under fire

Chapter 590 anticlimactic

Chapter 590 anticlimactic
Chances may be doomed.

A covert assault of such magnitude had failed inexplicably.

In one day, Second Lieutenant Matsui fled in embarrassment twice.

Half an hour ago, the vanguard that was advancing southward bumped head-on into the vanguard team that was searching from south to north in the valley. Matsui didn't even think about it, and led the advancing team to retreat to a valley to the west.

Tuba Road was able to gather so many people so quickly, it must have been carefully arranged, and it may even have been prepared in advance. This is completely a trap.

There is no need to take the risk of directly contacting the eight roads, who knows what else the earth eight roads have done.

The warriors of the imperial army are well-trained, but they are not hard-working. The actions of advancing into the team by themselves did not include fighting with the Eight Route Army.

How could it be possible to take the risk of falling into a tight siege?
Anyway, that idiot Nakamura can't control it now.

Standing at the end of the ravine with a lot of thoughts, watching his men climbing up the cliff with ropes, he was very disappointed.

In this operation, except that Tubalu deliberately set up a trap on the occasion of celebrating his birthday, none of the planned goals were achieved.

However, this is not important, after so many years of fighting with these Tuba roads, the routines of the eight roads have already been figured out clearly.

As long as Balu's old nest is still here and hasn't moved away, after the weather gets warmer, another large-scale raid may be able to solve it all at once.

"Balu will search soon, we have to go." The last sergeant grabbed the rope and reminded the second lieutenant who was thinking.

The order to retreat has been issued, buried, and discarded some of the air-dropped supplies that are of no use to the march, and the team is ready to march west.

As for the Nakamura troops in the valley to the north, someone has been sent there to serve as their guides, so they can't control what they want to do now.

After he left the valley, he heard gunshots from behind. Tuba Road should have discovered the traces of Nakamura. Whether he can eliminate the small Eighth Road team is not what he should care about.

As for Tuba Road, he was good at guerrilla warfare, but it was a dream to stop the imperial army from retreating in the vast mountains.

After a while, Zhao Xiaozhu led the team of students to stop under the cliff.

Hu Yi held up his binoculars to observe carefully.

"Company Commander Hu, the enemy has already left, should we catch up?"

"If we fight against it, we still have a chance, but if we follow it, we may fall into the devil's ambush circle. Therefore, the opportunity has been lost, so go back and report it first."

As soon as we left the valley, we met a team of three to forty people.

The pioneers of both sides have already been in contact.

Looking at the well-equipped cadet team, the secret service regiment soldiers stared and squinted one by one, never dreaming that there is such a team in the Eighth Route Army.

"Student team?" Liu Manhe looked excitedly at Hu Yi in front of him.

"Who are you?" Hu Yi asked subconsciously. Although he didn't know the origin of this team, but looking at the person in front of him who was asking the question, it was obvious that he was the leader of this team, but his age was too young to describe.

"Don't ask if you shouldn't, don't you know our discipline?" A thin middle-aged man behind the young man was displeased.

Liu Manhe quickly smoothed things over: "Hey, my name is Liu Manhe. Hey, you just need to know that we are the Eighth Route Army. Hey, why do you have so many submachine guns? I haven't seen this thing before, can you show me?"

The girl next to her who had been sizing up the opposite team trembled with excitement, turned around quickly, pulled the submachine gun from Ma Liang's hand, and handed it directly to Liu Manhe: "Platoon Leader Liu, hehe, this gun is for you."

The two sides are very close.

They could see each other's faces clearly, and the stingy girl was so generous for the first time, subverting the cognition of the platoon leaders in the team.

"Oh, isn't this girl Chang? Has she grown so tall?" The thin middle-aged man who scolded Hu Yi just now seemed to have remembered something.

"Uncle Han, I haven't seen you for many years, I miss you!"

"Hey, which girl is this? How do you know her?"

"The only few children in our team who have not completed the Long March under the age of ten are just a pity for the old Chang couple."

