under fire

Chapter 582 Suspicious situation

Chapter 582 Suspicious situation
In the winter morning in the mountains, the valley is still dark, and a fire is lit on the flat ground on that wicked and smoky morning. Even in the mountains, firewood cannot be wasted indiscriminately.

On the mountain ridge, I saw the sound of the plane slowly moving eastward.

Hu Yi frowned and looked at the map in front of him.

"On the other side of the river to the east is Sauborg, the seat of the Border Region Government, and the valley to the north is flat." The soldiers of the division's secret service battalion answered Hu Yi's constant questions on the map Hu Yi pointed to.

"You mean there is flat land here?" Hu Yi was a little surprised as he had never been to the north of the division headquarters.

"This mountainous area is a bit flatter to the north of the division headquarters, but it is not wide. It is about 20 miles long."

"Such a big place? How did your special agent company and battalion deploy their defenses?" Hu Yi looked at the map and was a little puzzled. It didn't make sense for the devils to choose this place to drop supplies.

"Because the place is too big, our secret service battalion is mainly concentrated near the division headquarters and the border government. It used to rely on the militia and guerrillas. Recently, a regiment was transferred from the division."

"Could it be that the devil emptied some unimportant place and airdropped supplies where you couldn't see?" Tang Dagou couldn't help but opened his mouth next to Hu Yi.

"This is impossible. The flat area below the mountain is full of our people. If the devil really wants to drop supplies, we can find it no matter what."

"You are not bad at telling nonsense with your eyes open, and the place where the airdrop is obviously not far away."

Ma Liang asked the soldier in the secret service battalion: "Then why don't we go and have a look?"

"The distance is a bit far. We have to walk for at least an hour to go down the mountain. If we have to rush over, it is estimated that the enemy has already packed up his things and ran away. With the comrades down the mountain watching, he can't make waves. As long as he dares to Show up, I have to expose his whereabouts, and I will see where he can go."

Hearing the unreliable analysis of the secret service platoon fighters, Hu Yi did not refute, but still looked at the map and frowned. The enemy dropped supplies in the mountains, which meant that there must be an advance team in the mountains. The flat land in the valley has a radius of tens of miles, and there are villages everywhere. The noise of the plane is so loud, it is impossible for the guerrillas not to come out to observe, and it is impossible for the devils to avoid everyone's eyes and ears.

In this way, the Eighth Route Army will get the news sooner or later, a double-team, the devils hiding in these places, don't even have a chance to escape, the devils must have some kind of conspiracy to make such a big noise!
Seeing that Hu Yi didn't speak for a long time, Ma Liang asked, "Brother, what kind of game is the enemy playing?"

Hu Yi looked at the fog in the cliff below the mountain: "The devil should be airdropping supplies to the advance team in the mountain!"

"As long as our people know the location of the airdrop, they can bite the devil's tail. They can't run away. They dare to break ground on Tai Sui, and they are impatient to live!" The soldiers of the secret service battalion disdainful.

"What the hell do you think the devil is a fool? We can think of things, but the devil can't think of it? Most of the devil is going south after replenishing supplies." The big dog was annoyed.

"Eh, we can't help you on the mountain anyway, why don't you go down the mountain and have a look?"

"Brother, I haven't heard any gunshots until now. Something's wrong with the situation!"

"That's right, if the guerrillas down the mountain discover the situation, there should be some movement. As soon as the gunshots are fired, our team in the mountain can immediately outflank reinforcements." The secret service battalion finally remained calm and remained stubborn.

"The guerrillas are not the opponents of the advance team. Now let's figure out the purpose of the devils."

"What purpose can grandma's little devil have? Apart from the division headquarters, what else can he make such a big fuss about?" Xiong, who was drinking the northwest wind, felt that if he stayed with these people, he would sooner or later become a Two hundred and five, uh, Boss Hu hasn't spoken yet, so it doesn't count.

"Ah? Didn't the devil just want to come to us? But there are several roads in this mountain, and we are short of manpower. Company Commander Hu, what do you think we should do now?" The secret service battalion finally panicked.

"Fucking devils are making such a big battle, there will be absolutely no shortage of people coming. With our little people, it's good if we can block a way. Let's resign ourselves to fate."

"Think about it, grandma, since the target of the devils is the division headquarters, will they come from that suspicious place in front?" Smart Bear blinked and said casually.

"The front? Let's go and have a look?" Ma Liang suddenly remembered that the purpose of this trip was to find out the situation at the front post.

After running in the mountains for so long, everyone is holding their breath, and their enthusiasm has increased significantly.

Ma Liang's face immediately changed: "If the devils occupy the sentry post on the top of the mountain ahead of time, then they may really come across the mountain from the front sentry post."

"If the devils know our password, and they disguise themselves as eight ways, it's really easy to be fooled by them." After listening for a long time, Chen Chong finally figured out the way.

Although the secret service regiment was worried, he still shook his head: "It's impossible. If it weren't for some of us who knew you, even if we had a password, we wouldn't be able to get through, and if I hadn't brought you here, you would have been surrounded by our people."

"Your grandma, I didn't even see a ghost here, surrounded? It's really ridiculous."

"Now at least it proves that the Devil's advance team is indeed in the north." Hu Yi finally said: "Since we are here, we will do what we can, first control the suspicious people on the top of the mountain, Ma Liang, take a team there Get a feel for the situation, and later we will say that we are the Eighth Route Patrol, whether it is the enemy or not, we must control it first."

Hu Yi's order came quickly, and Ma Liang got up immediately: "Yes!"

The ghost plane in the sky is gone, no need to hide anymore, the short rest is over.

Ma Liang directly called out several platoon leaders from the previous company, the lunch boxes, and the marching equipment, and unloaded the bulky items on the spot. He found a ditch and pressed it with stones.

The second company platoon leaders were a little embarrassed. With such a great opportunity, that bastard Ma Liang actually gave up the opportunity to Lian Sanlian. If he wanted to go forward and argue, it might be counterproductive, so he simply pretended not to see it.

The secret service battalion soldiers are a little envious. These student teams are all platoon leaders. The girl panting behind is not a fuel-efficient lamp. The division is so big. May not have heard of it.

He was familiar with the terrain and was directly given the task of leading the way by Hu Yi.

Although I am very reluctant, but looking at my patched clothes and looking at my rifle, I can't compare to the cadet team carrying a [-] big cover and a box cannon in each hand, that ugly guy whose face has been burned , It seems to be carrying a small cannon on its back.

The platoon leader surnamed Chen who spoke just now, after taking off the marching quilt on his back, he just conjured up four green things from the middle!
It was a grenade. As a special agent, of course he knew this.

Therefore, Hu Yi asked him to be a guide, and there was no way to refuse.

The target is two miles away, and the mountain road is not easy to walk. It can be reached in 10 minutes at most.

Looking at the team of skilled horses and long belts, it really looks like a patrol team, but it's a pity that with such good equipment, there are no rules at all in the march!There are even some with a pistol stuck in their waists, and they don't think they are too nervous to walk.

Since it was pretending to be a patrol team, of course there was no need to hide the traces, but the secret service battalion soldiers always felt that there was something wrong there. Shouldn't they report to their superiors as soon as they discovered such a big situation?
Think about the plane flying by in the sky, who in the mountains doesn't know now?

(End of this chapter)

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