under fire

Chapter 602 Elite and Big Moves

Chapter 602 Elite and Big Moves

During the routine evening anti-university cadets' concentrated military seminars, more than 100 cadets successively went to the division headquarters for short-term training.

Captain Liang and the others were all present, whispered to the teachers beside him and then stood up.

Looking left and right at the students who were slowly quieting down below: "The military experience discussion session is starting now! Independent regiment student Hu Yi, please talk about your combat experience first, and pass it on to everyone."

He chose Hu Yi to be the first to appear on the stage. He had his own considerations. At least Hu Yi had attended a military academy and would not be stage-frightened.

What they said was also a mess, making a mess of a good discussion meeting.

As soon as Captain Liang said this, the student team of nearly a hundred people immediately started talking.

"Why is the first one named to speak from the independent group?"

"They are the guards in the mountains, so the first one to speak should be our combat troops, right?"

"You know what a fart, let them speak first, and our main combat force will be the finale behind."

Hu Yi was the first to be called, stood up calmly, saluted from left to right, and looked at the surrounding platoon and company commanders: "Let me talk about my personal opinion first. In normal training, we should be targeted instead of Too much emphasis on bayonet fighting, because in guerrilla warfare, the enemy advances and retreats, and the enemy retreats and pursues, so bayonet fighting cannot gain the advantage of guerrilla warfare.

In my opinion, the combat effectiveness of a unit mainly depends on the pre-battle reconnaissance, the judgment of the enemy's situation, the selection of favorable terrain in advance, and the formation of dual advantages in firepower and troop strength locally."

As soon as Hu Yi had finished speaking, a student immediately raised his hand and spoke immediately after being approved: "Student Hu, I don't agree with your point of view. Struggle is a fine tradition of our army, and we should definitely pay attention to it!"

Hu Yi didn't want to argue with him, but his objection was justified: "In the past, we fought bayonets because we lacked guns and ammunition, but now it's different. The arsenal in the division can make its own guns and small cannons, and the bullets can also be used. Reinstallation, why don't we think more about using firepower to solve the problem instead of using the bodies of soldiers to fight the devils?"

Another student immediately got up and sincerely asked for advice: "You said just now that the advantage of firepower is formed locally, but I have a question. Only half of the people in a class in our team have rifles, most of them are old sleeves, and one of the soldiers is holding a rifle. With big swords and spears, besides close combat, can there be other ways to fight devils?

In addition, in our platoon team, we don't even have machine guns. Apart from occupying high ground and throwing a few grenades, there are only so many things in our team. We should ask student Hu for advice on how to form a local firepower advantage?How should it be arranged? "

"Avoid the truth and let the truth go, break them one by one." Hu Yi didn't want to talk to him, wouldn't it be good for you to ask the instructor?I'm not an instructor.
"I heard that you fought the county with a platoon, can you tell us about the experience?"

"Well, you can ask my comrade-in-arms Ma Liang."

"You have less than one platoon of troops, how did you manage to repel a squadron of heavily armed devils?"

"You have to ask the Secret Service Battalion."

"There are talented people in our team, and many chiefs have studied in **. Which chief's teachings do you come from for these statements?"


"What are you talking about, come one by one." Seeing that the discussion was about to turn into a press conference, Captain Liang knocked on the table and coughed:
"Geng Tingzhou, a student from the division, tell me about your combat experience."

A tall, thin man stood up and said, "Hello, fellow students, I have been fighting at the southwest gate of the Hebei-Shandong-Henan border area in Weinan County for a long time. The Japanese and puppets are all infiltrating here. Most of the time, we spend most of our time fighting devils in the cracks of the enemy. We also have to fight against national army diehards, bandits, and armed landlords. Our main Eighth Route Army is stationed directly in the homes of ordinary people after being dispersed. Help the common people to work, conduct military training secretly at night, and constantly develop the militia. Our battles are mainly to harass the devils and traitors who are alone, destroy the devils’ communication lines, beat the devils who go to the countryside to grab food, punish the traitors, and talk to the family members of the traitors. ’, mainly for publicity.”

