under fire

Chapter 578 Airborne Soldiers

Chapter 578 Airborne Soldiers

"Company Commander Hu, the mountain wind is too strong. If you don't allow the torches to be lit, there is no way to go on this mountain road!" The soldiers of the Secret Service Battalion who acted as guides were helpless.

"Lighting a torch will definitely scare the snake, we can't let the teacher's plan fail!"

"There are a few continuous cliffs in front. I used to train before, and I can pull a rope bridge during the day, but it's too risky to cross at night. Even if he's a devil on the mountain, he can't climb the waves, don't you think?"

"Is there another way?" Hu Yi asked instead without answering.

"Yes, there is, but if you make a detour, it's better to wait for dawn." The soldier was upset, if it wasn't for you, Company Commander Hu, who led people to stop the devils and made a contribution, I wouldn't even bother to talk to you!Still patiently explained: "I think, are you thinking too much? There are so many people in our mountains, even if he really came to the advance team, wouldn't he come to die?"

Ma Liang next to "you" was speechless.

"Then go there after dawn? There should be time!" Hu Yi interrupted Ma Liang, and suddenly felt that he was too cautious and became suspicious.

"Well, there is a small shed on the mountainside below. We built it during training on the mountain. In this cold weather, why don't you go to shelter from the wind first!" The soldier felt that Company Commander Hu in front of him was making a fuss over a molehill.

"You? What do you mean? Aren't you going to take shelter from the wind together?"

"I have to rush back to be on duty!"

"You go back alone? It's not safe to be in the dark, mule, give him your flashlight." The girl folded her hands in her sleeves and kicked Luo Fugui tremblingly.

As for why she gave away the precious flashlight, the girl who has always valued material equipment more than her life, of course has other plans.

An County, the Japanese barracks.

Dim lights in the conference room.

The military flag on the wall is somewhat blurred.

Lieutenant Nakamura, who is sitting on the side of the conference table, should be a lieutenant now.

At this moment, he felt a little nervous. As a former aviation soldier, his pride had long since disappeared.

To be able to achieve the position of captain, he shouldn't be nervous at all, but it's a pity that he doesn't have that stability.

As an elite paratrooper of the Fifth Flying Division, he was relegated to the army and reorganized into an infantry soldier, and was directly relegated to the occupied North China. It was a great shame in his life!However, no one else is to blame for this incident.

If it hadn't been for his subordinates to stop him, he would have apologized with all his heart. It was himself who caused the lieutenant commander to resign. .

But after that incident, he was hit a lot.

In the first half of the year, he returned to China after studying in Germany. As a man who had learned the best airborne tactics, he went directly to the Pacific battlefield and secretly obtained a batch of German airborne equipment, so that the airborne troops could start air training.

Since the establishment of the airborne troops, they were originally regarded as special arms, and they were placed with high hopes by the base camp. The airborne paratroopers belonged to the Army Aviation Corps and the Marine Corps respectively. However, due to the lack of transport aircraft in the Army, the airborne training is poor at ordinary times, and it is almost still in the basic training of the original tower jumping. .

It is a pity that most of the "elite" paratroopers selected from the battlefield have a fear of heights. Even if they barely train under the high pressure of the officers, they often have accidents and stop training many times.

And those idiots put the emphasis on the tactical and technical training of the airborne troops, and actually put the shooting and assassination of the infantry!
In order to speed up the training, during a skydiving training, two transport planes collided shortly after take-off, and the paratroopers on board had "dedicated their allegiance" to the emperor before participating in an actual combat.

However, after the battle in the South Pacific started, the pilot of the plane misjudged the airborne field during the airborne, and even threw all the airborne units into the sea!The plane that followed also "unloaded" all the paratroopers into the sea, causing dozens of elites to drown and die.

Two consecutive accidents caused the responsible commander, Nakamura, to be dismissed from his post, and the Lieutenant General Commander was implicated.

Base camp evaluation: Since it can’t play a role in the sea and jungle, then go to the plains of China to dawdle!

However, the commander did not give up, and he relied on a lot of connections to finally win him the opportunity to airborne and raid the Eighth Route Command.

