under fire

Chapter 609 Battle Plan

Chapter 609 Battle Plan
It was almost dawn, and a team of nearly 200 people was hiding in the woods in the mountains.

It is not a problem for the student team to march one night in a hurry on the plain and walk a hundred miles.

But for the girl, it was a bit too much.

Hu Yi took a needle used to sew wounds, and burned it on the lighter held by Luo Fugui, breaking the blisters on the girl's feet.

"Hey, can you take it easy?"

"It doesn't hurt, what are you shouting about?"

In the valley next to the three of them, a gray figure lay in a mess.

The soldiers of the Special Task Force naturally look down on these cadet teams, even if the smallest position among them is a platoon leader.

And Luo Fugui also looked down on those slovenly-headed youths who wore patched and patched clothes. He squatted beside Hu Yi: "They are so poor, are they really from the secret service?"

After being silent for a while, Hu Yi finally said: "Look carefully, their equipment is not bad!"

"What are we going to do this time? Boss Hu, look, we're just looking for trouble when we go to the Anti-University University. How can we sleep comfortably in the mountains?"

Hu Yi was speechless, and stared up at Luo Fugui.

Luo Fugui was so stared at that he felt hairy: "Well, Boss Hu, I was wrong, can't I be wrong?"

Captain Liang in the distance seemed to be discussing something with the young people led by the spy team. The young captain turned his head to look at Hu Yi from time to time.

"You said that their fighting power is really that strong?"

"I said Captain Zhou, if you don't believe me, you can ask Staff Officer Liu!"

Captain Zhou wanted to say, can you make a draft before bragging?
However, the other party was an instructor of the Anti-Japanese University, so he was embarrassed to say this, so he could only answer: "The staff officer went to the city yesterday, and I guess he will come out during the day to make arrangements!"

Captain Liang was a little angry: "You mean you haven't even come up with a battle plan yet?"

This question made Captain Zhou blush, yes, you have to make a plan before fighting.

However, this is Staff Liu's business. I am only implementing the plan to complete the combat mission. What kind of plan do I need to make?

Holding a stack of lunch boxes in his arms, Chen Chong sent the porridge and wotou that Er Niu had made before dawn to Hu Yi's side: "Eat breakfast!"

Luo Fugui hesitated for a moment, then quickly reached out to touch a cornbread and stuffed it into his mouth.

"What the fuck Er Niu made, you eat too?" Tang Dagou, who had just opened his eyes on the ground, rolled over and got up.

Luo Fugui ignored Tang Dagou at all, and poured the hot porridge into his mouth.

Tang Dagou was bored: "Mr. Hu, looking at this posture, they seem to be planning to make a big move?"

Hu Yi suddenly asked: "Big Dog, have your troops been here before?"

"Come here, hey, there is a county seat in the west, called Qi County, the specific situation is not clear." Tang Dagou's old troops used to be active in this area.

"Just ask and you'll know?" The girl next to her muttered softly as she gnawed on the cornbread that had been freezing cold in just a short while.

"It's a secret, you have the nerve to ask?"

After a while.

A student came over and told Hu Yi to go to Captain Liang for a meeting.

The instructor and the team leaders formed a circle with eleven people.

Captain Liang looked around first, and saw everyone sitting here with cups on their laps and pens in their hands, and finally said: "Everyone is guessing what the mission is this time, and here I will tell you strictly that this mission will be kept secret." The level is very high, and we must wait until the official operation begins before we can tell other students, do you understand?"


After everyone answered, Captain Liang continued: "After confirmation by our comrades, the group of devils who came from the mountains advanced to the county town to the west. Our mission goal this time is to kill this advanced team. "

An instructor next to him unfolded a rough map of the county and placed it in front of everyone. Captain Liang pointed to the map: "This is the defense map of the county sent by the underground comrades. The deployment of the enemy's troops is not very accurate, but generally the difference will not be great. , This group of advance team has about thirty people, well-equipped and very powerful, currently living in the devil barracks, and will occasionally disperse in the county during the day."

When Captain Liang said this, he motioned to the instructor next to him to pull out another map and spread it out: "This is a rough topographic map of the surrounding area of ​​the county. If you have any ideas about this operation, please tell us!
Of course, this is also the time to test the specific level of each student. "

Captain Liang had to make a battle plan by himself, so there was no problem. However, since it was learning, the three of us must have my teacher, and the students were all grass-roots commanders. He hoped to see the true level of the students.

