under fire

Chapter 580

Chapter 580
In the early morning, accompanied by the sound of footsteps, a biting cold wind poured into the house from the opened door.

A black shadow knocked lightly on the door, and there was only a slight snoring sound in the room. The black shadow pushed the door and entered, walked to the edge of the kang, and pushed the black shadow on the kang.

As the people in the house came out, someone lit a match in the dark night. In the dim light, the face of Captain Ou appeared behind a middle-aged man. There was a team standing in the dark in the open space. Seeing the people in the house come out, The torch was lit immediately, and as the oiled torch shook and crackled, the area illuminated by the light became wider and wider.

With the sound of the equipment colliding, the people sleeping in other rooms were very vigilant, and some of them didn't light up the lights, and the unreasonable people put their heads on their clothes and went out to look around.

He was immediately persuaded to go back by the soldiers standing at the door.

The young staff officer Liu Manhe turned half the alley, returned to the front of the team on the open field, and began to count the number of people. After finishing the count in a low voice, he turned and went directly to the front of the head of the Ou standing next to the torch: "Report to the head, there should be 34 people, There are actually 34 people, the team has assembled, please give instructions!"

"Take a break."

As several middle-aged people who were about the same age came out of the darkness, they whispered to each other, occasionally laughing.

Head Ou turned to salute the men wearing patched Eighth Route Army uniforms, then turned around and looked at the young Staff Officer Liu: "Be careful along the way to ensure the safety of the chiefs!"

"Guaranteed to complete the task!" Liu Manhe couldn't restrain his excitement, and saluted: "Hey, you can rest assured that we studied for most of the night yesterday!"

A sturdy middle-aged man in his 40s smiled: "Liu Manhe, the 17-year-old staff officer in our team, you are not bad, let's go, I will take you to play the autumn wind and have a good meal."


There was no strong line, no slogan, and the team set off quietly. Leader Ou followed behind and sent it to the outside of the village. After explaining a lot of things to pay attention to on the road with Staff Officer Liu again, he watched the team slowly go away.

One squad headed south first, and the two soldiers at the front walked ahead with torches to act as vanguards. There was a long line, and at the end there were still two anti-stalking soldiers left far away.

At this time, there is still more than an hour before dawn, and the road will take more than 60 miles of mountain roads over mountains and ridges.

The mountain road is not very easy to walk for an hour and ten miles. In the mountains, it is impossible to maintain this speed without physical strength.

In the dark dilapidated house, people were densely packed, and raincoats were spread on the floor. The soldiers slept with their clothes on, almost in groups of two. People are much warmer wrapped in quilts.

As for the sleeping position, I dare not respect it.

The rooster at the foot of the mountain pulled its neck and began to compete one after another to see who had the loudest voice, and the voice ran around in the darkness.

A certain person really couldn't sleep with his ugly eyes open, listening to the sound of a rooster crowing from the crack in the wall: "Your grandma's crowing is really inappropriate!"

"Squad leader, you can't mess around here!" Xu Xiao, who was half asleep and half awake next to him, mumbled and turned over.

"Small, the squad leader can't sleep now."

"What's wrong?" He replied confusedly.

"How many chickens do you need to listen to the sounds that are all over the mountain!" Luo Fugui was so anxious that he had two night owl eyes to see where the sounds came from.

I didn't hear Xu Xiao's answer.

"Can you two be quiet for a while?" A voice next to him was angry.

Seeing that Xu Xiao was asleep, Luo Fugui didn't bother to pay attention to Tang Dagou next to him.

The eastern sky finally turned white.

On a gentle slope halfway up the mountain, the wind was very cold, and Hu Yi opened his eyes in the darkness.

My whole body was aching, probably because I had sweated during the mountain climbing, and my clothes were sticky. After sitting up, I put on the cotton-padded clothes and untied the tether of the tent with the rifle in one hand.

The air in the mountains is a bit dry, and many people slept by the fire in the valley.

Two figures are busy.

With the twilight of the dawn in the east, I roughly figured out the direction in the dark.

With a crisp metallic sound of clicking, the shiny silver case bounced open, and the shiny silver dial came close to my eyes, but I couldn’t see the position of the pointer. The slight vibration was transmitted to my hand, and I often walked a few steps by the fire, taking advantage of the firelight. I can barely see the angle of the beautiful pointer.

