under fire

Chapter 576 Grab the Tail

Chapter 576 Grab the Tail
The location of the division headquarters is not too far from the ancient county seat deep in the mountains, across the river from the north of the Hanchang Highway to the east of the county seat.

There is still one day before the birthday, and the division headquarters cannot receive people who have received news from various channels.

A group of students were directly arranged to temporarily station in a village five or six miles away from the division headquarters.

But to everyone's surprise, all the cadres who entered the mountain with the student team were allowed to enter the division headquarters.

He also mobilized heavy troops to sweep into the mountains, and occupied the county seat several times, so that there were hardly a few complete houses in the entire county.

For the devils, this old city deep in the mountains is almost an isolated city.

It is surrounded by mountains for dozens of miles and lacks the protection of the city wall. Even after the devils occupy the county, they cannot get supplies at all. Garrison.

The [-]-mile mountain road from the plains to the county seat provided too many opportunities for the Eighth Route to lay an ambush. The road goes into the mountains.

Because of this, I can fight but can't hold it, so I have to give up!They could only vent their anger by burning the county town to almost nothingness, and then retreat.

But the devils did not let go of this county seat deep in the mountains, and often sent planes to bomb it.

Later, the Eighth Road and the people in the mountains simply did not enter the city during the day, and the devils bombed countless times, with no results, and simply didn't bother to bomb the empty county town.

At the foot of the mountain in the south of the county seat.

The village is very lively.

The slanted braid dangled to the entrance of the village.

He walked directly to Hu Yi, who was looking at the headquarters of the division at the foot of the mountain far to the north, stretched out his hand, and handed over a stacked pancake: "Fox, why don't we go to the division?"

Hu Yi turned his head to take the cake, and thought for a while: "Captain Liang said, we are students now, and we haven't been notified, okay?"

The girl had already thought up her excuses: "It's not even started yet, what kind of student are you? You are the company commander, so you have the qualifications to go to the division!"

"What you said seems to make sense!" Hu Yi's thoughts came alive.

The girl blinked her big eyes: "Why don't you bring me in tomorrow?"

"Stupid? The distance is so far today and the control is so strict. What do you think will happen tomorrow?"

The girl quickly made up her mind: "Why don't you just say you have a headache and let's go in tonight?"

"Those people in the special agent platoon on duty don't know why we went in?"

"Hey, it's all due to that idiot Wang Liujin, who ran away without a trace as soon as he got back to the division headquarters. If we had him as an internal response, wouldn't it be easy for us to go to the division headquarters?"

"That's a serious breach of discipline, can't you stop for a while?"

"Look, we have completed the task of escorting these people, but if there is something wrong with Miss Ci, how can you explain it to the head uncle?"

"What are you talking about? This is the division headquarters, and there are no devils entering the mountain. How can there be any advantages and disadvantages?"

The girl was unwilling: "Oh, what a pity to miss such a lively event?"

"Stay well, and we will go back when the celebrations in the division are completed tomorrow."

"Hey, you have been looking at the division headquarters, do you want to go to the division headquarters secretly at night?"

"Hey what are you talking about?"

"Do you want to see Aunt Zhou?"

Hu Yi was stunned for a moment: "You are talking nonsense, if you are really bored, you should make preparations for evening study in advance!"

"Then what is there to prepare for? No, you asked me to prepare, what about you?"

"I, I, and I will go around to scout and scout, what if an advance team takes the opportunity to sabotage?" He spoke with a guilty conscience.

"Well, Captain Liang didn't tell us what to do anyway, why don't we change the afternoon training to mountain climbing?" The girl stared into Hu Yi's eyes after she finished speaking.

"Alright then!" Hu Yi said helplessly.

Half an hour later, a group of people walked along the Hanchang Highway outside the old city for a while, and walked directly to the mountain road behind the division headquarters and walked slowly up the mountain.

As Hu Yi walked, he subconsciously looked in the direction of the division headquarters.

Walking in the col, the line of sight is blocked by the mountains, and you can't see anything.

In the distance, the dilapidated county town half-surrounded by a river bend is indeed nothing to look at. For a while, I feel a little empty in my heart.
He thought of going up the mountain, and looked at the traces of the teacher's hospital from a distance. She should have received the things Wang Liujin sent to Zhou Wanping.

The sun was westward, and a group of people slowly reached the top of a small mountain ridge, and the cold mountain wind was howling.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" Two soldiers came out of a post built against a stone, the one in front raised a gun, and the other raised a gun against a stone for vigilance.

"We are anti-University students, training to climb mountains!"


"The Anti-Japanese War must be won! Return the order!" The girl blurted out her crisp voice first, her eyes lit up, and she almost forgot about the password in Jiulian.

"Hard work, hey, why do you all have two guns?" the sentinel asked enviously.

"I want you to take care of it!" I was annoyed.

Hu Yi habitually looked around with his binoculars.

Just about to put away the binoculars and lead the team down the mountain ridge.

Suddenly, it seemed that there was a flash of light on a certain mountain ridge in the north.

I quickly turned my head to look again, and then raised the telescope again to look carefully at the place that seemed to have a flash of light, but found nothing. After a long time, there was no result.

Perhaps the icicles reflected sunlight?

No, the light comes from the north, and the sun has been out for the past few days. If there were icicles, the south side of the mountain should have melted long ago!
"Ma Liang!" Hu Yi shouted while observing.

