under fire

Chapter 611 The Platoon Leader

Chapter 611 The Platoon Leader

"Regimental Commander, I think it's best for us not to get involved in this matter. The surname Huang is clearly fooling us. Do you want to reconsider this matter?" Persuade.

Head Ma put out the cigarette butt and looked up: "What do you mean?"

The adjutant immediately analyzed: "The man surnamed Huang didn't report to the gendarmerie, but came to us to come forward. He was afraid that something would happen. He pushed them all away, but we couldn't bear to walk around. If the mutton is not eaten, it will cause a commotion."

Captain Ma thought about it and thought it was the same, showing a hesitant expression: "According to what you said, it is really the same thing. The name weasel is really not in vain. I gave him meat. He is lucky. How dare he give it to me?" Is the old man looking for trouble?"

Seeing that the head had listened to his opinion, the adjutant quickly curled his lips: "Boss, since his investigative team got the news, they usually give us a lot of money to enter the city. I mean, we just need to follow along." It’s enough to join in the fun and cheer.”

Head Ma has an inscrutable look: "You can't say that, everyone is working for the imperial army. If the imperial army knows that we don't do anything, what do you think the emperor will think?"

The adjutant shook his head: "However, his surname Huang didn't even pay the opening fee, and if we really fight with the Eight Roads, and those local Eight Roads don't even want their lives in the fight, we will fight the Eight Roads away. You can only get a name, and maybe you have to pay the unlucky brother a family allowance, why should we work hard for his detective team?"

"You bastard, you know what a fart, we also have a share of the security model bonus."

"But, whether we go or not, there will be bonuses?"

"What I have already decided, you don't fucking have to dictate here."

"Uh, brother, the detective team has taken advantage of the city fee, and the New Year's Eve has nothing to do with us. We haven't seen a sign of the promised money, so why should we give them face?"

"Hey, what do you mean by saying that? Are you doubting Lao Tzu? Why don't you be the head of the regiment?"

"That's what I said, big brother is honest and loyal by nature, don't you know what kind of person that Huang is? Several of his subordinates who have taken refuge in the wall are all unworthy things, I'm worried Brother, you are being used."

"The squirrel clearly wants to use us as a weapon. Think about it, if we don't go, he won't be able to report to the gendarmerie?"

"Tuanli, I understand. This guy obviously wants to keep the reward for the model county of law and order. As for the warmer weather after the Chinese New Year, the imperial army will probably launch a raid again. At that time, it doesn't matter if there are eight roads in the mountains outside the city?"

"You know a fart! The surname Huang is very scheming, you have to learn more, don't be blinded by these superficial situations."

"Ah? Is there any other meaning?"

"He wants to let Balu go on purpose!"

"Ah, is he so courageous?"

"There are a lot of smart people in this world, you have to learn a little bit!"

"I understand. This person surnamed Huang said that he just needs to drive the eight roads away. So there is such a deep meaning, why not? Let's spread the word that we will go out of the city to practice in the mountains. As for the Tuba road in the mountains, he Seeing such a big commotion from us, it is estimated that before we arrive, they will run so hard that even dogs can't catch up! In this way, our brothers don't have to exchange fire with them."

"You kid is full of bad water, okay, you go and arrange people to go out of the city now, and publicize with great fanfare that we are going to practice closing the mountain. After lunch, I will lead the team to set off. Hehe, it's okay to stay in the city every day and go out to get some air. good."

On the second floor of a dilapidated house at the corner of an alley in the city.

County Magistrate Liu, who had just returned, looked at the anxious middle-aged man in front of him, and comforted him, "Why are you so anxious, aren't you all right now?"

"Magistrate Liu, what do you mean?" The middle-aged man was stunned, and quickly explained the situation: "The intelligence personnel arranged by the superior have been targeted by the detective team, can I not be in a hurry?"

County Magistrate Liu peeked out through the window: "What's going on?"

