under fire

Chapter 594 Long-lost feeling

Chapter 594 Long-lost feeling

Unfortunately, this operation to lure the enemy to attack is over.

Just this evening, when the energetic audience in the division was blown away, Captain Liang entered the classroom with a dark face.

The instructor didn't speak, and the person sitting below inadvertently raised his head to inquire about the news, and immediately lowered his head stupidly after being stared at.

A figure of a young soldier appeared outside the classroom at some point, standing outside the last window.

Spreading his legs and staring wide-eyed, he looked at Captain Liang who was standing on the podium and was about to suppress the students with silence.

Half an hour later, the increasingly heavy and oppressive atmosphere was finally broken: "Tell me, whose idea is it?"

When Captain Liang opened his mouth, it was like a thunderbolt. A certain person who tried hard to control himself from snoring was almost knocked off the stool to the ground, shocked, and hurriedly tried to gather his distracted mind.

No matter how you look at it, Captain Liang is definitely on fire right now, more like an angry beast.

As if watching his prey.

The prey were very conscious, and no one made a sound.

Hu Yi quickly regained his attention. It's not like he hasn't seen this kind of scene before. The longest time was standing on the playground for four hours!
Then I couldn't even walk.

I can still sit now, but when I was hesitating whether to stand up, Instructor Liang asked again: "Hehe, are you stupid? Don't even dare to say anything?"

His gaze swept over the faces of everyone who looked up at him, and suddenly found that there was something wrong with the eyes of the student team!
Some were dazed, some were curious, and he suddenly had the illusion that some of the students were even gloating!

This is a complete mess!
After thinking for a while, Hu Yi finally stood up and said calmly, "Reporting is my idea!"

Instructor Liang's face turned even darker: "As a grassroots commander, what do you think is the most important thing for a soldier?"

"Report, obey orders!"

"Then did I give you an order?"

"Report, no."

"Then can I understand that you led the team to act privately?"

"Report to the instructor, we found an enemy situation when we were unable to contact our superiors, the situation is urgent."

"Uh, the situation is indeed urgent, but does it have anything to do with you?" Captain Liang almost pointed at Hu Yi's nose and growled: "I want to know why the secret service battalion sentry let you move freely?"

Faced with this question from Instructor Liang, Hu Yi was a little dumbfounded. It seemed that the superior really wanted to investigate the responsibility!If you report the truth, it is the responsibility of the secret service battalion, but Hu Yi still can't do it. He thought about it: "Report, we explained the situation to the secret service battalion soldiers. At that time, I had the highest position and made a decision. It's me."

"Hehe, if you have a high position, you can violate the principle and violate the regulations? If it is a devil who comes and he says he is the head of the regiment, then do we sentries have to obey his orders?"

This logic made Hu Yi unable to answer.

"From now on, you, student Hu Yi, will be relieved of all duties, and your student status will be temporarily retained."

Remove all duties?The girl next to her was a little dumbfounded, Captain Liang, what does this mean?Hu Yi's position as the commander of the Ninth Company of the Independent Regiment was also erased, and he became a leading soldier directly.

Even if there is no position, as long as the military status is still in the Jiulian, with her in the Jiulian, it is no one else's turn to make decisions!Besides, is the political commissar of the regiment leader willing?

The big eyes turned around, it shouldn't be a big problem, let's listen to the follow-up first, I have never heard of being fired after winning a battle, there has never been a precedent in the Eighth Route Army!

"Everyone stand up!" With a swipe, everyone in the classroom moved in unison, and all stood up in awe.

"I heard that you are often confined in confinement? You haven't enjoyed confinement in the division, have you? This time you can experience the feeling of confinement in the division!" Unknowingly, Captain Liang finally changed his face.

Captain Liang glared at the student team again, then turned and walked out.

Without the slightest hesitation, Hu Yi followed Captain Liang to the gate. There were two guards standing outside the gate, and one stepped forward to search Hu Yi.

Standard procedures to prevent self-harm or suicide in solitary confinement.

