under fire

Chapter 610 The Traitor's Ambition

Chapter 610 The Traitor's Ambition

Qi County's campaign to clean up the occupied areas was considered very successful.

It had been a long time since the eighth road was found to be active in the city for several months. Finally, near the end of the new year, he found the trace of the eighth road's activity again. Captain Huang of the investigation team was really in a good mood.

The suspect who entered the city that I discovered yesterday was basically confirmed to be an intelligence officer from the Eighth Route.

He had already arranged for people to closely monitor it no matter day or night, but he did not plan to wipe out all the Tuba Road intelligence personnel in the city.

The so-called self-respect of raising bandits, he can't bear to kill the chicken to get the eggs.

And last night, another subordinate came to report that a small group of guerrillas had come from the east and were operating in the mountains outside the city.

Eight-way activities were discovered inside and outside the city at the same time, and there must be a connection between them.

To deal with the eight-way spies in the city, just his detective team members will do, but to deal with the eight-way spies outside the city, he has self-knowledge, and the three melons and two dates under his command will not be effective at all.

However, this matter cannot be reported to the gendarmerie for the time being, otherwise, the year-end award for this model county of law and order will not be awarded.

Thinking of this, he immediately took two of his men and went directly to the puppet army barracks.

The head of the security army, Ma Tuan, was personally instructing his subordinates to kill pigs. When he saw the dog traitor leading people into the yard, he immediately raised his voice: "Oh, it's Brother Huang. No wonder I heard magpies chirping early in the morning! Why did you come to me in person? gone?"

The soldier next to him put his mouth on the pig's feet and blew, and he almost lost his temper and rolled his eyes when he heard this: the commander's ability to open his eyes and tell nonsense is getting better and better. Where are the magpies in this winter?
Captain Huang made a haha: "It's almost Chinese New Year, I just came to see you, Brother Ma, bacon, Fenjiu. How are these New Year's goods prepared!"

Captain Ma immediately stepped forward and grabbed the dog traitor's arm: "Haha, thanks to you! Our security forces are a little poor, but we still have a little bit of everything we need."

The traitor curled his lips: "Look at what you said, even killing two Chinese New Year pigs is better than a miserable person like me. You see, it's almost Chinese New Year and you have to work hard."

The two of them entered the room while they were talking, and greeted the traitor to sit down: "Brother, you are the celebrity in front of the Taijun. Our brothers all rely on you. If you turn around, let the brothers send a leg of pork to your house. Who will we follow?" Woolen cloth."

Gou Zhijian was also not polite: "Then I would like to thank you in advance, our life is a little bit bitter, but, is my brother going to treat the Taijun to a meal and a drink before the Chinese New Year?"

Captain Ma immediately responded: "Hey, how dare I forget this, since you mentioned this matter, then it's up to you to arrange it, it can't be too shabby."

"That's no problem." As soon as the traitor Huang finished speaking, he immediately changed the subject: "Do you know the background of the new Mr. Matsui?"

"Hey, you have to be careful about this. It is said that Matsui has a lot of background, and the captains in the barracks are all too polite to him."

"Is that so? Could he be someone from a special high school?"

Captain Ma shook his head: "You don't even know, brother, how can I know?"

"By the way, I found a small group of guerrillas active outside the city. Look...can you arrange for some brothers to go out and have a look?"

"How many people are there?" Captain Ma was stunned for a moment. He was really surprised. This guy surnamed Huang was very shrewd. What means?
"Twenty or thirty people, don't look at me, it's almost New Year's Eve, if it is discovered that there are eight-way activities in our law and order model county, it's not good to hear about it. This is what I think, why don't we directly Get rid of them, what do you think?"

"Hey, what you said is out of my control. You have to go to the imperial army." Tuan Zhang didn't want to go to this muddy water, it was exhausting and thankless.

Captain Huang saw that this guy, who was usually called a brother, didn't give himself face, and his face darkened: "I also know that it's almost the Chinese New Year, and no one wants to make trouble at this juncture. We are a law and order county. If those Tuba Road guerrillas started to make trouble, wouldn't our hard work for so long be in vain?"

Head Ma shook his head: "I'm not talking about you, the name of the model county for law and order is of no use to us? The little reward given by the Taijun might as well go out for a couple of trips."

Captain Huang was a little annoyed: "I think so, as long as we can make it through the Chinese New Year safely, won't we get the model county awards of several thousand oceans?"

Ma Tuanzhang persuaded: "You, it's not as good as your subordinates. Think about it, there are so many rich people in this city. If there are really eight-way activities, we can always catch a few suspects, right? That's the same. , Do they have to entrust someone to go our way? What does the eight-way activities outside the city have to do with us? I can't wait for them to make trouble."

"That is to say, you also have a share of the entrance fee that our detective team collected. It is the end of the year, and the brothers are all counting on that bonus. If you quietly drive away the eight roads outside the city, it will Isn't it over?"

