under fire

Chapter 579

Chapter 579
early morning.

Division enemy engineering department, the oil lamp flickers in the low office, the blackness left by the fire, the roof of the tile-roofed house has newly nailed the mat, and the dilapidation cannot be concealed.

A correspondent came out of the telecommunications room, trotted a few steps to the door of a house in the opposite yard, and lifted the thick curtain with the words "Enemy Engineering Division" written on it: "Report, urgent call from the division."

"Read!" A voice came from inside the room, and the speaker didn't even lift his head.

"Eight enemy planes entered the An County Airport before dark, and the airport's defense forces doubled. Black shopkeeper."

"Enemy plane. The black shopkeeper at the airport?" The person in front of the oil lamp raised his head while speaking, his eyes were bloodshot, he stretched out his hand, took the message, scanned it, thought for a while, then turned his head and said to the middle-aged man who was busy next to him: " Combined with the previous intelligence content task force to get the information and then send it to the division, there is a half-day difference in time, this situation is really important, can you think about combining these situations and re-drafting a plan to report to the political commissar."

"Could it be that the devil really intends to bomb us?" Another middle-aged man next to him raised his head and reached out to take the telegram, and read it carefully.

"The devils already knew the general situation in our mountain. His brigade of devils took a small road to enter the mountain. It was obvious that most of our troops were deployed along the road and just took advantage of the defensive loopholes."

"Uh, this devil dares to enter the mountain as if no one else is around in a large group, that is bullying the mountain area, our team is scattered, there is nothing we can do about him.

"Immediately report to the division, and find a way to get the troops near the south of the road to gather immediately and destroy this devil's army."

The middle-aged man shook his head: "The mountainous area is so big, the devils don't take the main road, and there will be strange things if you go deep alone. Let's not get confused. The division has made preparations in advance, so don't worry too much." After the middle-aged man finished speaking, I said, Rubbing his temples, he thought for a while and continued, "We are not in charge of this matter. You should immediately write a report and the teacher will make arrangements for it. By the way, write down your opinion as well."

"Yes." After the young man finished speaking, he thought for a while, and immediately began to quickly write on the manuscript paper with a pen in his hand.

To the east of the division, thirty miles.

In a cave halfway up the mountain, a fire was crackling, and a string of aluminum kettles were hanging above them with their belts untied.

The entrance of the cave has been camouflaged, and a small tent is stacked together to cover the entrance of the cave, so that no light shines through into the night.

There are a few twisted vents left on the top, and choking smoke drifts from the holes.

From time to time, there was a coughing sound in the cave, and in the dark night, the sound drifted into the howling mountain wind.

A black figure outside the cave cautiously left the mountain path and entered the cave entrance, the atmosphere of silence was suddenly broken.

Immediately, he was so smoked that he couldn't open his eyes. He rubbed his hands beside the fire and coughed a few times: "Instructor Park, the devils behind are still silent!"

"Uh, keep on reconnaissance!" Pu Buhuan, who was leaning against the cave wall, didn't open his eyes.

A soldier from the public security team woke up next to him: "According to the speed of the correspondent, the division should have received the news long ago. This little devil followed us all the way. Do you want to give them a shot?"

Pu Buhuan, who was half-squinting and waiting for the porridge to be cooked, still didn't even move his eyelids: "Your idea is very good, otherwise, you go and fight, and we go first?"

"Hey, you know our level." The public security soldier hurriedly laughed along with him.

Park Buhuan continued to ask the reconnaissance soldiers who were warming up the fire: "Are you sure you have scouted out the specific situation of the devil?"

The scout rubbed his hands next to the fire: "I still only know the general idea. Before dark, the devils sent a small team to continue chasing us. The other devils were divided into two parts. They followed us all the way, and the other went along the mountain ridge. We crossed the road to the north, we really don’t know the situation there, didn’t we report this to you after dark?”

"The devil is really courageous this time. Such a small number of people dare to enter the mountain. Instructor Park, why don't you say that the people we outflanked have not yet appeared?" The public security soldiers were very excited.

