under fire

Chapter 592 Thoughts

Chapter 592 Thoughts
As a special regiment system, the Independent Regiment does not have a regular number in the establishment of the National Revolutionary Army.

And it is not a field force, but a local garrison directly under the division.

As a reserve force guarding an unimportant backcountry base area in the mountainous area, the independent regiment gave people the impression of being poor.

There are only three regiments in total, and it is purely a joke to say it.

Although it had grown to five companies two years earlier, it had just entered the plains, and the fourth company was wiped out by the devils within half a year.

Such a unit cannot be registered in the division at all.

The independent regiment that smoked from the ancestral graves entered the plain again, fought vigorously, blocked the mopping up enemies, rushed to the headquarters, attacked the county town, and even developed a large base in the plain.

However, out of the need for secrecy, the Eighth Route Army will naturally not publicize the situation of the troops deployed in various places.

Suddenly, less than one student team of the independent regiment found the trail of the devil advancing to the regiment.

He also beat away the devils from a squadron in the division that was about to ambush.

Make the teachers and staff officers furious.

Some people suggested that these disobedient teams should be punished.

Until the division commander slapped the table directly: "A unit that can fight is a good unit."

The matter finally died down.

Platoon Leader Wang was obviously reprimanded.

With a dark face, he led the student team past the checkpoint.

The two sentinels standing at the intersection didn't know any independent regiments, so they questioned them directly.

The platoon leader Wang directly turned black: "Are you trying to compete with me? Where is your squad leader?"

The sentry was very vigilant: "Squad leader, who are you worthy of asking our squad leader? There are orders from above, and they can't pass without permission!"

In the next room, a certain person heard the commotion outside, and hurried out. When he saw Wang Liujin, he immediately smiled and saluted: "Platoon Leader Wang!"

Turning his head to look behind Platoon Leader Wang, his eyes lit up: "Hello, Lieutenant Hu!"

It seems that this guy knows Hu Yi.

The platoon leader Wang directly raised his leg and kicked the person who just came out: "You don't have eyes! I didn't see anyone from our spy battalion on duty. I thought you fell into the latrine."

"Hey, go out this time and make a fortune?"

"What, are you jealous? Then train hard and strive to pass the selection as soon as possible and follow me out to fight devils."

"Hey, I've already passed the selection, next time we'll be in line."

"Stop talking, get out of the way"

Seeing the team hanging short guns, carrying long guns and holding machine guns, they walked far away in the direction of the division headquarters.

The sentinel asked the one who was still giggling after being kicked just now: "Squad leader, is that the platoon leader Wang?"


"We don't seem to have seen the gun they carried?"

Looking at the team going away, the squad leader's eyes were full of envy, he shook his head and sighed: "After fighting with the little devil, I got so many good things!"

The sentinel opened his eyes wide: "Hey, the surname was Hu just now?"

"Yes, they were the ones who blocked the enemy on the northern mountain ridge this morning?"

"I heard that this group of students are all from the independent regiment?"

"Don't ask so much, don't ask what you shouldn't ask."

"Tell me, it's not a secret." The sentinel was curious.

"Shut up." After the squad leader finished speaking, he muttered in a low voice: "It's really not a problem to stay in the mountains. We also need to strengthen our training. We must strive for the opportunity to fight devils in the mountains!"

"However, it is also very important to protect the safety of the division headquarters."

The two asked and answered under the warm winter sun, and the preface hardly matched the postscript.

"Squad leader, I heard that someone in the independent regiment can drive an armored car, is it true or not?"

"of course it's true."

"Tell me"

"The armored car is a big iron shell, the size of a house, with a machine gun on the top and four wheels on the bottom. It runs really fast!"

"Just blow it up, the house is so big, haven't we never heard that there are guns on the armored vehicles?"

"Of course there is. It's just the one built by Company Commander Hu and the others. It only has machine guns."

"Is that different from the devil transport team that fought a few years ago?"

"It's not the same. The armored vehicles obtained by the independent regiment were eliminated by the main force of the devils and used by the devils' local defenders. They only have machine guns and no cannons."

"I heard that their independent regiment fought against the county seat and sold the body of the brigadier of the security forces?"

"You know a lot"

The soldier curled his lips: "The news has spread throughout the division. The propaganda team said that a certain regiment in the south cooperates with the military division. Who else can a certain regiment in the south have besides the independent regiment?"

