under fire

Chapter 575

Chapter 575
"Platoon leader, platoon leader." Someone called softly.

Platoon Leader Jing sat up abruptly, habitually grasping the rifle in his hand, his eyes were dark, and he was still in the damp cave.

The person who woke up the platoon leader suddenly took a few steps back.

Platoon Leader Jing slowly put down his rifle, lowered his head and rubbed his eyes: "What's the matter?"

"According to the judgment of our scouts, the celebration venue is not set in the city, but in the mountains. Maybe, they have received some news. Since yesterday, the area where they are stationed has been under martial law!" The person in charge of scouting finally ran back to the ravine report the situation.

"Have you found out the exact whereabouts of the sparrows?" Platoon Leader Jing asked as he got out of his sleeping bag and reached out to the cave to check his watch. It was two o'clock in the afternoon.

The soldier followed the platoon leader and reported: "The sparrows gathered from all over the country to their old nests. If the Han-Chang Highway hadn't been cut off and the sparrows were heavily defended along the way, we wouldn't have to go through the mountains and ridges so hard!"

Platoon Leader Jing was furious: "Bastard, how dare you complain?"

"I'm sorry." The scout froze for a moment, and quickly apologized.

Captain Jing gave a lesson: "You have to know that sparrows are timid animals. If there is any movement, they will run into the woods. It is difficult to catch all sparrows. Half a year ago, the sparrows were encircled by the north and the south, and the east and west were surrounded by the sparrows. Today, we have to adopt more flexible tactics than sparrows, you understand?"

"My subordinate understands!"

Captain Jing glanced around, and in the darkness, a large group of figures were listening to the conversation between the two, and he suddenly became interested: "Sparrow has heavy troops deployed along the Hanchang Highway that crosses the east and west. The road will be blocked by sparrows with various means. The terrain of the road into the mountain is too dangerous, so we can't attack quickly along the road. We have invested heavily in multiple roads to surround it several times, and even occupied She County where the sparrows are stationed, but still nothing. Do you know why?"

"The sparrows are too cunning! We attacked from the road and were blocked by the enemy, so we couldn't maneuver quickly. When we hit the sparrows' nest, they had already got the news and ran into the mountains, so this time they are going to send out the eagles?" The scout published his opinion. view.

"You're smart, go get ready!" Captain Jing finished talking to me, and turned his head to someone sitting: "You must ensure that the radio station is in normal use tomorrow!"

"Yes, I will make sure that the radio station will be turned on normally tomorrow!" The telegrapher stood up immediately, expressing his determination.

In order to surprise the Eighth Route Army Division Headquarters by surprise, the devils did not arrange large troops to raid the mountain!
A unit of the advancing team led by Captain Jing also did not take the main road. In order to deceive people, they deliberately showed their tracks in the east, so that the Eighth Route Army could successfully detect that the advancing team had left the mountain, and then secretly crossed the mountain from the east and entered the mountain by the same road!
Back to the carbine!
The whole process was extremely complicated, and of course the target was a certain division of the Eighth Route Army that had slipped away by luck last time.

As for the devil troops who also entered the mountain from the east without supplies and approached a brigade, the main task was to prepare to meet the advancing team. After all, the advancing team in the mountain, the first team in Shangchuan was disabled by the eight roads, and the other team was missing.

The devil brigade entering the mountain from the east, instead of taking the road, took the small road. The reason is that if they take the main road, they will be blocked by the Eighth Route Division like sparrows. The location of the Ministry is as difficult as climbing the sky.

In the mountains, the devils were helpless against Tubalu's tactics.

The targets of the eight-way attack are small, sometimes three or two people will be on the mountain ridge next to the road, throw a grenade and shoot twice before running away. Entering the mountain from the road, the team can only be beaten!

It is impossible for hundreds of people to chase Liangtubalu.

But ignoring it didn't work. After walking for a mile, they would encounter a few mines planted on the ground by the Eighth Route Army.

As for the chariot, as soon as the team enters the mountain, the Eight Routes in the mountain will get the news, make preparations in advance, and directly blow up the bridge on the road!
Once on this highway, more than 100 cars were lost at one time!
It was past noon.

Two figures, a man and a woman, quietly hid not far from the devil's airport outside the city.

The plain outside the airport stretches as far as the eye can see. Through the barbed wire fence outside the airport, you can see that the plane is still empty, not even a plane!

Patrols circle the airport every half hour.

The two continued to observe boredly in the field, muttering a few words occasionally, until the other two figures came around the airport from the far east, and the two hidden two got up and went back to the city.

After entering the city, the two entered the restaurant one after the other. In Nuo Da's store, only one person was cleaning the table, ignoring the two people who came in, until the two went directly to the back hall, the middle-aged man lazily had nothing to do He moved dryly to the door, casually observing the street outside the door.

next door.

There are two people sitting in the back room of the tailor shop.

Su Qing turned her head and saw Monkey and Zhao Caixia coming in through the back door, her brows were still tightly furrowed on her pretty face.

Monkey went all the way to the table and sat down beside Su Qing and Director Zhang: "There is still no plane at the airport!"

"No, there used to be a dozen devil planes at the airport, but suddenly none of them disappeared. There must be something happening that we don't know about!" If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Director Zhang is sure that the devil is here again. Do something, but there is too little information in hand, and nothing can be analyzed.

The monkey took a sip of hot tea: "The planes at the airport all flew away three days ago, and then they never showed up. Sister Su, do you think there is a mistake in the information?"

"I don't think so!" Su Qing replied lightly.

"It's not the first time that devils have bombed the divisional headquarters in the county seat. The divisional headquarters is full of forests, so I'm not afraid of devils' bombing!" Director Zhang said again.

"How do you know? Who allowed you to talk about the situation of the division in public?" Su Qing turned to look at Director Zhang.

Director Zhang's face turned pale and red, and he wanted to argue, but seeing Su Qing's serious expression, he opened his mouth but did not speak.

"Be careful next time!" Su Qing didn't pursue it, and turned to look at Zhao Caixia: "Is there any useful news about the documents obtained from the devil's barracks?"

Zhao Caixia thought for a while: "I didn't find anything of value. They were all reports from the devil's country and some letters from the devil's family. The devil's office is strictly guarded, and there is no way to enter!"

The monkey thought for a while: "By the way, there were two nights when I saw more than a dozen devils wearing goggles in the barracks!"

Su Qing froze for a moment: "Could it be a devil pilot?"

No one spoke.

The pilot, that's the ghost of the meeting plane, I've heard of it, but I haven't seen it.

Monkey remembered the appearance of a girl wearing a gas mask.

After a long silence.

Su Qing looked up: "No matter what the situation is, report the situation to the teacher immediately!"

After speaking, he turned his head and glanced at the monkey: "You run again tonight."

Monkey understood that Su Qing wanted him to pick up the train and go to the traffic station of the military division in the south. There is a radio station in the division, so he can directly contact the division.

After a while, the monkey took the secret letter written by Su Qingdao, put it in the middle of the clothes, and was about to leave the tailor shop through the back door.

Zhao Caixia followed the monkey out the door: "Wait a minute, I'll go find Uncle Jiu and get you something to eat!"

"No, I'll get a roast chicken later, hehe, I'll be back at midnight at most!"

You have to wait until dark to catch the train.

There was a severe drought on the plain, and the devils still stepped up their offensive against the national army in the south in winter, and the logistics trains shuttled day and night on the Ping-Han railway line.

(End of this chapter)

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