If you want to talk about fighting, the current student team can only be called a gang of mobs, because there is no soul in the team!If no one accepts anyone, it will only be a piece of loose sand.

Since the organization requires the formation of such a team, and the students are also good at various things, it is obvious that the superior is going to let this team give advice to the secret service team, or play outside.

Because, the team recruited by the secret service team this time, many people can't read a whole lot of big characters!

in the crowd.A company commander was the first to speak: "Let me tell you first, since there is a large army of devils and a regiment of security forces in this city, it is definitely not appropriate to do it in the city! I think our focus should be on figuring out what is wrong with us." In terms of the movement rules of the advance team, after they leave the city, find an opportunity to attack him in an ambush, with so many of us, we can fight one out of ten, and this will definitely happen!"

Captain Liang was noncommittal, but immediately added a condition: "If we want to kill them within three days, do you feel absolutely sure? Remember, it's three days! Absolutely sure!"

"Oh, three days? Isn't this ridiculous? If the advancing team stays in the city and can't come out, how do you tell us to fight? It's impossible for our two hundred to go into the city like this to trouble the devils, right?"

"Captain Liang is asking you now, please pay attention to the way you speak." The instructor next to him immediately warned.

"Uh, I mean, if the advance team doesn't leave the city, it's impossible with our strength." The answer was firm.

The other team leader immediately signaled to speak, and Captain Liang nodded his approval: "Captain Liang, I have an idea. Since his little devils are not going out of the city, we have to find a way to lure them out of the city. What do you think?"

"Not much. First, what do we use to lure the devils out of the city? Second, if there are devils out of the city, who among us can identify whether they are marching into the team?"


Another person changed: "I think, why don't we all go to the city in makeup, find the devils and advance to the team, and do it directly!"

"The advance team is in the devil's barracks, with the devil's army, how do you do it?"

"That's not easy. Let's organize a death squad and bring explosives into the city. I will lead the team to blow up their barracks."

"That's a good idea, but, do you think we can take down a battalion of devils' barracks with all of us armed with explosives?"

"Hey, hey, it shouldn't work..."

The person next to him immediately responded: "Speaking is better than singing! If it can be done like this, every time the devil raids, we will wait with hundreds of explosive bags and drive the devil back to his hometown."

"I just said it so casually, where did you get involved?"


The on-site discussion was very active, and it took a while.

Captain Liang raised his hand and pressed down: "Okay, everyone's speeches are good, now, everyone writes a battle plan, and the time limit is 10 minutes."

The students are not surprised, they are almost used to this kind of learning anytime, anywhere.

They started working with pens and paper.

Captain Liang watched with satisfaction that the students quickly entered the state, and continued to teach: "On the battlefield, our grassroots commanders must accurately judge the battlefield situation, and they must also be decisive in issuing orders.

It doesn't matter if there is no written combat plan, but we must have a plan in our hearts, perhaps arranging a certain squad to occupy favorable terrain at an appropriate time, or rationally deploying troops and firepower.

Which team is the main attack, which team supports, how to arrange the reserve team, the timing of the attack, the order must be accurate, and there should be no ambiguity. When the battle is completed, how to clean the battlefield, sacrificed comrades, how to arrange the treatment of the wounded, and finally retreat, how to block, how to get out of combat
We are talking on paper now, and no one should be afraid of writing mistakes. We all need to learn from each other and improve.

Although the combat situation in actual combat may differ from the combat plan, the strategy will never change, because there are only a few types of combat situations: offensive, defensive, involved,

If we do a good job in reconnaissance in advance and find out the general situation of the enemy, we can make reasonable arrangements according to the actual situation.

Now the advancing team is in the county. The terrain of the county is dead, and we can't take advantage of it. All the students are guerrilla veterans who have fought for many years. We also discussed guerrilla warfare a few days ago, and we all know it clearly The essence of guerrilla warfare, I believe that if you follow this line of thinking, there should be no problem in writing a battle plan.”

The timer has started.

"In my opinion, we'd better be more cautious. We'll have a meeting after Staff Liu comes back to study it. What do you think?" Captain Zhou of the headquarters spy group next to him asked Instructor Liang.

Captain Liang was very disgusted with this guy who wanted to die and didn't write a war plan: "Don't think that you are a member of the secret service team, so you can take my orders as a trifle!"