"Yes, in the past, more devils would be stopped when they entered the mountain, but this time the devils have reached a place so close to the division headquarters, and there is no movement. This shouldn't be the case. Could it be that the division has insufficient troops? This is impossible."

"Then there is only one purpose, to deliberately lure the devil into the mountain to raid, and let's beat him to ambush." ​​The public security fighters had a lot of ideas.

The scout was about to turn around and leave when Park Buhuan suddenly said, "Wait."

The soldier stopped immediately and turned his head, his eyes lit up: "Are you ready to fight devils?"

"What to fight for?" Pu Buhuan had black lines, and he didn't learn his skills, but he was courageous: "The way the devil followed us was obviously to the division headquarters. This is strange. When will he be alone The brigade also dares to enter the deep mountains?"

"Instructor, what you said is very reasonable, but the devil's purpose in doing this is really hard to understand. Our large army has already returned to defense, and we are not afraid of how powerful he is. As long as we enter the mountain, we have the final say on the mountain. !"

"You are right. Maybe these devils don't know that we have strengthened the defense in the mountains. In this way, I think we still have hope to kill him and advance into the team!"

"Could the devil want to enter the mountains to commit suicide?" Another soldier put forward his own opinion.

Pu Buhuan didn't answer with a dark face, he didn't bother to care about the idiot's feverish nonsense, and thought carefully about the cause and effect.

So far, the guerrillas in the mountains have not been able to invite reinforcements!
After being silent for quite a while, he suddenly stood up without much clue: "These devils are not planning to attack the division headquarters at all, they are probably advancing to meet the devils in the mountains!"

The eyes of the public security fighters brightened. There are so many devils, and the few of them are not enough to see, and there is no way to stop them: "Respond? What basis do you have for saying that?"

"You think, when devils enter the mountains to raid, they usually don't choose winter, let alone take mountain roads, don't you think so?"

"We all know this, what's so strange?"

"Our strength in the mountains is not bad. No matter how stupid the devil is, he should know the general idea, right?"

"Yes, the more you talk about it, the more confused I become."

"What do you think they choose to take the mountain road instead of the big road?"

"I can't guess that!"

"This shows that they have a reason to enter the mountain, because a large group of devils can only go on the mountain road, so we can't stop them!"

"That's true."

"So, they are very likely to prepare to meet the devils who have been hiding in the mountains to advance!"

"However, until now, the division has not found any traces of the activities of the devil's advance team."

"It doesn't matter that we didn't find it. The devil's advance team will not attack the guerrilla people. Then the only target in this area worthy of the advance team's attack must be the division headquarters. Therefore, as long as the villages, valleys, and caves around the division headquarters are thoroughly checked, other devils How many waves can it turn?"

"It's true, we know these things, and the devils must know it too. They can't even enter the vicinity of the division headquarters, and it's useless to go into the mountains. Such a thankless task, how can the devils be so stupid?"

"Then what do you think is going on?"

"The devils must have a conspiracy. The division headquarters is near the river, so there must be no chance of poisoning, unless they send planes to bomb the division headquarters again."

"You kid has ideas, you can really think!"

"The devil has bombed the mountains many times before, and there are three-day-old trees everywhere at the division headquarters. Hehe, it's useless even if the devil sends a plane!"

"Perhaps, the devil didn't expect any results, but just wanted to destroy the teacher's birthday. Let's be disgusted."

"Instructor, you have a good idea!"

"Hey, then let's disgust the little devil first?"

"Then what do you say?"

"Anyway, the ghost will come along this road after dawn. Let's plant a few mines on the middle road for him! Then go to the mountain next to the road ahead and throw grenades."

"That's a good idea, but... where are we going to find mines?"

"That's not easy, don't we all have hand grenades? Hand grenades can do the same!"

"But our grenade blows up in half and smokes when it's ignited. It's useless to do it!"

"You know what a fart, pour out the explosives in the grenade, wrap it in oil paper and bury it in the ground, I can't blow him up, I'll scare him to death!"

"So powerful? I've never heard of it. We don't have many grenades, can this work?"

"You should study hard!"

 change tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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