simple."

"What's not easy? Just remove all the young women in the village first, and we have hidden the food in the cave. If the devil comes, he can't find anything. What are you afraid of?" Hu Yi was not there, Pu Buhuan Although he has no position, his status as an instructor in the security regiment is not low.

"Okay, let's run away like this, but it made the devil suspicious. This base area has finally developed, so it can't be lost. I'll leave you to take people away!"

"In that case, let Wang Xiaosan pick everyone up, and let's stay and fight the devil together! Do you dare?"

"Why don't you dare, I'm afraid that he will be a ball, and he will be a hero again in 18 years!" Sun Bushang narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Then what are you still doing here? Let's go, let's make arrangements!"

There was not much difference in age between the two of them, and they walked towards the village shoulder to shoulder, and several soldiers beside them immediately ran to the village.

Another half an hour later, the sentinels on the east kept running back and forth to the village.

The long-lost Juyi Hall was hung on the eaves of the headquarters, and the two were having fun in the yard.

Sun Youshang is preparing in an orderly manner: "Hey, if the devil dares to play tricks, the circle of explosives tied to my body will not be considered finished if he doesn't collapse to ten or eight! This business is done!"

Pu Buhuan was stunned for a moment, stopped what he was doing, and raised his thumb: "My man, I can be so ruthless before I see you!"

"This devil is here, and I, the commander, can't justify not coming out. Hey, what are you doing with so many grenades strapped to your body?"

"Hey. Of course, you are not afraid of death. I am here to accompany you to play with the devils. But first, I don't want to die now. If you talk to the ghosts later, you have to wait for me to go away. Then pull the fuse." Park Buhuan, who was stuffing a grenade under his cotton coat, stirred up the tense atmosphere with a smile.

"Okay, I believe you have the ability!" Sun Youshang put on a dark green woolen coat flamboyantly, covering his bulging waist.

"Fuck, you really look like a dog, with a big belly, um, you really look like a commander!"

"Like? I was the commander in the first place!" Sun Youshang was overjoyed when he heard that, as if he was not going to die, but to attend some kind of banquet.

"Then Commander Sun! Let's go out and have a look?" Park Buhuan inserted another shell gun in his waist. Hearing the noise outside the courtyard, he picked up the [-]-[-] rifle beside the table.

The two stopped staying in the yard and walked outside.

A large group of people were changing their clothes, and the yellow military uniforms had turned into messy gray cotton clothes, and one of the [-] big caps was missing.

The Japanese equipment and military shoes were all gone. It was just a den of bandits.

Park Buhuan changed his words: "I said that in the head of the family, the brothers who stayed here, pretending to be bandits is still a thing!"

Sun Bushang was amused: "What are you going to dress up? I'm a bandit in the first place, and now even if the ghosts and imperial soldiers saw it, they would definitely not be suspicious."

Pu Buhuan slapped him mercilessly: "Hey, Commander, you are so famous that even the fleeing common people don't come to this place. I really don't know what bad things you usually do."

"What's the matter, the common people think that we can beat the surname Guo away, and it must be more ruthless than that Guo, so no one dares to come!"

Park Buhuan suddenly thought of his family: "Those ordinary people are really miserable, and the devils ordered the security forces to directly close the blockade. If we were not also the security team, it would be difficult to even cross the blockade now."

"What are you worried about? We are preparing to fill the blockade ditch these days and take over the people who are close to the blockade. Also, we have prepared a lot of food and sent it to Jiulian in the south. The people will not go to us. Running here, isn't it better for us to develop secretly if we have fewer people here?" Sun Youshang told Park Buhuan what he was going to do next.

Pu Buhuan withdrew his thoughts: "That's good, it's just that the god damn devil also ran out in the cold, it's really strange."

The two circled around the village.

Park Buhuan greeted the soldiers next to him, and turned back to explain to Park Buhuan: "It's not surprising, it's not once or twice that the devil enters the mountain from here in winter, but there are only so few people in winter, he dares to I have rarely seen it before entering the mountain to raid, these little devils are not in the right way, how dare such a small number of people enter the mountain?"

"It's a pity, what are we doing here when the enemy comes back, we haven't even received any news."

Pu Buhuan felt unwilling: "I really want to hit him a few times!"

"Don't act rashly, stay the same and respond to all changes. Devils often play these sudden tricks."

Unknowingly, the two turned to the east of the village again, and Pu Buhuan looked up into the distance: "You mean devils often enter the mountain from here?"

Sun Youshang hesitated for a moment: "Why don't we send another team to go into the mountain first and beat him to ambush?"

"Just relying on our small body to fight against the devils, how dare you think!" This time it was Pu Buhuan who opposed it.

"What are you afraid to think about? If you don't start now, you will leave footprints on the ground. I have already sent people into the mountains!" Commander Sun doesn't want Park Buhuan to stay and take risks, but he has to persuade himself, this guy will definitely not Walk.

"You don't have a fever, do you?" Pu Buhuan reached out to touch Sun Youshang's forehead, and his hand was pulled away. I was the one who wanted to beat the devil, and you, a weak scholar, mentioned this instead.

Sun Youshang made up his mind, and said again: "You really want to beat devils, but I have a way!"

"What way?" Pu Buhuan's eyes lit up.

"If the devil can go up that mountain wall, can't we go up?"

"Hey, why didn't I think of that? That's it. You are here to deal with the devils. I will go now. I will go to the mountains and wait for them first!" Pu Buhuan just agreed to deal with the devils with Commander Sun, and immediately changed Gua.

Both of them are not very old, because they are both educated, and the communication is fairly smooth.

In fact, the temperament and nature of the two were quite different, but when it came to confronting the enemy, they immediately made do with each other.

When it comes to commanding large-scale battles, it is not Park Buhuan's strong point. He has suffered a lot when covering the headquarters to break through, so he hates the devils to the bone.

For him, even if he is a commander, he will never do it!Because if you don't get some blood from devils and traitors on your hands every few days, your hands will definitely itch!

And when it comes to playing tricks, Instructor Park is definitely a master.

I was used to staying in the mountains, and I got tired of conducting military training every day for the students from the local army who returned to the headquarters to study.

But when it comes to the combat methods that can be used, there are absolutely countless methods, but all the methods can be summed up with only one: guerrilla warfare!
Park Buhuan's temperament is a bit dark, so he and Tang Dagou are best friends!

The Big Dog spy company has rich experience in life and death. Although Park Buhuan came out of the military academy, he couldn't get on the stage because his personality is not so sunny.

After arriving at the Jiulian, I often have the opportunity to kill a few devils and pay homage to my compatriots who were killed by the devils, which is much happier than staying at the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army.

This guy applied to hang the establishment in Jiulian, and never thought about going back to the headquarters at all.

(End of this chapter)

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