under fire

Chapter 574 No Patch

Chapter 574 No Patch

In the evening, the sky was slightly dark, and the winter sunset reflected the gloomy sky.

To the south of the division headquarters, the trainee team and the cadres entering the mountain are five miles away from the division headquarters.

The team began to get excited, and there was nothing wrong along the way, except for the soldiers of the secret service platoon, except for a few students from the Ninth Company, almost all of them came to the division headquarters for the first time, and the excitement was written on their faces.

Except that the mountains are taller and more steep, the scenery of the division headquarters is not much different from that of the independent regiment.

"Stop!" The vanguard who descended the mountain just turned a hill, when a stern shout came from a broken house on the side of the road.

Ma Liang and Tie Dan walked in the forefront, and quickly stopped behind a horizontal wooden stick, pointing their rifles obliquely at the ground.

The voice came again: "Password?"

"What password? We are members of the Independent Anti-Japanese University! There is a task in the division!" Ma Liang stood still, ready to dodge to the side of the road at any time.

"Students? You can talk nonsense, the Anti-University will not start until after the new year. What kind of anti-University student are you? Put down your gun immediately! Don't talk nonsense to me!" In the dirt nest outside the dilapidated house opposite, the bolt of the gun rattled.

"Hey, I'm Ma Liang, a former correspondent of the Independence Regiment, you don't know me?"

"Independent regiment? I don't care if you are Ma Liang or Niu Liang. Hey, I told you to put down the gun. Are you deaf?" The voice came again.

Ma Liang and Tie Dan exchanged glances, and obediently put down the rifle.

"Put down the pistol for me too, er, and the bayonet on your waist!"

The two had to follow suit.

Seeing the two disarming, a dozen gunmen suddenly appeared in the dilapidated house and the earthen den on the opposite side: "Be honest, what are you doing!"

"We... are the independent group to criticize the college students in advance. Look at our military uniform, we are a family." Tiedan next to Ma Liang couldn't help but interject.

"No password. Is there a letter of introduction?" The three shoulders, elbows, knees, and buttocks, with patches on each other, walked towards the two of them vigilantly.

Ma Liang and the two were a little confused: "I have been to the teacher so many times, when did I hear that I needed a letter of introduction?"

"Hey, isn't it? Raise your hand first!" The young man at the head, Balu, raised his voice.

As the distance between the two sides continued to approach, Ba Lu who was talking was stunned for a moment, and suddenly stood still, the muzzle of the rifle he was holding was trembling faintly, and he whispered to the two comrades who followed behind: "I'll keep an eye on them first, you go back one, If there is a problem with these two, immediately warn the police and inform the company commander that they will come to reinforce them!"

Ma Liang was a little dazed, one of the three Eighth Routers suddenly turned around and ran away, and the other two suddenly rushed forward, crawled on the ground and pointed their guns at him.

Suddenly, he seemed to understand something, and immediately pushed the iron egg to the small ditch next to it with all his strength, and slammed into the opposite direction with his own strength.

Bang bang, crisp gunshots resounded through the valley.

Bullets whizzed past the body.

After Ma Liang hit the mountain wall, he used his hands and feet to push hard on the mountain wall. His body jumped to the opposite side again, and he rolled on the ground after landing. During the process, his eyes kept looking at the two people who were quickly pulling the gun. The eight-way bolt was bolted, the bullet was loaded, and the two-ba-way gun was aimed again.

The distance between the two sides is less than 20 meters!
Ma Liang, who was rolling, grabbed the shell gun on the ground, but he had already rolled to the side of the road, and quickly slipped into the ditch. gun.

Bang bang bang three gunshots sounded in succession.

"Stop! We are all our own people!"

A roar sounded in the distant valley, and Wang Liujin, who turned around the mountain, happened to see this scene, and hurriedly stopped it.

One of Balu on the ground was shot in the arm, and the other was lying on the ground nervously pulling the bolt. He was a little anxious and ignored the sound in the distance. Wang Liujin trotted forward and shouted: "I am Wang Liujin, Zhao Xiaoqiang, you motherfucker, quickly put down the gun!"

Balu, who was pulling the gun bolt, heard someone calling his name, subconsciously turned his gun, and aimed at Wang Liujin who was running over. Suddenly, he found that the person who came was Wang Squad Leader of the special agent company who had trained him, and was stunned: "Squad Leader Wang ?why you?"

The person who was shot on the ground was clenching his teeth and making no sound, when the acquaintance who heard it came was immediately relieved and groaned in pain.

Zhao Xiaoqiang got up quickly, ignoring the wounded comrades next to him, and regardless of the mud all over his body, the muzzle of the gun was still pointed at Ma Liang in the ditch vigilantly, but his eyes were on the Squad Leader Wang in his mind.

