under fire

Chapter 585 1 One Sided

Chapter 585

The Sergeant on the mountain ridge felt bitter. He knew very well that apart from the north, there were imperial warriors on both sides of the east and west.

After working hard for a month, he saw that success was imminent, but the plan unfortunately went wrong on his side. Right now, he could only hope that the force's attack would work. As for the overall plan, he was not clear about it. As a sergeant, he did not have the qualifications.

It is difficult to hide traces in the mountains in winter, so a transport plane had to be used to airdrop a squadron of troops to raid the Eighth Route Command.

It is said that the airdrop force is a mysterious special force transferred from the southern battlefield.

According to the plan, the north is the main direction of attack. Originally, it was an advance team disguised as the Eighth Route Division. At noon, they mingled near the headquarters of the Eighth Route Division.
But now, the main direction of attack has been exposed in advance.

A long time passed, and he mechanically fired towards the eighth road, the magazine was empty, retracted his head, and quickly pressed a row of bullets into the rifle again.

Out of the corner of his eye, the two subordinates next to him were shooting at the Eighth Route, and suddenly found that one of the subordinates was shot in the head, splashing red and white, and then fell to the ground.

The sergeant suppressed the anger in his heart, ignored the grief for his fellows, and ignored the stone chips that the bullet hit on the left and right stones. He carefully placed the rifle, and then poked his head out again.

Move the muzzle quickly, and aim far away.

Before he had time to press the trigger, a bullet flew towards his eye socket as if it had eyes.

This is impossible!

It was only after such a long distance that I poked my head out. My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the bullet that penetrated into the paste.

Only one devil left saw Cao Changyu broken, his eyes were red, and he spent his whole life trying to shoot at the eight-way team in the distance. After firing two bullets, he was about to pull the gun to reload a bullet. Arrogant and accurate got into his head.

The battle on the mountain ridge ended unusually quickly, and the smoke was blown away by the mountain wind, and they ran in fours, fives, and eights to the enemy's position that had stopped shooting.

The sound of gunfire from the bottom of the mountain was continuous, and bullets were pouring crazily towards the top of the mountain ridge.

The team on the mountain braved the dense rain of bullets and shot down the mountain in a chaotic manner.

Luo Fugui's eyes widened with anger, he emptied a machine gun magazine, dropped the machine gun, and moved his body towards Hu Yi who was beside him.

"Boss Hu, how are you?" Luo Fugui looked at Hu's painful expression: "Where did you get shot?"

Hu Yi struggled to pull up the kettle hanging beside him. Two eyes were pierced on it, and a burning pain came from the back of his waist.

Turning his head and looking carefully, the bullet pierced the aluminum kettle and penetrated into the cotton-padded jacket from the right side, and then went out from the left side of the cotton-padded jacket, with a large ball of gray cotton, and there was no blood in the bullet hole.

By feeling, it should just be a scratch!
The god of luck is favored again.

Countless unfavored warriors became martyrs.

Failed to become a martyr, Hu Yi, who would be stunned if he was stunned, yelled: "Throw a grenade!"

On the hillside on the left and right flanks, the platoon leaders are aimlessly shooting freely down the mountain. The platoon leaders of the second company on the westernmost side have bayonets on their guns. When they finally heard Hu Yi's order, they subconsciously put down their guns and followed the others. Pull the grenade together.

The devil who rushed to the front saw another wave of smoking and swirling iron bumps flying from the sky, and was so frightened that he quickly lay down on the ground.

The mountain road is narrow, and it is impossible to form a formation to attack the mountain. Taking advantage of the firepower to shoot at the eight roads on the mountain ridge, the vanguard is almost the size of a platoon, and is pressed by this wave of grenades. Unable to participate in the attack.

Second Lieutenant Matsui cursed inwardly: There are not many Eight Routes on the mountain ridge, and the four idiots on the mountain can't give support. Even if the four warriors can give Eight Routes a fatal blow, at least they can hold them back, maybe it will be broken early
As for why the guns were fired suddenly on the mountain, he has already figured it out. It must be that the sergeant under him found that he was about to enter the ambush circle with his team and had to shoot to warn the police. It appeared suddenly.

After analyzing all the sevens and eighty-eight, it should be just an encounter!

Seeing that the vanguard was crushed under the mountain ridge, Second Lieutenant Matsui felt aggrieved, and immediately became furious, and ordered to the devils next to him: "Grab grenades and mortars, get ready!"

