under fire

Chapter 587 Carbine

Chapter 587 Back to the Carbine

The team that set off before dawn, went up the mountain and down the ditch, and finally saw the flat valley ahead, which made the team, which had been on high alert, a little relieved.

"Chief, the road ahead will be much easier." The correspondent said.

Looking at the vanguard team in front of them going up the plain from a distance, several soldiers even danced and trot forward on the road.

The middle-aged man wiped the fine beads of sweat from his forehead: "Boys, we have to work harder, otherwise, we won't be able to keep up with the sumptuous lunch!"

After finishing speaking, I habitually glanced at the surrounding environment. There are still more than 20 miles between two mountains and a ditch. Under normal circumstances, it is only more than an hour away.

Walking in the mountains is entirely possible to be sniped by the enemy agents. Although the possibility is very small, you must be careful. The uniforms of the Eighth Route Army are similar, so it is not easy to distinguish the target among the many marching teams.

When entering a flat valley, it is impossible to get close to the team, so there is no need to worry about the security of the chief. Liu Manhe, the staff officer of the secret service team in the escort team, let out a long breath.

Coming down from a relatively high hill, his vigilance has not decreased.

Several leaders in the team were chatting and laughing. Staff Officer Liu walked quickly in front, and whispered to the soldiers: "You immediately notify the comrades in front, and if you encounter a village, keep people on guard, and the brigade will directly bypass it."

"Hey kid, what are you muttering about? I heard that this time there is an advance team coming to join in the fun. Are you afraid?"

"Hey, I'm afraid I won't meet the advancing team. If he comes, I'll kill him!" Staff Officer Liu raised the submachine gun with a drum in his hand.

"Haha, you really have the guts, how about being my guard?"

"Don't do it, hehe, I mean, if you become a security guard, you will rarely have the opportunity to go on missions"

Somewhere in the valley to the north.

A team of well-armored troops is resting.

After Nakamura took over the command, he looked at the map solemnly.

He used to be a captain, so he decided to make a small show in front of these so-called army elites. He was displeased with that little second lieutenant who didn't dare to fight the Eighth Route Army head-on!

Such a coward dared to express his opinions in front of him, which made him feel extremely uncomfortable when he was demoted from the proud air force to the army.

Beside, at his command, the radio was turned on again.

The remaining twenty or so advance team members did not even dare to breathe, and did not look sideways, staring at the wisps of fog slowly dissipating in the valley in a daze.

Matsui, with handprints on his face, pointed at the map next to Nakamura and calmly described the current situation: "The Eighth Route Headquarters is near the foot of the mountain, surrounded by mountains on three sides. If there is no ground guidance, the bombing cannot be completed at all."

"This position is so important, you actually only have four people guarding it?" Nakamura asked lightly.

"That's a subordinate's command error!" Matsui was speechless, he was talking about the eight-way terrain, are you talking about this with me?If it wasn't for you arrogant fools, would I be willing to take such a big risk?

It was a hateful moment to see the bleakness in the valley.

It was almost noon, and Balu was still searching for the whereabouts of himself and others, and this idiot lieutenant was still talking about these useless wastes of time.

The current situation is obvious, and the opportunity to wipe out the leaders of the Eight Routes has long been lost. I really don't understand why the idiot lieutenant in front of him thinks it is necessary to continue. The character in front of him is obviously not decisive!

Nakamura suddenly smiled: "I heard that Balu is good at fighting guerrillas. We are now near Balu's old nest. Do you think they can move the nest?"

Matsui didn't understand the purpose of Nakamura's words, and thought for a while: "Of course it's impossible, but last time the Front Army raided the Eighth Route Command, it's a pity that they escaped early, so they got nothing!"

"Mr. Matsui, don't mention the past. If our troops directly advance from the ground to the Eighth Route Command, do you think there is a chance?"

Matsui was a little confused, what does this mean?Quickly persuade: "There is absolutely no chance!"


Matsui hoped that the idiot Nakamura would recognize the reality and quickly analyze it carefully: "Because the leaders of the Tuba Roads cannot wait for us at their command post, as long as we fight over, they all have legs and will definitely run away, and The terrain in the mountains is complicated, as long as people hide in the mountains, we can't search at all with our small number of people, so I think, until now, the action is really meaningless."

"What if we can encircle on three sides?" Nakamura asked deliberately with a smile.

