under fire

Chapter 568 Perseverance

Chapter 568 Perseverance

The winter sun shines through the branches that have lost all their leaves, leaving a mottled place on the ground.

Even at noon, it does not bring a trace of warmth to people,

Chu Tu Tu. A rider on a motorcycle saw a certain signboard on the side of the road and stopped directly under the signboard.

On the black-and-white signboard, the words "gambler" are really attractive!
He was dumbfounded, but he didn't expect that the casino finally ushered in the first real gambler.

The gamblers who entered the casino were equally dazed, never expecting to meet old friends in this newly opened casino!
Could this be "meeting an old friend in a foreign land"?

Mei County is not that far from An County, or is this fate destined?

The two sides immediately shuddered, bullshit, how can the two men be called fate?
"Why are you here?" "Why are you here"

In the smoky casino, the two spoke in unison and looked at each other.

"This is Mei County?" The unfamiliar gambler finally asked first.

"Is there something wrong with your brain?" Cai Jiuzhen sighed that the gambler who gave money to the gambling shop was persistent.


The person who looked like a dog in a suit and leather shoes was naturally Li Youcai, a well-known dog traitor in Mei County.

When he went to An County, he went on a business trip under the guise of Gongji, and got permission from Shaozuo Maeda, who looked at him with a half-smile, and the traitor said he was going to see a relative!As for who the relative was, he didn't say, and Maeda didn't ask.

At a table in Nuo Da, two people sat opposite each other.

Perhaps it was because a charcoal basin was burned in the room, and he sat in it with a swollen face, dressed a little thinly: "Do you think it's Meixian, what's the difference?"

With a small part on his forehead, Li Youcai, who was a bit more vicissitudes, put on a thick woolen coat and a rare black suit inside, shook his head and did not speak.

Choi Jiu flipped over the Pai Gow with one hand, turned his eyes away from the dog traitor, finally sighed helplessly, and slapped the cards on the table casually.

After a long while, the dog traitor had no money to gamble for the first time, he just stood up and turned to leave, leaving a sentence: "You can hang up signs blatantly, it seems that you are really good at it!"

Everyone knows each other's virtues and details. Li Youcai has an affair with Eighth Route, and even Maeda knows about it. Of course, he also knows about the hacker who has been in trouble with the detective team together. However, it is difficult to tell the two sides when they meet again now. Is there any friendship.

Su Qing was sitting in a dilapidated storytelling shop, and the few listeners didn't even bother to applaud.

It was about the general of the Yang family, and his cadenced voice couldn't arouse the audience's enthusiasm at all.

Quietly listening to the storyteller slapping the table, occasionally shouting angrily but no one paid attention.

There was a sound of a motorcycle engine outside the house, and the sound suddenly turned off at the door.

The sudden situation caused panic among the people in the house.

The curtain at the door swayed, revealing a glimmer of light, and then became indeterminate again.

A traitor in a suit and leather shoes sneaked into the house, and the panic in the house stopped instantly.

"Keep talking!" The deep voice was desolate.

The audience cheered up and stretched their ears to continue listening to the storytelling.

The table next to Su Qing shook, Li Youcai sat down, and the waiter quickly brought the teapot to serve.

Rubbing his cold face, he looked around, and the few people closest to him quickly moved away quietly.

Su Qing didn't speak, and Li Youcai who was beside him broke the silence: "I didn't expect you to be here, I said... can you let me go?"

"Don't forget your promise! You promised to be my insider." The voice was still cold.

"It seems that you didn't agree, right? Besides, I'm not familiar with anything here, so I don't think I can help you much." After sipping his tea, Li Youcai even felt a little complacent.

Su Qing ignored him: "I heard that you have a good relationship with Kamikawa Chiba!"

Li Youcai almost jumped up, it was wrong to call me all the way, he understood Su Qing's temper: "You mean, Shangchuan Qianye is in An County?"

"You are very smart." Su Qing raised her eyebrows, and there is no need to beat around the bush when dealing with smart people.

"so what?"

"I want to fight for this person!"

