under fire

Chapter 612 The Momentum of Going Forward

Chapter 612 The Momentum of Going Forward

Liu Manhe looked at the girl who was not much younger than him: "I'm busy, you called me aside, what's the matter?"

The girl stared wide-eyed: "At the meeting just now, why didn't you let me enter the city?"

Liu Manhe shook his head: "The task of this operation is arduous. The comrades who entered the city may all die in order to complete the task. No matter what I say, I will not allow you to join the Death Commando."

The girl is still fighting: "Hey, you seem to be not much older than me, you can go, why can't I go?"

Liu Manhe didn't want to talk to her: "Because I am responsible for this operation!"

"Then, then why can Hu Huyi enter the city?"

"What? That's because Company Commander Hu has the ID of the detective team, and the ID has been filed in Mei County. We have to use his identity to sneak into the city. What does this have to do with you?"

"I'm good at marksmanship. I'm the second in the All-Independent Regiment. No one dares to be the first."

"No, I may have to disappoint you. We may not be able to bring guns into the city this time."

"Hu Yi can take it!"

Liu Manhe shook his head: "No, he can only carry a short gun at most, which is useless in front of the enemy! No, why do you have to go to the city?"

"Look at these students, they touch guns all day long, and the calluses on their hands are thick. Even if they grind out the calluses today, there is no time. Look at me, I have delicate skin and tender flesh. If I go to the city, I will have to deal with the enemy's inspection Absolutely no problem."

"But, little comrade, what role can you play in the city?"

"I'm small, and I'm a girl." The girl was a little shy, "It won't attract attention, so it's not bad to send a letter and run around?"

Not wanting to listen to her nonsense, Liu Manhe turned around and left.

"Hu Yi can enter the city, so I will pretend to be his wife and go back to my mother's house!"

Liu Manhe staggered, and turned to look at the flat-chested girl: "Eldest sister, your body is similar to that of a beggar, who are you fooling?"

The girl was angry: "What are you looking at, can't you be a child bride?"

"I was thinking, if the detective team asks where your natal family is, and you don't even have a place to stay in the city, wouldn't that be a revelation?"

"Just let's go back to my mother's house and pass by the county seat. Can't we go to the city to have a meal?"

"Hey, what you said makes sense. I can't say no to you, but you're useless. I won't agree."

"You really don't agree?" The girl was about to shed tears: it seemed that she had to go to Captain Liang again, but my aunt didn't believe it, and she couldn't even get the chance to go to the city with Hu Yi.

Liu Manhe raised his legs and left: "Hehe, I know that your Jiulian has a lot of talents, but, if you are a girl, if you are caught by the enemy, the enemy's methods will be much worse than ours, do you understand?"

"I don't understand, you look down on people!"

"Whatever you say, now I officially inform you that this is an order!"

"Cut, I'm not in your control."

"Don't dream, Chief Lin is not here, I will temporarily act as the commanding authority."

"Major Liu, there is an enemy eyeliner in the village at the foot of the mountain ahead." The guards outside the county seat who were responding to County Magistrate Liu immediately reported.

"Didn't Staff Liu find out? It shouldn't be!"

"That's not so clear. After Chief Liu left the city in the morning, those guys followed him from a distance. If I didn't know those black dogs, I wouldn't have seen them as traitors at all."

County Magistrate Liu didn't hesitate at all: "Officer Liu has rich experience, he must have deep meaning in doing this, we don't have time to detour now, I'll take Xiao Wang directly there, you go and arrange people to come over immediately, and find a way to control these traitors seeking glory traitor."

The guard was shocked: "This is too risky, or I should send the good citizen certificate up the mountain, you don't need to take this risk."

Liu Xian shook his head: "No, I only have a certificate of good citizenship, and I may not be able to enter the city smoothly. I have other matters to discuss with Staff Officer Liu and the others."

County Mayor Liu is very helpless. Now Section Chief Lin is being watched by the enemy, and those who stay in the city are basically intelligence personnel. Have to think again.

After half an hour.

"What are you talking about? I have to call someone to notify them to cancel the operation." County Magistrate Liu was shocked when he heard that Liu Manhe had deliberately revealed his whereabouts, and immediately ordered the guards nearby.

Liu Manhe looked around at the backbone of the action team sitting next to him, and expressed confidence: "The advance team is definitely not interested in dealing with small groups of guerrillas, so the biggest obstacle for us in the city is not the advance team at all, but those who have nothing to do. The traitor who is not as good as Kong!
With so many people entering the city, it is easy to be discovered by those local traitors, so Section Chief Lin decided to lure some of the detective team out. In this way, there will be fewer traitors in the city, and we will have a chance. Otherwise, the action will be very difficult. difficult to succeed. "

County Chief Liu was overjoyed: "But, you have to let us know, don't you?"