"Reporting to the lieutenant, we only have one brigade, which is not enough to deal with the eight roads in the mountains! There are at least tens of thousands of people in this piece of soil and the eight roads plus the guerrillas! Once they encircle, our entire army may be wiped out."

"What if we can't fight them head-on?" Nakamura enjoyed the feeling of being in control.

Matsui was stunned for a moment: "Huh? Not fighting head-on? Please forgive my stupid subordinates."

"The blitzkrieg that our allies are good at, you should have heard of it?"

"Uh, I've studied." Matsui's head was full of black lines, slandering: You've gone so far, can you say something useful?
"Then, our troops attack directly and quickly, and don't entangle with the Eighth Route at all. As long as the speed is fast enough, the small groups of the Eighth Route that have not completed the assembly will be too late and unable to stop our progress. Then, what do you think? any questions?"

Matsui shook his head: "However, Eight Routes will definitely block it with all their might. No matter how fast we advance, we will eventually become entangled with them."

Nakamura interrupted Matsui: "Tuba Road uses old-fashioned rifles. We have mortars, grenade launchers, and the latest submachine guns that don't need to be pulled and frequently reloaded. Don't you have such powerful equipment? confidence?"


"Idiot, our hidden encircling forces only need to stick to the mountain passes near the headquarters of the Eighth Route. Just now, the Tuba Road can stop us with poor equipment and a mountain ridge. Then, no matter how many people there are, the Warriors They preemptively occupied the favorable terrain, couldn't they stop those Tuba Roads with inferior weapons and equipment?"

"If it's just blocking... absolutely no problem."

"Then tell me now, is there any possibility of this plan succeeding?"

"Uh, no!" Matsui gritted his teeth, this idiot actually wanted to use these two hundred people to attack the headquarters of the Eighth Route Division?

"Insufficient troops!"

"We are a surprise attack, not an entanglement with the Eighth Route Army, but a blitzkrieg, do you understand?" Nakamura was furious, and reached for the command saber hanging on his waist.

"Yes!" Matsui felt bitter. If he objected, he might be hacked on the spot and had to obey the order.

"You, send a report now, and let the bombers bomb along the valley to the south in half an hour. We will take advantage of the chaos and attack south. At the same time, we will immediately telegraph all the ministries hidden in the mountains. There is no need to attack, as long as we tighten up the west and south. As long as the hidden intelligence personnel can provide the location of the Tuba Road command staff at any time according to the plan, they will not want to run anywhere!"

"Yes!" Matsui wanted to object all over his head, but with the logic of an idiot like Nakamura, he couldn't object at all.

As a soldier, he must obey the orders issued by his superiors.

"Okay, your department will change your outfit immediately. After the bombing, continue to pretend to be the Tuba Road to open the way, and quietly clear the Balu fighters along the way. As long as our speed is fast enough, the Tuba Road will even get the news of our attack. Nan Song, I don't believe that he can outrun our imperial warriors?"

Matsui was dumbfounded, fighting, how can he command like this?
Don't you know that gunshots can cause eight-way automatic converging?

What's more, you are a lieutenant, okay, why should you command the battle?

However, this idiot has the highest military rank now, and he has the final say on everything.

I just retreated here from the south, and now I have to go back, more than ten or two miles away!
It's impossible not to be exposed. What's the difference between this and child's play.

Matsui thought for a while, and suddenly felt that what that idiot Nakamura said seemed to have a little truth.

Combat, sometimes does require risk.

Indeed, coupled with the large-scale bombing by the air force in the sky, with the ragged clothes of the Eighth Route Army on his body, as long as his speed is fast enough, it is entirely possible to touch the Eighth Route Headquarters by taking advantage of the chaos of the Eighth Route Army.

As long as it is not recognized and entangled by Eight Roads, although this plan is crazy, there is a possibility of success.

As for whether the Nakamura group in the rear wearing the uniform of the Imperial Association Army will be blocked by the Eighth Route, who knows?

 I searched most of the historical records about Taihang Mountain, but found no clues that the devil paratroopers were airdropped to Taihang Mountain. I happened to see a declassified file about the devil in Wenxuan Bookstore, which mentioned that the North China Command had given Taihang a secret. Send airborne troops.
  It is recorded that the devils were first airborne in Jiangxi.
(End of this chapter)

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