under fire

Chapter 599 Public Review

Chapter 599 Public Review

"I used to have a bad attitude towards my comrades-in-arms, and I will definitely correct my wrong style in the future. Our Taihang Mountains are steep, densely forested, and the roads are dangerous. Many places cannot ride horses. Life is hard and the roads are difficult. Not good, my eyes are short-sighted, and I didn’t even sit on a stretcher, so I’m ashamed.” The one with the braids on his head took the lead.

The people in the audience whispered: "This little girl has grown up so much? They all participated in the Anti-Japanese University study, and Lao Lu did a good job."

"Report, my name is Tie Dan. When I was training new recruits, sometimes I saw those unprofessionals not making progress, so I couldn't help but beat them up."

The audience disagreed: "If you don't fight, you won't be successful. If you train hard, you can kill the enemy and save your life on the battlefield."

"...I peed my pants on the battlefield for the first time"

The audience roared with laughter: "It's not surprising that you wet your pants for the first time on the battlefield."

".I once seized and did not turn in."

The lower part wondered: "How can the Eighth Route Army have such strong soldiers? How much food do they need?"

".I secretly watched the female militiamen take a shower, I promise never again"

There was a lot of discussion below: "Oh, the soldiers who surrendered from the Kuomintang are really speechless. Have you seen it?"

".I don't care enough about fighters"

The people below were amazed: "The independent regiment can even keep those who are arguing every day to be discharged from the army? The ideological work is really good."

".I once captured our regiment leader"

The people below whispered: "Being captured by the militia, the old Lu of the Independent Regiment is really ashamed."

"I was once captured by the enemy"

Finally, there was no talk and discussion below, and everyone was listening carefully to Ma Liang's story of his capture, a platoon attacking the county, and the independent regiment. What kind of bold masters are these?I have to take notes quickly, so I can learn from them later
Finally it was the turn of the protagonist of the saboteur plan to play.

Hu Yi on the stage was quite restless. He never expected that the group of platoon leaders would reveal all the past of the independent regiment.

Although, some are evasive.

He calmly took a look at the hundreds of observation lineups below.

"Dear chief, comrades,
I am Hu Yi, a student of the advanced class of the Anti-Japanese University.

A few days ago, due to my lack of self-awareness, free and undisciplined thinking, and eagerness to fight, I sabotaged the division's plan to ambush the devils and caused adverse effects. Here, I first make a sincere review.

In the past few days, I have carried out a deep self-reflection, and I think that I have the following problems:
[-]. I don't have a strong ideological understanding, I don't pay enough attention to the work arrangements in the division, and I beat devils privately.

[-]. The work style is lax and slack, and they do not have a thorough understanding of the fighting scope that does not belong to them, and they force themselves to stand out, causing adverse consequences.

[-]. We did not take good care of our comrades. In the battle, one of our soldiers died and five were injured.

[-]. There is no determination to resolutely destroy the enemy, and there is no relentless pursuit of the enemy who has already fled.

In view of the above problems I have, I make a deep guarantee to my superiors:
The first is to strengthen ideological study, improve the level of awareness, earnestly study organizational discipline, and constantly improve self-awareness.

The second is to improve the level of understanding, correct the fighting attitude, and resolutely not let an enemy go next time. Try to catch a living.

The third is to strictly demand ourselves, abide by the three major disciplines and eight points of attention of the Eighth Route Army, and take good care of the safety of our comrades.

Finally, I realized my own shortcomings, and thanked my superiors for giving me the opportunity to self-reflect and improve.

I implore the superiors to accept my inspection apology and supervise me in future battles.

Reviewer: Hu Yi! "

After speaking, he gave a standard and beautiful salute.

"Is this the end of the review?" Captain Liang looked at the review book in his hand with black lines on his face, what he said was completely different from what was written!
Hu Yi replied calmly: "Report to the chief, the review is complete! Please give instructions."

As soon as Hu Yi finished speaking, a company commander of the secret service battalion immediately said: "This is all fucking talk, empty talk, and no actual action at all."

The person next to him hurriedly added: "Hey, why didn't you hand in the dozen or so submachine guns you seized?"

Hu Yi was stunned, and dared to forget this, no good, those submachine guns seemed to be unable to keep: "Report, I will be put in confinement as soon as I come back, and I will arrange to hand it over and seize it!"

The company commander waved his hand: "Well, your understanding is very deep. I represent the secret service battalion. Your inspection can pass."

"Your mother, this won't work. Our regiment has sacrificed more than 30 soldiers. Your secret service battalion wants to eat cheap and eat alone. Let me tell you, there is no door." A battalion commander of the division immediately quit.

A person in charge of the supply department stood up immediately: "Hey, hey, our supply department hasn't spoken yet. What are you talking about? I haven't heard of the submachine gun until now. That Hu student, hurry up and hand over the weapon to the Our supply department will register and register."

"Our arsenal needs two, and we plan to dismantle them and copy them." The person in charge of the division's arsenal immediately spoke seriously.

