under fire

Chapter 603

Chapter 603
At three o'clock in the morning, the door of the dormitory was knocked by a sentinel: "All the students of Captain Liang get up, 10 minutes."

In the dark, Hu Yi, who was awakened with a start, was a little puzzled. He thought that he had heard wrongly. Isn't it 5 minutes from getting up to assembly? Why is it 10 minutes this time?

Regardless of asking, she turned over and sat up immediately, quickly put on her coat, then sat on the bedside and put on her pants, her feet went straight into the military shoes after the trouser legs were worn out, one hand pushed the buttons of the underwear shirt into the buttonhole, and the other hand grabbed the shirt. coat.

The leggings rolled up and down the calf, it takes one more pair of leggings than others, and of course it takes more time.

If you can see in the dark, the movement is so fast that it will definitely dazzle the eyes.

Ma Liang next to him was also wearing leggings.

Ma Liang moved even faster. He skillfully walked to the wall, took off Hu Yi's armed belt and daily equipment, and whispered, "Brother, here it is!"

Hu Yin accepted the armed belt with a hum, and hung it directly on his body.

Ma Liang returned to the wall to get his own equipment.

After finishing his equipment, Hu Yi went to the door and opened the door. A gust of cold wind came in immediately, making Tang Dagou, who was sleeping near the door, shiver, and hurriedly stuffed his clothes into the buttonholes.

Luo Fugui jumped off the bed directly, he didn't take off his clothes at all!
Putting on his shoes in a hurry, kicking his leggings indiscriminately, after thinking for a while, he finally took out his high-end lighter to light the fire, and lit the oil lamp on the upper table.

A piece of light directly filled the room, casting a few shadows swaying back and forth in the room.

Luo Fugui pulled out a big bag from under the bed, and put it directly on the table in the room: "This bed is not as comfortable as sleeping on the kang!"

"It's better than sleeping in a cave two days ago, right?" Chen Chong couldn't help interjecting.

Luo Fugui yawned: "I don't know where to train today, the rooster crows twice."

Tang Dagou, who was putting equipment on his body, suddenly asked: "Hey, did you call the girl?"

Luo Fugui half-closed his eyes and rested his mind: "Mr. Hu must have grown up. Hey, why are you so fucking slow? You have to learn from Mr. Hu to tie two leggings."

"What the fuck I like, don't mind your business."

"Like Boss Hu? You don't even look in the mirror?"

Tang Dagou lost his colloquial words: "Don't talk sarcastic here, hurry up and help that careless stinky girl."

"Oh...she still has to comb her hair and go to the bathroom...you idiots, why are you looking at me?" Luo Fugui yelled loudly, but his feet didn't move.

"He dared to take my surname as yours!" Chen Chong ridiculed Tang Dagou for not having long eyes.

Luo Fugui glanced at Chen Chong with big ugly eyes: "You think I dare not?"

Chen Chong sneered: "Don't say it, you really dare not!"

"Your grandma's. Forget it, I don't care about you." Luo Fugui pulled out a small bag from his backpack, raised his hand and threw it to Chen Chong: "Go!"

Chen Chong copied the empty backpack by hand: "Hey, if you dare to enter their room, I think the second girl will probably eat you up."

"Eat your grandma, hurry up, if the girl goes late by herself, we all have to run around the playground twice more."

Tang Dagou finished sorting out the equipment, and it is estimated that it only takes 5 minutes now: "No, why did you give me 10 minutes this time, is this too long?"

Luo Fugui sat on the edge of the bed and continued to doze off: "Why don't you wash your face first?"

"Come on, why don't you crowd people to death if you go at this time? Find time later!" Tang Dagou objected immediately.

"Your face won't be washed once in 800 years anyway." Luo Fugui suddenly thought of something, and suddenly opened his eyes: "I think there is something wrong with the group yesterday."

"Didn't we discuss it for a long time, what's the problem?" Tang Dagou was playing with his horse Sihuan after he was dressed.

"The other platoon commanders and company commanders who participated in the training were all disrupted. Only those from our independent regiment were all divided together. What does this mean?" Luo Fugui asked back.

"I heard them speak yesterday. There are so many people, everyone has one or two unique skills, but we don't have farts. Don't you understand?"

"That's right, it's useless to learn so much. Is it as good as Lao Tzu's machine gun?"

"Then you should hurry up and learn the essentials of machine guns from the instructor. It's useless here." Tang Dagou stood up and was about to go out.

"This time, it must be a big event." Li Xiang, who was fully dressed earlier, said in a leisurely voice from the darkness.

"Big event? Do you really want to do something big?" Luo Fugui's eyes widened: "Oh, don't you want to imitate Chief Hu and fight the county seat? Think about it, Ma Liang discussed with them for a long time yesterday, and he didn't even greet them this morning. Sneaked out without a fight?"

"No, there must be something else. It is impossible for these grassroots commanders to go to the county seat in person." Li Xiang walked out of the darkness and shook his head.

Tang Dagou also became interested: "Why don't you, Mule, go ask Commander Hu, he hangs out with the secret service battalion every day, so he should know something?"

"It's almost Chinese New Year, and the devils have stopped a lot during this time, what's the big deal?" Luo Fugui didn't want to inquire about these shitty things, anyway, he heard that Boss Hu was there, so he couldn't go wrong with Boss Hu. He pricked up his ears to listen to the sound of running footsteps outside, estimated the time, and it should be about the same: "You two don't talk too much, go to the playground. Hurry up."

The door of the house was opened again, and several people in the house packed up their things, blew out the oil lamps, and went straight out.

Find the ones who have stood in line earlier, and follow them into the line.

In the small courtyard outside the house, there was a platoon of secret service battalions, and the trainee teams from various units began to gather in trainee classes.

Captain Liang watched the team members run out of the dormitory with a blank face. This time, he didn't rush.

The girl combed two small braids again, because it is not allowed to make holes in the military cap on the top of the head during the study period, even if the military cap is broken by itself.

Behind the second girl, Chen Chong, slipped along the wall to the side of the team, stood next to Hu Yi, yawned and looked forward: "Fox, what are you doing here?"

"do not know!"

"You are with Wang Liujin and the others every day, how dare you say you don't know?"

"can not say."


The people next to me were pricking up their ears, but they didn't hear anything. Fortunately, Company Commander Hu should know, but now they have to keep it secret.

Captain Liang was expressionless, with his hands behind his back, and he was walking back and forth in front of the assembled team of more than 100 people. Behind him, two team teachers stood and whispered.

After a while.

Captain Liang finally said, "Count the number of people!"

Since it was midnight, each group was not required to report their numbers.

After 1 minute, each group leader stepped forward to report the number of people in turn.

Captain Liang nodded in satisfaction: "This time we're going out for training, the distance is a little far, everyone pay attention, keep quiet, keep your footsteps down, target, kitchen!"

"Don't stand there like a mallet. Hurry up, eat immediately after getting back your weapons, get three days of rations, and set off immediately after replenishing ammunition."

It is said that it is training, and it is necessary to replenish the ammunition. Everyone knows that things are not as simple as Instructor Liang said.

But the instructor didn't say the destination, nor did he say what the task was, so no one dared to ask.

One by one, they threw off their legs, lined up, and ran to the kitchen neatly. The movement of more than 100 people running was really not small, and the dogs in the village near the division headquarters immediately barked.

At the door of the kitchen, soldiers from the secret service battalion were waiting there. On the ground, there were boxes of grenades and bullets.

The weapons handed in by the students were neatly stacked on the table, with notes attached to them.

Three of the machine guns stand out in particular.

(End of this chapter)

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