under fire

Chapter 567

Chapter 567
Captain Liang’s first lesson for the students: as a commander, learn to analyze and judge the enemy’s situation from footprints.

The on-site teaching content opened the eyes of everyone in the team.

First of all, the enemy can be judged by the prints left on the soles of the shoes. Generally, the Eighth Route Army wears straw sandals. As for the devils, most of them wear military shoes.

On the spot, the team of trainees was compared with the team of cadres who followed from the plains into the mountains.

In terms of details, Balu has been in the mountains for many years and wears thin-soled straw sandals, so the imprint of the big toe is deeper and clearer. If you look closely, you can see some clues. Even if the devil is dressed as Balu, he has been wearing wooden shoes since he was a child. The distance must be farther, ordinary people can't see the difference, but experienced scouts can see it at a glance.

In winter, if everyone wears thick-soled cloth shoes, there is no way to judge.

Secondly, gender can be judged by footprints!Women's shoes are generally narrow and long, and shoes of the same size. Women's weight is much lighter. After walking on the road that can leave footprints, the footprints left must be shallower, while men's shoes are generally wider and flatter. The size of the footprints is heavy, and the footprints are naturally deep.

Again, if there are basically the same footprints on the ground, there must be a difference in the distance between the front and back steps. If the distance is basically the same, it can be judged that this is probably the path walked by veterans!Only soldiers who have undergone long-term training will definitely walk more steadily than ordinary people because they walk with habit. In this way, ordinary people and soldiers can be distinguished!

In terms of details, everyone's walking habits are different. Some people leave footprints that are clear and consistent. Some people's footprints will appear shallow in front and deep in the front, or deep in the front and shallow in the back. Some people even walk forward and procrastinate. Traces appear.

Because the quality of life of the devil is much better, the footprint of the devil is a little bit deeper than that of the eight roads for the same size of footprints.

After talking so much, it's a pity that after the snow fell, I couldn't find the devil's footprints to teach on the spot to distinguish between the enemy and the friend.

There are too few footprints in the snow on the mountain roads, and more actual comparisons cannot be made for the time being.

In addition to the footprints of the cloth shoes densely wrapped with straw ropes, it was analyzed that there was once a team coming from north to south. Needless to say, it must be the platoon leader team led by Wang Peng.

The few footprints halfway to the north were obviously traces left by correspondents who traveled between the division headquarters and the independent regiment.

It seems to be the case, let the students walking behind start to judge who left behind by the footprints on the ground!
Of course, except for Luo Fugui who was criticized by the instructor, apart from bears in the mountains, he really has the biggest footprints!
It can be judged without analysis at all.

Niujia Village goes south to Qingshan Village, and goes east to the outside of the mountain. It belongs to the defense area of ​​Wang Ziquan, the public security army. The devils built a gun tower there. People go in and out of the mountains.

The team walked for a whole day in the freezing cold wind, and finally arrived at Niujia Village.

The student team stayed with the comrades who went to the mountains and plains together. They were originally arranged in different places. After washing their faces and eating, they all ran to the ancestral hall in the village. .

As soon as I heard that the trainees would have ideological studies in the evening, the comrades who entered the mountain, with the permission of Captain Liang, gathered outside the window of the ancestral hall early to prepare to listen.

Ideological and political studies are not confidential.

A figure hurried back from outside the village, squeezed into the ancestral hall, and came up to Captain Liang, panting and whispering: "Report, the sentry duty has been arranged!"

"Return to the team!" Captain Liang waved his big hand and let go of his loud voice: "Everyone returns to the team immediately, and the evening study begins now!"

When Ma Liang found out that the sentinel had come back, he got up quickly, leaned over to Hu Yi who was dozing off, and asked in a low voice, "Brother, I think what they said seems to be pretty good!"

Hu Yi opened his eyes: "Then you should listen carefully, and the task of reconnaissance will be entrusted to you in the future!"

"That's it!"

Captain Liang glanced around and looked at the faces that were almost all students from the independent regiment. Knowing that the teacher's trick in the afternoon opened the eyes of this group of two hundred and five who could not read a few big characters, then the next job should be easier .

