under fire

Chapter 584 Sudden Arrival

Chapter 584 Sudden Arrival
Hu Yi, who followed closely, looked at the stripped corpse of the sentinel expressionlessly on the ground.

The little girl behind the mule's face was flushed with cold, panting and looking around, she found that Hu Yi's eyes were cold, his face was serious, and his brows were almost knit together. Then, something must be serious, and she could understand Hu Yi's expression.

Tang Dagou was complaining to Ma Liang: "Damn it, don't you know how to hit him on the head with a stone, and get blood all over me?"

"How can there be a suitable stone on this mountain ridge?" Ma Liang was cleaning the bayonet.

"Why can't you hit it with a grenade?"

"Not that hard"

Luo Fugui happily sat next to the corpse of the devil who had been stripped down to a loincloth, fiddling with a small copper piece in his big hand.

That is a pure copper kerosene lighter!

Surrounded by two soldiers, their eyes glowed with envy.

After searching for a few people in front for a while, they were disappointed and left the two on guard, returning to the vicinity of the sentinel who had just been killed.

Chen Chong came to Hu Yi's side: "We found two corpses of our soldiers. The enemy has indeed touched the soldiers. There must be more than one devil. They didn't find any traces of other devils."

After searching for a long time to no avail, the soldiers of the Secret Service Battalion ran back with grief and anger, and went straight to the devil's corpse with only a piece of cloth left on the ground.

"Why don't you even pick off the devil's loincloth?"

Hu Yi, who heard the voice, turned his head and saw the special service battalion soldier who was cutting the devil's head with a bayonet: "Hey, what are you doing here?"

The secret service battalion turned his head: "I want to cut off the devil's head and bury it with the fallen comrades."

Hu Yi turned his head expressionlessly: "Your idea is really special."

Hu Yi didn't speak, he pulled the girl away from the devil's body, and the flustered Jiulian hurriedly followed.

A few people approached the edge of the mountain ridge in the north. Hu Yi frowned and looked north, then turned his head to look at the south side with serious thoughts. Under the fog, he could not see anything except the mountain ridge emitting fog.

"Do you know when the sentinel died?" Hu Yi asked Chen Chong who was following up.

"It should be yesterday, the exact time is unknown." Chen Chong turned his gaze away from the soldiers of the secret service battalion who walked away with their heads in their hands, and shuddered: "He said that the time for the sentry on the mountain to change defense was at noon, and there were only two corpses, which means It should be after noon yesterday."

Hu Yi carefully calculated the time for changing the whistle, slowly thinking about the relationship between them, without any more clues, he was at a loss.

It is impossible for the devils to take the risk of touching the whistle just to observe the position of the division headquarters. In addition, with so many transport planes coming from the enemy, there must be other purposes.

In the plane drop of supplies just now, eight planes are wrong, unless there are a lot of devils disguised into the mountain?

Thinking of this, he suddenly ordered loudly: "Everyone, deploy defenses to the north immediately!"

After Hu Yi gave the order, the platoon leaders of the second company in the distance, you look at me, I look at you, dawdling and watching.

As for Hu Yi's order, there was no reason not to carry it out.

After Hu Yi issued the order, he held up his binoculars and looked north.

The clouds and mist are lingering, and it is useless to look at it.

Hu Yi seemed to ignore the platoon leaders of the second company at all, and the platoon leaders had to slowly follow the platoon leaders of the third company to set up defenses on the trail up the mountain ridge in the north.

There are jagged rocks on the mountain ridge, and there is almost no soil. There is no other way but to find a place to lie down.

It also saves the step of building fortifications.

The Devil Sergeant who was still hiding somewhere in the crevice of the mountain ridge held his rifle and pointed it at the thin, dark and cold-eyed soldier with his finger on the trigger. The distance was 200 meters, not too far. Just now, he searched eight ways and was almost found. .

It's a pity that he didn't have the Tomosaka rifle he was familiar with, so he hasn't fired a single shot until now.

The battle hadn't started yet, and there was a sound of tinkling metal crashing in the clouds and mist below the mountain.

Sergeant Cao was anxious, he knew that the warriors had come up from the mountain.

In Hu Yi's telescopic lens, two men in Eighth Route Army uniforms emerged from the mist first. The guns on their shoulders were a bit strange, a bit like a flower mechanism, but the magazine was curved and much longer than the flower mechanism. There is also a tripod under the muzzle.

