under fire

Chapter 595 Instructor Park's Course

Chapter 595 Instructor Park's Course
Night falls again.

The student team was led by Wang Liujin and arranged to enter the student dormitory in the division.

There are more than 20 rooms in a long stretch. It seems that there are quite a lot of dormitories prepared by the teacher for students.

The house is full of Datong shops, and it seems that no one has lived in it for a while, and the group of people are very busy cleaning.

Through the window, I saw the oil lamps in the house flickering.

The door was pushed open, and the braided head sniffed and raised his eyebrows to scan.

Those who were writing on a small table on the Datong bunk quickly stopped writing.

Ma Liang spoke first: "Hey, did you find out?"

The girl at the door tilted her head and thought for a while: "One good news, one bad news."

"Don't keep it up, hurry up and tell me the good news in advance."

"The good news is that Hu Yi is only in confinement for three days."

"What about the bad news?"

"All the students wrote in-depth inspections, and the division hired a new instructor."

"New instructor? Still invite? Isn't it just to write the inspection, it's almost finished, what kind of bad news is this?"

"Hey, I wrote for three days in a row."

"Oh my grandma, write for three days? Did you say you can write the same?" Xiong bit his pen
"No, but copy what you say!"

"Can you also send me to the confinement room?"

"Go and dream."

"You mean that Boss Hu's matter is over like this?"

"The special task force of the headquarters is asking for someone from the student team."

"An important person? Judging by your expression, it can't be Boss Hu?"

"Do you still want you? Don't worry, the fox is leaving, I see what you can do!" The girl was angry.

"Then what do you say?"

"Captain Liang sent a message, you all remember it clearly."

"Speaks mysteriously, farts as soon as possible."

"Let's get ready for a big operation with the Secret Service."

"What action?"

"How would I know? However, judging by his seriousness, his actions are definitely not small."


"Before Chinese New Year."

"Aren't we going back?"

"The division will arrange another person to escort the division personnel who entered the mountain back to the plain."

The morning class was very boring for the students. Looking at the students who were scratching their heads, the ideological teacher couldn't help shaking his head: "We must understand the glorious tradition of our party, improve our ideological awareness, strictly abide by the discipline of the army, and improve our understanding of the current situation. , Go back and write a thousand words of experience, and bring it before class tomorrow!"



"Can you write less?"

"That's [-] words, hand it in tonight."

"Okay, what do you say? Resolutely obey the order!"

As soon as the instructor went out, except for the two female students, everyone jumped at the bear.

At noon, without taking a break, I was busy writing with a pen on paper while eating.

"Oh, what kind of ghost-painted talisman looks better than your handwriting."

"Go away, grandma."

"If you look like you, I probably won't be able to finish writing today."

"Holding a pen is much more difficult than holding a machine gun. I would have known that I would not have participated in this stupid student class." The bear slapped the pen on the table resentfully, ready to attack the big dog that harassed him.

"That's right, how can you kill a devil with a gun?" A platoon leader of the second company next to him rubbed his dimpled finger.

As soon as Tie Dan turned out of the classroom, he met Xiao Zhuang at the gate of the courtyard, looked left and right to see if there was no one there, and quickly asked in a low voice: "Hey, girl, I heard that we are going to participate in some action?"

The girl was startled and her pigtails stood up: "Who told you?"

Tie Dan groaned in his heart, gritted his teeth and stretched his neck, "Hey, we are classmates now, okay?"

The girl said fiercely: "Tell them again and again to keep it secret, these careless idiots, aunt wants them to look good!"

"Don't blame them, I eavesdropped."

"Huh?" The girl glanced at Tie Dan and suddenly smiled.

Tie Dan's scalp was numb, and he quickly squeezed out a smile: "Just tell me, did I treat you well before!"

"Forget it, what do you want to know?"

"I heard that there is action?"

"Act with the headquarters secret service team." The girl thought that Captain Liang would make arrangements this afternoon, and now she can still sell favors.

"We all share?"

"How would I know?"

"Are you really performing missions with the headquarters special task force?"

"Don't believe pull it down."

"What is the origin of the little Maotou who leads the team?"

"You're thinking too much. I heard from Wang Liujin that if that guy is ranked second in the Eighth Route Army, no one would dare to say he's number one!"

"You can really blow, how is it possible?"

"You are only 17 years old and you can be a staff officer in the headquarters secret service group. If you refuse to accept it, you can try it?"

"Hey, do you think Pan Zhuzi can beat him?"

