under fire

Chapter 586 The thief's heart is immortal

Chapter 586 The thief's heart is immortal
Almost at the edge that can be seen in the fog, the unformed Devil mortar position was crazily strafed by a series of machine gun bullets.

There were more than twenty devils in front, and the front and back spread out. The attack line turned into an upward attack. The grenadiers braved the bullets and stuffed the grenades into the grenade canisters, and quickly pulled down the firing belt.

After a few muffled bangs, a few grenades flew high, reached the highest point and began to fall.

A dozen or so platoon leaders who were shooting in succession finally heard Ma Liang's hissing reminder: "Low down quickly, anti-cannon! Anti-cannon!"

The sharp-eyed guy saw the black guy smashing down, and he was obedient, and quickly lowered his body without panicking.

Boom, a loud bang sounded on the mountain ridge.

Accompanied by a heart-piercing scream, the pervasive gunpowder smoke was quickly carried away by the mountain wind, and at the same time the scream was also taken away.

Boom boom boom, another series of explosions resounded through the mountain stream.

More screams sounded from the mountain ridge.

Hu Yi shook his head, shaking off the gravel and dust from the military cap on his head.

By feeling, he stuck out the muzzle of the machine gun, just like Luo Fugui, and emptied a magazine directly at the foot of the mountain.

Pulling back his head and ignoring the grenade that hit the mountain ridge, he pulled out the empty magazine, took the full magazine from Luo Fugui next to him, took two steps back after locking it, and pulled the machine gun horizontally to the machine gun position he had hoped for earlier. .

After lying down, I poked my head along the crevices of the stones, and looked at the devils who were shooting grenades down the mountain in the gunpowder smoke. After finding a good position for the machine gun tripod, I half stood up and pressed the trigger under the rain of bullets.

Da da da. The muzzle of the machine gun spewed out clusters of flames again.

Tricky trajectory, pulling back and forth at the position of the grenadier soldier who was about to pull the grenadier firing belt again.

As the bullet rushed into a certain chest, a certain grenade was driven back slightly, and a grenade rushed almost vertically into the sky.

The ballistic shot by Tubalu's machine gunner is really perfect!
Matsui couldn't help sighing angrily, and the two shuttles knocked out two mortars and a grenadier group under his command.

The submachine gun's crazy revenge begins...

The battle was intense from the very beginning, and the bullets of the newly equipped Hundred-Type submachine gun were consumed too quickly, and Second Lieutenant Matsui couldn't care less about the pain in his heart.

Forcing yourself to calm down and continue fighting will not do the Warriors any good!
The original perfect plan was accidentally exposed before the large troops had time to enter the vicinity of the Eighth Route Division headquarters.

With the current situation, it may be no problem to climb over the mountain at any cost, but it is very difficult to attack again, and now we have to retreat!

Seeing the grenade falling from the sky, Matsui lowered his body, and the grenade exploded in the crowd of elites in front.

A puff of smoke billowed up, accompanied by a few strange screams.

This raid, which had been planned for many days, could be said to have unexpectedly failed before the battle even started.

As for the warriors who had already lurked near the headquarters of the Eighth Route Division, they could no longer wait for the attacking troops, and could no longer cooperate with the inside and outside.

Next to him, Lieutenant Nakamura emptied another magazine, and was pulling out a bent magazine from his waist to put it horizontally into the most "advanced" Hundred-Type submachine gun in the empire: "Matsui-san, we are still here How long?"

"The battle opportunity has been lost, and there is no way to fight again. I suggest that we retreat first!" Lieutenant Nakamura next to him was higher than him, and he didn't bully him, so Matsui quickly suggested.

"I'm not familiar with the situation, everything is arranged by Matsui-kun, please!"

At this time, at the bottom of the mountain road, a sentry hurried forward with his waist down: "Report, a large number of eight roads have been found at the foot of the mountain. We must either rush up or retreat, or we will be attacked back and forth."

Looking at the broken jade and the injured warrior on the mountain road ahead, Matsui didn't pay attention to the sentinel's own suggestion at all, and ordered without hesitation: "Fire cover. Retreat!"

Following his order, everyone, no matter how far or near, fired at the top of the mountain ridge to suppress it. The half of the attacking team that approached the ridge began to leave the battle, leaving more than a dozen corpses, dragging the injured elites, and sliding down the mountain road.

The elites didn't attack the mountain ridge, and the dark-faced Matsui felt like he wanted to cut seppuku.

When did even the Tuba Road at the foot of the mountain dare to attack the imperial army when the terrain was at a disadvantage?

Even if you can't complete the mission, I will let the dead elites be buried with the Tuba Road at the foot of the mountain!

The fight started abruptly and ended quickly, not exceeding half an hour in all.

As the sun rose slowly, the fog began to thin out. The devils retreated into the fog, and none of them could be seen.

