under fire

Chapter 569

Chapter 569
A platoon leader from Erlian stepped forward, raised his head and grabbed Luo Fugui's lapel directly: "Mule, is it disgusting to say that?"

"You can call a mule?" Luo Fugui wanted to tear the guy's hand away, but unfortunately the clothes were not strong, so he opened a big hole with a loud slam, and he slapped the guy in the row with a slap. long chin.

The cheering people who stepped forward next to him saw their comrades suffered from Jiulian's loss, is this still okay?
He stepped forward directly, his fist stretched straight, and hit Luo Fugui's chest directly.

Luo Fugui swayed, and then the stool behind him was knocked over, and the four of them were entangled in an instant.

Evening study was full of enthusiasm, with hatred for the great powers, how could he bear it, Heihu poked his heart out, hugged his legs against his waist, picked his nose, scratched his ears, and gang fights were officially staged under the instructor's nose.

The audience outside the ancestral hall were dumbfounded. Their blood was boiling with enthusiasm, but now their adrenal glands were soaring, as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.

A voice began to be arrogant: "What kind of hero is one hit three?"

This seems a bit harsh, is it the opposite?

The other immediately cheered. As for the battle, of course, the more intense the better, he didn't cheer for any side at all, but shouted for the battle: "Come a fairy to pick peaches!"

Captain Liang could see clearly from the beginning to the end, holding his arms and didn't stop him, he was not afraid of the soldiers making trouble, and he was not afraid of excessive energy and messy fights, but he was afraid that the soldiers would be bloodless!
Three hit one, pin-shaped, frontal attack, outflanking with two wings!
It's a pity that the two sides with bare hands are not on the same level, and the minority soon defeated the majority.

The reason is that most of them didn't squeeze over, and the platoon leaders behind the second company were directly stopped by the four Ma Liang, Chen Chong, Li Xiang, and Tang Dagou who squeezed over first.

Blocking the rest of the Erlian, the two sides were friendly and did not make a move, but they were ready to do so at any time.

The scene is getting bigger and bigger.

The fight that happened in front of me made the thought teacher a little flustered, and everyone who was about to help break up the fight, and the four who were pulling the cotton in the cotton clothes flying everywhere, unexpectedly, a small body came up next to him, with a hand in his hand. With a rolling stick, he shook his arms and knocked on the back of the heads of the two second company leaders surrounding Luo Fugui.

The rolling pin jumped so high that the two row leaders immediately fell to one side.

The one caught by Luo Fugui was immediately at a disadvantage, almost rolling his eyes.

Luo Fugui let go of his hand, and that person also collapsed on the ground and rubbed his neck.

The grinning Captain Liang with thick eyebrows and big eyes stepped forward, unrestrained: "Tsk tsk, it's over so soon?"

With a typical smile on the face, the two platoon leaders rubbing their heads on the ground foolishly followed Luo Fugui's body before they understood the situation.

Finally, he found the "Platoon Leader" of the small-bodied militia who had attacked him. He was guarding next to the five big and three thick bears, with a unique weapon in his hand.

Watching the excitement outside, he smacked his lips, shook his head and began to make all kinds of comments.

Several people were shaking their heads, is this still a team of the Eighth Route Army?
Captain Liang put away his smiling face: "It's all pretty good. Although the moves are not good, the tactical coordination is good. One soldier sacrificed to create opportunities for the two comrades in arms. The fight was also pretty good. Scratching ears and noses, hey, why don't you goug your eyes?" Woolen cloth?"

A dazed person on the ground replied casually: "If you dig blind, you will definitely be punished!"

"Yelling? You know how important it is to attack your own people. Do I want to praise you?"

"Hey, that's not necessary."

The other one on the ground was not far behind: "This guy has a bad mouth, I don't deserve a beating."

"Unexpectedly, the relationship between the Second Company and the Ninth Company of our independent regiment is really "tense"!" Captain Liang was annoyed.