"There are four traitors guarding around the house on the surface, but it is not clear whether there are any in the dark."

"Well, Chief Lin's status is very special, and she must not be surprised."

The middle-aged man reminded himself repeatedly that he must be careful and prudent when working behind the enemy lines, but in the end something went wrong, and he immediately suggested, "Major Liu, I think we must Use the safe house."

County Magistrate Liu withdrew his gaze, weighed it carefully for a while, and shook his head: "I don't need it for the time being, I will find a way to arrange for someone to deliver some food to Sister Lin, and remind her to try not to go out for two days."

"Ah? How can this work?" The middle-aged man was in a daze. He was being targeted by the enemy, and he didn't want to rescue and evacuate, so he filled it with people?Quickly remind: "This is completely inconsistent with organizational work procedures!"

"Sister Lin should have been exposed after she entered the city. It should be that she did not leave the city that day, so she attracted the attention of the dog traitor. However, the enemy does not know her true identity now. According to the law of the enemy's actions, they must still want to arrest her. The person who connected with her, so we still have time now."

"I think we can let her pretend to go out to connect, as long as she enters the safe house, we can arrange for her to leave through the tunnel."

County Magistrate Liu shook his head: "No, you are thinking about safety issues, but she is definitely thinking about how to complete the task now. The superior sent her to the county to perform a very important task. I understand her character. She will never agree to leave before the task is completed."

The middle-aged man immediately objected: "I don't agree with your disregard for the safety of comrades! Now they are all being targeted by the enemy. If we don't want to evacuate or rescue them, it is definitely a negligence of our work."

County Magistrate Liu suddenly smiled: "Don't worry, with Sister Lin's skill, the black dogs of the detective team are no match for her at all. The matter is not serious, but if you don't worry, just go and arrange two people on the outside Arrange it, if she voluntarily leaves, then cover."

"Is she really that powerful?" The middle-aged man was a little puzzled.

"As a woman, it took less than [-] hours to reach us from the depths of the mountains, and she traveled nearly [-] miles. If she can do it, can you do it?"

"Uh, enough." The middle-aged man was stunned and asked, "Is it really that powerful?"

"Don't think too much about it. I'll leave the city right now, and you'll just stay here. I just received news from our insider that the detective team is going to get a prize for a model county in law and order. At this juncture, they probably won't do anything for the time being."

"What if the black dog really wants to attack in advance?" The middle-aged man was still worried: "What if?"

County Magistrate Liu smiled: "You just need to respond from the outside, remember, don't meddle in it!"

"Tell me, how does this action plan of student Hu Yi compare with yours?"

"I think his idea is indeed very bold, but in the rapidly changing battlefield, the plan is too complicated, and it is difficult to implement it."

"I think that the enemy's situation is unknown now, and our reconnaissance work has not been done carefully. The information obtained by Staff Officer Liu and the underground organization alone is not enough for the mission we want to carry out. Know yourself and the enemy."

"Let me tell you my opinion. The enemy has heavy troops in the city. With our strength, we can't attack by force. The enemy is really too strong."

"Company Commander Hu's idea is too ideal. He started to arrange the enemy before the battle even started. By the way, are those devils all fools and will start the show according to our script?"

"That is, the traitors at the foot of the mountain have obviously spotted us, but they haven't done anything yet. This shows that the enemy doesn't take a fancy to us at all. He participated in the plan to draw the tiger away from the mountain and lure the devils out of the city by attacking east and west. , is simply not possible.”

Captain Liang smiled: "It seems that comrades don't know enough about Mr. Hu! Let me tell you something, I believe you have all read or heard what our newspaper said. Someone once attacked the county with a platoon of troops. You know it is who?"

A student seemed to say suddenly: "I remembered, there is such a thing, it is said to be an independent regiment. Hey, is it student Hu, the platoon leader of the independent regiment in the east? We were still discussing it at the time, thinking that the superior was doing it for publicity. "

 Magistrate Liu is a big man
(End of this chapter)

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