"The struggle in the enemy's rear is changing rapidly. You only need to complete the task of collecting intelligence, prepare the bayonet, and then find a way to arrange our people to enter the city. Find someone who knows the advancing team to lead the way. You don't need to worry about anything else."

County Magistrate Liu was in a hurry: "But, people from the detective team have already discovered Section Chief Lin's whereabouts, so could it be?"

"You're an old comrade, how the hell do you do this?" This time it was Liu Manhe's turn to be anxious, and there were indications that Section Chief Lin should also show his whereabouts on purpose!
County magistrate Liu has black hair, and was scolded by a hairy boy, feeling helpless: "This is an enemy-occupied area, and Qi County is also a model county for the enemy's law and order. The enemy is more cunning than we imagined. If I guessed correctly, Lin The section chief should have been targeted by the enemy from the moment she entered the city, and I can stop her if she shows her tracks on purpose."

"Forget it, it's not important. Section Chief Lin must have her reasons for doing this. She is not a soft persimmon. Based on the black dogs of the detective team, she should be fine."

"It is also the responsibility of our county government to destroy the advance team. I firmly demand to participate in this operation!"

Liu Manhe glanced at him, and sincerely advised: "Can you shoot a gun? Can you fight devils with bare hands? Section Chief Lin is under surveillance, and you were with us yesterday. Do you think those traitors don't know you?" ? After this is over, you have to be transferred from Qi County."

County Magistrate Liu quit: "You have nothing to say about this matter, it has to be decided by the organization. Also, this does not conflict with my participation in this operation."

"I've said it all, taking you along is purely a burden, don't you understand? Don't say any more, this operation, I just take someone along."

County Magistrate Liu has a black thread. If I am discovered by the enemy, I can't do it. Can you do it?I can't bear this matter: "Didn't you also be discovered by the enemy?"

"In order to complete this operation, I didn't intend to come back alive. You, although you have rich experience in fighting against the enemy, but fighting against the advance team, you have to rely on real skill in killing the enemy on the battlefield. You are educated and have more important tasks. Maybe you'll have to find someone to collect the old man's body after you're done."

"Okay, I won't argue with you, but we have to think of a perfect countermeasure!"

"Fighting depends on courage and anticipating the enemy's opportunity. Now you have to cooperate with Captain Liang and the others to find a way to drag the detective team out of the city."

"There is still one day until tomorrow. With the personality of those advancing teams who can't bear hardships, how can they stay outside the city for a day in this winter?"

Staff Officer Liu chuckled: "This is something you, the county magistrate, should find a way to solve, so you should stay outside the city."

Working outside the city is also a job, County Magistrate Liu is relieved now: "Okay, how to retreat after the task is completed?"

Liu Manhe stood up suddenly, exuding majestic momentum: "I said, this is not an issue you should consider. If our operation fails, what you should consider is how to cooperate with the large army to storm Qixian City!"

"I admire your courage to move forward. Now that you have made up your mind, let's do it first. Our insiders have received news that the advance team will not have dinner at the barracks tomorrow night, and our intelligence personnel have heard that the investigation team Huang The captain has already booked three tables of New Year's Eve dinner at Dadexing Restaurant, and the time is at [-]:[-] pm.

As for weapons, we have prepared more than 20 bayonets, some of which are just ordinary daggers, and one or six pistols. We have tried our best, but we can only get so many at the moment. Let’s see if we can get guns today and tomorrow. After the operation starts , Some of us will meet outside the restaurant. If all goes well, then everyone can climb over the city wall and leave the city overnight. "

Captain Liang next to him suddenly said: "Will other enemies appear in Dadexing Restaurant by then?"

"There is no way to inquire about this situation, but there is good news."

"What good news?"

"Because it's the Chinese New Year, Dadexing Restaurant doesn't have enough manpower, so I need to find two waiters temporarily. I want to find two people to mix in, but in this way, the owner of Dadexing Restaurant will suffer."

"That's great, I'll arrange for two people to go there immediately." Liu Manhe immediately yelled into the distance: "God, come here quickly."

A plain-looking soldier ran over: "Consultant, what's the matter?"

Liu Manhe looked the soldier up and down: "Before you joined the army, didn't your family run a restaurant?"

The soldier was full of excitement: "Yeah, what's the matter? You want to open a restaurant?"

"Let's kick it off. In a while, you find someone, disguise yourself as a commoner, and go to the city with comrades from the underground party. Go to Dadexing Restaurant in advance to ambush."


(End of this chapter)

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