The dog traitor was stunned. He had heard of the Eighth Route National Army surrendering to the imperial army, but never heard of an imperial army surrendering to the Eighth Route Army: "Is the sun coming out from the west?"

"Don't doubt that there are Japanese who surrendered in the Eighth Route Army!"

"No!" Li Youcai immediately refused. Nine out of ten people in Mei County knew about her relationship with Shangchuan, and she didn't even need to inquire about it. It was not surprising that she knew that she had a good relationship with Shangchuan. This woman is absolutely insane.

"Didn't you once say that you want to serve the country and the nation?"

"You and I said that a long time ago"

"What will happen to you if the devil is driven away?"

"It's up to you? What are you going to drive away?"

"I don't want to say too much. The devils couldn't do anything against us in their heyday. You are a smart man. Now not only in Meixian County, but even here, there are fewer and fewer devils garrisoning here. On the contrary, there are more and more security forces. This means that What, you should know better than anyone else!"

"This is simply impossible!"

"You just need to take him outside the city!"

"You don't know this person at all. Others may be a little bit more likely, but as for him, absolutely not!" Li Youcai rebuffed flatly.

"Why do you say that!" Su Qing turned her head and stared at Li Youcai.

"Sister Su, Shangchuan's family is very big. If he votes for Eight Routes, his entire family will be implicated! So, I'm sure, if he becomes a prisoner, he would rather die!" Li Youcai smiled wryly.

The storytelling was still going on, and there was silence in the corner.

Just as Su Qing was about to speak, Li Youcai rushed ahead of her: "You want to know about advancing into the team?"

Su Qing nodded, a little surprised that the traitor knew her purpose: "How do you know?"

"If I say...I guess, do you believe it?"

"Don't talk nonsense!"

"Some time ago, the mountains were full of trees and trees, and the advance team appeared in Mei County. Isn't that obvious enough?"

After Li Youcai finished speaking, he looked at Su Qing, but couldn't see any expression on her face.

"Tell me everything you know!" Su Qing turned her head and stared at the storyteller on the small stage.

"You released birthday cakes as bait. Those devils are not fools, but they will definitely not let go of such a good opportunity! So, they made corresponding arrangements!"

"What arrangement?"

"Haven't you noticed that the airport outside the city has stepped up security?"

"The advancing team into the mountain is just a cover? The devil is planning to bomb it?" This is impossible!The mountain is so big, it is absolutely impossible for a devil to do it!This kid just arrived in An County, how did he know so clearly?

"What if there is an internal response?"

"Where did you get the news from? Lin Xiu?" She had a headache. Li Youcai was supposed to be her insider, but she was transferred away, and then disappeared.

"You know it all. Why ask?"

"Can you get a detailed plan?"

"Someone deliberately asked me to reveal it to you. You should know that the one in Chongqing really wants you to be wiped out by the devil!"

"Then why did you tell me the opposite?"

"The neighbor in the south of Mei County may have to change the flag, it's just that his lips are dead and his teeth are cold."

"What? You mean that the national army in the south is going to vote for devils? Is this news reliable?" Su Qing stood up.

"Sister Su, what I'm telling you is all my guesses. Whether it's reliable or not, you have to judge for yourself." After the dog traitor finished speaking, he took a sip of his tea.

"They know we're in the city?" Su Qing's heart trembled, she was stunned for a while, and then she sat down slowly.

"This is an important railway town, far more important than Mei County, and they have more people, so they can see everything you do." The dog traitor thought for a while, and felt that there was no need to hide it. Anyway, he was planning to go back this afternoon. Didn't plan to stay here long.

So the two tables fell silent again.

A long time passed.

Su Qing suddenly turned her head and stared at Li Youcai: "Is there any new news about the independent group?"

Li You was not surprised: "Are you talking about Hu Yi? It is said that he is going to study. You should know more about your internal affairs than me, right?"

Su Qing watched as the dog traitor got up after speaking, and disappeared outside the door curtain. There was a roar of the motorcycle, and then went away.

The two listeners who lowered their hat brims and listened to the book got up one after another and walked towards the door.

Su Qing looked around, put a banknote under the teacup, and walked out with a heavy heart.

(End of this chapter)

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