under fire

Chapter 572

Chapter 572
Northeast of the division headquarters.

In the silent village, there was a rush of footsteps.

"Report, the enemy entering the mountain from the east has accelerated!" A public security soldier ran to Park Buhuan panting.

"How many people are in the vanguard?" Pu Buhuan and his party climbed over the cliff and took a small path, and ran to the front of the devil while the devil was having dinner with the security team.

"The one at the front is a squad of puppet soldiers. They are very fast. They are definitely elite! I suspect that they are faked by devils."

"Elite? The devils disguise themselves as puppet soldiers. It's interesting. It seems that their target must be the division headquarters. If this is the case, the devils must go west from this road! Then let's fight with them!" Pu Buhuanlue After thinking about it, no matter what the devil wants to do, the mountain must have been prepared, as long as it is not a large-scale raid, I am afraid of his fart.

"There are three roads ahead, let's go to the one in the division?" Another police squad leader next to him hurriedly asked.

"Well, if the devils didn't go this way to show that they have other goals, then we can't control what they want to do in the mountains!"

"Fortunately, we rushed into the mountain overnight, otherwise, these villagers would be in danger."

"Have all the villagers moved?"

"The guerrillas arranged for them to go north overnight to the Beishan regiment's defense area. They also arranged for people to go to the west division and report to the south supplementary regiment, so as to notify the common people along the way to prepare for the transfer."

"Then, let's go, we don't have to wait here, let's see what these devils want to do!" Park Buhuan made a decisive decision, he was not enough to stop the devils.

"Hey, it's a pity that the guerrillas' combat effectiveness is not strong, otherwise, let's find a good place to take care of these devils!" The soldier of the public security team now has more than 50 bullets in his ammunition bag, and he hasn't had a chance to fire a shot yet. bold.

"Don't you be brave, hehe, do you think devils are made of mud? Look at your virtue." Pu Buhuan liked the guy's boldness.

"I have so many bullets, I'm afraid he'll throw a ball. Didn't the devils dare not enter the mountain with less than a brigade?"

"Because of this, the behavior of this group of devils is confusing."

"Company Commander Hu and his company really withstood the attack of a large number of devils?"

"of course it's true!"

"Then can we hit him a few times?"

"Just you. Can you compare with Jiulian? How many of us are there now? How many machine guns are there? Is there a grenadier? You are heartless, looking for death, let alone those useless, hurry up!"

"I think this gang of devils dared to enter the mountain with only so few people. There must be a conspiracy." The public security soldier turned his head as he walked.

"Which time did the devil enter the mountain without conspiracy? Five or six hundred people, are you still called such a small person?" Park Buhuan wanted to hit this short-sighted guy on the head: "The problem is that our little arms and legs are all swollen now." But do you understand?"

"They say you can dodge bullets, is that true?"

"Of course."

"Teach me?"

"Wait until you survive this time."

Not long after, more than a dozen people ran westward and disappeared, leaving only a long series of messy footprints on the ground. .
The trainee team and the cadre team who entered the mountain together spread out on both sides of the mountain road, and finally lit the wet firewood to cook porridge.

The smoke floated everywhere in the valley, and was carried by the mountain wind to diffuse everywhere, and there was a lot of coughing.

Luo Fugui directly turned his head to the side, ignoring the steaming lunch box that Erniu handed over: "Let me tell you clearly, there is no way for us!"

Tang Dagou next to him almost couldn't hold back his laughter, and was almost suffocated.

Er Niu answered nonchalantly: "Do you think I still have a crush on you?"

"Really?" Luo Fugui was overjoyed.

"Fake!" After Erniu finished speaking, she directly stuffed the lunch box to Tang Dagou, who was watching the excitement, and turned around to deliver porridge to the girl.

"Fuck, you're finished!" Tang Dagou lowered his voice.

"Go away, go as far as your grandma's." Luo Fugui thought for a while, and still took the lunch box, which contained a steamed bun soaked in millet porridge.

Tang Dagou looked at Erniu who was going away: "What the hell, I think... Erniu is really a good woman, except that she is a little ugly!"

"You also know ugliness?" Luo Fugui seemed to have found a bosom friend: "What did you just say?"

The big dog hurriedly asked for advice: "Well, after I recovered from my injury, Osmanthus doesn't seem to care much about me."

"Your grandma knows what a fart, does the [-]th regiment know?"

