under fire

Chapter 607 Communication

Chapter 607 Communication
Qixian Street.

Matsui who just came out of Jinshu Pavilion is in a good mood.

Thinking of this makes me want to laugh out loud. That guy Nakamura made a small report to his superiors and was scolded bloody by the headquarters!

Finally returned to the model county of law and order. There is a brigade of the imperial garrison in the city. It is safe and secure, with freedom of movement. It is rare to have such a leisurely time.

He told the detective captain who was following behind and took him out for a walk: "Captain Huang, let's find a place to drink!"

"Okay, let's go to Dadexing Restaurant? The food and wine there are all included for you, and you want to eat braised lion's head, roast lamb, Quanjin sauced plum meat, and steamed big carp." Captain Huang of the investigation team immediately flattered, please come here Chief Matsui, who speaks Chinese fluently, of course had to take him to the best restaurant in the county.

"Then you arrange it, and I'll pay for it!" Matsui didn't have much interest in food, but he wanted to see it.

"Captain Jing, how can it be done? I must invite you for this meal!" The gendarmerie asked him to take Captain Matsui out to relax, and he had to call him Captain Jing himself.

Seeing that he speaks, he is approachable, unlike other princes who slap at every turn, guessing that he is probably from a special high school.

"Captain Huang is really good at handling things, so let's go!" After Matsui finished speaking, he stepped directly into the motorcycle body that had been started at the door.

The dog traitor hurried to push the bicycle next to him.

"Hey, sit here!" Matsui patted the seat cushion behind the motorcycle driver next to him.

"Thank you." Captain Huang stepped up in a desperate manner.

A puff of white smoke came out of the exhaust pipe of the motorcycle, and it fled away.


A girl carrying a basket of garbage came out of the gate of Jinshu Pavilion, and turned into a side alley in a few steps.

A young man was waiting there: "What happened?"

"The man and dog traitor sitting next to the motorcycle called him Captain Jing. He tossed about in the small red room for half an hour. When he went out, he told Captain Huang, the dog traitor, that he wanted to find a place to drink. The traitor dog said he would take them to Daedeok. Prosper the restaurant!" After the little girl finished speaking, she turned around and left after emptying out the trash in the basket.

After the young man heard this, he frowned and thought for a while, then turned around immediately, and had to arrange for someone to follow him to Dadexing Restaurant!

The cold wind howled in the barren mountains and valleys.

A team appeared in the field of vision of Gao Yidao's telescope.

He was in a bad mood because the regiment arranged for him to pick up allies to celebrate the New Year together!
The army was neat and orderly, and all those walking in front had submachine guns across their chests.

Putting down the binoculars, he subconsciously raised his gun to aim at the green steel helmets. In the end, he still didn't pull the bolt.

After thinking about it for a long time, I walked down the mountain ridge with my new fast legs and came to the pass.

The dark green military uniform is neat and tidy, and the armed belt is equipped with strips of magazines, which looks majestic.

An officer passed the vanguard in front, walked to the front and looked at Gao Yidao with contempt in his eyes: "Are you from the Independent Regiment?"

Gao Yidao's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and he faced the officer coldly: "Who are you? Which part?"

The officer has a black line, and you have come to meet him at the agreed place. Isn't this a disgusting person on purpose: "Li Xiangdong, staff officer of the 24th Group, 40th Army, Independent No. [-], [-]th Brigade."

The tone was cold and icy: "If I remember correctly, I want to pick up Li Zhenfen, the commander of the [-]th Brigade."

"Uh, that's how it is. Our brigade commander got sick just now, so the brothers had to make up the number. According to the principle of reciprocity, it shouldn't be rude for me to come to your independent regiment, right?"

"Then you have to prove your identity first!" Gao Yidao looked at the two yellow bars and three little stars on the shoulder of the opposite officer. He was a colonel, and he recognized his rank.

With a sneer on his face, the colonel officer took out an ID from his jacket pocket, and handed it to Gao Yidao disdainfully.

Gao Yidao took it and looked at it, then turned his head and told Kuaileg: "Take them into the mountain."

"Brother, what's your surname?" Colonel Li, who was frustrated, took the documents and was not angry. Beggars care about?
"Gao Yidao of the independent regiment." Gao Yidao didn't report for his position, anyway, the difference is so far away, there is no difference between reporting or not reporting.

"You are dressed in such shabby clothes, don't you have a hard time in winter?"

"Still starved to death." Gao Yidao said with a black face expressionless.

The colonel continued to despise: "Have you ever fought a war? I mean, have you seen devils?"

"I haven't seen many devils alive, but I've seen many dead ones." Gao Yidao replied in a vague manner.

"Oh, I heard that you have been fighting guerrillas in the mountains?"

"Do you have an opinion?" Gao Yidao didn't look back, nor was he angry.