For Nakamura, since he is still alive, the shame of the past needs to be washed away!
Scenes of past events flashed.

Until an officer walked into the meeting room with a lame second lieutenant.

Lieutenant Nakamura immediately stood up and bent down: "Yi Zijun, I have heard that you have achieved brilliant results in battles. Please tell me about the situation of the Eighth Route Army's garrison in detail."

"Old classmate, I kept you waiting!" Lieutenant Masuko bowed back: "The Songjin team code-named Shark went to the mountain in ten days, and they have arrived at the designated location. There is often heavy fog in the morning, so no one is sure whether you can achieve your goal tomorrow!"

"You mean, the weather in the mountains is not good?" Nakamura thought for a moment. Could it be that he is so unlucky?It's not going well anywhere!

"In addition to the weather, other information is based on our previous experience in going to the mountain." Lieutenant Mashiko handed the document in his hand to the former classmate: "Up to now, the standing team can only get some peripheral information from the Eight Routes. , other things about the bombing of the mountains, you aviation soldiers should know better than me!"

Nakamura smiled bitterly: "Hehe, after such a long time of preparation, if the weather is bad, the plan will be useless again."

"You should know that the raid in the first half of the year had brilliant results and made such a big commotion! The headquarters of the Eight Roads was even taken over by us, but it didn't take long for those dirt roads to pop up again. Otherwise, they wouldn't I will let you take risks." Lieutenant Masuko looked a little helpless.

"I heard that the last time the headquarters of the Eighth Route Division was raided, most of the division was blocked in the mountains by a small group of Eighth Route Division?"

"You have never been to the mountains, and you don't know the conditions in the depths of the mountains. The terrain in many places is too dangerous, and one man guards the gate, and ten thousand men cannot open it."

"I'd like to ask for advice."

"We have repeatedly attacked by large forces from the road and occupied the county where the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army in the mountains is located. The Eighth Route Army can always escape into the deep mountains. The terrain in the mountains is easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is no wonder that the ground surrounded the troops last time. What they executed was originally Outflank the mission."

"So it is."

"The supply of roads is extremely difficult, so far, although we have been able to capture the county seat of the Eight Routes many times, the Eight Routes fought guerrillas to destroy the supply lines, and the Eight Routes also played fortified walls and cleared the fields, harassing them day and night, which made the warriors unable to defend the county. This is what we can't do. The reason for standing in the mountains!"

Nakamura stopped mentioning this, and changed the subject: "Since the headquarters has given me this opportunity, I will complete this mission no matter how much I pay."

"Lieutenant Nakamura, you have to think clearly, the mountains are not plains, and this time it is likely to be a trap set by Tubalu. The purpose of the commander is just to see if your airborne troops are useful!"

Nakamura sullenly said, "I'm sorry, you should call us infantry lieutenants now!"

Lieutenant Mashiko didn't care, and was silent for a while: "Uh, as an old classmate, I think you should cheer up! If the weather is always like this, I think it's really hard to have a chance."

Nakamura hesitated for a moment: "My team is full of warriors who can fly in the sky. I will definitely seize this opportunity."

"As for whether there is a chance, who knows? Opportunities are always for those who are well prepared, don't you think?"

Nakamura saluted again: "I know you are not mocking me, but thank you for giving me this opportunity to prove myself!"

"You don't have to thank me, this is the arrangement of the Commander-in-Chief, and it is our duty and mission to be loyal to the Emperor!"

"Thank you."

The cripple next to Lieutenant Masuko finally spoke: "I have a piece of advice, if you go into the mountains, I suggest you make up our opponents!"

 The devil's paratroopers have carried out small-scale operations on the Chinese battlefield, almost no one has heard of them, and they are mainly used to deal with the national army.

  In the Pacific battlefield after [-], there was no coordination with the navy, and even a big battle with the family members of the Marine Corps who occupied the U.S. Air Force first when it was airborne, which led to its immediate disbandment.

  The information is hard to check, the aviation training base is in central China, equipped with [-]-style submachine guns

  Devil airborne troops have been put into the battlefield in Jiangxi in [-] and used as infantry

  Devil's Real Paratroopers Formed in [-] Years

(End of this chapter)

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