under fire

Chapter 600 Sequelae

Chapter 600 Sequelae

Hu Yi knew that he had indeed disrupted the division's plan.

During the three days in confinement, he carefully reviewed the cause and effect of that battle.

A large number of planes entering the mountain one after another is definitely not just as simple as airdropping supplies.

The Devil's advance team probably didn't intend to attack the division headquarters at all. Thinking of his personal experience in the Songhu battlefield, he judged that if he hadn't repelled the Devil's advance team himself, the Devil's planes would probably bomb the division headquarters under the guidance of the advance team.

This should be the backhand of the advancing team, but these are speculations and will never be confirmed.

That means that repelling those devils should have saved the division.

The staff officers of the division must have seen something, but they kept silent all the time. Hu Yi didn't want to know what secrets there were.

It has become a matter of the past, and Hu Yi has no complaints about being ordered to conduct a public inspection.

Because Hu Yi didn't care about face matters at all.

Even though the review meeting has almost turned into a commendation meeting on the surface, he still stubbornly believes that this matter is not over.

If the enemy's conspiracy fails once, it will come a second time.

This year, the devils carried out five consecutive large-scale raids on the base areas.

So when is the next time, no one knows.

Perhaps it was the long-term battle that allowed him to figure out the Japanese army's routines. The devils have already figured out the location of the current division headquarters. , It should be the initiative to attack and destroy this group of advancing teams.

As a company commander, there are some things that you can’t tell others at all. If people know, you may be ridiculed: You are a member of the Anti-University, and your heart is too far away, right?

I always feel a little upset these days, because this matter can be big or small.

After staying in the Eighth Route Army for so long, he knew that the manpower and material resources invested were not at the same level between active attack and passive defense.

As for the review, it will definitely be recorded in the file, and he knows what the consequences will be.

Because he didn't think he had done anything wrong at all, even if these things happened in the independent regiment, it wouldn't be a big deal at all.

But now he gets up early to run every day, studies in the morning, and has to do the necessary basic stabbing exercises in the afternoon. He is not interested in this kind of study.

For grassroots commanders, there is not much need to learn such basic military skills.

Grassroots commanders should learn more about small-scale or local battle command. However, in this winter, devils should not be active anymore, so let's mix it up first.

For the daily ideological study, no matter how big or small it is, it is basically closely integrated with the current situation. For Hu Yi, who knows little about the external situation, he has almost entered a new learning situation, eager to understand and analyze.

This is what he is trying to learn.

Writing summaries and writing experiences are also not a problem for Hu Yi, but Hu Yi is still very resistant in his heart to carry out group summary discussions to improve and practice basic military skills.

What kind of tricks can we discuss with a group of two hundred and five who didn't know how to order not long ago?Pure waste of time.

Therefore, every discussion meeting has almost become Hu Yi's words.

As the instructor, Captain Liang is also very helpless. The sudden emergence of a super-top student in the small class he leads is not good for teaching. At least, the enthusiasm of most people will be seriously frustrated.

This has become a trouble for the student team!
It is all nonsense to say that the advanced leads the backward!

As he learned more and more about the details of the Independence Group, whoever believed in that was a bastard!

In particular, Luo Fugui is even more nonsense. He went to a fellow villager's house to buy chicken at a high price, and was reported to the Ministry of Enemy Industry, which made him feel even more shameless.

What are these things?

Fortunately, another group of short-term trainees came to the division, which made him even more busy. However, the situation of these new trainees was completely different from that of the independent regiment. At least in terms of observing discipline and obeying orders, it was much better.

In the Eighth Route Army, there is no shortage of grassroots commanders who can fight guerrillas, but when it comes to fighting positional warfare with the enemy, there are not many decent talents.

The most important ideological study in the study of the Anti-Japanese University is basically the same for everyone, and no one is worse than the other in terms of awareness.

The long-term guerrilla warfare has made most grassroots commanders develop bad habits, because they have been fighting in the defense zone they are familiar with, and it is like a fish in water to fight guerrilla on their own one-acre three-point land, but when they encounter large-scale raids by the enemy , In the transfer, the actual situation and the experience no longer match. When the experience changes to the environment, it is also not good, and the consequences will be quite serious.

Therefore, the superior also saw this shortcoming this time.

We should let the students at the grassroots level know that to fight wars, you must not only be able to fight in places you are familiar with, but also be able to adapt to more complex environments. Using theory as a guide, practicing in different environments and conducting actual combat is the fundamental way to improve your combat level.

But this very good teaching caused him the most headache, because this time, a wolf appeared in the student team!

When he checked Hu Yi's file again, looking at the simple hundred and ten words on the file, he fell into deep thought.

With Hu Yi's military command level, it is a waste of time to study with these grassroots commanders.

