under fire

Chapter 605 Whimsical

Chapter 605 Whimsical
After half an hour.

The young man who was followed by the scarred traitor walked straight into the police station. Could it be that someone from the police force also discovered the situation?
Want to take credit from Lao Tzu?

Scarface hesitated for a while, then turned around and left.

More than ten minutes later, the scar-faced traitor returned to the detective team.

Seeing that the subordinate who he ordered to follow the woman had also returned, he couldn't help showing a smile on his face: "How is the situation?"

The traitor cried and said, "Brother, I lost that woman!"

"Lost? Haha! Good!"

"Brother, you laugh like that, I'm scared"

"You're afraid of farts, why do you still patrol the streets for so long?"

"Brother, I worked very hard!"

The scar-faced traitor was full of ambition: "Forget it, it's none of your business now, hurry up and get out."

At least he can confirm that there is something wrong with that woman. Since she has gone to Renhe Hall, she should not have to worry about money for the New Year.

As for the identity of the woman, you can find out just by asking the brother guarding the city, because there are only a few women entering the city through the east gate.

Good citizenship certificate is really a good thing

In a dilapidated private house somewhere in the city, Lin Yi, who gathered with Liu Manhe, calmly looked at the anti-Japanese government county magistrate Liu who had just entered the house.

"Hello, Section Chief Lin!" The thin and tall county magistrate Liu stepped forward directly: "Liu Manhe, why are you here?"

"I am the person in charge of this operation!" Of course Liu Manhe recognized the county magistrate who had worked at the headquarters, and his answer was still simple and clear.

Lin Yi didn't talk to him: "To make a long story short, I'm going to relay the order of the head of the headquarters: first, try to find out the exact time and place of the banquet for the advance team; second, try to bring our operatives into the city; Three, prepare enough weapons for the operators."

"Hey, make sure to complete the task, why don't we have dinner first?"

"Is work more important than food?"

"Well, I received an order from my superiors this morning. You have traveled nearly [-] miles this way. It's really hard work. Hey, how many team members do we have for this operation?"

Lin Yi briefly said: "More than 30 people arrived earlier, and more than 200 will be reached tonight. The nearby local troops are still gathering. In order to prevent surprises, the large troops are temporarily arranged to gather hundreds of miles away."

"A team of more than 200 people? So many?" County Magistrate Liu was taken aback for a moment, with a bitter expression on his face: "There are too many people, it is impossible to sneak into the city!"

Lin Yi said coldly: "I'm not discussing with you, this is an order, the order of the head of the headquarters is at all costs, if the action team misses, it will mobilize all nearby fighters, including militiamen, intelligence personnel, including your local staff The personnel, all have to take up their guns and participate in the storming of the county, do you understand?"

"Ah? So serious? I'll think of a solution immediately." County Magistrate Liu was a little confused. What is the superior playing?Is it really that important to play that advancing team?
Lin Yi reminded: "The day after tomorrow is the Spring Festival. If the advance team has dinner, most of them will choose New Year's Eve. Therefore, our team must enter the city within two days!"

County Magistrate Liu thought for a while: "Can't we wait for the enemy to come out before launching their ambush?"

"This is not something you should consider right now. The order I got is to destroy the enemy in the city!"

County Magistrate Liu finally couldn't help it: "The result is the same. What's the difference between inside the city and outside the city? We are too passive in the city. Who the fuck is this layman's order? I want to report to my superiors!"

Lin Yi said coldly: "I hope you can only answer me with 'yes'."

"You..." County Magistrate Liu, who had just stood up, froze for a moment and said indignantly, "Yes."

Lin Yi felt that his words might be too blunt, so he changed to a calm tone: "You are an old comrade, don't feel wronged, I will explain the reason to you slowly in the future, but now, you only need to obey orders!"

"I don't mean anything else. It's just that there are devils in the city. We are so reckless. I know. It's probably the boss who can't bear that tone." County Mayor Liu felt a little lonely.

"It's good that you understand! Let me ask you, old Liu, is there any problem with transporting weapons into the city now?" Liu Manhe asked suddenly.

County Magistrate Liu regained consciousness from his memory, immediately regained his seriousness, and shook his head: "It's basically impossible. Our police chief has defected to the enemy. He knows our common methods very well, and now it's approaching the end of the year. The editorial team checked very carefully, everyone who entered the city had to undergo a body search, and there was no way to bring them into the city.”

"In this way, weapons cannot be transported into the city from outside the city, so how many weapons do you have in the city?"

County Magistrate Liu thought about it for a while: "The enemy in the city is under strict surveillance, and weapons can't be brought in at all. The guns in the hands of our people in the city are only a few solitary knuckles."

"Single one? You mean just a few pieces of broken iron? Not even a single shell gun?" Liu Manhe was stunned.

"Originally there were, but the devils have strictly investigated, and our people have no way to move around in the city. We simply arranged for comrades to move in the mountains outside the city. Now it will be impossible to call them back. And, even if called There is no way to send weapons into the city when you come back."

"I said that you are a county magistrate, and you are really embarrassing the Eighth Route Army." Liu Manhe was a little angry.

County Magistrate Liu was a little dumbfounded, but he was not angry: "Young man, you don't understand the actual situation. Because traitors appeared successively in the senior cadres of our organization, all the comrades organized in the city had to evacuate. I have only been in office for half a year in the county. Long, I have been working outside the city most of the time, and today is the second time I have entered the city, you know?"

"That's not a reason, come on, just make sure we can enter the city. By the way, can we climb over the city wall in the middle of the night?"

"The devils arranged wolf dogs on the city wall at night, and the searchlights illuminated the entire city wall as if it were daytime from dark. We have been observing for a month without finding any loopholes."

"Where's the sewer?"

"The enemy is not a fool, and they are also heavily defended. How do you cross the river in winter? The key is that you can't get close to the moat at all!"

"This is a troublesome matter. By the way, there has been no change in the strength of the devils in the city?"

"There is no change. We report this every three days. You should know, right? There is a brigade of devils in the city garrison, and a regiment of security forces. They go out to sweep after dawn and come back before dark, and those black dog police officers are assigned to check every day. The population of ordinary people's homes, even if they are visiting relatives to stay overnight, must report to the police for registration and verification on the same day, otherwise they will be arrested directly, and the city will be full of enemies.

The most troublesome thing is those traitors who defected to the enemy. They are very aware of our working methods. There are only so few people in our city, and there is no way to carry out our work. "Magistrate Liu had a bitter look on his face.

"Okay, I'm in a hurry. I know your conditions are difficult. Can you get something like a bayonet or a kitchen knife?"

"Bayonets, if you add up all the comrades have, you should be able to make up about twenty."

"That's fine. Hurry up and arrange to complete the three tasks assigned to you by your superiors. I will be in charge of organizing people to enter the city. After completing the tasks, I will directly fight out from the city gate."

"Ah? Just hit? Isn't this looking for death? It's just whimsical!" County Magistrate Liu was startled, and he couldn't calm down: "I really can't figure out why the superiors would appoint you as the leader of the operation. If you are poor, you won’t be able to find commanders, right?”

Liu Manhe had a black line: "You look down on me? But you are a senior, I promise. Forget it, you really don't have to worry, this time we have made full preparations."

(End of this chapter)

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