Wang Liujin quickly ran to the two of them, raised his finger to the one who was still holding the gun, and stepped forward to pull the injured one up: "Mother Zhao Xiaoqiang, why did you shoot your own?"

Only then did Zhao Xiaoqiang come back to his senses: "I thought they were devils!"

"Isn't he wearing the Eighth Route Army uniform? He blinded you, he's one of our own!"

"My own man? Look at him, how does he look like one of us? He pulls a [-] cap, slants a pistol on his shoulder, and hangs the devil's bullet box, lunch box, and water bottle on his waist. Even if the devil's army shoes on his feet are full I can't hide it from me, and his Eighth Route military uniform doesn't even have a patch on it! Tell me, what does he look like in Eighth Route?"

"What is it like the Eighth Route? This is Ma Liang, the platoon leader of the independent regiment, you bastard." Wang Liujin said this, and looked down at himself, as if his equipment was similar to that of Ma Liang. Holding a sub-machine gun.

The seven or eight reinforcements who came over with their guns in the distance looked suspiciously and vigilantly at the scene not far from the road in front of the checkpoint.

Zhao Xiaoqiang, who lowered his gun, smiled awkwardly: "They suddenly appeared from the mountains, without a password, and without a letter of introduction. This equipment is even more suspicious. I thought they were devils advancing into the team!"

"But you can't shoot as soon as we meet! If we hadn't reacted quickly, we might have been honored by you!" An exasperated Ma Liang climbed up from the ditch, pulled out a bandage from his backpack, and bandaged the wounded soldier. But I was afraid for a while, if I didn't hit it a little bit crookedly, the soldier in front of me would definitely be shot in the head!

"Hey, the order from the division is... as long as you find someone who looks like the advance team, you must either report it secretly or call the police immediately!" Zhao Xiaoqiang's face turned pale, and he muttered.

"Show your uncle the police! I. You." The iron egg platoon leader who just got up from the ditch and was almost shot at this time yelled.

After finishing speaking, he carefully picked up the rifle on the ground, looked at the body of the gun covered with mud, and looked at the barrel of the gun. Well, it didn't get into the mud, and he let out a sigh of relief. Rubbing in the dead grass next to it.

"Our equipment is all taken from devils, why are you so reckless, remember to keep your eyes open next time!" Wang Liujin poked Squad Leader Zhao's head with his fingers.

"Squad leader, hehe, look at his hair, and I don't know him, so how would I know?" Squad leader Zhao whispered to the old squad leader, shrinking his neck.

The few reinforcements seemed to know the squad leader, so they hurried up, looking at the scene in front of them speechless, seeing that a comrade was injured, they hurried forward to help.

Not long after, a team emerged from a distant village and rushed towards the foot of the mountain.

The brigade who heard the gunshots in the mountains also quickened their pace.

The two groups of people went straight to the checkpoint.

"Liu Battalion Commander? What are you doing?" Captain Liang frowned when he saw an old acquaintance from the local guards.

"Report to the battalion commander, this is a misunderstanding, we mistakenly regarded them as devils!" Zhao Xiaoqiang who was next to him hurriedly explained.

The battalion commander who came up for reinforcements, surnamed Liu, took a look at the wounded and found that there was nothing serious. He turned around and walked directly to Captain Liang, looked him up and down and said, "It's not bad. I haven't been out for a long time. This shotgun Have you changed the guns?"

"There is no cannon, but there is one behind, do you want to see it?" Captain Liang replied angrily.

Commander Liu Ying was overjoyed, stunned for a moment, and his face turned down again, and he immediately got excited: "Is there really a cannon? Big or small?"

"Small cannons can be made in our arsenal, and of course the big ones are here! A congratulatory gift from the Independence Regiment to the division commander," Captain Liang spoke directly on behalf of the Independence Regiment.

Commander Liu hesitated for a moment: "Old Liang, the situation is special this time, so I have to excuse you a bit!"

Captain Liang was taken aback for a moment: "Aggrieved? What do you mean?"

"There are too many people coming to the event held by the division this time. It is not the team directly under the division headquarters or the local residents. The nearby teams must be at least above the company level to go. This is an order issued by the division just yesterday!"

"What? What do you mean by that. All my students have to stay outside and drink the northwest wind?"

"You understand the rules, orders are orders! You just need to execute them." Battalion Commander Liu was helpless, his eyes widened like a lantern, and the words changed: "Speaking of which, isn't the Anti-Japanese University opened in the next year? Are you so anxious? Are you ready to start?"

(End of this chapter)

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