under fire

Chapter 577 Consequences of Talking

Chapter 577 Consequences of Talking

Surrounded by steep mountains from the north, west, and south, the east side is a rare hilly terrain in the mountains. A small flat palm-sized land is surrounded by mountains and water. The county seat is on this flat land.
The county seat is in the east, and the division headquarters is at the foot of the mountain in the west. The Zhang River turns from north to south to the surrounding foot of the mountain between the two, and a road passes by the water from east to west.

A team was walking on the ridge that surrounded the west side of the division headquarters.

From time to time, they greeted and matched the passwords with the sentries on the mountain ridge. The sentries did not have any doubts about this special team that was still running around during major events.

Of course, because there is a wicked girl in the team, there are absolutely no female soldiers in the devil's team. This is common sense.

The trainee team is a special circle. The reason why Hu Yi led the team and Captain Liang to personally escort them is because there are big figures in the cadre team entering the mountain, and the devil's blockade line in the north is very strict. Mountain.

That's why the political commissar of the head of the regiment personally arranged for Hu Yi, instead of the third company commander Hao Ping who also participated in this study to lead the team. After all, no one knows whether there is an advance team in the mountains, and the safety of these cadres must be ensured.

We were comrades-in-arms in the independent regiment, and now we are classmates.

But for the past, no one can let go of it directly, but Hu Yi's score is there, and the platoon leaders of the second company don't have the momentum of a knife, and they are directly short.

Hu Yi could see very clearly that the platoon leaders of the [-]st, [-]nd and [-]rd companies in the team had a delicate relationship with the [-]th company, and those who got benefits would sell their faces, while the platoon leaders of the second company were a little downcast.

The Second Company and the Ninth Company competed with each other, dared to fight against the devils, and the casualties were much higher than those of the First Company and the Third Company.

If you fight a lot, you will naturally have rich experience. Who can survive on the battlefield without the blood of a few devils on their hands?

On the life-and-death battlefield of blood and fire, the grassroots commanders who dare to rush and fight grow rapidly.

Even Luo Fugui shouted and ran away when he saw the devil.

"Hey? Now that Captain Liang is not here, why don't we choose a captain first?" Luo Fugui, who had nothing to do, shouted.

Immediately aroused contemptuous looks, your company commander Hu of the Ninth Company is the tallest now, isn't it disgusting for you to say this?Wouldn't it be enough to just let everyone join Jiulian?
Of course Erlian immediately objected: "Don't play your tricks, we are allies now, each playing his own way."

"Your grandma's, now we are classmates, what kind of allies are we?"

"Do you think we are classmates?"

"Of course, so even if you are studying, you have to choose a monitor, right?


The eighth day of the winter lunar month.

Night came again.

The team led by Hu Yi appeared north of the division headquarters.

After matching the password, a figure came out from the hidden darkness: "Hey, I said, moving in the mountains at night is very dangerous. What are you still wandering around in the mountains in the middle of the night?"

"We have a mission, can you arrange for someone to lead us the way?"

"No, our task is to be on duty here, and we cannot leave the combat post."

"Your grandma's sentry is considered a combat position? You have such a big face."

"Stop, and explain why you are still running around in the mountains in the middle of the night." The soldier who came out was very vigilant, and the secret whistle behind him immediately pulled the bolt, ready to fire a warning shot at any time.

"Yes, you are very vigilant, but you got the wrong partner." Ma Liang spoke quickly, and the dead mule offended people when he spoke.

"It's useless to talk less, back away immediately." The sentinel didn't accept this at all.

"Hey, your grandma really thinks highly of yourself. There are only two of you, and I have more than twenty people here. If I really want to bury you, do you think you can make it?" Luo Fugui was upset.

"Hey, I don't know if it's good or not, but once my gun is fired, you don't want to go anywhere!" came the voice of the one pulling the bolt in the dark.

Ma Liang has a black thread, and the dead mule is a talkative, causing the other party's dissatisfaction, so he rushed to fight the fire: ""When we went up the mountain in the afternoon, we found that there might be a situation in the north of the mountain. "

"Sorry, you can report to the security office if there is a situation. As for now, I have to check your identities."

