under fire

Chapter 583 See Through

Chapter 583 See Through
The sporadic patrol team, each with gray backs, climbed up and down the rugged mountain ridge, panting and trotting eastward.

The sun is shining in the east, but the mist is still floating up from the valley.

Ma Liang asked the secret service battalion soldiers running fast in front: "Hey, you should know the sentry here, right?"

"We have a battalion of more than 300 people, and the more than 200 people who have just been expanded are all recently transferred from various local troops. How can I know them all?"

"I don't know? You mean that the guards around the division headquarters are all from your spy battalion?"

"Seeing that you are a cadet team, let me tell you that part of the guard is the divisional guard company. I said, as for the specific arrangement, you don't need to inquire about it. It's a secret!"

The setting of the sentry post must be very hidden, and the special agent battalion who is the guide does not know where the sentry post is.

However, according to the layout of the sentry posts, the direction of the guard is of course facing away from the north of the division headquarters, and the place of observation should not be in the direction of the division headquarters. The reflection of telescopes is exactly the reason why Hu Yi suspected.

After touching the eight-way sentinel, he was still on the top of the mountain drinking the northwest wind all night. He even wore a raincoat. He was forbidden to light a fire when he was on duty. He was so cold that he shivered. I tried my best to stare down the mountain in the north-south direction, but unfortunately, the fog was lingering and I couldn't see far.

The team that suddenly appeared on the western ridge made the two sentinels a little surprised and flustered, because there were quite a few people coming.

It stands to reason that the eighth road who came to change the whistle should come directly from the bottom of the mountain, instead of coming from the mountain ridge in a circle, and the time is too early.

In the field of vision of the binoculars, several of the visitors had pistols hanging on their shoulders, and the sergeant began to feel nervous.

Although Tubalu's shooting skills are not very good, he can't fire now. If Balu comes close, his firepower is seriously insufficient in close combat with the pistol, and he can't help but secretly complain.

The warriors on the mountain ridge consisted of four people, shooting from a long distance, it would definitely not take advantage of a real fight, as the guns would be exposed as soon as they fired!
The other two warriors were still sleeping in a place sheltered from the wind under the mountain ridge, and it was time to wake them up.

Half of the people who came here were still carrying the imperial army standard rifles, these Tuba roads must have the blood of imperial warriors on their hands!

As a grassroots commander, the sergeant was angry, but he had to calm down his emotions. He could not fire his gun unless it was absolutely necessary, and he still had the confidence to kill these ten or so bastards with four.

The warriors at the bottom of the mountain haven't come up yet, and now is not the time to fight the Eighth Route Army. They have been through the battlefield for a long time, even if they feel that the crisis is approaching, they are still not chaotic.

Behind a certain clump of rocks, the sentinel looking south was signaled by the sergeant, and took the lead in showing his head. The muzzle of his rifle pointed obliquely at the team not far away, and shouted loudly: "Stop, password!"

The sudden sound startled the secret service battalion soldiers, and quickly shouted loudly into the distance: "Fortune is like the East China Sea!"

A voice invisible in the distance echoed: "Shoubi Nanshan!"


Finally, I can see the head protruding from the stone near the south.

The soldiers could not be heard from the accent, so the team continued to trot forward and entered a place about 30 meters away from the sentinel.

Ma Liang, who was following behind, quietly looked around at the sentinel, his brow was sweating, and he couldn't help warning in a low voice: "There is something wrong with this sentry, please pay attention, his current position is not at all guarding the north!"

"Well, you observed carefully, but what if he turned to the south after he found us?" The secret service battalion soldier still held hope in his heart.

"If it's really from your secret service battalion, if he finds so many planes suddenly coming from the sky, he should look in the direction of the planes, right?"

"I mean, what if the sentinel is really one of our own? He answered the password correctly."

"If it was one of us, what do you think the first sentence he asked should be?"

"How do I know, is it still wrong for him to ask the password?"

"You don't understand this. If it's one of your own, he'll only wait for us to get close before running out, right? He asks the password at such a long distance, doesn't he expose the sentry position?" Ma Liang frowned. Frowning, he added: "You have also been on duty, will you take the initiative to show up when someone of unknown origin appears?"

"You seem to make sense!"

"He obviously has a guilty conscience. Later, you lead the team through the sentry post first. There must be more than one of them. Pay attention to find another secret post position. Tang Dagou and I will stay behind the team and kill him!" Ma Liang made a prompt decision.

"Can't you catch people alive?" The secret service battalion soldiers were a little nervous. Usually in the mountains, they were mopped up by devils, and they took the people to transfer much more than when they were fighting. They didn't have rich combat experience.

"With such a large area in our mountains, do you think it will be difficult for devils disguised as the Eighth Route Army to get our password? Capture devils alive? You really can imagine."

"Okay, what I mean is... catching devils alive can make meritorious service!"

"What's the use of catching alive? Is it a waste of food? Or if you want to interrogate, don't you know how to speak devils?" Getting closer to the sentinel, Ma Liang rolled his eyes and lowered his voice: "Is it necessary to kill devils?" Can't do it?"