"I just don't write, you bite me?" Captain Zhou suddenly raised his finger and pointed at Captain Liang's nose and shouted: "Damn, what kind of onion are you? You are the captain, don't I?"

Captain Liang saw the two figures approaching behind Captain Zhou, and immediately his face darkened intentionally: "Come here, tie him up for me!"

"Just relying on you poor students? How dare you?" Captain Zhou said confidently.

"What about me?" A voice sounded behind him.

Captain Zhou was dumbfounded, and immediately shrank his head: "Brother Liu, you came back so early?"

"What's going on?" Liu Manhe came to the two of them in a few steps, curiously measuring the students who were still writing and drawing on the ground.

Captain Zhou wept bitterly: "He asked me to write a war plan. You know that I don't know a few big characters. How do you tell me to write it? He is deliberately embarrassing me, and I am not his student. I will write a bird!"

"He was teasing you." Liu Manhe immediately saw that Captain Liang beside him was laughing.

Captain Liang had known for a long time that these five big and three rough guys couldn't read a few words, so he shook his head. The education of the Kangda University has a long way to go.

Captain Zhou looked at Captain Liang: "Hey, I apologize to you, you scare me with your seriousness"

Captain Liang looked at Liu Manhe who had just come back: "Is this the level of people you are looking for from the special agent team at the headquarters? I think this mission is really tough."

"Captain Liang, you should know about this. Last time I went to your division, I told you, right? Don't underestimate our team. Although we don't know a few words, they are all under the leadership The comrades who have been carefully selected under the request are the comrades in our team who have excellent thinking and excellent skills. In terms of skills, hehe, although my platoon does not seem to have as many people as you, even if you add up all the more than 100 numbers, we If you don’t move your guns, I think you’re too choked up.”

Captain Liang immediately disagreed: "We fight with guns and bullets. This is not the era of cold weapons."

"Don't worry, this time, we may really have to go back to the cold weapon era."

"what do you mean?"

Liu Man looked serious: "I just came out of the city. Qi County is a model county in the eyes of the devils. The New Year will be celebrated the day after tomorrow. These days, the enemy has strengthened the inspection of people entering and leaving the city. The inspection is very strict. I tried , it is basically impossible to bring guns into the city.”

Captain Liang was equally serious: "For such a big operation, what do their intelligence comrades do all day? It's a shame."

Staff Officer Liu was helpless: "It's no wonder they are. Because of the strict inspection in the city, they have almost no way to move around in the city, so they draw their strength outside the city. This is also in line with the working principle of avoiding reality and staying in the city. Comrades here can basically only do some intelligence work.”

"What about your battle plan?"

Liu Manhe's eyes were full of hope: "Isn't this waiting for you to figure it out? However, the head of the intelligence section of the headquarters went to the city in person yesterday, and he will arrange for someone to send out the battle plan."

"It's just talking nonsense, asking the intelligence department to make a battle plan? Are you joking? By the way, what does County Magistrate Liu mean?"


Captain Liang's face was ashen: "If I remember correctly, the superior has issued a death order for this operation!"

"I know, the intelligence work of the intelligence department has made significant progress, so the hope of completing the mission this time is greatly increased!"

Captain Liang has rich experience, and immediately saw the problem: "I'm a little strange, I remember your hands are full of calluses, how did you get into the city?"

Staff Liu smiled wryly and said, "Hehe, I wore it all off when I set out from the mountains."

"What are you going to do?"

"Magistrate Liu has already gone to help us prepare the certificates of good citizens. All of our secret service team will enter the city in batches disguised as ordinary people. We will give you a signal when the time comes. Your student team will cover our retreat outside the city. gone."

"It's that simple?"

"Hey, if we fail, you will have to attack the county directly. I don't know what will happen in the end, so you'd better plan to fight to the death."

"Who directs the battle?"

"Before I die, it's me, after I die, it's you!"

"Why not arrange for the commander of the combat force to come and command this battle?"

"Do you think this is a legitimate fight?"

"What you said seems to make sense. When will the big troops arrive?"

"If our operation fails, the radio station outside the city will immediately send a telegram to the nearby troops to move towards Qi County. The siege battle will officially start within two hours at most."

"I really didn't expect the chief to make such a big determination!"

Thanks brothers for the reward.

Two chapters in one. I'm working hard, deserter brothers, how about you?
(End of this chapter)

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