I found the location where I found the situation yesterday, estimated the distance, closed the pocket watch and put it back in my pocket, raised the telescope and began to slowly turn left and right from the target position to the target position to observe slowly.

"All. Assemble!"

Ten minutes later, the soldiers on duty from the Secret Service Battalion also came to the student dormitory again.

The team ate hot porridge and hastily ate dry food.

When I came out, I didn't bring a marching pot, and the kettle was burned black.

"Company Commander Hu, go around the cliff in front of you, there is a fork in the road, the road to the south can go directly to the division headquarters, now the division has been blocked, you can't get through, you can go down the mountain and cross the river, then go around, go up and continue north The road is not easy to walk, starting now, it is estimated that it will take three hours to reach the location you mentioned."

"Can you lead the way?"

"We set up two whistles. There were no people here. The squad leader asked me to take you there."

"Let's go then."

The team started to descend at a very fast speed, the sky was not fully bright, and the path could only be vaguely seen, the feet slipped, and the loosened soil was accompanied by stones and rushed down the mountain.

After arriving at the fork in the road, the team climbed up quickly, panting.

This is to the north of the division headquarters, the direction of the team is northerly, and the mountain road is not easy to walk. If there are people on the mountain, the team can't cover their tracks at all.

If there were really many people on the mountain, the team would not be able to take much advantage at all. Therefore, Hu Yi did not go directly to the target, but went up to the mountain ridge west of the target, and then went east along the mountain ridge.

Further to the east of the target site, a steep mountain range forms a river valley from south to north, and the big river is at the foot of the mountain from north to south, so it cannot go east.

If there is really an enemy at the target, then the enemy has no other choice but to run north.

When the sky was bright, the team finally reached the top of the mountain again, and the soldier of the secret service battalion matched the password with the sentinel on the top of the mountain.

I already knew each other, so I had nothing to say.

Hu Yi stood on the highest point and looked around with his binoculars. There should still be snow in the ditch, but it was so dark that he couldn't see it at all.

In the mist, the surrounding area is desolate, and the county town in the southeast direction can be faintly seen, and the mountain wind is howling.

The team all went up to the mountain ridge. Seeing Hu Yi observing, the soldiers immediately paralyzed or sat down, drinking nonsense from the northwest wind.

The team made a half-circle from the south to the mountain west of the division headquarters, but unfortunately the division headquarters below the mountain was shrouded in mist and the forest was densely covered, so we couldn't see anything.

"Fucking mule, Er Niu is behind, why don't you help?"

The wind on the top of the mountain became stronger, the bushes swayed wildly, and the weeds all turned to one side. Luo Fugui spat out the licorice dregs in his mouth, and immediately went into a rage: "Is your grandma uncomfortable?"

"Why, you are our platoon leader, can't I care about you!"

"Go away, let me kill you."

"Company Commander Hu, you can reach that place by walking eastward for another hour." The soldiers of the Secret Service Battalion turned back to Hu Yishen from their sentinel position on the top of the mountain.

"Then let's go quickly."

"Hey, I think it's a big deal? Maybe if our soldiers also wear mirrors or something like that?"

"If it's a mirror, he can just shine into my eyes from tens of miles away, do you think that's possible?"

"Huh? I don't seem to understand what you said."

"Only reflections like binoculars can have a large area, and he should just be observing the mountain ridge on our side of the division headquarters, otherwise we wouldn't be able to find it at all. If your sentry brother didn't bring a binoculars, it would never appear That kind of reflection." Hu Yi replied calmly.

"Binoculars? Our guards definitely don't have one. It's really weird." The secret service battalion scratched his head: "What if there are really enemies?"

"If there is a small group of enemies, eat him. If there are a large number of enemies, then entangle and shoot early warning to prevent the division from being caught off guard."

"Can touch the vicinity of our division headquarters, the devils are really so powerful?" The soldier from the secret service battalion couldn't believe it.

"Who knows?"

The binoculars observing the direction of true north leave the eye frame, and after putting it down, revealing the cold narrow eyes that have entered the state.

In the northwest sky, a large white cloud is slowly coming south.

 The first chapter is guaranteed to be updated continuously, and it will be updated later.

(End of this chapter)

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