"Of course I know that the Eighth Route Army's standard for marrying a wife is to be over 25 years old, have more than eight years of party or military service, and have a regimental rank or higher, so you can file a report and apply for marriage and marry a wife." Tang Dagou smiled smirk.

"You are only a platoon leader now, and you haven't been in the military for two years. Except for your age, you don't match any of the criteria! If you want to get married, there is no way!" Luo Fugui warned angrily.

"Isn't it okay if I don't become an Eighth Route?"

"Hey, your grandma wants to be a deserter? Are you trying to say that if you don't belong to the Eight Route Army, you shouldn't?" Luo Fugui looked contemptuous.

"What the hell do you think I'm stupid? Hey, I've already saved a hand. This time, I'm just like Er Niu. I'm reporting to the militia. There are regulations on the Eighth Road, but the militia doesn't have so many rules!"

Luo Fugui was dumbfounded, dumbfounded: "Is this okay?"

"What the hell do you think? You are a registered Eighth Route. I guess you have no hope in this life. If you can get along and become the head of the regiment, I will take off your eyeballs and use them as cannons! Your marriage will end anyway. If it doesn’t work, just tell Er Niu clearly and it’s over?” Big Dog said proudly.

"She earns her performance all day long, so I'm afraid that she will become a militia commander first!" Luo Fugui was a little worried. He had heard that if he became a regiment commander, the political department of the division would arrange a matchmaking. Although he said he would not force him, he did That ugly woman now has more than 100 people under her command, and it would be a district team on the plain outside!

What's more, I've never heard of finding a boss for Nvbalu!how embarrassing this must be
"What the hell do you think it's possible? How can there be a militia commander in the Eighth Route Army? There are only so few people in our area, and her small body can pull up a thousand people. I have your last name!" The big dog rolled his eyes, It's obviously uneasy and well-intentioned comfort.

"Hey, grandma, that's not right. Why are you so concerned about me? Tell me, did the second girl do you any favors?" Luo Fugui is not stupid, this guy has been pestering him for a long time, and he must be holding back something bad.

"What the hell is I that kind of person?" Big Dog felt a little guilty.

"I don't think you have any good intentions, hehe, you want to be a spy?" Luo Fugui figured out something, and immediately got up, raised his eyebrows and stared, and pointed at the dog's nose: "Your grandma dare say it's not the second girl." Promise to let Osmanthus stay with you?"

The big dog followed with a red neck: "Fuck you. My kindness is not rewarded!"

Not far away, Xiao Zhui'er's ears stretched out, and when he saw the two of them arguing, his eyes were full of bad eyes, and he happily added fuel to the fire: "You two idiots also want to marry a wife, go live your dream!"

"Never mind your business! You're making fun of me." The two put aside their prejudices, turned their heads in unison, and pointed at Deser.

The wicked girl was not angry at all: "I said you only wanted to marry a wife when you were only a platoon leader. You just look ugly and don't even look in the mirror!"

Luo Fugui and Dagou were immediately speechless and became dumb.

Because they spotted Captain Liang walking over.

Seeing the little braid dangling on top of his head, Captain Liang looked around and suddenly asked, "Where did Hu Yi go?"

The little pigtail swayed and shrunk its neck: "I went to the mountain ahead."

"What is he going to do?"

"Scout the terrain."

Captain Liang suddenly became interested: "I hear what you mean... Did he discover anything?"

"I do not know then!"

"Take me to see!"


Two boards, one big and one small, leaned together on the mountain ridge not far away.

"What did you find?" Captain Liang came to Hu Yi who was holding a telescope.

Hu Yi put away the binoculars, feeling a little embarrassed, Captain Liang didn't even have binoculars: "I think the devils might guide the planes on the ground to bomb the division headquarters!"

"The mountain is so big, it's impossible to do it." Captain Liang shook his head, completely disagreeing with Hu Yi's whimsical idea.

"Then what if they have a radio station?" Hu Yi reminded.

"Don't forget, how big is this mountainous area, and the devil's plane has scouted the mountain countless times, how can he really find the location of the division headquarters?" Captain Liang smiled.

"The last time the devils advanced into the team, they touched the division headquarters. If the division hadn't moved quickly, the consequences would be hard to say." Hu Yi said calmly.

The devils did find the location of the division headquarters in the last raid.

The division has also analyzed, but this possibility is too low. The house in the mountain has been camouflaged. If you look from the sky, it should be very difficult to find the location of the division headquarters, basically impossible.

Basically impossible does not mean absolute, Captain Liang was at a loss for words for a while, because devils also like to take risks.

(End of this chapter)

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