under fire

Chapter 571 Vulnerability

Chapter 571 Vulnerability
Niujia Village is also short of food. In the mountains, even if you have money, it is difficult to buy food.

The blockade at the foot of the mountain has strengthened the blockade. A few days ago, a small group of devils drove to the foot of the mountain, and after dispersing, they directly stationed in Luoye Village and Lushuipu blockhouse. So far, the normal passages for the independent group to enter and exit the mountain were blocked.

The group of cadres who came to the mountain from the plain, went through the nine links and entered the mountain with difficulty from the cliff trail.

The escorting guard team did not enter the mountain, but turned back directly. After all, they were not familiar with the mountain.

In fact, there was basically no danger for the team after entering the mountain, because there were traces of devils advancing into the team some time ago. To be on the safe side, Captain Lu decided to arrange an escort team. Captain Liang got the news and took the initiative to take the escort task. The idea is very simple, the combat power of the students must be stronger than that of ordinary soldiers, if they really meet the advance team, they still have the power to fight, and by the way, they can also train the student team in advance.

The devil's raid in the first half of the year severely damaged the Eighth Route Army's vitality, and it was because of the advance team that it caused serious consequences. Therefore, everyone hated the devil, but there was nothing they could do, because the devil's advance team suddenly disappeared without a trace .

The sun is overhead, the fog is slowly dissipating, and the snow in the ditch behind the sun is still unmelted.

The long team slowly moved towards the deep mountain.

In the sea of ​​corpses and blood, I fought countless times with the devils, but now the advancing team couldn't find it, and there was a devil in the team!However, this devil is still an eighth-way, which makes the students a little confused. After a long time, this time with great fanfare, they still protect the devil to go to the teacher?

Moreover, that dirty little devil is actually a machine gunner!
Those who walk in front all have a cold back!
Hu Yi's face was a little ugly. It should be that he spent too much time writing the inspection last night, and he probably didn't sleep well.

"Hey Fox, the political commissar ordered us to protect Officer Song. What do you mean by him?"

"An order is an order, just execute it. What's the point?" Hu Yi walked steadily.

"Aren't you afraid that some people will snatch it?" The girl turned her head and glanced at Hu Yi.

"Snatch? Auntie, we are the Eighth Route Army!" Hu Yi glanced at the girl angrily.

"I'm just afraid that you won't be able to grab those people!"

"How do you talk, are you enlightened? Pay attention to the road, don't fall!" Hu Yi didn't bother to talk to her, and focused on the mountain road he was walking on.

"Enlightenment? You know Enlightenment too. Is the sun coming out from the west?" The girl staggered and almost fell down.


After the sun came out, it brought a little bit of warmth, maybe because of the long time of walking, the physical activity generated a lot of heat, so I didn't feel so cold.

The team following behind slowly opened a long distance from the student team, and the team became more and more scattered.

"Fox, you said if you were a devil, what would you do in this snowy day?"

"I'm not a devil, so you'd better not ask me that!"

"Isn't there a devil in the back, just ask him?" Luo Fugui, who was in front of the girl, couldn't help interjecting when he heard the two of them muttering all the way.

"Hey, what you said is quite reasonable!" The girl stopped suddenly.

Hu Yi bumped into her without paying attention, and the two of them almost fell down. Hu Yi grabbed the girl and said, "Grandma, you can't walk well, why are you stopping silently?"

"Hey, let's ask Captain Liang to ask that devil? Maybe he still knows!"

"If you want to ask, just ask, the chief at the back doesn't seem to like us very much!"

"You almost killed someone, and you still want someone to give you a good face?"

The team finally stopped in a valley, and the students found places to rest.

After half an hour, the team behind slowly followed up. Seeing that the people in front had stopped, they stopped immediately.

After a while, Qiushan was called to Captain Liang and Hu Yi.

The middle-aged man in the team also brought a young man and followed him vigilantly.

Captain Liang greeted the middle-aged man, squeezed out a smile and said to the devil, "Qiu Shan, right? I have a question to ask you."

The translator hurriedly spoke to Special Eight in bird language.


The young translator translated what Qiu Shan said: "He said that if the devil wants to hide his tracks, he will choose to go to a deserted place, such as a mountain stream, or erase his tracks while walking."

Team Liang did not express any opinion on this, but turned his head to Hu Yi: "There are muddy paths everywhere, and it is impossible to erase the traces. Company Commander Hu, what do you think?"