And it will severely dampen the enthusiasm of other students. Unless he is allowed to be an instructor, students will definitely not be able to be instructors, because the Eighth Route Army does not have one of the most important things: the improvement of ideological awareness.

At least Hu Yi is not qualified yet.

Finally, I also know that Pu Buhuan, the instructor of Nalai's division headquarters, was once a member of the Ninth Company!Even as a non-staff member of Jiulian, he had to have the idea of ​​letting Hu Yi train alone.

After reporting the situation to his superiors, he finally had an idea, but in his heart, Hu Yi had already been appointed by him to enter the advanced training class for the follow-up selection of commanders.

Captain Liang came to the classroom before the end of get out of class, and after the teacher in charge of Siqi Education finished the class, he said hello and walked onto the podium: "Student Hu Yi."

"Yes." Hu Yi put down his pen and stood up.

"You go to the secret service camp for an exchange of ideas."

"Yes." Habitually turned on the learning mode. Anyway, no matter what the instructor said, answering "yes" must be no problem.

"Go now." Captain Liang watched Hu Yi act with satisfaction.

Hu Yi didn't ask why, he just cleaned up the things on the table, got up and left under the suspicious eyes of everyone in the classroom.

After half an hour.

Hu Yi sat beside Wang Liujin who had been waiting in the cooking class for a long time.

The expansion of the secret service battalion didn't take long, and the team was scattered: "What's the matter with letting me come over?"

"Our battalion commander wants to see you, but I don't know the specifics." Wang Liujin was very excited.

"Your review meeting was really wonderful."


"Hello battalion commander!" came a greeting from the door.

Hu Yi raised his head. He knew who the battalion commander was. One night, he had a conflict with the battalion commander who was the company commander at the time.

"Hu Yi, welcome." A hearty voice sounded at the door.

"Yes." Seeing Battalion Commander Li approaching in front of him, he quickly stood up.

"Sit down." Li Battalion Commander Li smiled and walked directly opposite Hu Yi.

The soldiers on the opposite side hurriedly stood up and moved out of the way. Battalion Commander Li took the opportunity to sit down and cut straight to the point: "I said, we are old acquaintances. I said, you might as well come to my spy camp."

Hu Yi knew what he meant and didn't express his opinion.

Seeing that Hu Yi didn't answer, Battalion Commander Li continued heartily: "If you agree, I will keep it for you, Deputy Battalion Commander."

Hu Yi didn't sit down: "I think you should talk to Captain Lu about this matter."

"If we can reach an agreement, why should I bother to find you?"

"So, it was your idea that Captain Liang called me over?"

"Oh, do you think I'm that kind of person? To be honest, I asked Xiao Zhao carefully about your battle situation that day. Your battlefield instinct and on-site command are really suitable for the secret service battalion."

Facing the olive branch thrown by Commander Li, Hu Yi still did not express his position, and the scene fell into silence.

"Okay, you sit down first, Liujin spends a lot of time with you Jiulian, so I should be clear about your situation, hey, Liujin, what are you looking at me for?"

"It's nothing." Liu Jin next to Hu Yi quickly shrank his neck and denied it.

Battalion Commander Li looked at Hu Yi, saw that Hu Yi's expression suddenly became a little strange, and quickly explained to Hu Yi: "Don't blame him, he has to report the battle situation in your Ninth Company during this period of time."

"I didn't say I had any objections." Hu Yi looked at Battalion Commander Li calmly.

Wang Liujin next to him looked at the battalion commander: "Battle commander, I won't take you to play like this."

Battalion Commander Li immediately changed his words: "Oh... I'm sorry, let me tell you first, I didn't plan to arrange for someone to come to your Jiulian, Liujin came to you, it was just an accident."

Hu Yi's expression remained unchanged, but he was not unhappy because Wang Liujin reported the details of Jiulian to Battalion Commander Li.

Instead, it suddenly occurred to him that the situation on the plain was too complicated. Now that the backbone of the Ninth Company's fighting force was almost gone, he wondered if that woman could handle it.

With Lao Qin, Tian Sanqi and Wang Xiaosan, Hu Yi suddenly felt that he seemed to be careless.

I can't help feeling a little worried.

However, Battalion Commander Li secretly admired him in his heart. He had said so much, and the person in front of him could even make his platoon commanders nervous when his face changed. Whenever I see myself, I will always play a few haha ​​with myself, even make a few jokes, or say some polite words.

This guy is really interesting, courageous, and sentimental. It seems that my plan to transfer him to the secret service camp may be out of the question.

What a shame!He said so much, but he was actually helping Liu Manhe, an important member of the special agent group at the headquarters.

When covering the retreat of the headquarters last time, the Special Task Force suffered a lot of losses, and there was a serious shortage of grassroots commanders. The newly added grassroots commanders had a process to grow, and the enemy would not give them so much time at all.

(End of this chapter)

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