"Then tell me, how to check?"

"Well, that little girl in the back, you come out, since you said you are a member of the Anti-University University, then tell me the names of three people you know in the division."

"Wang Liujin, Captain Liang, Doctor Zhou" Comrade Xiao Hongying laughed heartily. Isn't this examination too child's play?Even a random spy can find out the names of these people.

The sentry was still very calm: "Tell me their appearance and position!"

"Hey, you're still in good spirits, aren't you? Wang Liujin was on a mission and came back with us today. Uh, you probably don't know. He's thin and tall, so he was promoted to platoon leader. Captain Liang is big and thick, and has good skills. As for Doctor Zhou, tall and tall." The girl described proudly.

"I think of you, you are the girl from the independent regiment who hit ten rounds with twenty sheller bullets, hehe, I'm from the secret service company." The one in the darkness finally emerged from his hiding place.

"Spy company? Why did you go to the mountains and become a sentinel?"

"What's so strange about this, we have to guard against devils playing tricks, and our spy battalion has arranged a company of soldiers in all directions in the mountain."

"Secret battalion? Isn't there only one company? You ran to the mountains. The security work in the division"

"Our spy company has already been expanded!"

"No wonder, uh...why didn't you listen to what Wang Liujin said?"

"When he left the mountain, he was still recruiting personnel from various ministries, and the team was still being formed."

"Have you found any traces of the advancing team?"

"No, this time the headquarters special task force sent a company over to participate in the security work. If he dares to come, I will bury him in the soil as fertilizer!"

This is a secret, the soldier next to him immediately reminded: "Ahem."

"What the fuck, this is the red flower of the Independence Regiment that I often tell you about." The one in the darkness spoke out immediately.

"How can you talk about others like that, I'm so embarrassed." Being praised face to face, the girl seemed really embarrassed.

"Hey, just now you said that there is something going on in the mountains to the north. What's going on?" The man in the dark didn't intend to talk nonsense, and directly changed the subject to ask Ma Liang. He thought that Ma Liang should be the leader of this team.

"Do you have anything like binoculars on duty?"

"Our company is worthy of it, and there are no sentries." The tone of the speech was a little awkward.

"I suspect that there may be enemies in the north!" Hu Yi next to Ma Liang thought for a while, and felt that there was no need to be wordy, and said his guess again. Originally, he just wanted to ask if they could assign someone to help lead the way.

For such a big event in the division, the security work must have been arranged long ago, and I can't just let the division arrange a large-scale search just because of my guess, and it's strange that the security department can listen to me, but now there are The goal is just to verify whether the sentinel is still on duty, it should not be difficult.

In fact, his guess had no basis.

Idle is also idle, taking people around in the mountains is just for peace of mind.

Seeing the dead horse running in the mountains, the black lights and the blind fire are turning around in the mountains, and no one is familiar with the road belt. After walking around for half an afternoon and a half night, now I don't even know where I am.

The original plan to sneak to the division headquarters at night was also delayed.

"There are enemies? How is this possible? Uh... can you tell me the specific situation?" The question was still polite.

There are two companies in the independent regiment that are very capable of fighting, and it has been spread throughout the division. Others may not know the situation, but the special agent company knows it all. Besides, this time the Anti-Japanese University will carry out cultural studies in advance, and he also knows that all units Many of the platoon and company commanders at the grassroots level can't even read a few words, so the basic science instructors are sent to various units to improve their literacy in advance.

Hu Yi briefly conjectured about himself.

"Wait a minute, I'll clean up and take you there later."

After speaking, there was a sound of crickets in the darkness.

Not long after, the black shadow who spoke emerged from the nest: "Commander Hu, right? The place you described is not far away, but it's night now, hurry there, and it will probably arrive soon after dawn. It’s a mountain road to walk all night, do you have any questions?”

"If you can not go, of course it's best!" Hu Yi didn't expect the other party to agree so readily.

 There are some female devils appearing in many film and television dramas. After checking a lot of information, there should be no, except
(End of this chapter)

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