under fire

Chapter 581

Chapter 581
Outside An County, Devils Airport.

Surrounded by a blockade ditch outside, figures flashed inside the barbed wire fence inside.

There are dark whistles on guard, and patrols are constantly passing through. At the end of the airport's three-dimensional runway, searchlights installed on a row of wooden electric poles are neatly arranged, and the bright light illuminates the runway like daylight.

Carts continue to move the contents of the warehouse to the planes on the airport runway.

Even in this cold winter night, it is still hot and noisy.

outside the airport.

in the dark.

A team of one hundred people hid in a ditch to avoid the dark whistle of the devils.

Seeing the dense devil patrol outside the airport, the densely packed devil team on the airport.

Su Qing's heart was cold, the devils guarded the airport tightly, and with the security team that came overnight, it was purely a dream to sneak attack on the devils airport.

Zhang Yi has rich experience in local work: "Captain Su, I think we'd better go back, you've been watching in the middle of the night, and you say that in the current situation, there's nothing we can do about it."

"I also think there is absolutely no chance at all!" Wang Xiaosan's scalp was numb beside him.

Director Zhang persuaded: "It took us a lot of effort to gain a firm foothold in the enemy's war zone, we can't all be ruined here!

"I understand your feelings. If our sacrifices are used to exchange for the safety of the division, I think it can be considered. Unfortunately, there are too many devils, and we can't solve the problem if we fill them all in!" Su Qing calmly analyzed the current situation, The night had passed, and she hadn't found a chance at all. She didn't intend to fight recklessly regardless of the consequences.

Director Zhang was a little speechless: "But, the devils bombed the division headquarters once or twice. How can we bear it with our small arms and legs?"

When Wang Xiaosan led the team for the first time, when he encountered such a big scene, he was a little shocked: "Yes! Even if we try our best, even if the whole team of our independent regiment is here, there is no chance at all! Let alone us Guerrilla security team public security team soldiers!"

Seeing that the lights were on at Devils Airport, through the barbed wire, several cars could be vaguely seen refueling the plane.

Su Qing suddenly found out that he was temporarily acting as the political commissar to lead the armed task force, and he managed to recruit so many people to prepare for a sneak attack, but found that it was impossible to complete the task at all. And the opponent is almost an elephant.

The idea of ​​hitting the airport is indeed still impossible in the current situation. Fortunately, the information should have been sent to the mountains. It is hard to say whether it will attract attention.

Seeing the dawn in the east, if you don't leave, leaving during the day will be more eye-catching.

"Get out."

The team dispersed and retreated.

Not long after, there was a huge engine roar on the plane.

Shrouded in mist, several planes roared into the air.

Ma Liang saluted Hu Yi, without saying a word, turned around and waved, and hurried north with a squad of platoon leaders.

With a dark face, Xiao Hongying came to Hu Yi: "Fox, why don't you let me go with the team?"

"Can you still go now? If there are really enemies over there, how much effect can you play even if there is one more?"

"Can't you let the sentinel go after reporting a letter? Besides, I can't even enter the division headquarters now!"

"Grandma, you are a burden now, don't you understand?"

"You're dreaming! Don't even think about throwing me down!"

Soon after, Hu Yi led the team of students to march north.

Xiao Hongying threw all of her equipment to Luo Fugui, and followed Luo Fugui, pulling Fugui's backpack, and the team walked on the empty mountain ridge.

The sentinel who stayed on the mountain ridge watched the last figure disappearing into the dawn mist: "A group of psychopaths, there are our people over there, and they are so nervous when they find a flash. Besides, there are all our people at the foot of the mountain. They The little devil's army didn't enter the mountain, how dare he come here?"

The one next to him was serious: "Company Commander Hu once fought in the advance team, don't talk nonsense!"

At this moment, a team is hiding in a valley north of the division headquarters.

There is a vast flat land in the valley, but none of the hidden militia people on the mountainside can be seen.

They weren't worried at all, because they looked like Balu now, they were not afraid of the shadow slanting, and they were outside the strict defense area of ​​Balu, even if they walked on the mountain road in broad daylight.

The few ordinary people who entered the valley early in the morning were questioned by the Eighth Route Army at the entrance of the valley with some surprises, and let them go directly.

However, the common people didn't go for a long time, and they encountered a team wearing the uniform of the Eighth Route Army, and then the common people disappeared into the valley.