"Me? I don't have any opinion. However, you can go to the mountain stream to try your luck and search." Hu Yi felt that what the devil said made sense. Now that the students have learned to detect fur, it is time to practice finding footprints.

"That's good!" Captain Liang turned his head and ordered to Wang Liujin: "Platoon Leader Wang, take someone to look in the ditch ahead!".

"Why don't we all go and have a look? There are more people who are more likely to find the problem." Hu Yi thought for a while, looking at the tired faces of the resting team on the roadside. Some people are not very used to walking the mountain road suddenly, and they wear cloth shoes to walk the mountain road. It will not take long for the shoes to be soaked in the mud.

Hu Yi's suggestion was obviously to allow them to rest for a while. Anyway, they arrived at the division on time, so there must be no problem with the time.

Dozens of people immediately dispersed forward and searched everywhere in the mountain stream.

Hu Yi got together with Captain Liang and the chief from the plain, watching the scattered teams search everywhere.

After a while, the team started to walk back, apparently getting nothing.

"Could it be that the devil stayed in the mountains and didn't go out?" The middle-aged man finally asked.

"It's unlikely. If the devil is in the mountains in a snowy day, he must light a fire, otherwise he will freeze to death!" Captain Liang shook his head. .

"What if the devil just made a fire at night or found a cave to make a fire?" Hu Yi thought for a while.

"Even if he is at night, I don't believe that anyone can stay in the wild for more than half a month without supplies."

"What if they disguised themselves as the Eighth Route Army and went directly to ordinary people's homes to spend the night?"

"This is impossible. The last time the guerrillas discovered that the advancing team did not report in time, the division's political work department made major adjustments. All villages near the division, including Orion, mobilized most of the villagers in the mountains. As long as any team was found not in the original defense area, the villagers Even if they kill all the people in a village, our staff will go to each village to collect information every day, as long as they dare to do something, they will definitely find out within a day." Captain Liang affirmed Say.

"The enemy can't disappear without a reason, so if this happens, maybe the devils are hiding in the cave and preparing to come to Yin." The middle-aged man was on the plain and didn't know much about the situation in the mountains.

Captain Liang smiled wryly: "There is no need to worry. The division has already issued an order to mobilize the entire division. All units and militiamen are looking for traces of those devils. So far, the method of finding a needle in a haystack has not worked."

"What I'm talking about is that the devils are just a small group of people who come to advance to the team, and they will be hard to guard against."

"Don't think too much, since the teacher has made a careful arrangement, I'm afraid he won't dare to come!"

"I just don't think the devil is that stupid."

"The division has analyzed all the possible methods of the devils. So far, there is no news that the devils have a large army entering the mountain. They are just a few jumping clowns. Let's go according to the original plan." Captain Liang hesitated: "Don't worry , The special agent group from the headquarters sent someone over, as long as he dares to show up in the devil's advance team, I guarantee that he will never run away this time, pay attention to this matter, only a few of us know about it, keep it secret, that's it, let's hurry up."

Captain Liang still told what he knew. After all, the team is not far from the division headquarters now, so there is no need to worry about leaking secrets.

The team walked carefully in the muddy mountains, and the team had only traveled less than [-] miles by noon.

After turning over another hill, there is a three-way intersection ahead, where Hu Yi once encountered the Devil's advance team.

"Rest in place!" A voice suddenly came from the front.

The girl turned her head and murmured to Hu Yi who was behind her: "Hey, there were no devils on the way, didn't we run for nothing?"

"The devil must still be in the mountains, but I don't know where it is!" Hu Yi looked at the steep peaks and canyons with narrow eyes, scanning up and down, left and right, frowning.

"I don't think you need to be too nervous. Since the teacher deliberately released the news, he must have been prepared, don't you think so?" The big eyes of the girl followed Hu Yi's gaze.

"Things are not that simple. The Anti-Japanese University, which had been withdrawn long ago, reopened, and held a grand personal birthday. The division has made up its mind to deal with the advance team! We can't take care of big things, but we must find a way to do it this way. Nothing will go wrong." The road from the southeast into the mountain has been walked many times, and it is basically impossible for the devils to enter the mountain silently.

"Why do you care so much, Captain Liang is tall enough to handle everything!" The girl sat on the raincoat on Luo Fugui's shop by the side of the road, "Hey, did you just say something?"

"Hmm." Hu Yi ignored what the girl was saying, his face was filled with deep worry, and he focused on the north, because there was also a road into the mountain over there.

The terrain in the north is even flatter than in the south.

Or, the devil has been hiding in the mountains and never went out at all!

(End of this chapter)

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