under fire

Chapter 593 Sad things are different

Chapter 593 Sad things are different
In the afternoon after the Japanese bombing, the division headquarters was immersed in the winter sun, and the mountain wind was not so harsh.

The teacher quickly set the tone.

For the team of students on their way to the teacher, the mood is obviously not so happy.

A few white lines were drawn horizontally and vertically on the loess-colored simple playground, surrounded by crowds of people, and the cheers were loud, and the team of students passing by the playground all turned their heads to wait and see.

"Hey, what was his grandma doing?" Luo Fugui couldn't help asking Wang Liujin.

"play basketball!"

"A dozen people grab a ball? I really can figure it out."

"A total of eleven people, five players on each side, the one running back and forth with a whistle in the middle is the referee." Wang Liujin didn't bother to chat with these bumpkins who had never seen the world, and explained that he also likes to play basketball, But at this moment, I am not in the mood at all.

The audience watching the game turned their heads occasionally, glanced at the passing student team, turned back and continued to watch the game in full swing, suddenly seemed to remember something, and turned around quickly.

Then I couldn’t look back: [-] big cover rifles on their backs, more than half of them carried Czech models on their shoulders, er, no, except for a few qualified Czech models, the rest should be submachine guns, but the magazines were It's crooked, I've never seen it before.

Most of a team carries automatic weapons, and there is no dedicated ammunition man in the team. They are richer than a machine gun company... Is this a local rich man calling?
This style is even more luxurious than the guards of the secret service regiment brought by Staff Officer Liu. If he didn't look at the Eighth Route Army uniform he was wearing, he would have thought he had met the elite of the national army.

So, one by one, those who watched the game slowly turned around, just like the audience collectively boycotting the game, with their backs to the field and involuntarily moving their feet to keep up.

Wang Liujin led the team directly into the classroom: "Take off the equipment and put the rifle against the wall."

There was a lot of noise, the equipment flew around and clanged, the long guns were all leaning against the wall, the short guns were hung directly on the nails on the wall, and the backpacks were stacked into four piles.

Wang Liujin couldn't help frowning, and helplessly looked at the chaotic team of students: "Find your own seat according to the original arrangement."

The wounded from the first company were sent to the district health team, and there were five people left, only four from the third company, and one from the second company.

The platoon leaders of the Ninth Company were all there, not one of them.

The four companies sat directly into four piles.

Hu Yi wrinkled his nose, and there was still a faint smell of alcohol in the room.

Oil stains in the crevices of the wood on the table indicated that a banquet had just been held here.

Inadvertently found that a head popped out of the window outside the classroom, and then yelled at the back, and the window door was immediately crowded with heads.

The legendary large classroom of the division headquarters is actually equipped with such high-end products as glass. Looking at the window full of heads, the light in the room immediately dimmed a lot. Luo Fugui was a little terrified: "Boss Hu, they Are you looking at monkeys?"

The Teacher's Hospital is not far from here, Hu Yi was thinking about something, surrounded by so many people, even if he wanted to escape, the door was really blocked by the whole person.

"Hey, girl, what are they looking at?" Tang Dagou howled.

"Look at the monkey!" The girl sat next to Hu Yi, twisting her clothes and angrily annoyed the staring eyes outside the window.

"It's a pity that the monkey didn't come. I still believe you when you say they are watching the dog!" The big dog disdainfully.

This is the division headquarters, not Dabeizhuang or the wine station.

After putting down the equipment and sitting at the table, the student team kept quiet, no one made any loud noises or whispered to each other.

I just occasionally turn my head to look at the scenery outside the window.

The whispers outside the window grew louder.

"I bet this is definitely Ping's original secret service company."

"Absolutely not, I'll bet a bullet!" A person who knew the girl immediately made a bet.

There were two beeps, and each of them received a blow on the neck: "Our team is not allowed to gamble!"

"Hey, just kidding."


Seeing the student team sitting in the classroom as if nothing had happened, the audience outside continued to watch the novelty noisily.

Park Buhuan's ideal is to fight back to his hometown. He also knows that there are volunteer troops from his compatriots in the base of the division headquarters at the foot of the mountain.

When I came out this time, I brought a total of more than 40 grenades, buried a large stone mine on the road, and directly blasted more than a dozen enemies, and then the enemy changed their path directly.Looking at the tongue in front of him which had been seized by sacrificing a senior soldier, his bayonet finally didn't go down.

The two are communicating in another bird language.

"You said that you didn't intend to participate in the attack at all in this operation?"

"It is indeed the case. According to the plan, there should be an imperial army breaking out to the east, but until now the imperial army has not appeared."

"Please tell me in detail the specific plan you know."

"I really don't know the detailed plan. We have to wait around here until dawn tomorrow. If the imperial army hasn't appeared yet, we will turn to the south road and go out of the mountain."

"You mean, the action of so many of you entering the mountain is just to meet a team?"

"Indeed it is."


"Brother, I have no other choice. If I don't join the army, my whole family will die."

"How many people did you kill?"

"We are an army specially deployed to maintain law and order. So far, I have not even actively hurt a single person."

"Active? You're lying".

"I only killed one rebel. You must know that the imperial army is afraid that we will escape and join the Eighth Route Army, forcing everyone to have blood on their hands."

So far, the tongue has almost confessed everything he knows, and Park Buhuan fell into deep thought.

After joining the Eighth Route Army, he has often forgotten those miserable days.

He suppressed his pain for a long time, so he almost never left his subordinates alive in the face of the enemy, but he didn't expect to meet his compatriots in this mountain.

The pressure that has been restrained for many years has nowhere to bloom, Park Buhuan's eyes are red, he can't bear the fact that his compatriots join the army of uncompromising devils in order to survive.

"Help." Seeing Park Buhuan draw out his bayonet, the second devil finally realized what he was doing, and immediately opened his mouth to shout out a few words in Chinese that he could only speak.

When he was in Jiulian, Hu Yi would indulge him in everything, because Hu Yi didn't like to catch people alive. As for whether he violated discipline, as long as his own people didn't say anything, no one knew.

At least killing a prisoner is not a felony.

The squad leader of the sentinel at the division next to him was not low in consciousness, he jumped over in two steps and directly held down Pu Buhuan's hand that pulled out the bayonet: "Hey, hey, what are you going to do? Hurry up and stop me!"

"Lao Tzu? I grabbed my tongue, don't care about your shit, get the hell out of here."

"You're going to make mistakes like this." The squad leader didn't let go of his hand, and the other hand directly clasped Park Buhuan's elbow joint.

Pu Buhuan's elbow went numb, and the bayonet was snatched away by the squad leader empty-handed. He was stunned: "Hey, do you know kung fu?"

"Hey, don't talk about those useless things, I'm taking over this captive now."

"Hey, there are hundreds of enemies in the valley to the east, why don't you catch them?"

"My duty is to guard this ridge, the east side is not my defense range!"

"Desperate, hey, that hand of yours just now is very useful, can you teach me?" Pu Buhuan rubbed his numb elbow and asked bitterly.

The squad leader didn't mind the conflict between the two just now: "As long as you are willing to learn, it's no problem!"

At the foot of the mountain behind is the long and narrow plain where the division headquarters is located.

According to Park Buhuan's thinking, the division should have received the letter he sent earlier. It stands to reason that the division should concentrate on eating up this group of enemies now.

But the result was completely different from what he thought. For some reason, the division did not send anyone to encircle and suppress this devil army.

This chapter is over.

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