The student team lying on the mountain ridge, you look at me, I look at you, some can't believe it.

Some are not real.

Fortunately, starting at the beginning of 30 meters below the mountain ridge, the crumbling corpses and the bloody smell brought up by the north wind clearly conveyed the battle that had just ended.

A few pairs of cloth shoes whose face was not visible for a long time, a pair of gray leggings at the top, and the muzzle of the shell shell at the top, and a gray and dirty military uniform covered with soil, step by step from the ridge, approaching the hillside vigilantly dead body.

It was about ten meters away from the nearest corpse, and the shell gun in his hand aimed at the body that was still oozing blood and shot.

A certain body suddenly moved, and a grenade slammed into the stone beside him.

But it attracted a series of dense bullets from those who hurriedly sat on the side of the mountain wall and were coming down to clean up the battlefield.

Immediately after a loud noise, the owner of the grenade was overturned, rolled down the mountain twice, his body was blocked by a rock on the gentle slope, twitched and kicked his legs a few times, and finally remained calm.

More than 30 soldiers with patches on top of each other fell into a pool of blood, and their military shoes kept running past them.

A team of nearly 300 people rushed northward into the light mist, people were screaming everywhere, the gunfire was sparse but continuous, and some people were desperately chasing after them. Follow closely.

In the sound of gunfire, some people occasionally fell down in the team, and their important equipment was taken away by their companions, leaving only a grenade
In the bleak and vast wilderness, running tiredly, the thick cotton military uniform has been absorbing sweat, panting heavily, as the sound of the running equipment gradually became smaller, the team turned a corner of the mountain.

With one explosion after another, the pursuers gradually disappeared.

Panting, Nakamura stopped, leaned on the rocks on the side of the road, looked back from time to time, and asked Second Lieutenant Matsujin next to him sharply: "Why is the current direction always going north? Do you want us to be deserters?"

Matsui, who was also panting heavily beside him, looked in a dazed and lonely manner: "It is impossible to carry out the plan anymore, let's wait for the next opportunity."

"The eight-way equipment chasing us is so poor, I think we should fight back!"

"Please recognize the reality. There are eight roads everywhere in the mountains. Even if one is exchanged for a hundred, we don't need to waste the blood of the imperial elite on these useless people."

"Then we are dressed in eight ways now, so we don't have to run like this?"

Matsui glanced at the lieutenant next to him angrily: "Look carefully at your military uniforms, what's the difference with mine?"

"Aren't they all gray? Except the neckline is different?"

Facing a series of questions, Matsui seemed helpless: "Uh, your military uniforms are indeed gray, and I don't know where you got the uniforms of the Imperial Association Army. Don't you have any of those tubalus you killed when you went down the mountain just now?" Take a closer look at their military uniforms?"

"It seems that their military uniforms are very old and patched. I always wanted to ask you, why do you have to patch your military uniforms?"

"Tubalu is short of cloth, so their military uniforms are almost all patched. We disguised ourselves as Eighth Road. Of course we have to be like them. Now, can you understand?"

Nakamura looked at his subordinates left and right. Although he was in a mess, his military appearance was neat: "Could it be... you can't even beat Tubalu, who can't afford a new uniform?"

"Tuba Road?" Song Jing felt that there was no way to explain it to him. He didn't bother to tell him that Lao Tzu took over the headquarters of Tuba Road. He couldn't help gnashing his teeth: "Can't you see the attack on that mountain ridge just now? What kind of military uniform is he wearing? Is it not equivalent to whether you have tenacious fighting power?"

"No, those Tuba roads just took advantage of the terrain. We still have a chance. In Chinese, we should fight back!"

Seeing this elite idiot who probably had no experience with Tubalu or even the guerrillas, Matsui's heart sank: "Don't think about it, there is definitely Tubalu's spy company on the mountain, their whereabouts have been exposed, and the operation must be cancelled!"

Crack, a loud slap.

"According to the regulations, it's not your turn to make decisions here"

 Add a chapter.

  By the way, the North China Public Security Army was the first to adopt Western-style small lapel military uniforms, learning from Italy. In [-], Wang Jingwei reunified them into Chinese tunic uniforms.

  During the Anti-Japanese War, the uniforms of the national army were all Zhongshan suits, and some national troops used Western-style military uniforms in TV dramas, including Chu Yunfei's military uniforms in the most popular anti-Japanese dramas.

  The national government has regulations and rigid regulations on the military uniforms of each period!There is only one service exception, and that is the Air Force, which wears western-style uniforms with small lapels.

  At the end of the Anti-Japanese War, Western-style military uniforms with small lapels were used in some national troops stationed in India.

  After the defeat of the national army, in [-], it began to change to regular western-style military uniform with small lapels.

(End of this chapter)

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