Ma Liang, who was resting on the rock, got up immediately, took two steps forward, and asked softly, "Brother, what's the matter?"

"The mountain in the north is a bit suspicious." Hu Yi looked at the binoculars and raised his left hand to point to the location where the flash was just now.

Ma Liang hurriedly looked at the pointer for a while: "Are you dazzled?"

Hu Yi turned his head and asked the sentinel on the mountain ridge: "Is there any arrangement on duty on the mountain ridge over there?"

"Sorry, this is confidential!" The sentinel immediately refused.

Ma Liang smiled: "I asked Wang Liujin that there are usually soldiers on duty on these nearby hills. On such an important day, there must be someone on duty!"

The sentinel next to him heard a black thread.

"How long does it take to get from the mountain over there to the top?" Hu Yi looked at the sentinel sharply.

The sentinel looked at the top of the mountain in the distance. He was not stupid. The person in front of him must have discovered something. After thinking about it, he decided to answer: "It will take about half a day, right?"

"What will happen if the devil kills the warrior on the top of the mountain?" Hu Yi thinks of the worst every time, which is a habit developed through years of fighting.

Ma Liang took over the topic: "Let's think about it, the soldiers on duty at the foot of the mountain have to go up the mountain to change their posts, and they have to walk for half a day, so the time to change their posts should be around ten o'clock in the morning. If, if there are devils, they Get rid of our sentry, and the time to change the sentry tomorrow is also ten o'clock, and the replaced sentry did not come back at two o'clock in the afternoon, we will find that if we arrange people to go up the mountain, even if we find the situation and call the police with gunfire It has to be close to night!"

The sentinel next to him was dumbfounded, the rules of guarding were explained exactly, and his scalp was numb: "You mean there are enemies over there?"

Hu Yi regained his composure: "Not necessarily, I'm just guessing, after all, we are holding such a big event, if the devils don't show up, it would be a strange thing!"

"You mean, if the devil does something today, then the mountain will not get the news until tomorrow before dark?" The sentinel turned pale, and understood that Ma Liang's analysis should be very accurate.

Luo Fugui, who was next to him, took the trouble: "It shouldn't be possible. There are mountain ridges everywhere, and there must be more than one group of sentries on the mountain? Even if he is a little devil who wants to launch a sneak attack, what can he do by running up that mountain ridge? Listen to Northwest Wind singing?"

"What? What singing?"

Hu Yi ignored the sentinel's question and turned to look at Ma Liang: "Go down the mountain immediately and find the soldiers who set up the card and let them report the situation to the top."

"Ah? What about you?" Ma Liang looked at Hu Yi. The company commander must have done something, so he didn't want to go.

"I'll take them around the mountain ridge to have a look." Hu Yi turned his head to look at the team behind him. Fortunately, he brought all the weapons and equipment.

But I have to take it with me. If it is placed in the village, who knows if it will be requisitioned by the fraternal troops who live in the village with poor folks who don’t even have locks, and live with the student team?
Naturally, no one will move the crowd's needles and threads, but they are weapons and equipment, bullets, and guns!That's not sure.

Eight roads who leave the station also have requirements, and the gun must not leave the body!

"Can you let Er Niu report the letter?" Ma Liang shrank his neck.

"Yes, as long as you can speak!" Hu Yi said lightly as Dexin raised his binoculars.

More than [-] people originally completed the task of escorting the cadre team to the division.

I thought it would be an eye-opener, but when I arrived at the division headquarters, I didn't even see the shadow of the division headquarters, so I was piled up in the village and left unattended.

They were all the backbones from the independent regiment, but Erlian and Jiulian couldn't pee together at first, Gao Yidao was left in the next period to participate in the study, and the highest position in the team was Hu Yi.

The independent regiment was not big, and the four companies competed and cooperated, but this time the backbone of the battle got together, and the atmosphere was a bit awkward.

Not only does it not have the atmosphere of unity and solidarity of other troops, but it is not pleasing to anyone.

Now they are all students and all are equal, so Hu Yi's proposal was immediately opposed by the Erlian. In this cold weather, if you don't go down the mountain, let alone miss dinner, you have to listen to Xibeifeng's opera in this mountain.

Although the platoon leaders of the first company did not express their views, they were obviously on the side of the nine company. What about the third company?

"Go or not?" Hu Yi's eyes were sharp again.

"You have to give a reason, right?" Erlian's first platoon leader asked bravely, but he didn't dare to directly object because Gao Yidao was not around.

Hu Yi said calmly: "There is no reason, if you don't want to, you can follow Er Niu down the mountain now!"

look at each other.

Thank you for the huge reward of dream following my heart, come to Zhang Zhang.

 Thank you brothers for your votes and votes. If you have nothing to do, just see which deserters vote for rewards
  Few historical materials mention Shexian County, because it involves the national army. In the early days of Taihang, the number of national troops was countless more than that of the Eighth Route Army.
  Many brothers may think that the Eighth Road is stationed in the deep mountains. In fact, it is not that simple. The film and television mislead people. The Eighth Road is actually with the national army in Shexian County. There are more than 100 divisions in the mountains, and there are many divisions. , the national army ran away, and the Eighth Route was recaptured, and then the local security regiment of the national army quit.
(End of this chapter)

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