Two soldiers from the spy platoon lit torches to the four corners of the ancestral hall.

An unremarkable teacher walked up to the whitewashed wall with the big mottled characters of Tiandijunqinshi and turned around: "Comrades, sit here and get closer! It's warmer if you squeeze together?"

It seems that everyone present is not very funny, these few words caused a burst of laughter.

The platoon leaders of the independent regiment got the opportunity to give lessons individually, and subconsciously left the position of the fire pile to Hu Yi. The nine companies and seven people crowded together, and Er Niu belonged to the militia. On the other side is Luo Fugui with a mournful face.

The instructor is very satisfied with the neat formation of the students sitting on the benches.

Cleared his throat: "The first ideological lesson of our early education has officially started. (Applause) Let me talk about it first, ah, the purpose and school motto of our Anti-Japanese University, ah, as grassroots commanders, first of all, ah, We must stick to the correct political direction, ah, and secondly, we must have a hard and simple work style, ah, we must learn flexible strategies and tactics.”


The teacher paused: "Our school motto is just eight words: unity, tension, seriousness, and liveliness!"

After a round of applause, the teacher raised his hand slightly and pressed down: "Now let's talk about this purpose."

The teacher made full preparations, preached the purpose of the Anti-Japanese University, explained the origin and meaning of the school motto, and then began to quote from many sources, starting from the Opium War, the great powers bullied the Chinese nation, and the signing of countless shameful treaties. At the time of life and death, he rose up to resist for the nation, established a revolutionary party, and finally overthrew the Manchu Qing Dynasty. When he talked about revolutionaries, there was thunderous applause, and when he talked about being bullied, the students were silent.

"We'll stop here today. Tomorrow night we'll talk about the founding of our party and how Chiang Kai-shek stole the fruits of the revolution. After you go back, write down your experience and give it to me tomorrow morning!" The teacher continued talking for two hours, mouth dry Dry: "After school!"

Everyone stood up and saluted.


After hearing the history of humiliation and the heroic deeds of the ancestors who sacrificed for the country, several people in the front row had tears in their eyes, their blood was surging, and the seeds of revenge were taking root. !

The crowd is angry, which is a good sign, and the teacher is in a good mood.

But the people behind were sitting a little far away, so they couldn't see their expressions clearly.

It must be blood boiling, right?
Suddenly there was a strange cry, which made the boiling scene a lot worse.

"time to eat!"

Then the five big and three thick bears smacked their lips and asked, "When is this? Where and what are you eating?"

A crisp voice, coupled with the sleepy smacking of lips, made the teacher, who would be moved by grief and indignation every time he told this story, almost passed out!
Calm down, calm down, anger will cover my eyes, the furious teacher ran up to the blinking bear, pointed at student Luo's nose and trembled: "Luo Fugui, you, you, you are too shameful!"

Hu Yi, who just woke up from a doze next to him, turned his head to look at the angry teacher, and quickly shrank his neck and did not dare to make a sound.

Luo Fugui quickly explained: "Mr. Grandma reported to the instructor, this, I also asked by the way."

"Then tell me, what did I talk about today?"

"Report, hehe, united, tense, serious and lively!" He answered so fluently in one breath, and he still hasn't forgotten the first few sentences.

"Explain what do you mean?"

"Just like we are in the independent group, everyone should be united as a family. It's just that even if a family is a brother, sometimes there will be troubles. For example, our relationship with Erlian is very tense, and Sister Su is very nervous. Serious', the girl treats people enthusiastically, er, she is very lively"

"Hehe, dare you make a sentence for me? No, you and Erlian are very nervous. What's the explanation?"

"Reconciliation? We reconciled with Erlian? How is it possible?" Luo Fugui was stunned. The instructor must not know the actual situation, so he quickly added: "You don't know how insidious Erlian and the others are? They not only robbed our chickens, but also swallowed them all for themselves. Captured, more shameless than us."

The spectators inside and outside the surrounding ancestral hall were dumbfounded, and the platoon leaders of the Erlian students who came with them began to roll up their sleeves
(End of this chapter)

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