"No objection!" The colonel suddenly felt that there was no need to share his knowledge. Remembering the commander's order before he set off, he pulled a submachine gun from the soldier next to him and handed it to Gao Yidao: "Brother Gao, this is the first time we meet. you!"

Gao Yidao was stunned, it was a bit like sending a beggar, but he didn't mind, he took it, pulled it a few times, and threw it to the soldier next to him: "Then I have to thank you!"

"We are allies, so don't be so polite."

"Hey, it was you who had friction with us the year before last, right?"

Didn't you say that you don't reach out and don't hit the smiling face? This is a gift for you. You, the colonel, are a little upset, but it's not that he hasn't seen the world, so he smiled instead: "What do you mean by that?"

"Means nothing."

"This time I entered the mountain, I was only following orders!"

"I know that you were also ordered to enter the mountain two years ago. I'm not sure about one thing. If you don't fight so many devils outside the mountain, you just have trouble with us. I would like to ask the reason."

Listening to Gao Yidao's aggressive words, is this going to turn over the old score?The colonel was stunned for a moment: "You should know that there is a saying that each is his master!"

Gao Yidao didn't want to talk to him: "I think we only have one master, and that is the common people. Let's go quickly. We must arrive at the station before dark."

The colonel froze.

Shaking his head, this bastard's mouth is not bad!

Looking up, I saw a team appearing on the mountain ridge, all of them were covered with bayonets, even the muzzle of the machine gun in the team was no exception.

Shaking his head, on the battlefield, do we still have to hold a machine gun and fight a bayonet?

The little devil's marksmanship is like a god, and before you rush in front of the devil, his bullets will completely blow off your sky.

I have never seen this before, and when I think of that scene, I am absolutely delighted, and I can't help laughing out loud.

"Do you think it's funny?" Gao Yidao's voice suddenly came from eyes on his back.

"No, I just think that the equipment of your department is very distinctive."

"Huh" a word came out of his nose, and it fell on the cold ground with a thud.

The colonel was not surprised. Eight Routes had such a virtue that they were not very friendly to friendly troops.

Of course, as a regular army, he didn't have a good impression of these former bandits. If it wasn't for Shangfeng's demand for sincere unity, he wouldn't be running around all over the mountains soon after the Chinese New Year.

Now that you are here, let's take this opportunity to go to the mountains to have a good look, so as to save these friendly soldiers from being disobedient next time, and trying to teach them a lesson, they still can't find their lair.

As a soldier, Colonel Li hated these armed forces that harmed the country. However, now that the enemy is at hand, one day, I will beat you to the ground.

Head Lu stood on the Sanjiaji playground and watched the soldiers train, without saying a word.

Political Commissar Ding did not know when he was transferred from the "Regiment Headquarters": "The appointment was made for them to enter the mountain early in the morning. Judging from the time, it should be almost the same."

Commander Lu's face was very ugly. The division had to arrange an exchange with the friendly troops before the Chinese New Year. He felt heartbroken when he thought that those friendly soldiers were going to bring a large group of people to the independent regiment to eat and drink.

The saved food is enough for the whole group to eat for a day or two.

Entertaining guests in the mountains should not be too shabby.

However, we will not do those face-saving pies, a bowl of braised pork and fish soup, two steamed buns per person, although we can’t make it on the table, why are we poor?
"Pass that hillside and we'll be there!" came a voice from the front with a knife.

"You've said it eight times." The guard next to Colonel Li couldn't help muttering.

"If you can go faster, I won't say it once."

Colonel Li, who was panting heavily, had black lines all over his head. His legs and feet were extremely sore all the way down the mountain, which was more uncomfortable than being chased by devils.

Suddenly found that there seemed to be a figure in the distance on the mountain road in front of him, so he quickly pulled up the telescope and observed carefully.

In the field of vision, a group of skinny old and weak women and children, carrying bundles of firewood on their backs, parked on the side of the road.

The soldiers of the Eighth Route Army who were walking in the front stopped beside the group of old and weak women and children. A dozen or so Eighth Route Army soldiers concentrated their rifles on three of them.

The old and the weak, women and children were also caught in the middle of the team, and Staff Officer Li clearly felt that the front team was moving slower.

However, this made the soldiers who were panting with submachine guns hanging on their chests and carrying heavy backpacks relax a little.

After driving for two days in a row, everyone was exhausted.

Dragging his almost numb legs, he finally turned around the hillside ahead.

The first thing that came into view was a large area of ​​low shacks, and the sound of shouting and killing came faintly along the cold wind from a playground that was not flat.

From the looks of it, this place looks like a serious military camp, not like a village of ordinary people.

It is quite different from the eight roads that I have seen before, most of them live in the homes of ordinary people.

(End of this chapter)

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