under fire

Chapter 606

Chapter 606
County Magistrate Liu left. Because of the shortage of manpower, he had to take the risk of arranging latent personnel to mobilize the masses to inquire about the whereabouts of the action team.

Liu Manhe was looking at the latest map of the county left by the county magistrate Liu, as well as the general deployment map of the enemy's troops, and the detailed firepower deployment.

Lin Yizheng kept writing and drawing with a pen.

"Staff Liu, do you think if you can only bring 30 or [-] people into the city, and only use cold weapons to deal with a platoon of about [-] devils, are you sure you are sure?"

Liu Manhe was marking on the map with a ruler without raising his head: "As long as we can find out the devil's whereabouts in advance, it's not a big problem."

Lin Yi asked worriedly: "But what if something unexpected happens?"

"If you can't complete the task, Aunt Lin, then you have to burn two sticks of incense in front of my tombstone every Qingming Festival!" Liu Manhe smiled wryly.

"How do you talk, kid?" Lin Yi felt bitter. He came out in a hurry this time, and his superiors handed over this operation to Liu Manhe. His staff officer seemed unreliable, and as an intelligence officer, he was more concerned with the battle plan. It is only based on the results of the battles that have been seen, I really don't know what the chief thinks!

"Don't worry, someone will do the main battle plan?"

"This is a secret operation. Could it be that the superior has arranged for another commander?"

"Hey, the chief asked me, the staff officer, to take full responsibility. You just collect the intelligence work!"

"Are you sure?"

"We are engaged in assassination, not open swords and guns with devils, don't worry!"

"Can you save me some trouble? The most powerful people in our army are here, so don't leave them all here."

Liu Manhe suddenly smiled in a rare way: "Hey, don't worry, I will definitely go back alive, and I still have to wait for you to introduce me to someone!"

"How do you arrange the reception outside the city?"

"Oh, then I told you everything, the Ninth Company of the Independent Regiment, you should know?"

"I know, they have been secretly mobilizing elite forces to form an assassination team in the activity organization east of Taihang. It seems that there is only the company commander named Hu Yi on the list, right?"

"Hey, last time I went to the division, the grassroots commanders of their regiment happened to be studying in the division, and most of the people who came to study had participated in the battle against the county seat, and those backbones are all there!"

"Well, I've read the battle report from the Independent Regiment newspaper. It said that a platoon of troops attacked Mei County, won the victory, and almost retreated. What do you think?" Lin Yi knew that this kid was quite courageous, so he probably communicated with that company commander Hu. Pass.

Hearing this, Liu Manhe stopped working on the map, put down his pen and looked up: "I discussed the battle plan with Company Commander Hu, hehe, of course, no official document was formed.

He first arranged for people to find out the enemy's military deployment in advance, and the devil's army was not in the city at that time.

Second, his strategic purpose is clear. It is only to relieve the pressure on the Independence Regiment being wiped out by the devils. The purpose is to let the devils who entered the mountain return to defense, not to win the county.

The third force was deployed properly, and the internal response was deployed in the city in advance. The internal response and the external combination first pretended to attack the Devils Gendarmerie brigade, and then attacked the city gate when the city became chaotic.

Fourth, command decisively, send surprise soldiers to occupy the tower, and hit the troops to attack a point.

That battle. From the point of view of command, it can be said that it was a powerful and unconstrained style! "

"It's very rare to get such a high evaluation from you." Lin said while recording on the paper: "However, compared with many classic battles of my army, it is not very brilliant, because the final result is that they did not The county was taken down, and the independent regiment did not report the specific number of enemies wiped out."

Liu Manhe was stunned for a moment: "This is different. They achieved the goal before the war. When we first entered Taihang, we faced the more than 500 fighters of the Devil Gang Qi Brigade, which took advantage of the terrain. The chief dispatched more than 20 regiments with nearly 2 soldiers. Many people blocked the devils, causing more than 2000 casualties, and in the end, most of the devils escaped! Strategic goals cannot be judged by the results of battles, right?"

Lin Yi stopped writing: "How can a small siege battle be considered a strategic goal?"

"Some time ago, they were not far from the division headquarters. With a platoon of students, they repelled a squadron of elite devils. It can be said that they didn't know what the target was before the battle. How do you think of it?"

"Don't embarrass me, this is something that your combat staff should study."

"You should have read the battle report, right? I know that your focus may be on the enemy, but sometimes you should also know the specific details of the battle so that the intelligence department can make a better judgment."

"Look, it is said that the company commander named Hu Yi also wrote an inspection. I heard that he destroyed the battle arrangement."

"There is a certain difference between the truth and the battle report. At that time, the division deliberately pretended to suspect that there were devils and spies in our team!"

"Is that so? It seems that our intelligence department has to review and review, and only use the report as an assessment. Well, we really have to go to the grassroots to find out when we have time!"

Liu Manhe was a little fascinated: "To be honest, the boss analyzed it carefully on the way back, and said that if they didn't stop the devils, even if we could arrive on time that day, the consequences would be unpredictable, because we completely ignored the devils. !"

As the head of the intelligence section, she knows the actual combat power of the Eighth Route Army better than many people: "The independent regiment can't even meet the requirements of the C-type regiment. To attack the county with a platoon, first of all, how much courage is required!"

Liu Manhe was even more interested when it came to field battles: "You're right, daring to fight a county town with a platoon of troops is a fantasy, but it also shows that their combat effectiveness is really unreal!"

"The result of that battle has been verified and confirmed." She suddenly became interested in that team. The company commander Hu who fought in the county town should arrive outside the city before dawn tomorrow, which made her look forward to it. Out: "Their team is really interesting."

Liu Manhe suddenly felt that he had strayed from the topic: "Whether we can complete this mission or not, the intelligence work depends entirely on you!"

Lin Yi pulled back his thoughts: "We have been doing the basic intelligence work in the enemy's battle zone. We will discuss the details when County Magistrate Liu comes back. By the way, our operation this time is not just a combat mission. Shame, it is especially required to use assassination methods as much as possible, and must be used in the heart of the devil's heavily defended area until the devil is completely scared!"

Liu Manhe knew a lot: "I know, the boss made a special confession before we set off to let the devils know that our Eighth Route Army also has a team that is good at assassination!"

"It's good that you understand, otherwise, the devils will continue to carry out this kind of infiltration tactics that cannot be defended against. We have a vast land and few people. If we allow the advance team to move around, we will be very passive. Only a thousand days of thieves, how can there be thousands of people?" The reason for Japanese defense against thieves?"

Liu Manhe smiled wryly: "The superior has prepared for almost half a year, and finally found this opportunity. Half a year ago, the secret service team specially assigned me to form a secret team, just to kill the devils in the city. This time, I must hang their heads on the top of the wall!"

Lin Yi frowned: "Well, it's good if you have confidence. You have to remember that the higher level has a deeper meaning in ordering us to carry out this operation. It is to let the enemy clearly understand that if they come here, we will be more powerful than you." They are still ruthless!"

Liu Manhe was full of pride: "That is, as long as he dares to organize an advance team again, our spy team will fight back with fire, and specialize in this kind of shady assassination in the devil-occupied area!"

"You have to remember that if the advance team continues to exist, with the adventurous temper of the devils, it is entirely possible for them to cross Luliang Mountain and then move west!" Lin Yi was still a little worried. Be careful, otherwise the devils will continue to use this method to sabotage, and it will be impossible to guard against.

Work hard for two chapters a day, and those wicked and smoking deserters who are still prostitutes, can you support and support under the "start-point reading".

(End of this chapter)

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