"You are so awesome! How dare you inquire randomly"

"Hey, how can this be called random asking, everyone knows."

"You're pretty well informed."

"Of course." The sentinel immediately froze.

"Hey, I'll report to my superiors later, saying that you are inquiring about information privately, and you will be locked up for three days." The squad leader kicked his hand.

"I don't take you to play like this." The sentinel was dumbfounded.

The defense in the division is very strict.

But still tight on the outside and loose on the inside.

A group of people followed behind Platoon Leader Wang and went to the division headquarters to report.

Luo Fugui looked around at the surrounding mountains with his ugly eyes: "It would be nice to have a cottage on the mountain here."

"Look at your bandit virtue." The big dog couldn't help shaking his head: "The conditions in this place are worse than those of the Independence Regiment. Why don't you set up a cottage and drink northwest wind together?"

The platoon leader next to him was very speechless when he heard these two talking, and felt that it was necessary to remind them: "In Kangda, we only eat two meals a day, and each meal has a bowl of porridge and two corn buns. When the time comes, don't be ashamed of yourself."

Luo Fugui was stunned, thinking of staying here for a month: "Is there a way to live this day?"

"We are not studying as a combat force. That's what our superiors stipulate. Just bear with it and it will pass."

"Your grandma's words sound nice. It's a month, not a day or two."

"What our Eighth Route Army compares is hard work, simplicity, bravery and tenacity, and it's not about grandeur. If you really want to eat well, you have to study hard and drive the little devil back to his hometown as soon as possible."

"Then what year and month do we have to wait?" Luo Fugui was directly discouraged.

"If you can't even pass the level of thinking and style, leave the Eighth Route Army as soon as possible."

"Leave as soon as you leave, do you think I really want to be the Eighth Route?"

The big dog next to him slapped Luo Fugui on the shoulder: "Fucking mule, based on what you said, Lao Qin has to give you three days of ideological education."

Platoon Leader Wang said calmly: "We have to obey the instructions of our superiors unconditionally! This year's drought in the plains has made it a fact that most of the crops have failed. The situation in the mountains is better. If you save a bite, you may be able to save the people on the plains. one of their lives"

"What do you mean by that? How can I fight devils if I lose my strength?"

The platoon leader Wang looked serious: "Study now, don't talk about it, if it falls into the eyes of some people, you can't bear it and walk around."

Luo Fu was stunned: "It's really so serious."

Walking behind, Xiao Hongying was like an eggplant, listless. This time, the seizure may have to be handed over.

For her, a frequent visitor to the division, there was no sense of excitement at all at this time.

Er Niu tugged at Xiao Hongying: "Girl, the division department seems to be the same as our wine shop."

"It was no different."

"Can you tell me about the eight points of attention again, I always get it wrong"

"Can't you write?"

"I can write, but as soon as the words are separated, it recognizes me"

Xiao Hongying is no stranger to the Anti-Japanese University study class, but this time, even those who don't even know a few words also participated in the study. I don't know how angry the anti-Japanese University instructor will be in the end.

Thinking of this, I finally laughed out loud.

Hu Yi next to him turned his head and asked in surprise, "What are you laughing at?"

It's not easy to ridicule the second girl, Xiao Hongying suppressed her laugh: "When I laugh, how will Luo Fugui write a summary of his thoughts?"

"Well, what do you think that thief is doing?"

Pigtail finally felt better.

From time to time along the way, you will encounter sentries.

I finally ran into a few acquaintances, and immediately greeted Platoon Leader Wang, all eyes fixed on the guns carried by the group.

The platoon leader Wang was very proud: "These are all captured by the independent regiment, are you jealous?"

"Hey, my heart beats wildly when I look at this thing, can you show me?"

"Fuck off."

"Hey, isn't this Comrade Hongying?"

Xiao Hongying began to straighten her back: "You know me?"

The sentinel nodded: "It can turn a shell gun into flowers, I just saw it that day."

"Hey, what's your name?"

"My name is Liu Xiwang."

Xiao Hongying couldn't help but feel high-spirited. What is her aunt this time?

Two bullets from the rifle were thrown to the sentry as a greeting, and the sentry immediately accepted with a smile on his face.

The closer to the division headquarters, the more tense the atmosphere.

When such a big incident happened, most of them were so busy that no one came to arrange the team of students to report to the division.

A little girl's voice came from behind Hu Yi who was on his way, "Hey, are you thinking about Aunt Zhou?"

(End of this chapter)

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