under fire

Chapter 604

Chapter 604

Lin Yi was among the common people, her dirty head was wrapped in a sweat-stained sackcloth, and her face could hardly be seen clearly with her disheveled face.

Except for his tired eyes, he could only see a rough outline of his face, almost no different from the beggars at the bottom of the city wall.

The ranks of ordinary people who were inspected by the detective team kept moving forward.

The investigative team is collecting security fees for entering the city one by one. In order to fundamentally prohibit the use of legal currency and border area tickets, the detective team only accepts the "Mengjiang Yuan" issued by banks in the occupied areas and Japanese army tickets. If anyone uses legal currency, they will be directly charged Confiscated people shot.

As for the real money and hard currency like Dayang, no one would be foolish enough to give such a large amount of money to enter the city.

The dog eyes of the detective members kept patrolling the crowd.

Finally it was Lin Yi's turn with a seemingly numb expression. A member of the detective team took the crumpled certificate of good citizenship she handed over and checked the photos carefully.

The woman exuded a disgusting sour smell, and the investigators quickly pinched their noses, but he did not relax because of Lin Yi's beggar-like appearance. What is the city doing?"

"Go to Renhetang to find Mr. Liu to get medicine and treat my mother-in-law." In order to speak hoarsely, Lin has not had a sip of water since he set off in the mountains yesterday.

"What about the prescription?"

"Here!" Lin Yi took out a folded piece of yellow paper from the basket hanging on the forearm of his left hand, and handed it to the detective team members with the prescription of the medicine name and weight written in small letters on it.

The detective team took the prescription and looked at it, and didn't recognize him in many words, but the paper on which the prescription was written was for Renhetang, and he knew it.

"In these days, if you have money, it's better to buy some food. It's useless for you to save an old woman." The black dog of the detective team shook his head and muttered, which can be regarded as kind words of persuasion. If he can be cured, he will starve to death.

Lin Yi didn't seem to understand, he took the certificate of good citizenship and the prescription from the investigator with dull eyes, put them away carefully, and slowly walked into the cave of the city gate.

"Another dead-headed one." The detective team member shook his head.

Above the city gate.

The captain of the detective kept staring at Lin Yi: "I always feel that something is wrong to send someone down to stare at that stinky bitch."

After speaking, he raised his hand and pointed to the woman who had just entered the city.

A traitor with a scarred face next to him, followed the direction pointed by the captain, quickly found the target, and immediately became energetic: "Captain, just catch it?"

"Our Qixian County is a model county for public security in Shanxi, and the Chinese New Year is only two days away. If you catch a suspect at this juncture, doesn't it mean that there are Eight Routes activities in the city, and you want to add trouble to the captain of the imperial army? Isn't it?" The deputy captain shook his head.

"what is it now?"

"If you put a long line to catch big fish, even if you catch people, you can only catch them outside the city, do you understand?"

"Our law and order model county is well-known, but it's much more difficult to arrest people outside the city. Hehe, if you can't arrest people in the shops of those wealthy landlords who do business, brothers will not have much money to fish for?"

"You idiot is always looking for money. You know what a fart, since we are a model county of law and order, there can be no rebels in the city, and you have to pay attention to methods to make money, you know?"

"I understand, Tubalu dare not come to stroke the tiger's beard, but occasionally I will send a few ordinary people into the city to inquire about the news, is this justified?"

"For these poor ghosts who don't know anything, you can't get any information if you catch them. You're still fishing for oil and water. We have to raise them first and catch the big fish behind them, understand?"

"Could it be that this is what the play says about raising a thief's self-respect? High, really high!"

"Your mother is quite knowledgeable. For us, if we catch all the suspects, sooner or later we will be exhausted, good bows hidden, cunning avoid death, lackeys, understand?"

"Hey, then we are dogs, aren't you scolding yourself?"

"I'm a good bow, you're a fucking lackey."

"In these days, being a dog is more nourishing than being a human being. Yes, I will follow it myself."

"Hey, are you going to kill yourself?" The deputy captain reminded, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you think the eight-way anti-rape team is just a display?"

"I'm just going to have a look. Anyway, let the military police do the job of arresting people." The scarred traitor thought for a while: "Brother, how did you find out that there is something wrong with her? Can you tell my brother?"

"Well, she walked quickly between the outside of the city and the gate of the city, but walked slowly after passing the checkpoint. Doesn't this show that she is observing the situation in the city?"

"Admiration, brother, you really have sharp eyesight, you can see such details clearly."

"What? Do you still know how to look like a torch?"

"The storyteller said that the great hero has eyes, don't they all say that the eyes are like saws?"

"You go to the theater every day, be careful that I clean you up, get out of here quickly."

