under fire

Chapter 589 Never Give Up

Chapter 589 Never Give Up
As the aerial bombs roared and smashed towards the valley and flat ground, the deafening sound of explosions suddenly resounded through the entire mountain stream.

The huge shock wave overturned everything without foundation near the landing point, the ground trembled, and countless broken stones were loosened and rolled down the hillside.

Liu Manhe, who was about to get up, was blinded by the sudden gust of wind, and rubbed his eyes to avoid the sound of falling stones from the mountain.

There was a bird's cry in the valley, and the devil, who was crouching in the rocky bushes, stood up for more than twenty people, pulled his helmet and buckled it on his head, pointed his submachine gun to his shoulder, and skillfully spread out his formation. Start heading towards the mouth of the valley.

Liu Manhe leaned against the mountain wall and raised his gun, looking into the valley with his head, and a burst of submachine guns came pouring down the valley.

Fortunately, I just probed and returned, and fell so hard that I couldn't tell the difference between east, west, and north.

The avoiding soldier lay on the ground, quickly sent a bullet to the devil who was shooting at the entrance of the valley, and then immediately rolled over into the ditch beside him.

There was a sudden exchange of fire and simple shooting, and neither side had time to set up their positions.

When the opponent's firepower is strong, the best way is to throw grenades.

So, a black iron guy flew straight from the ditch to the mouth of the valley.

There was a loud bang, accompanied by several screams from Taniguchi, but it was not Niaoyu who cried out in pain.

Liu Manhe was the closest to the enemy, and his heart tightened. Could it be that there are puppet troops in the valley besides devils?

Regardless of that, he pulled on the submachine gun with a huge drum, without aiming, pulled the trigger, and a ball of flames flashed from the muzzle, and then turned around the mountain wall regardless, using the muzzle of the gun to find the way through the rocks. masked target.

The sudden appearance of such powerful firepower outside the valley made Nakamura, who had just fired a shot but was thrown into disgrace by a grenade, so frightened that he lay on the ground without even daring to lift his head.

At this time, everyone on the battlefield was talking with bullets, only looking for targets to shoot violently.

A shuttle turned over three or four devils with guns, and Staff Officer Liu, who was suppressing the shooting, suddenly noticed in the corner of his eyes that several people who looked like security forces with small lapels were running from the depths of the valley, throwing grenades while running. Before he finished playing the drum, he quickly backed away after a strange cry.

Hearing that the sound of the plane bombing had spread to the south, Nakamura was furious. His elites were rushing out of the valley, but the cowards of the advance team were still lying on the ground and not moving.

Just as he was about to order a charge, two smoking and swirling grenades were thrown into the valley again.

The team retreated in a panic, and the explosion kicked up rubble and mixed in the cold winter wind.

Song Jin said in a hoarse voice: "Throw a grenade, all charge!"

Following a burst of dense grenades thrown out of the valley, the soldier of the secret service group in the ditch outside hurriedly lay down, and the violent explosion directly knocked him out.

Matsui rushed out of the valley smoothly with a group of men.

Looking back after leaving the valley, Matsui shook his head with a sigh, and led the team straight to the south.

The original plan was to bomb the Eighth Route Headquarters with planes, and some of the warriors who were airdropped joined the advance team and then attacked from three directions on the ground.

The key to the plan is the bombing, the three-way assault, and the east of the eight-way headquarters is a big river. In winter, there is no fear that the eight-way team will be able to escape from the river.

The only miscalculation was that they encountered the Eighth Route on the mountain ridge by chance, resulting in the current passive situation.

It is not terrible to have a deviation in the task, and you can wait for the next opportunity.

But I didn't expect that Nakamura, who came here, was such an idiot, and his title was higher than his own.

Eager to prove himself, Nakamura ordered an assault knowing that nothing could be done, which was almost the same as sending him to death.

If you hadn't encountered this small group of Eight Routes in the valley, there was always a chance. Now that your whereabouts have been exposed, rushing forward is purely courting death. Therefore, although Matsui obeyed Nakamura's order, he didn't plan to really attack. When encountering the eighth road, he planned to avoid fighting the eighth road, and just find another valley to retreat.

The situation was not good, the advance team was disguised as the Eighth Route Army, and there was an Eighth Router password, so there was no problem in leaving. As for picking up Nakamura, that was the task of the supporting force hidden in the mountains to the east.

Although there are quite a few people on the Eight Routes in the mountains, it is impossible to defend such a large mountainous area.

A platoon leader in the company was lying on a stretcher, his eyes wide open and dazed were wiped out.

There are six people in the team with minor or serious injuries.

"Why are you here?" A middle-aged man wearing glasses looked at the comrades who died at the foot of the mountain, and roared angrily at the team coming down from the mountain.

The secret service battalion quickly saluted: "Report, we found something in the mountain yesterday. We rushed to the mountain ridge early this morning, and the sentinel we found was killed by the enemy. We successfully recaptured the mountain ridge and repelled the enemy's attack!"

"Playing the piano indiscriminately, the division has already set up an ambush to wipe out this group of enemies who have been active near the division headquarters for a long time. You" the middle-aged man raised his finger and pointed at the soldier in the secret service battalion, a little annoyed: "Tell your battalion commander Find the political commissar and explain yourself!"

The secret service battalion looked at Hu Yi, who was not looking sideways, and saw that Hu Yi was thinking about something, so he ignored him at all, and had to turn his head to look at the middle-aged man, shrinking his neck: "Hey, we repelled the enemy's attack, Is there anything wrong?"

"You are right to fight the enemy, but if I remember correctly, you should be on duty in the west, so tell me, why did you come to the north?" The middle-aged man continued to rage.

"We found an enemy situation in the north, and informed the nearby cadet team, and drove all night, and repelled a squadron's devil's attack. I don't accept your accusation."

"Then should I still praise you?" The middle-aged man was extremely angry.

"Uh, that's not necessary, hey, didn't we knock down the enemy, didn't you set up an ambush, why didn't the enemy stay?"

"How did I know that the enemy's fighting power is so strong, hey, are you questioning me?"

"Don't dare."

"Hurry up and get out, go back and write a detailed report to your battalion commander."

"Hey, can you tell us where the enemy is going?"

"Don't make trouble." The middle-aged man looked around and lowered his voice: "The enemy ran to the north. This group of people is not simple. The military division has assembled a battalion of troops to chase them down. Zhao Xiaozhu, you must be careful. point!"

"Got it, uncle." The secret service battalion soldier replied in a low voice, and then answered loudly: "Yes!"

Turn around and leave.

Hu Yi walked to the middle-aged man and stopped: "Can you help us take care of the wounded first?"

"Uh, yes!" Seeing the equipment of Hu Yi's group, the middle-aged people were a little envious. These student teams are really rich, with [-] big covers, bullet boxes, and besides rifles, more than a dozen people are also holding "machine guns".

Watching the procession heading north.

There were also two female soldiers in the team, one was empty-handed, and the other had two long and short guns hanging on his body. It seemed that the black and thin soldier should be carrying the gun for that girl.

How could there be such a fat person in the Eighth Route Army?
There are four or five long and short guns on his body.

That face is full of bumps
Hey, the student team is really not as good as one class.

Fortunately, the cadet team kept all the wounded's weapons, which made Officer Zhao feel much more at ease.

Although these guns must eventually be returned to their original owners, there should be no problem borrowing them for use now.

But suddenly heard a voice on the stretcher: "Hurry up and put down my gun!"

This chapter is over.

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(End of this chapter)

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