under fire

Chapter 591

Chapter 591
The birthday celebration held in the division naturally has nothing to do with the students and soldiers.

After two or three o'clock in the afternoon, some nearby representatives left the division headquarters and returned to the station.

People kept leaving through the checkpoint. Not far from the village entrance outside the checkpoint, more than [-] people were sitting there drinking northwest wind and watching the excitement.

From a distance, I saw a Ba Lu with a holster on his back and a document bag on his back, trotting all the way, heading straight for the entrance of the village.

Wang Liujin ran all the way, sweating, and came to Hu Yi at the entrance of the village out of breath: "Commander Hu, you really don't worry, this time we are in trouble!".

When he arrived, the spectators had all stood up and looked at Wang Liujin.

"What's the trouble?" Hu Yi was taken aback for a moment.

Platoon Leader Wang took a breath: "The Political Department asked all our students to report to the division headquarters immediately."

"The Political Department?" The girl next to her frowned a little, wanting something bad!

"Oh, great ancestors, you fought this battle with ease, but do you know that? The division has prepared a plan for a month, but it was messed up by you heroes." Wang Liujin wept.

"What do you mean?" Hu Yi frowned and asked in a low voice when he heard Wang Liujin's incomprehensible words.

"What's the point? The division specially dispatched a regiment from the first division to the mountain in order to fight the ambush of this group of devils advancing into the team. You guys are doing well. You showed your power, beat the enemy away, and even recruited Bombing by devil planes."

"The division headquarters was bombed by enemy planes?" Hu Yi's heart immediately became tense, and he thought for a while: "How about the casualties?"

"The division headquarters is fine, but the border government in Saubourg was bombed by the enemy. Fortunately, everyone moved away when they heard the enemy planes approaching. They hid quickly and no one was injured. The security department of the division headquarters found a group of planes that set fire to the devils. Luckily, the spies who showed the way found out and put out the fire in time, otherwise it would have been a big deal." Wang Liujin thought for a while, and briefly explained what happened this morning.

These things are not classified, and it is estimated that the division will promote anti-enemy agents on this matter.

"What does this have to do with us? When we went to the north, we informed the soldiers of the secret service battalion." After listening to Wang Liujin, the girl next to him understood the cause and effect from what he said, and the student team stopped the devils. In this matter, it can be said that he acted without permission from his superiors.Of course, if you were in the independent regiment, there would be nothing wrong with it, but this is the division headquarters, so you can do whatever you want, so it would be a mess?

It's just that this matter can be big or small, after all, the battle has been won!That's the key.

"Notified? The plan in the division is confidential. Zhao Xiaozhu is just a soldier in the secret service battalion. He doesn't know anything. How can he have the right to decide your actions? Hey, anyway, I can't explain clearly in a few words, so pack up quickly and follow me to the division. .”

I understand the cause and effect, this time I won the battle, it seems that I should be held accountable instead?Tang Dagou quickly suggested: "Mr. Hu, this matter must be handled carefully, and don't be caught by the whip!"

"Hey, those students under your command, er, and the soldiers of the independent regiment, are simply lawless!" Minister Zhang's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, he patted the table with one hand, and pointed at Captain Liang who was drooping his head with the other.

"Minister, you can't say that. Look, our troops are all hidden near the division headquarters. When the devil planes came to bomb, several piles of fire were lit in the village. If the troops didn't find out and put them out in time, what would happen? You know!"

"Then what do you mean?"

"I mean, if it wasn't for the cadet team to stop the devils on the northern mountain ridge, and let them rush to the vicinity of our division headquarters, once the battle started, those traitors would set fire to guide the devils' planes everywhere, and we don't know how much loss we would have suffered!"

"Uh, what do you mean they have done meritorious service? Let me tell you, we are a strictly disciplined army! We acted without orders. This matter must be dealt with severely!"

"Punishment? Alas, you won't punish me as well, will you? I also beat those puppet soldiers!" A strange voice sounded, and the chiefs were having a meeting next door to discuss work, and Liu Manhe led a guard to stand guard next to the meeting room. In the office of the Political Department, the two were arguing quietly.

"It's none of your business here. If you don't think it's cold, go outside to cool off." Minister Zhang was annoyed. These two were old acquaintances, and they wanted to protect the chief's safety. They stayed here and couldn't catch up. people.

"Oh, you're so capable now, you can't stop pushing people away? How about you go and ask the chiefs next door to go to a meeting outside? I don't want to stay in your shabby house and listen to you two talking nonsense." Liu Manhe uttered a voice, Don't give the minister any face at all.