This requirement must be met.

"Oh, our staff officer said when he left that we also have a share in fighting those enemies. We only need two submachine guns so that we can study the performance of the enemy's weapons and make targeted arrangements to better protect the safety of the chiefs."

This reason is good enough.

"Hey, why are you border region government here to join in the fun?"

"We want the enemy's individual equipment, and we are going to study the imitation."

"Are those things important too?" asked a person wearing glasses next to him.

The squad leader of the division's special task force asked sincerely: "I have captured enemy loincloths here, do you want it?"

"Get lost." The person in charge of the meeting of the Border Region Government stood up directly, and was about to strike at the squad leader who spoke.

The squad leader quickly got up and jumped away.

"Hey, what are you doing here at the clothing factory?"

"Hey, I heard that those enemies are full of good things. Let's learn and observe. I heard that the enemies use down sleeping bags. Let's see if we can get two. By the way, try how to improve the new products of our quilt factory. Variety."

"Down sleeping bag, what's that?"

"Advanced gadgets, you don't understand even if you tell me." The director of the clothing factory listened carefully to the surrounding discussions, so as not to be taken away by others, he had to keep an eye on the whole process.

"What is your enemy's Ministry of Industry coming here to join in the fun?"

"We plan to study in detail the process of how student Hu discovers the enemy."

"Then what about your security department?" Seeing that there were too many monks, someone finally lost his composure and began to ask the people next to him.

"With a force that can't be ranked, we beat the well-equipped enemy to pieces, and our side only paid one death and five injuries, and killed sixteen enemies. With such a result, shouldn't we learn? Of course, if the submachine gun can get two Better."

"Dean Chen, what's the purpose of you coming here on behalf of the Ministry of Health? They don't know how to treat diseases, so are you just here to watch the fun?"

"You're right, I really came to see the excitement." After speaking, Dean Chen glanced at Zhou Wanping who was beside him in a daze. Unexpectedly, this review meeting was really as exciting as she said.

Including the three slightly wounded, more than [-] people who stood on the stage for public review were dumbfounded. This is not an inspection and discussion conference, it is all for autumn wind!learning experience.

Great discussion
The girl grinned when she heard this, and her pigtails trembled: "Hey, fox, look at how prestigious the discussion of this inspection is, you still can't bear the face and want to be a deserter?"

"Hey, auntie, how did I know that the review meeting would be like this?" Hu Yi was a little embarrassed. He was really conflicted about the public review meeting yesterday. Song Xiaoci wrote it so long in advance, who can remember it?

The review meeting turned into a pot of porridge, which almost became an equipment distribution meeting.

Sitting on the rostrum of the division auditorium, Minister Zhang of the Political Department and Captain Liang looked at each other, and couldn't help but feel a little toothache.

This chapter is over.

600 chapters, almost more than 500 nights, I can persevere, thank you brothers for accompanying me all the way.

Thanks: All the brothers who supported Hengba at the starting point: brother playing, dream follow my heart, canned fish, larvae and 19, 0944, 2112, 3962, 5888, angry 尐, chentie, Hanjiang Chuxue, Suifeng Floating sand, all roads to God, no pain when the heart is empty, reading 13600817, Lao Ni, dyzz001, master with one heart has no regrets, uncle 7775, happy happy 1, confronting people, fleeing like the wind, Wu Yijun 2910, yes Girls are like flowers, against the current, the source of rivers, one night and one summer, the book hates less, Zheng Zhenliu, flowers are still beautiful, Dian Jun, Da Aken, Chinese soldiers (I know your two numbers), 9303, ////81 ////, when the tired bird returns, the passerby stops, the wind is smooth and the water is smooth, the mood is sad, the chat is happy, 4412, Jiangning teacher phone, 854***366, Wangma computer, 532***832, lonely city idlers, just Book friend boy, unforgettable memories, 854***820, 5629, the year of standing, 8002, 2312, 7619, 5061, Hanmei Aoxue, loach, 1828, user 8640, fsdafads, 9025, 0809, 0257, group leader , Leaving Zhiquwang, Zhilan Room, Zhang Xiaogeer, 9600, Landmine 3339, 4280, night entanglement in white clothes with red sleeves, above and below the water, in the middle of the water, A wind-A cast, 854***858, xipigg, 9851, broken dreams and broken souls, Biaohu, tiger-headed guard, Shen Ri, romantic cherry blossoms, flipping through books frequently, telling the truth, laughing at Fenghua 007, pigs love milk tea, idlers in the lonely city, little brother Zhang, mlax, aaa89988998, A-0629, basket bamboo 66, ice The Loneliness, Kaka 090, Dou Jianfeng, Beiwei, Ma Xiaoming, The Shell of a Little Snail, One Xiaoshuai, All Rivers Are Inclusive, Mu Yi 3, Dreaming Little Feet, Prelude 123456, 1471, .
(End of this chapter)

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