"That's right, er. I just heard that the advance team will say what we say. If it is really the enemy, we can really have a trial!"

"The devils have come to drop supplies from the plane. The foot of the mountain to the north of us is probably the advancing team. What a fart!"

"Hey, I heard that devils are very good at fighting. Can you two do it well? Why don't you keep a few more people?"

"Hey, how long have we been learning from Pu Buhuan, two against one, do you think that my usual kung fu is all for nothing?"

"Don't change the scoop? Who is that? Uh, and you also know kung fu?"

Ma Liang didn't have time to continue chatting nonsense with him: "A person who can dodge bullets!"

"You're fucking good at bragging." The secret service battalion looked back and stopped talking.

Ma Liang stood on the side of the road, waiting for the team to move forward, he was going to stay behind the team and fight with Tang Dagou.

The team walked all the way to the sentry post, only to see the sentry standing vigilantly behind the stone. Needless to say, there should be a hidden sentry nearby.

Seeing the coming team clearly, the sentry rifle was leveled, and he bit the bullet to make contact with the leader of the patrol team coming over.

"Hey, did you find anything unusual?"

"Report, several planes have just flown north."

"It's such a cold day, it's hard work and pay attention to vigilance."

The speaker asked a question and then led the people to walk forward. The sentinel didn't speak, but his expression was a bit strange.

Carefully looking at each of the eight-way patrols that walked past him, looking at the [-] rifles on Tubalu's back, he couldn't tell what it was like.

When the two tubas in the back passed by the sentry who also wore the uniform of the Eighth Route Army, the one with the scar on his face stopped, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, shook out one, and asked with a smile: "Hey, do you have a fire?" No?"

"Yes!" The sentinel hesitated for a moment, holding the gun in one hand, reached into his pocket and quickly took out a box of matches.

"Uh, the platoon leader Wang Qijin just came back from outside the mountain. You just came back from changing the whistle yesterday. Have you seen him?" Ma Liang took the match, lit a cigarette, and put the match back into the sentry's hand.

The sentinel was stunned, it was difficult to answer this question, and it was impossible not to answer: "I heard that it seems to be back, but I haven't seen it."

Ma Liang remained calm and changed the subject: "Hey, do you want to smoke one?"

"I'm sorry, I don't smoke." The sentinel let out a sigh of relief, he should not be his opponent with these two tricks.

"It's cold enough today, I'm leaving first." After Ma Liang finished speaking, he moved a little to the side.

The big dog Thief Xixi came up.

The sentinel looked a little surprised, and had to hand the match that Ma Liang had just returned to Tang Dagou again.

Tang Dagou quickly reached out to pick it up.

"What are you holding my hand for?" the sentinel subconsciously blurted out, his heart tightened, secretly calling for something bad.

"Fuck, your mother's little hands are really white." Tang Dagou said, and took advantage of the situation to put his arms around the shoulders of the short and fat sentinel in front of him.

Ma Liang, who had already turned around, turned around immediately, rushed forward, reached out and grabbed the rifle held by the sentry with one hand, and immediately clenched his other hand into a fist, and smashed the devil's face.

The well-trained sentinel reacted really quickly. With a twist of his body, he immediately broke free from Tang Dagou's embrace, swayed his body, and avoided Ma Liang's casserole-sized fist at the same time.

Two fists are no match for four hands, not to mention that Ma Liang and Tang Dagou are a head taller than this guy. This guy staggered and stood still, with his body leaning against the stone, unable to retreat.

Ma Liang and the devil held their rifles respectively, and Tang Dagou bullied him again, relying on being taller than the sentinel.

The three immediately scuffled together.


Ma Liang was punched in the eye socket and staggered a bit, but he didn't let go of his grip on the rifle. The devil used one hand against three hands, and it was a tie with the two of them.

Staring at Ma Liang, he quickly regained his footing and punched the devil in the face again.

The devil who pretended to be a sentinel kept complaining, one-on-two, and the sense of honor of the soldier made him reluctant to put down the rifle in his hand.

Otherwise, as long as he had the chance to draw the bayonet, he would be able to directly stab these two people to the heart: "Ba Ga."

When Tang Dagou on the opposite side heard the sound, his eyes turned red and he immediately became ruthless. He didn't have time to pull the gun, so he just bowed his head and took a step forward, rushed into the devil's arms, hugged his waist, put his head on the devil's jaw, and rolled over with the devil on the ground at the same time.

The two wrestled together, Tang Dagou was immediately overturned by the devil's knee, and Ma Sihuan's rifle slammed on the ground.

Rubbing his eyes, Ma Liang quickly drew out his bayonet, aimed at the upper back of the sentry and stabbed him obliquely.

The sharp bayonet pierced through the cotton-padded clothes and pierced fake Balu's body.

A tragic scream came from the mountain ridge.


(End of this chapter)
Killing devils is so enjoyable, where is the recommended ticket?
(End of this chapter)

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