Platoon Leader Jing received the order to occupy this valley. According to the intelligence, there was a major event on the Eighth Route, and it was unrealistic to sweep it in winter. It was said that the headquarters had formulated a careful plan, and he had some guesses in his heart.

Plato Leader Jing should actually be called Second Lieutenant Matsui. According to the plan, there should be a squadron about ten miles east of him at this time, but the soldiers sent to make contact have not returned yet.

The plan to enter the mountain this time was not mature, but he ran back and forth in the mountain several times, and he knew that the headquarters of the Eighth Route Division was at the foot of the mountain by the river in the south.

Yesterday, I touched a sentry post of the Eighth Route on the mountain ridge. The person who came up to change the whistle on the Eighth Road today must die. Because this point is relatively biased, the person who changed the whistle did not return on time, and the Eighth Route sent someone up again. I still have to die. I really found that the situation was wrong. It will be dark by today at the earliest.

So, there is no problem with timing.

According to the information, the Eighth Route Army obviously deliberately released the news of some birthday event in the mountains. They probably planned to advance to the team by themselves.

As for other methods, there is no need to tell your subordinates for the time being.

Eight Routes dream of suppressing the advance team, and the advance team wants to overshadow the Eight Route Headquarters, it depends on whose methods are more powerful.

The Eighth Route Army in the mountains did not carry out large-scale personnel transfers. Just relying on those individuals, once the imperial army arrived, how could they have other options besides running away?

Now, there is still an advance team entering the mountain in the west, and we can't contact each other for the time being. After another two hours, it will be time for the radio to turn on again. The headquarters attaches great importance to this operation, and each team entering the mountain is equipped with the latest New style radio.

This time, the small group of troops split up and attacked together. Except for the troops who took the path from the east into the mountain, they were all elites!
Adding up is almost a brigade. Without the preparation of the Eighth Route Army, even if he has a regiment, the more critical battle plan is to go to the upcoming mysterious team, and even the advancing team is just to cooperate.

Second Lieutenant Song Jin suddenly pricked up his ears and listened carefully to the faint sound of the engine coming from the east. He was overjoyed and raised his toad eyes to look at the mountain ridge, with ferocious eyebrows: "The radio station is on, and everyone is ready to go to the flat ground outside the ravine. Light the fire and prepare for the arrival of the warriors!"

The roar continued to approach from the east.

When they heard the sound of the plane, the team walking on the ridge was a little puzzled.

Hu Yi, who was behind, quickened his pace and caught up with the team in front. At this time, he was almost two miles away from the target position.

"All get down!" Hearing Hu Yi's order, including the platoon leaders of the second company, the team hurriedly imitated Hu Yi, and all lay down on the mountain ridge, looking up at the sky.

The plane did not fly to the division headquarters in the south, but flew in the valley to the north.

Ma Liang, who was lying next to the most Hu Yi, asked, "Brother, Devil Airplane?"

"It's a transport plane. You'll get used to it when you see it a lot in the future." Hu Yi held up his binoculars and frowned. It wasn't a fighter jet or a bomber, and there was no airport in the mountains. Could it be... just a ghost plane passing by?

"It's not a bomber? I mean, isn't the devil just getting the news and planning to bomb the division headquarters?" Ma Liang asked tentatively. He had seen big iron birds flying in the sky several times before on the plains. How could he tell the difference between fighters, bombers, and transport planes? .

"It doesn't look like that. The division headquarters is at the foot of the mountain, and the places under the cliffs are full of big trees. It is very difficult for plane bombing."

"Then what do these devils want to do?"

"Maybe he was passing by." Hu Yi thought for a while, and usually told his subordinates some common sense about airplanes, but of course, he didn't know much.

It didn't take long, and the Devil's plane seemed to be about to pass over his head.

Gunshots were faintly heard from the mountain ridge in the east, which should be anti-aircraft guns.

There is fog in the mountains, and the visibility is not very good, but the outline of the mountains above the fog can be seen clearly.

The plane did not pass over the ridge, but went to the north.

I don't know how far the distance is, because at the top of the mountain, I can still see those planes.


A black figure suddenly appeared behind the first transport plane, then more, and then the parachute opened.

Blossoms float in the air.

"His grandma's is really a chicken. She's not bad at laying eggs, more than a dozen!" Luo Fugui muttered with ugly eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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