"Hey, you are the one who wanted to die and make a fuss in Yan'an School, and became a deserter?" The oldest middle-aged man in the team came to the front and became interested.

"Uh, is he that famous?" The little girl looked at the middle-aged man surrounded by several vigilant soldiers, and stammered and answered honestly.

"you know me?"

"Of course I do. I heard from the head of the political commissar that you can't say your name."

"I am Peng."

The thin middle-aged man next to him quickly interrupted: "Hey, let me tell you, don't forget that you also signed the confidentiality policy!"

"They're all from my own family, and besides, this girl is very young, so how can she keep her secrets!"

The middle-aged man sneered at the person next to him.

"Okay, come out this time, I will listen to you."

While talking, a divisional search force came from the south, the leading middle-aged man's eyes lit up, he hurried forward, saluted, before he could speak, the skinny middle-aged man shouted with a dark face: "Hey, hey, hey! what are you doing?"

"Secretary Zheng, Comrade Zheng, are you here too?"

"Let's go, no matter how late it is, I won't be able to eat this birthday banquet."

Watching the team enter the valley to search, Luo Fugui stared at the girl with toad eyes and said, "My dear grandma, is this the teacher? But didn't we meet last time, didn't we wear glasses? This Doesn't look like it?"

"What are you talking about? Don't ask if you shouldn't ask." Hu Yi looked back at the team heading south, guessing in his heart that it should be someone from the headquarters.

It was rare for Luo Fugui to hear Hu Yi being so strict, so he fell silent.

The short-eyed Tang Dagou suddenly called out: "This is definitely a great officer!"

"You are the only one who knows much about your grandma's capabilities." Luo Fugui couldn't help but sneer when he saw that someone followed him into the muzzle, and this guy even lost his spoken words.

Tang Dagou didn't take it seriously: "Look, I just met that surnamed Liu, and the people next to him called him Staff Officer Liu, so I found it strange that this kid is only sixteen or seventeen, so he can also be called a staff officer? Think about it, can a staff officer be a guard, can it be easy for him?"

The platoon leaders next to him stupidly nodded in agreement, deeply convinced.

"Boss Hu, where are we going now?" Luo Fugui pulled all his bags on his back, and it was almost lunch time.

"Go back to the village, find Zhao Xiaozhu and his uncle, and find out the situation of the wounded." Hu Yi didn't plan to follow the search troops to drink the northwest wind in the mountains.

The cadet team took advantage of the remaining prestige of the victory and marched towards the village arranged by the division's security forces.

"Officer Hu, you see we fought a beautiful blocking battle, do you have a chance to visit the division?" Tang Dagou looked at Hu Yi with hope.

Hu Yi put away the pocket watch that he had just pulled out to take a look: "No."

"Didn't you say that you have to go to the teacher's school to attend the opening ceremony?" A row of long Tiedan next to him couldn't help but open his mouth to ask because of his longing for the teacher's headquarters.

"As far as you know, the start of school has to wait until the New Year's Eve. Don't forget that we went into the mountain this time to perform escort missions!" Seeing the team heading south turned around a foot of the mountain and could no longer be seen, the girl finally looked back and answered casually. .

"That company commander Hu, we have to go back across the river and detour from the east!" Zhao Xiaozhu carried a rifle on his back, and carried a submachine gun wrapped in a raincoat on his shoulders, walking in front of him.

"Girl, do you think we can still make it for lunch?" Luo Fugui, who was walking behind the line, smacked his lips and asked.

"Just know how to eat, we can't even enter the teacher's house, what are you thinking?" The girl looked contemptuous.

"Hey, before leaving this time, I specifically asked Lao Qin to exchange Dayang for a ticket to the border area, and then I asked my fellow villager to buy two chickens," Luo Fugui whispered to the girl.

This chapter is over.

Thanks to the deserter brothers who have been supporting us all the time, we are going to make a big move next.

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(End of this chapter)

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