under fire

Chapter 597 Handprints

Chapter 597 Handprints
For many people, isn't confinement a good opportunity to sleep?

But this is not the case at all. The confinement in the division is even more different from the independent regiment. The confinement room has no windows at all. In a dark room with no light and no one to talk with, where you can't see your fingers, the punishment of confinement is simply unbearable for ordinary people. .

There is no problem if the time is short, but if the time is long, there will definitely be psychological problems. In the boundless darkness, the only thing you can do is to think about the mistakes you have made, or to imagine some happy things to avoid psychologically. loneliness caused by the environment.

But the problem is that the more you think about it, the greater the pressure in your heart will be. After a long time, even a normal person may have a nervous breakdown.

Hu Yi may be a habit, or his mind may not be normal for a long time, so being locked up in a confinement room is a kind of relief for him.

As a student, Hu Yi still has to write a self-criticism. There is no oil lamp in the room, so he can't see anything, so he should wait until he goes out to write it!
"Doctor Zhou, what are you doing?" The voice of the conversation reached Hu Yi's ears from a distance outside the door, and the girl on the roof must have heard it too.

Zhou Wanping held a plate with examination equipment and two bottles on it: "Examine the soldiers."

"Hey, isn't that good?" The sentinel immediately refused: "The battalion commander ordered that no one should visit those who are in confinement."

"Did you forget? The self-harm of the confinement staff last month? I just take a look, it won't take long."

"Then, okay." The sentinel hesitated for a moment, muttering in his heart, should he report this to his superiors?

With a creak, a door a few rooms away was opened, followed by an inaudible conversation.

"I think Dr. Zhou came to see you under cover. What's the relationship between her and you?" She asked with a blink of her eyes.

"Uh... what are you thinking?"

"I've never heard of doctors visiting people in confinement."

"Didn't you hear her say that someone was locked up and self-harmed?"

"Pull it down."

"You still have class in the afternoon, I have to study your notes carefully."

"Come on, you are not allowed to say that I am on the roof for a while."

"You're not going to leave?"

"You seem afraid that I know something?"

"My aunt, there is such a big hole in the roof, if the sentry sees it, it will be over."

"That's fine, I'll plug the hole first, don't worry, I won't talk nonsense."

As the doors of the rooms were opened and then closed again.

Hu Yi's heart beat faster, and finally he heard the familiar yet distant voice at the door: "Open the door."

"Very well, Doctor Zhou."

The door was not locked, but a bolt had been nailed on the outside.

After the creaking sound of wood spinning on the nails, the room was brightly lit immediately, and Hu Yi squinted slightly, only a dazzling white light remained in his eyes.

A burst of cold air rushed in.

A tall figure carrying a plate walked into the house, and the sentinel who followed closely looked around, perhaps thinking of something, turned his head and continued to be vigilant.

The tall figure went straight to the table and put down the dishes and plates in his hands.

Hu Yi was a little at a loss, sitting on the edge of the bed without moving, thinking about how to speak.

After putting down the plate, she slowly got used to the darkness in the room. She then turned her head and looked outside the room. The sentry should be watching the outside by the wall for vigilance. When she entered other confinement rooms, she observed several sentries.

Walking directly opposite him, she reached out to hug his head that only reached her chest, but was supported by her waist with both hands.

Her body was a little weak, but one hand suddenly left and pointed to the roof in front of her.

"Hey, are you still studying?" I saw that he was still holding a few pieces of paper in his hand.

The two faced each other: "I'm studying."

Breathing became short of breath, but the big hand did not leave her waist, and slowly went up, holding it firmly.

Her back should be able to block the view from outside the house, and the roof should not be visible.

I couldn't see her face clearly, there was no spark in my sight, my chest was a little itchy, and I just remained silent like this.

After a while, she asked, "Did you arrive the day before yesterday?"

"It arrived the day before yesterday."

She suddenly smiled lightly: "It seems that you should be fine."

"It should be fine."

She suddenly took two steps back, escaped from the clutches of the demon, and turned her head: "Sentinel, deal with the toilet in the house."


"Your room stinks too much." Turning back to look at the darkness, after finishing speaking, one hand covered his nose, and the other hand picked up a bottle on the plate and put it on the table, then picked up the plate with one hand He walked out the door leisurely.

The sentinel outside the door watched Doctor Zhou go straight away after going out, did not go to see other confinement rooms, went directly into the room, sniffed suspiciously: "It smells like urine"

The sentinel glared at Hu Yi: "What are you looking at? Aren't all confinement rooms like this?"

With another creak, the door was closed.

The roof revealed light again, and the girl's voice came: "Is she really just here to see you?"

Hu Yi, who was still immersed in a certain feeling, replied calmly: "You heard it all."

"I heard Aunt Zhou panting."

Hu Yi almost fell to the ground from the side of the bed, with a black thread all over his head, does this belong to a dog, with such good ears?I don't seem to have heard it.
"why do not you talk?"

"what do you want me to say?"

"Hey, what's that on your desk?"

Turning her head to look up at the table: "She said the room was too smelly, so she left a bottle of alcohol."

The girl slapped the hole with her little hand: "It really stinks."

Xiao Zhui'er looked around, restored the thatched roof to its original state, thought for a while, and opened another hole.

Slide down on the roof: "Oh, what the hell can you say when you get down?"


With a pop, Tang Dagou, who had just got up, fell down again.

The only sound left in the room was Hu Yi's deep breathing.

The two slipped away along the back wall, and the classroom not far ahead came into view.

The teacher's health center was not far from the classroom, Xiao Zhuang walked halfway, and suddenly stopped.

Turn around and go directly to the dormitory outside the hospital.

The guards at the door knew the two grassroots students who were going to the health center, so they didn't look sideways, but they kept watching from the corner of their eyes.

When both of them passed by, they finally couldn't help but look back: the little braid touched Dr. Zhou's window and was poking his head out to probe.

The door was closed and the windows were tightly closed, and the girl in broad daylight was saliva-stained and was about to poke the paper on the window.

The sentinel was terrified, seeing Dr. Zhou had just entered, how dare you poke the window paper, you idiot?Are you out of your mind?

Don't remind me, I'm ready to see a joke.

Boom, there was a hole in the window paper, and the girl with the big braid on her head hurriedly moved towards the small hole with big eyes.

Blinking his big eyes to see clearly, he found a shiny black bead inside.

The black bead blinked up and down suddenly, which startled Xiao Zhui'er who was peeping.

The window was suddenly opened.

"What do you want from me?" Dr. Zhou still had a trace of red on his face, looking seriously at the girl with big clear eyes.

"I just went to the one in the teacher. I'm studying. I couldn't come in two days ago. Today I made a special trip to see you, Aunt Zhou."

"Then why are you poking my window paper?"

"I want to see you. How can I see it without piercing the window paper, hey, why are there handprints on your clothes?" Clear big eyes rolled.

Dr. Zhou hurriedly looked down. There were handprints of different shades in the white coat on his chest.

"Hey, you sent wine to the fox?"

"The things you entrusted to Xiaoci have been received, don't stand here, go into the house quickly." As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately pulled back the half-open window.

(End of this chapter)

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