"I said, he is active outside the city, so let them go. As long as they are not in the city, the model county rewards are indispensable. Why do you care so much?"

"The key point is that they sent people into the city. I'm just afraid that the Eight Routes outside the city will make trouble in the city."

"Since this is the case, what you said is really reasonable. You really have to drive him away. Tell me, when will you send troops?"

"It's not too late, I think we should do it today, so as not to have long nights and dreams!"

"I found the traces of Balu, but I just drove them away. Speaking of which, Balu has to thank you."

"If it weren't for this juncture, I would have wiped out everyone."

"Hey, your tone is not small, you think that the eight roads are easy to get along with."

"Then it's settled, we'll leave the city after lunch!" Captain Huang clasped his fists after finishing speaking, "I still have something to do, let's go first!"

"Just to remind you, don't catch all the eight routes into the city, otherwise, what's the use of Taijun keeping us?"

"You don't need to worry about this!"

Captain Huang thought about Captain Ma's last words all the way, and what he said really made sense.

Before entering the yard of the detective team, a black dog who had been waiting at the door came up immediately: "Report to the captain, we have made a major discovery. An hour ago, our people were guarding the room diagonally opposite the suspect. The boy with the woman went out to the east gate."

Captain Huang interrupted the chatter: "Did he go to the mountains?"

Quickly squeezed out a smiley face with his hands: "Captain, you are really good at predicting things! Our people followed him from afar, all the way to the foot of the mountain in the southeast, because there were almost no people on the road in winter, and we were afraid of being discovered. Our people guarded at the foot of the mountain, Haven't followed up yet."

After humming, Captain Huang continued to walk into the yard, and casually asked another subordinate: "Have you found out the identity of that woman? Also, for those who have been in contact with her, have you arranged for brothers to keep an eye on them?"

There were people coming and going in and out of the yard, and the hand who just came back immediately reported: "At present, only two people have been found to go to the small courtyard where she lives, and they have sent brothers to follow up, but so far, their foundation has not been found. come out."

"Immediately send more people to investigate. In addition, arrange two teams of brothers to go out of the city in disguise as ordinary people, bypass the road that the suspects entered the mountain, and find another way to enter the mountain. Before two o'clock in the afternoon, we must find out the situation in the mountain. .”

"Captain, should the suspects in the city be netted now?" the black dog who had just entered asked.

"So far, I have found such three people, what a net, two of them are in the city, and they are all in the palm of our hands. Are you in a hurry?"

"Hey, I just thought, if we catch him, can't we have a vacation now?" The subordinate hurriedly asked.

Captain Huang really wanted to slap him in the face like the gendarmes: "If you are arresting someone now, I will have to interrogate him for two days. Are you trying to make my life difficult for this year?"

"Uh, it's the little one who didn't think well." The subordinate hurriedly apologized with a mournful face.

When I walked into the room, it was much warmer. Captain Huang asked his subordinates sitting by the phone, "Is there any news from the gendarmerie?"

The subordinate quickly replied: "Young Master went to the provincial capital and hasn't come back yet. There is no other news for the time being. By the way, there was a call just now. It was called by a man named Captain Jing from the barracks. side trip."

"Taking time? Well, I see, what are you still doing here? Hurry up and arrange someone to go out of the city to find out the news."

Not long after, the traitor who arranged for people to go out of the city ran into the captain's office again, hesitantly: "Uh, captain, it's like this. It's too cold, and many brothers...don't want to go out of the city."

Captain Huang slapped the table with a slap: "It's almost [-] years old, I'm still busy, tell me this? If the **** doesn't want to go out of the city, I'll take his skin off and let him His whole family is going to drink Zephyr!"

His subordinates shrank their necks: "Yes, I will arrange it right now, but right now our detective team... there are only a dozen or so left in the city, and besides...if we transfer all the people outside the city, what if the city... What should I do if I find other eight ways?"

Captain Huang sneered: "Is there something wrong with your brain? There are not enough people, and you don't know how to call back all those who are on vacation early? Just tell them that such a big group of brothers are all reaching out to me for food and drink. When it's time to work hard, who the hell is lazy, don't blame me for not being sympathetic."

In this winter, Captain Huang was furious: I have to ask the security forces to go out of the city in the afternoon to beat and beat the dirt roads outside the city, and I have to arrange the Taijun's New Year's Eve dinner, and I have to arrange people to keep an eye on those suspects, Shao Zuo went to the provincial capital. The reward for this model county has not yet been obtained, and his subordinates are all staring at him with their stomachs stretched out. They all think that it is easy for me to be the captain of this detective?
Those who do not do business all day long, and there are two days before the New Year, arrange an event, and push back and forth. It seems that they need to find time to rectify and rectify.

(End of this chapter)

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