You can't throw grenades, but my mortars and grenades can always deal with you!
Gunshots and grenade explosions on the mountain resounded throughout the valley.

Down the mountain.

The Eighth Route Army and guerrillas began to gather everywhere, running desperately to the place where the guns were fired.

"Report to the company commander, we found these strange-looking ropes on the side of the road"

"Report, the body of our sentinel was found ahead"

"Report, the corpses of ordinary people were found in the valley ahead."

After seeing the airdrop of the plane, the nearby guerrillas and militiamen have been searching around the airdrop site, and finally found something strange in a ravine.

"This is a parachute. The devils are airdropping so many supplies in the mountains. There must be a large number of enemies nearby, Xiao Liu. You should report to your superiors immediately. Others, follow me!" An eight-way commander wearing glasses, who has a lot of experience, immediately recognized this person. What was the big cloth with ropes tied around it, and immediately led the team to run on the mountain road where the gun was fired.

There was a machine gun next to Hu Yi, and Luo Fugui cursed and replaced the machine gun with a full magazine.

Hu Yi didn't pull the machine gun to shoot, he still carefully held the binoculars and kept observing. Fortunately, until now, no other enemies have been found on both sides of the mountain ridge.

The platoon leaders next to them fired at an incredible speed, constantly pressing one magazine after another into the gun.

The girl looked at the soldiers 200 meters away waving to this side, moved her eyes away from the lens barrel, and rubbed her eye sockets blackened by the recoil of the rifle, "Hey, fox, I hit three!"


"You got shot?"


"Let me see!"

"Don't stand up!"


Occupying favorable terrain to fight devils, these platoon leaders from the independent regiment have a lot of experience.

For combatants, experience is very valuable. They were born and died in the smoke of gunpowder. They are all veterans who are used to life and death on the battlefield, and no one is foolish.

Although, most of the experience comes from failure.

The result of failure is that you can no longer appear on the energy field.

After Hu Yi joined the Eighth Route Army, he had more experience in fighting devils as the soldiers under Jiulian changed from one crop to another.

Hu Yi, who was observing, suddenly put down the binoculars: "Stop shooting, anti-cannon!"

Erlian and Jiulian have partnered many times. Although they did not directly fight together, the meaning of Hu Yi's words could not be more clear to the Erlian platoon leaders who were pondering every day about Jiulian's old opponent's style of play.
Even if they didn't quite understand the artillery in Hu Yi's order, it didn't prevent the second company's combat team composed of platoon leaders from carrying out the order. There was no need for more words, and they all shrank their heads to find cover.

On the other hand, the platoon leaders of the three companies in a row were having a good time fighting, and they didn't pay attention to Hu Yi's orders amidst the gunfire.

Hu Yi commanded the battle, and basically did not mobilize before the battle. Not to mention the past, from participating in the Eighth Route to today, he has fought countless times, and survived from the inevitable situation several times.

Life and death have long been ignored, and his understanding of battle is different from that of many commanders. Every battle must have a purpose. For example, this time, he just discovered clues by accident. As for why he worked so hard all night for a little bit of clues, he himself can't explain.

Maybe it's to express myself, maybe it's subconsciously unwilling to stay in the village and be mediocre. After working so long, fighting devils is the dream of countless bloody soldiers. To defend their homes and defend their country on cruel battlefields, they end their lives without regret.

Now that the enemy is right in front of our noses, Jiulian is attacked by devils on the surface, but in fact the battle is one-sided.

With an absolute advantage, the violent explosions and intensive gunfire have already spread. You only need to wait for the reinforcements to arrive and you will be victorious. There is no need to fight recklessly with the devils!

The devil infiltrated into the vicinity of the division headquarters. Even if he had a big conspiracy, he couldn't cross this mountain ridge, and he couldn't do anything!
As for whether there are enemies in other directions, and what plans does the devil have, there are only so few students in the student team, even if they know it, they will be powerless.

Therefore, the current focus is not how many devils to eliminate, but how to ensure that devils cannot cross the mountain ridge.

The devils can't attack for a long time, and they will definitely take shelling. In this case, either dodge, or I will beat you so that you can't fire!
The girl lifted Hu Yi's cotton-padded coat and looked carefully: "You are so lucky, you got scratched tsk tsk"

Hu Yi didn't care about the burning pain on his back, and pulled Luo Fugui's machine gun that had just reloaded the magazine next to him, shaking his tripod, his narrow eyes were cold, and he aimed the sight at the foot of the mountain ridge, looking for a place to set it up The devil of the cannon

(End of this chapter)

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