"I'll take a few brothers to see it right now." Seeing that the woman had gone far, the scar-faced dog traitor hurriedly beckoned people to run down from the city gate.

The environment in Qi County is very harsh. The county magistrate, independent battalion commander, and county police chief of the anti-Japanese government defected to the enemy one after another.

And these traitors are now openly working for the devils in the county, causing all the agencies and units near the Eighth Route Army to be transferred.

The personnel who stayed in the city for intelligence were all personally arranged by Lin Yi, and they only maintained one-line contact with her through traffic officers.

Just the day before yesterday, the intelligence personnel who penetrated into the enemy's interior accidentally got the news of the advance team. The traffic officer tried his best to send the information to the designated location. Lin Yi was not there, and the other traffic officer who obtained the information sent the information to a nearby agency overnight. Two hours later, after analysis and screening, the information marked with three asterisks was translated into a message and sent to the headquarters urgently.

After receiving the information, the Enemy Engineering Department further analyzed and made a judgment based on the situation reported by the intelligence agencies in various places. Part of the devil's advance team entered Qi County!
In the middle of the night, the information was directly reported to the boss. After reading the information, the boss didn't feel sleepy anymore. With red eyes, he personally ordered: all the elite forces of the nearby Eighth Route Army should be mobilized, and this team must be destroyed at all costs.

The telegram was also sent to the division headquarters to the south.

The words of the chief at all costs show that he completely hates the advance team, and it also shows that the advance team is very destructive to the Eighth Route Army.

The chief's consideration must be reasonable. Judging from the terrain, if the advancing team turned westward over Luliang Mountain and then crossed the Yellow River, the consequences would be disastrous.

Therefore, the general in charge of the organization was responsible for assassinating the An County advance team, and transferred them directly to Qi County, in order to succeed in one strike.

When Lin Yi received the order, he was analyzing the intelligence that Jizhong also discovered the activities of the advance team.

Liu Manhe, staff officer of the special task force at the headquarters, had already assembled 30 elite members of the whole regiment. Under the escort of the special task force, she set off from the mountains overnight, all the way west, and entered the hilly area of ​​Shanxi after dawn. Driven more than 100 miles in the enemy-occupied area.

At this time, she finally entered the east gate of Qi County smoothly.

Taking a deep breath, he leaned against the wall of the street to rest, looked left and right for a while, and found that Liu Manhe, the staff officer of the Secret Service Battalion, had also entered the city gate.

Lin Yi exchanged glances with a middle-aged man who sold wontons on the street. The middle-aged man nodded slightly, and she continued to walk unhurriedly to Renhe Hall located in the south of Qi County.

She wanted to speed up, but she didn't rest all night, walking on mountain roads and riding horses. For a woman like her, her physical fitness has almost reached its limit.

There are not many pedestrians on the streets in winter.

Suddenly, there was the sound of someone running behind, and Liu Manhe whispered as he ran past Lin Yi: "There is a tail behind."

Lin Yi was startled, but he didn't turn his head, and kept his speed.

After Liu Manhe finished speaking, he continued to run forward, turned around a block and disappeared...

As soon as Lin walked on the familiar street where she used to work, she didn't even change her direction. There should be other comrades around.

In fact, she wasn't too worried. She was very confident in her arrangements. All the people lurking in the city were old comrades-in-arms who had been tried and tested, and it was impossible for them to defect to the enemy.

Now, she has no more time to hide, time is too tight, even if the contact point of Renhetang is exposed, she must guarantee to complete this mission!

Firm eyes, firm steps.

Not long after, Lin Yi walked directly into the Renhe Hall.

After a while, she left Renhetang with a pair of traditional Chinese medicine wrapped in paper.

Turning in one direction on the street, Liu Manhe had already changed his clothes, and the two exchanged a look.

The scar-faced traitor in the distance watched the woman enter the pharmacy, and came out with a pack of Chinese medicine in a short time. There seemed to be no one passing her on the road.

No, that young man of seventeen or eighteen seemed to be running behind him, and seemed to have made eye contact with her!

Changed clothes so quickly?There must be something wrong.

Scarface couldn't judge the situation accurately, so he couldn't help hesitating for a while, and suddenly ordered to the dog beside him: "You follow her, and I'll follow that young man."

Immediately, the two separated, and two figures appeared in a shop by the side of the road. After separating, they joined the two traitors and continued to follow.

Few noticed that somewhere nearby, on the second floor, a pair of eyes, hidden behind a slit window, were watching what was happening in the street.

"Captain, the joint personnel were followed by the black dog." The observer's voice came, and several people in the room immediately became nervous.

Open the door, go downstairs, and go to the street separately.

(End of this chapter)

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