under fire

Chapter 608

Chapter 608
The shabby regiment headquarters had a brazier.

The conference table made up of three tables was divided into two parts, half of which were for the Eight Roads and half for the Military Kingdom, and they were all full of people.

Sitting directly above were Commander Lu and Staff Officer Li.

The military uniforms of different colors made it look like Commander Lu's gray military uniform was old-fashioned and rustic.

Commander Lu finally said, "Let us give a round of applause to welcome Staff Officer Li from the friendly army to the Independent Regiment to exchange experience."

There was sparse applause from below.

Seeing that there was going to be a cold room, Ding Deyi, the leader of the regiment, said helplessly: "Counselor Li, the conditions of our independent regiment are difficult, and I have wronged you."

"They're all my own, Commissar Ding, you're too polite." Staff Officer Li immediately stood up and saluted. When he sat down, he took off his general hat and put it on the table. His face was pale and he looked like a Confucian general.

Ding De's first glance was Wu Yan, who elbowed Gao Yidao who was dozing off with half-closed eyes.

Head Lu smiled: "We were originally neighbors. This time, the superior arranged for us to hold this exchange meeting. First, to deepen the relationship between our teams, and second, to discuss a charter. How can we be better in the days to come?" Cooperate with each other and strive to achieve better results in the battle against devils! Everyone speaks freely."

After a while, a needle could be heard in the room.

Staff Officer Li was not surprised. Seeing no one talking, he smiled slightly: "Before we set off, the highest officer of our 24th Army specially asked the humble staff to bring some kindness to your ministry. Please accept it!"

The national army guards standing by the door had waited hard for this moment. Hearing the staff officer's words, they immediately waved to the soldiers waiting under the eaves.

A dozen large backpacks and wooden boxes were brought into the house.

After putting it on the ground, the soldiers immediately untied the rope and opened the box.

The things in the box are the most attractive, the yellow bullets, and the things in the backpack are even more varied.

A bag of silver dusted silver dollars!

A bag of medicines, a bag of rice, a piece of pork leg, peanuts, flour, matches, pork oil, salt, pepper.
Full of life!

The group of poor relatives in the mountains were dumbfounded, and Hao Ping, the commander of the third company next to Gao Yidao, couldn't help being speechless: "My good boy, there are so many good things?"

Gao Yidao glared at Hao Ping, who was ashamed when he opened his mouth.

I thought to myself that it’s not like I don’t have nothing. The things pulled out from the cave at the back are definitely more types and quantities than the ones sent by the Kuomintang!
On the contrary, Staff Li, who was sitting on top, felt a little embarrassed looking at these neighbors.

Before leaving, the brisk brigade commander confiscated the guns that the group army had originally given to the independent regiment, saying that what the eight roads in the mountains lack most now is living supplies.

So those weapons whose value can be bought dozens of times more than these things directly turned into this pile of daily necessities.

Bullets are not easy to skimp on.

Seeing that the members of the independent group seemed to be quite satisfied with these gifts, they finally let out a long breath.

Afraid of long nights and dreams, the staff officer thought for a while: "The so-called etiquette is more important than benevolence and righteousness, and mere gifts are lightly accepted! We are brothers with one heart, I have a suggestion, we must establish effective contact methods!"

Gao Yidao really wanted to punch this guy in the face, you call me brother?What are you.

"Counselor Li's suggestion is good." Ding Deyi felt that his eyes were fixed on those things that entered his stomach, which really hurt the reputation of the independent regiment, so he coughed quickly and pulled everyone's eyes back.

"Before Beizhi set off, the commander specifically confessed that he is too old to travel far in the mountains, so I asked Beizhi to wish everyone a happy new year."

Head Lu narrowed his eyes slightly: "Your commander really cares about our relatives."

"Hey, it's really not easy to go into the mountains. The commander also said that we must establish a good relationship with the independent regiment. We did have unpleasant experiences before. As the saying goes, our teeth will occasionally bite our tongues. Now it's okay. We are neighbors, and the truth is that our lips are dead and our teeth are cold." I believe everyone understands." Staff Officer Li said one thing after another, and what he said was a bit domineering.

Commander Lu was not impressed by Staff Li, and exchanged a look with Ding Deyi: "Counselor Li's mouth can hold half of Zhang Yi, so just tell me, what exactly do you want, as long as our independent group can do it , as far as possible."

"Regimental Commander Lu is straightforward, then I will not be polite!" After Li Li finished speaking, he took the briefcase from the adjutant next to him, pulled out a copy of the map, and immediately unfolded it.

Pointing to the map: "That's right. The devils have mobilized their troops in the past two months and kept compressing our space for activities. Our commander wants to see if your department can retreat [-] miles into the mountains? Otherwise, our department may be surrounded by devils."

Head Lu was stunned, the fucking lion opened his mouth wide!
However, the superiors have agreed to let them enter the mountain, but this guy has a mouthful of thirty miles, which is too much. Since he is asking for a lot of money, he will pay back the money on the ground.

"Hehe, since we are allies, it's a trivial matter!" Captain Lu pointed at the map, "It's just that we don't have much room for movement. There are mountains everywhere. If we retreat thirty miles, I have to move this place Give it all to you, then we have nowhere to go."

Staff Officer Li secretly scolded the old fox for being shameless. I walked for a long time today at least forty miles, but there is no way to talk about this, so I had to directly reduce the request: "Then, it's okay to let twenty miles away?"

"Hey, what you said, as long as you can fight devils, it doesn't matter if you give up all these places! But, think about it, if we all stay in the mountains as turtles, who else will fight devils? You say yes no?"

"To tell you the truth, we are just trying to prevent being surrounded by devils. The commander said that if you are in the mountains, it doesn't matter if we are stationed on the plains. As long as you leave us a way to survive, we can go into the mountains occasionally for training."

Oh, look, what you said seems to be dishonest to our independent regiment. In this case, we will give you ten miles, but the place has to be moved to the north for a certain distance. There is a cliff over there, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack. As long as you get some explosives Open a way out, even if the devil comes, he can't do anything to you, what do you think? "

"That's fine, as long as the devils come, we will bear the brunt and cover your transfer. As long as we can retreat into the mountains, what do you think?"

"But there is a problem. You have blocked the way out of the mountain. What if we want to fight devils?"

"It's easy to handle. Let's form a joint force and deal with the devils together. What do you think?"

"This method is good, but the matter is of great importance. I have to report to my superiors and then get back to you."

"Captain Lu is righteous! Then I will wait for your good news."

"In the face of a national crisis, it is our duty to share the same hatred with the enemy and help each other in defense." Head Lu said with great righteousness.

Chief of Staff Li did not expect such a big reason to come out of his mouth: "Then let's study the matter of military exchanges?"

It can be seen that these bastards are so poor that they hide in the mountains all day long and act like turtles. Tomorrow, they must show them what it means to be a soldier.

Marksmanship is fed by bullets, training? When I went to the Eighth Road camp in the afternoon, I saw some of the crude training facilities. Apart from a few horizontal bars tied with broken wood, a few soil bags, and a few abalones, even basic crossing Obstacles, mud pits, nothing.

As for the weapons, it seemed that he didn't see one. Of course, the range was not far, and it wasn't accurate at all. He just ignored the shells that were useless on the battlefield.

Therefore, he directly concluded that the Eighth Route of the Independent Regiment, where even Zong Guo was taken over, the quality of individual soldiers must be very poor.

As for communication?

You brag all day about how good you are at beating devils
Wouldn't it make me happier if I slapped you in the face during the Chinese New Year?

(End of this chapter)

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