"One in the sky and one in the ground!"

"Can he go to heaven and enter the earth?"

"Of course."

"Blow hard"

Two in the afternoon.

There was a sound of footsteps at the door, and Captain Liang stood at the door, looking at the team of students who didn't even take a nap at noon and who were all consciously working hard, nodded in satisfaction: "Everyone stand up."

"Hello, instructor."

"Hi students, today I'd like to introduce a new instructor to you." Captain Liang paused and looked at the students in the classroom seriously: "This instructor is one of the best instructors in the headquarters. He is good at weapon theory, fighting and Welcome to the theory of urban street warfare!"

After Captain Liang finished speaking, he took two steps into the room to get out of the way, and the instructor who followed him immediately came out.

A tall figure walked into the classroom and walked up to the podium in a majestic manner.

"The instructor will teach you how to carry out battlefield firepower layout theory, how to carry out firepower reconnaissance, firepower cover, and firepower"


Captain Liang was taken aback, and quickly turned around to look at Instructor Park who had fallen all over the place: "Oh, sorry, there is a step on this podium, I forgot to remind you."

After speaking, go to help quickly.

Pu Buhuan hurriedly got up, looked at the dumbfounded Erlian Jiulian below, and said with a sneer, "Hello, fellow students!"

One after another and the two bandaged platoon leaders who had just returned to the team immediately shouted: "Hello, instructor!"

But when he found that there was no movement from Erlian Jiulian next to him, his heart sank. These idiots didn't respect the instructors, and they might be punished later, so they hurriedly stared at Erlian Jiulian.

Captain Liang waved his hand, signaling to be quiet: "Everyone, study hard. Instructor Park is from our friendly army, the Volunteer Army. He once studied in Germany. This time, it is the good luck of our basic department and the students. The head of the headquarters just came over, and Instructor Park gave a lecture It was hard for me to win this opportunity, it is hard-won, everyone must cherish it.”

After speaking, he directly found a seat amidst the applause.

The Eighth Route Army's Anti-Japanese University study did not taboo the instructors from listening to each other to improve.

Park Buhuan glanced left and right and hesitated: "Today, I will talk about the personnel and firepower configuration of the combat units of the troops. First of all, I will talk about the German army that is recognized as the most powerful in the world. They are basically based on The platoon level is a combat unit, seldom like our squad as a combat unit, the reason is that most of us are now guerrilla in mountainous areas.
Let’s talk about the deployment of firepower in battle based on the deployment of personnel. First, the purpose of firepower reconnaissance is to lure the enemy, force the enemy to fight back or move, and to find out its troop deployment and firepower coordination.”

"Now, get out of class is over." Instructor Park looked serious, put away the handouts, just two or three pieces of temporary paper, turned around and walked outside the classroom without delaying a moment.

Captain Liang was listening enthusiastically: "Hey, students, hurry up and sort out the notes you made, combine them with the previous battles, and write five hundred words of experience!"

After speaking, he got up and ran out: "Instructor Park, I have a few questions for you."

The platoon leader of Tiedan quickly accosted the girl next to him: "Have you seen Instructor Park?"

"Hey, I've seen it before, what do you want to do?" The girl looked wary.

"He spoke really well. I am willing to write these five hundred words of experience and experience." Tie Dan looked serious.

Then you write slowly.As she spoke, the girl got up and walked out, and several platoon leaders from Jiulian followed her out.

"Hey, don't you write down your experience? Will it implicate us then?"

The girl wondered, what happened to the security team? Why did Park Buhuan come to the teacher?
"What the hell am I dreaming?"

"Hey, I'm a little dizzy, I'm dazzled."

"That's right, this is obviously Pu Buhuan, girl, why do you think he came here? He even became an instructor."

"Grandma, he didn't blush when he came here to talk about the firepower configuration Boss Hu taught him."

Ma Liang next to him was serious: "What he said was different from what the company commander said. Instructor Park talked about theory, and the company commander paid attention to reality. Listening to what he said, it really makes sense. We are used to fighting in the mountains, and we are really going to go to the plains." , we still have to study hard.”

"Learn what, don't talk about the anti-tank gun he said? What kind of tank have you seen?"

"It's about the same as the armored vehicles we got."

"What the hell? Didn't you hear what Boss Hu said, there are cannons on the tanks?"

"Grandma's Lao Tzu still has horses. Do you believe that Lao Tzu's soldiers can cross the river?"

"Where are you talking?"

(End of this chapter)

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