"Liu Manhe, I told you, don't be frightened here, I kindly let you come to my office to keep warm, don't be dissatisfied!"

"You still call it warm? Can't you throw two more coals into the basin?"

"What are you talking about? It's not easy for us to transport coal into the mountains, do you know? We need to save money"

"Oh, you're burning a charcoal basin and opening the windows. It's no wonder the room is hot. Don't say you're so poor that you can't even get a chimney. Your room is a little bit better than the outside!"

"We're talking about something, can you stop meddling?"

"It's not a secret, so it doesn't matter if you talk about it."

"What I'm going to say next is confidential, shouldn't you avoid it?"

"Hey, you want to drive me out? Let me tell you, there is no door! You have secrets, so you can find a place to talk about it yourself, and I have to perform a security mission here."

"This is our division headquarters, why do we need you to defend it?"

"Don't say it so nicely. It is said that you have arrested dozens of spies. Is this true?"

"It's true, it's just that there are only a few people who sneaked into the division!"

"Then can I understand that your security work is riddled with holes?"

"Hehe, there are loopholes in our work, but it's not your turn to point fingers here."

"Doubt this and that all day long, many of our comrades were forced to death by you, don't you know?"

"Liu, get out of here quickly."

"Hey, tell me to go away? Zhang, you are not qualified." Liu Manhe didn't care. This kind of fight had happened many times when he was at the headquarters.

"Well, if you don't go, I will go."

"Walk slowly without sending."

Captain Liang saw that the minister was so angry that he slammed the door and left, and hurried forward: "Staff Liu, let me tell you what's going on with you today. Are you deliberately antagonizing this Zhang?"

"Big fart, they didn't pay attention to it, which caused heavy casualties at the headquarters. If it weren't for the news in advance, your division headquarters might have been taken away by the devils along with our headquarters. Listen to the tone he said just now? It's like What did people do?" Staff Liu was jealous, but fortunately, Minister Zhang was an acquaintance, so he didn't have to be so taboo.

"Don't say that, the superior's request must have his reasons. Think about it, there are so many spies in our base, and he is on fire right now."

"Don't talk to me about this, if I hadn't been unlucky enough to train with you, I wouldn't bother with your shit."

"Then do I want to thank you?"

"Who said that the office burned a charcoal basin just now, and invited me to come over to enjoy the fire? It's a hypocrisy!"

"Didn't you guys also exchange fire with the enemy on the road? I was thinking that if we really deal with my students, we must treat them equally, right?"

"Stop it, you're using me as a shield, don't think I don't know."

"Hey, who told you to be so tall?"

"Hey, you're really screwed!"

"We slept on a kang while studying, and I gave you the warmest place. You have to help me with this job." Captain Liang looked rascal.

"Forget it, who made our relationship so good, hey, let me say, there are a few murderous students in your student team, why don't you transfer them to me?"

"Don't talk nonsense, these students are from the same regiment, and they are all grassroots commanders. They are the ones who support the entire independent regiment. You can't patronize yourself, can you?"

"One company lagged behind half a division. In the battle at the headquarters, the lone army went deep and took away two brigades of enemies. Do you think our enemy's engineering intelligence department didn't know? If it weren't for the political commissar surnamed Ding who was worried that the team would enter the enemy-occupied area and be retaliated by the enemy. , it was published early in the newspaper!"

"This is top secret"

"What the hell is our secret service team doing? Well, let's not talk about your precious students, hehe, then their new submachine guns are not the same as the ones I have seen before, and get me ten or twenty at any time quite?"

"What submachine gun are you talking about? Don't they all carry rifles and shell guns?"

"Uh, you probably don't know that I'm telling you, that gun is quite interesting."

"Could it be that they seized it in an attack? But our people searched the battlefield and found that there were only a dozen corpses of devils left. According to the habit of devils, there is really such a good gun as you said. He can keep it when the devil retreats?"

"Hey, don't mention it, if I didn't want to protect the safety of the chiefs, I would definitely kill all those bastards in the valley."

"I said, what you encountered was really a puppet army?"

"It must be, but our equipment is too advanced. Yishui's submachine gun and that machine gun are not crooked. Anyway, I have never seen it before."

"You said, you just say that you can't beat it, so far away?" Captain Liang lowered his head, and looked at the report from the division's secret service battalion on the table again.

"You said we couldn't beat the puppet army?" Staff officer Liu Manhe frowned: "Don't talk nonsense, boy, if the chiefs were not far away at that time, our key task would be to protect the safety of the chiefs, right? Uh, no, you made a detour like this The big circle brought me here, and deliberately dragged me so far away, tell me, what do you want to express?"

(End of this chapter)

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