Captain Liang has black hair, I asked you to talk about your combat experience, and you tell me about your daily work, this is wrong, you have a headache, stop immediately.

Li Huanzhang, a student in the desert area, let me tell you about your combat experience. Captain Liang added: "Student Li is a well-known sharpshooter in our sand area."

An unremarkable and thin soldier got up and said, "Hey, my name is Li Huanzhang, I am from the Anti-Japanese Self-Defense Brigade of Huang County in the sandy area. I can also hit a running hare and a crow flying in the sky."

He paused at this point, then turned to look at Hu Yi who was sitting: "Company Commander Hu, hehe, I heard about you, the last time you reinforced the main force of our military region, you won a big victory against the public security army and one brigade with two companies. , I happened to be on the outskirts of the Eastern Front, and I didn't see you, so I finally had the honor to see you today."

"Are you here to meet relatives? I don't even know what the occasion is." A young man wearing glasses immediately frowned to express his dissatisfaction.

"I don't care about your ancestors. I don't care what you dare to do. Where the hell did you get stretched out of the rock?" Li Huanzhang has a straightforward nature. As for his temper, it's not for him.

Captain Liang was a little dumbfounded, but he was surprised in his heart, but he didn't intend to stop them at all. These students from the grassroots are used to lawlessness. It would be strange if there were no conflicts between them.

They must not be calmed down. If they don't show their true side, how can they see their true heart?
"What are you talking about?" Out of the corner of the eye of the man wearing glasses, Captain Liang who was sitting above seemed to have no intention of stopping it at all. He felt a little strange, and began to carefully analyze why Captain Liang ignored the voices that were starting to quarrel.

Suddenly I was startled, he deliberately made us quarrel, so as to find an excuse to repair the thorn!

You can't be fooled by him, shut up immediately, and ignore Li Huanzhang's swearing at all.

However, that idiot scolded too badly, is this still a comrade?Forget it, my lord does not count the faults of villains.

Captain Liang saw that a slap couldn't be heard, and the discussion started well, at least he could "speak freely". Seeing that the sharpshooter was tired of scolding, he didn't comment, so he smiled and called the name again: "Seventy-two regiment."

"I am coming from"

Captain Liang listened to the students self-reporting their families and began to talk about their combat experience, but he always felt that something was wrong: the sandy area was far away on the plains and close to Lu Province. It's right outside, but, why did he arrange to come to the teacher?

And the one who asked Hu Yi just now came from a family of martial arts in Hebei Province, and he liked to dance with knives and sticks.

Geng Tingzhou has been in enemy-occupied areas for a long time and is good at intelligence collection.

Li Huanzhang in the sand area is a sharpshooter.

That glasses is a company instructor who is good at analyzing intelligence.
Headquarters Secret Service Corps left a squad, said to help train the Trainer Secret Service Battalion
The head of the headquarters personally led the team to celebrate the teacher's birthday, and then held consecutive meetings
Only Hu Yi, whom I am familiar with, just now I deliberately named him to speak first, and the others I called casually seemed to be combat heroes who had been commended!

No, Minister Zhang asked Hu Yi to go to the secret service camp alone for training.

This is wrong!Quickly lowered his head and looked at the student roster on the table, recalling the student files he had seen
After a long time, I finally figured out that the division took advantage of the opportunity to learn from the Anti-Japanese University, and at the same time intends to recruit all the grassroots elites in various fields from various local troops into the division!
This is definitely preparing to make a big move in the near future!
No wonder, the teacher will let the comrades of the basic subjects arrange some students to enter the mountain in advance!

Thinking of this, Captain Liang's heart began to get agitated. He only felt that the burden on his shoulders was heavier, and he didn't ask questions that shouldn't be asked.Since the people who come to the division are all elites, then I must first make this team into a united team!

However, the students from the independent group may really be here to make up the numbers.
Because at that time I took them to perform the task of escorting the cadre team into the mountain, it was really accidental.

But they later hit by mistake and ambushed a squadron of devils with a force that could not be lined up, and won a big victory. That's why they had the opportunity to be allowed to enter the division headquarters, and then stayed.

(End of this chapter)

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