The two on the ground finally supported each other and stood up. Fortunately, they were wearing hats, otherwise the guy who got hit by the rolling pin just now might be popular.

The five people consciously stood in a row, watching Captain Liang without speaking.

The braid next to it finally jumped out: "It's really lively!"

"Puchi..." There was a roar of laughter all around, and several people almost lost their breath without laughing.

After half an hour.

The study that had already ended started again, but there were five fewer participants.

The seat arrangement has changed. Last time, there were four rows in front and back. This time, there are still four rows in front and back. It's just that the platoon leaders from each company have been disrupted.

Hu Yi, the only company commander, sat in the first row, with an iron egg in the middle, and a little girl next to him.

The five that were missing were standing at a distance behind them, standing upright.

The atmosphere was completely different from before, and this time it was Captain Liang who was standing in front giving lectures.

No one inside or outside the ancestral hall spoke, and everyone was waiting quietly. It seemed that there should be a criticism and review meeting.

Captain Liang glanced at the five bodies of different heights and heights in the distance. The more he looked at them, the more awkward they became. If he really wanted to stand in a line, the difference in bodies was too exaggerated.

Eyes swept across the following team, no one dared to meet their eyes.

After a while, Captain Liang said with satisfaction: "Since everyone is full of energy and has the strength to fight, let's study for a while today?"

No one answered.

"Since everyone has no objections, then, let's write on the spot the experiences we handed in tomorrow morning!"

Still quiet.

"Uh, I still have no comments, then, let's start now!"

Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard this, and those who were still hugging and looking for help after class immediately scratched their ears and cheeks like a deer.

Those of you who can't even write well, what experience can you write?
"Report." A strong third company platoon leader suddenly said.

"Say!" Captain Liang's face darkened, and someone dared to talk back.

"Can you just talk about your experience?"

"Okay, after you finish speaking, copy what you said twice."

"Forget it!" Pan Zhuzi quickly shrank his neck.

"Hey, do you think our army can just forget about it casually? You can swallow what you say? Since it's your request, then you go up and talk about it first." Captain Liang looked at the idiot who jumped out. .

Those who stood behind and wrote their experience immediately became six.

Seeing that there is no place to go to see the bustle, and the lectures are gone. Staying in the cold wind and watching people write about their experiences, it is not as comfortable to go back to sleep, and the audience around them slowly dispersed.

Sitting in the first row, she lowered her head and squeezed the little braid of the pencil, quickly took out her notebook and started working immediately. It seems that the girl learned a lot of characters during the trip to the plain.

Hu Yi occasionally glanced at the notebook on the girl's lap through the iron egg, his little hand was constantly moving on it, the pencil was sliding quickly, and there were still dozens of circles on the neat paper, but it was better than in the wine station. Much less time.

It seems that there is nothing complicated about her handwriting, which is also considered a skill.

Hu Yi and Yatou were the first to share their experience.

No one paid any attention to how well the two wrote. After handing in their homework, they went out one after another. The two walked through the darkness of the village. There was some light in the ancestral hall, and they could barely see the road.

"Fox, what do you think the five of them will do?"

"How do I know? Isn't it writing a review?"

"Will you be disqualified?"

"probably not."

"I think so. There are always a few thorns in the recruits that are not right. Look at the way that guy walks. Do you notice anything?" The girl suddenly stopped and pointed to the distance.

"Eh, bow-legged?" Hu Yi turned his head and followed the direction of the girl's finger, and a man was walking out of the house ghostly.

The two immediately squatted down to reduce the chance of being discovered by the enemy, and Hu Yi immediately drew his gun subconsciously.

One big and one small two looked at each other in the dark, there is something wrong!
Could it be that devils got into Niujia Village?
This chapter is over.

Look at the deserters in the D version, don't be so shameless, okay, the next starting point is to study and resist.

(End of this chapter)

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