under fire

Chapter 598 The night before the review

Chapter 598 The night before the review
Tomorrow after dark is about to start checking the Discussion Assembly.

Hu Yi, who had never been through such a battle, was a little dumbfounded. First, he had to read the inspection for a long time in front of everyone, and second, he had to be fully discussed by all the students whether his understanding of the mistakes was profound, and whether his attitude of review was sincere.

It is best to vote to determine whether the in-depth review can pass.

When I think of making a fool of myself in front of everyone, I can't accept it at all. Everyone has their own pride. Isn't this just a joke?Therefore, Hu Yi has not even written the inspection until now.

The girl who got the news knew very well that with Hu Yi's current state, if he was really asked to go on stage to read the examination, would he still have to kill half of his life?

Can't help secretly anxious?
I will not be able to think of a good solution for a while, so I can only hope that Jiulian's rotten garlic cloves will see if everyone can come up with some bad ideas in an overnight meeting.

"What the hell are you doing here in the middle of the night?" Tang Dagou in the dark vented his dissatisfaction.

The girl who came in from the window lowered her voice and kicked on the kang one by one: "Everyone get up, let's have a meeting!"

"You crazy girl, don't even look at what time it is, what kind of meeting is it?" Luo Fugui yawned dissatisfied.

"The fox doesn't want to conduct a public inspection, so he's so anxious to death, so hurry up and think about it." The girl's voice revealed anxiety.

"Ah, there is still a public review? Oh, Boss Hu will have a big deal this time." Luo Fugui was the first to sit up from the hot quilt on the kang.

Ma Liang next to him hugged the quilt and sat up: "Girl, do you think brother really doesn't want to write an inspection?"

"He thinks he is right. I have already asked someone to help him write the inspection, but he is not happy when he hears that the inspection will be made public."

Tang Dagou chuckled: "What the hell, I think Mr. Hu thinks he can't afford to lose that face."

"That's right, we won the battle, why do we need to conduct public inspections?" Luo Fugui immediately added.

Ma Liang thought for a while: "In my opinion, we have indeed violated discipline. I think the best way now is to talk to the company commander. Anyway, public inspection is not a big deal. Isn't it all about our independent regiment? people?"

The girl raised her voice in the dark: "Ma Liang, what are you talking about? The Political Work Office, the Secret Service Battalion, the squad from the Headquarters Special Service Regiment's trainers and the Special Service Battalion, as well as the Divisional Regiment, and a large group of people from the Border Region Government will participate, say No one else is allowed"

"Hey, girl, please keep your voice down. How could this matter become such a big deal? What kind of self-criticism is this his grandma's, this is simply a criticism meeting." Comrade Luo Fugui immediately expressed his dissatisfaction.

Diagonally opposite, Li Xiang in the darkness finally spoke: "The members of our team who participated in the Anti-Japanese University study have been separated from their original positions and no longer have high or low positions. That's all we have. We fought that battle together. The elder had a high position before he joined the Anti-Japanese University, so let him accept the review, and everyone should review it together.”

"Uh, what you said seems to be true." Luo Fugui slapped his thigh and immediately agreed: "No, your grandma, do you think that everything must be the same for you to be satisfied? Can't you think of a way to make you happy?" The division withdrew the review?"

"I can't think of it." Li Xiang's calm voice came from the darkness: "It is impossible to take back the order issued by the instructor, so it is absolutely impossible not to check it! Discuss? If everyone gets on stage, it won't be ashamed at all."

"Why don't I go to the stage to read and check. Anyway, I have a thick skin!" Luo Fugui, who never wanted to be the first bird, finally gritted his teeth and said fiercely.

"You? If you come on stage, the audience will throw eggs at you?"

"If someone really throws an egg, I'd love it."

"Hehe." Tang Dagou smiled in the darkness beside him: "What the hell is he wishing someone would throw him two chickens."

"Get out of your grandma, dare to talk to the chief?"

"Okay, I admit my mistake." For some reason, Tang Dagou convinced Luo Fugui.

"What are you talking about so far? Now you're talking about how to persuade the fox to accept the inspection on stage."

"When is the time?" Ma Liang asked immediately.

"Tomorrow night, the fox will leave the confinement room tomorrow afternoon, and will conduct a public review at night." The girl's voice trembled.

"I have a good idea?" Luo Fugui suddenly spoke again.

"What idea, tell me quickly."

"Let Boss Hu pretend to be sick, anyway, he has never pretended before." Every time there is a meeting without Hu Yi, Luo Fugui either simply ignores the step, or directly becomes the protagonist of the meeting.

"Well, Mule's idea is good. Anyway, Dr. Zhou has a good relationship with our company commander." Tang Dagou immediately said that this idea was good.

Luo Fugui immediately flirted with the girl: "Why don't you go now and tell the company commander not to put on the quilt tonight, so you won't be able to get out of bed tomorrow! Maybe you have to be sent to the hospital."

"Bah, in this winter, there have been two snowfalls in the mountains. If you don't cover yourself with a quilt, you won't be frozen to death? What if something really happens in the cold?" The girl immediately disagreed.

Luo Fugui suddenly said something creepy: "Hey, girl, do you think Mr. Hu will run away like last time?"

Tang Dagou objected subconsciously: "Run? Where can he run?"

"Go back to the wine stand." Luo Fugui said proudly.

"What the hell, if he runs away, I'll follow right away." Tang Dagou howled, this guy and Luo Fugui seemed to have discussed it in advance, and sang together.

"His grandma is counting in me as one of them. I really can't go back to his hometown with Boss Hu to be a beard."

"Shut up, you're just a bandit. Hey, the girl asked you to come up with an idea, and you've gone up the mountain to be a beard? Where's the improvement in your study awareness in the past two days? Hmm?" Ma Liang hated iron. Steel, but he really couldn't think of anything that would make Hu Yi not lose face.

The meeting discussed for most of the day, but there was still no result.

Li Xiang's voice sounded again: "If we go to the stage to review together, who else can remember what the company commander looks like? The superiors will even think that we are a united team."

"It makes sense!" Chen Chong, who had been silent in the dark, finally expressed his opinion.

"The rotten garlic of the Erlian will definitely sing the opposite tune." Luo Fugui didn't take a good look at the platoon leaders of the Erlian.

"He dares? How dare they? Even if he is tall, he wouldn't dare to be presumptuous in front of my aunt." The girl obviously didn't have much confidence when she said this.

"What the hell said it sounded as good as it sang, tell me, when that idiot Gao Yidao didn't sing a different tune?" Tang Dagou immediately raised his voice to disagree.

"That's right, they even snatched our chickens." Luo Fugui has always been worried about Erlian's snatching of chickens.

"Wait a minute, Ma Liang, you go to the first company, Li Xiang, you go to the third company, it's really not good, sacrifice the use of grenades and mortars, I go to the second company, I don't believe they can win the world." The girl's idea is very simple, If those bastards in Erlian can't be persuaded, then Jiulian can only bleed a little.

Not long after, there was a sound of dressing.

Three black figures flashed out from the student dormitory of the Anti-Japanese University in the courtyard, separated and went into the next dormitory respectively.

After a while, in several dormitories in the darkness, subtle chirping and chirping sounds began to appear.

The sentinel at the gate stretched his neck and looked into the yard, but found nothing.

Maybe, the cat is catching the mouse.

 Brothers, there are too many votes in "Jing Wu Lie Biography". The purpose of this chapter is to let Hu Yi accept another criticism, so as not to survive later
(End of this chapter)

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