It's kind of like a machine gun, but the magazine is on the side, I haven't seen this kind of gun before.

However, there are many firearms in the Eighth Route Army, and it is not surprising that there are strange guns.

Figures kept appearing from behind. The military uniform was a bit strange. It was still a gray military uniform, but it was not a common Chinese tunic suit because the collar was turned outward at the neckline. But this was the standard military uniform of the Security Force?
It is not surprising that the Eighth Route Army wears the uniforms of the security forces. After all, the Eight We in the mountains are short of supplies.

Hu Yi was a little dazed, but most of them were carrying strange guns, which was out of the norm.

Until the back, a man with a command knife hanging from his waist suddenly appeared.

The Eighth Route Army and the Security Army are mixed together, so what's the situation?
Ma Liang took the binoculars away: "Brother, there is a problem with these eight channels, look at their guns!"

"This is definitely not the eight-way gun. We don't have this kind of gun in our team!" The special agent battalion next to him stared in panic.

In the mirror of Cao Chang, the team going up the mountain is about to reach the coverage area of ​​the Eight Routes firepower. The Eight Routes on the mountain ridge attack the sentries, which means that the Eight Routes have discovered something strange on the mountain. Ma, the police must be warned immediately, he dare not let the sergeant take that risk.

Fortunately, there are not many eight roads on the mountain ridge, so I gritted my teeth and pressed the trigger with my finger.

A bullet flew from a distance to Hu Yi who was holding a telescope.

Bang, a gunshot on the mountain ridge was heard by the students along with the howling bullets.

The sudden sound of gunfire made the people ambushing on the mountain ridge immediately turn their attention to the location where the gun was fired in the distance.

Bang, another bullet flew by.

The muzzle flash was clearly visible 200 meters away.

The few who reacted the fastest immediately pulled their rifles and fired back at the firing position. Unfortunately, the distance was a bit far.

The sudden gunshots also shocked the team that was approaching the mountain ridge. The team immediately lay down on the spot, raised their heads and pulled their guns to look up the mountain. Perhaps because of impatience, a certain bird subconsciously said: "Enemy attack!"

The faint singing of birds shocked the team of students ambushing on the mountain ridge.

Everyone's scalp was numb, and everyone knew that if there were no accidents, the team coming up from below must be the enemy, and at this time, they were facing enemies on both sides!

Fortunately, for the team below who are approaching the top of the mountain, although the mountain ridge is not a cliff, it is as difficult as climbing the sky if they want to attack it.

The cadet team still has an absolute terrain advantage.

Now, the mountain should be cleared of enemies first.

With a pigtail, he took his beloved rifle from the big and thick bear next to him, pulled out the sniper scope that he carried with him, unscrewed the screw next to it, and tightened the lens barrel to the slot on the side of the rifle with his small hands.

The big eyes immediately moved to the bell of the lens barrel.

All in one go.

And beside her.

One after another grenade buttocks pulled out blue smoke, rolling down in the cloudy sky.

At the foot of the mountain, the soldier who was slapped on the head, his head was still buzzing, time seemed to have stood still in his ugly eyes widened from shock, he could see clearly, the spinning iron guy kept spinning, with a graceful The flying arc threw himself into his arms.

More than a dozen grenades fell from the sky and smashed into the crowd on the mountain road. Some of them landed on hard rocks, and continued to jump and roll with a clang sound. There was a puff of smoke behind the wooden handle, floating into strange patterns. One of them hit the ground directly. A certain unlucky guy who was already lying on the ground knocked people unconscious on the spot, and the grenade fell beside him.

The air was suddenly blown away, and the mist was rolling and spreading rapidly, overlapping and interlacing with the spreading next to it.

Boom boom boom. The loud noise finally reached the top of the mountain.

Overlooking the tremors below the mountain ridge, the violent shock waves again and again, the mist mixed with gunpowder smoke rippled like boiling water.

The enemy in the gunpowder finally pulled off their rifles and began to fight back, and the strange-looking "machine guns" swayed towards the top of the mountain for free.

Several of the enemies lying under the mountain ridge didn't understand what happened at all, and the world became eternal darkness for him.

The living devils immediately raised their guns and poured out their anger on the top of the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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