The four left just like that, leaving a group of students looking at each other in dismay, the instructor neither let people sit down nor said to dismiss, what is going on?

Time passed by every minute and every second. At the beginning, it was okay to stand, but after a while, some people's standing posture became disordered.

The platoon leaders of the Erlian squinted at the slumped Jiulian's scumbags who couldn't support the wall, and murmured in a low voice, "It's better to go back and farm the land, it's a disgrace to the independent regiment."

Yilian and Sanlian, who are half as small as themselves, frown and don't speak, and Erlian is competing with Jiulian, this matter cannot be mixed.

There are many cases of dogs biting dogs. There is no need to be as knowledgeable as dogs, and go crazy and even bite your own people.

Standing dry didn't matter at first, but after a long time, it became a living pain.

When the security cadres went into the mountains, they were able to fight against the advancing team, and the fight was enjoyable. Although a comrade in arms was sacrificed, the results of the battle are there. The latest weapons are leaning against the wall. Today, I have to sleep in my arms!
Hu Yi, who was being escorted by the guards, was locked in a dark room without windows. After the door was closed, he couldn't see anything clearly except for a little light leaking from the cracks in the door leaf.

After a long while, the eyes finally adapted to the darkness, and finally managed to see the confinement room clearly.

The room was not big, surrounded by earthen walls, and there was a broken single bed covered with grass on the opposite side of the door, without even a window.

This confinement room is much worse than that of the independent group, and there is no bedding.

Hu Yi lay sprawled on the hay, pulled the grass to cover his body, rested his head on his arms, closed his eyes and meditated.

The guards outside the door moved occasionally, and the occasional sniffing of equipment and sentries could be heard.

I didn't expect to experience the long-lost confinement room in the division.

After walking for several days, Hu Yi, who had almost no rest, soon fell asleep.

With both hands in Bai Dahang's pocket, she was followed by Song Xiaoci, the two of them were talking in a low voice, seemingly aimless but habitually walking towards the confinement room.

"Sister Wan Ping, there are so many enemy planes bombing today, why are there not many wounded in the hospital?" Song Xiaoci hosted the birthday party very successfully.

"The enemy plane was discovered early, and almost all the villagers were transferred, and the others were all minor injuries." Dr. Zhou, who had just finished the operation, was a little tired.

"I heard that a platoon of the division's garrison regiment died?"

"What's the matter, hey, who did you come into the mountain with this time?"

"The Anti-University cadet team is going to escort the head of the division. I received the order and followed along. By the way, the alcohol that the girl asked me to bring to you has been put in your room."

"Uh, thank you then."

"Xiao Ci, you haven't been introduced this time, have you?" Zhou Wanping pulled her hand out of her pocket and rubbed her face.

"I have to thank you for this matter. After going to the independent group, the director and the others ignore me now. I'm too happy." Song Xiaoci was like a brisk swallow.

"You little girl." Zhou Wanping looked at Song Xiaoci in a daze.

"Sister Zhou, what's the matter with you?"

"It's okay, I remember when I was my age."

"I have to go first, and I have to prepare to host the evening party." Song Xiaoci stopped.

"Okay, I have to go back and see the wounded."

"By the way, I forgot to tell you that it is the students of our independent regiment who are performing the escort mission this time."

"Independent group? What do students mean?"

"In this way, the Anti-Japanese University opened a study class in the independent regiment. The main recruits are the grassroots commanders of the supplementary regiment and the independent regiment. Hu Lianchang and the girl Erniu both came. Because there are too many activities in the division, they live temporarily. Outside the warning zone."


"Hey, Miss Zhou, why don't you talk?" Seeing Doctor Zhou in a daze, Song Xiaoci tugged Zhou Wanping's sleeve.

Doctor Zhou came back to his senses: "Uh, it's okay, I've been busy for a long time, and I'm a little sleepy."

"Then why don't you go back and rest for a while?" He asked with concern.

"No, you go to work first."

Thank you for dreaming with my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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