under fire

Chapter 613 Those words

Chapter 613 Those words

The independent regiment needs to communicate with the national army.

The news quickly spread that the ideological education that ordinary soldiers received during this period was almost all about how to fight devils, but their hatred for the reactionaries did not diminish.

It’s okay to stay in the mountains all day long, and of course the veterans have to brag about their past to the recruits. No matter how closed the news, the recruits’ hatred for the reactionaries will always exist.

A large group of people appeared at the Sanjiaji playground.

Then he circled around the playground, whispering to each other and pointing at the two teams that were gathering in front of the "regiment headquarters" that Gao Yidao was working on.

One is friendly troops and the other is regiment guard platoon.

A spectator asked the people next to him: "Hey, these reactionaries are here to communicate with us. What are they communicating with?"

The soldier with Chuanyin next to him murmured in a low voice: "Communication is like putting on a dragon's gate!"

"Dragon Gate Formation? Surely it's better than Long Snake Chen?"

The one next to him couldn't listen anymore: "Hey, it's just chatter, your mother, don't you understand this?"

The other immediately raised his voice and echoed: "It means that the two parties negotiate together, hold a meeting together, and say something that everyone likes to hear, isn't that the same thing?"

"Everyone is an enemy, isn't it just that the two sides are talking together? You said it's so complicated."

A warrior with a high level of ideological awareness, seeing these two hundred and five nets talking nonsense, explained: "Bullshit is just one aspect. Communication means that both parties communicate together for some common purpose or to reach an agreement, and at the same time , There will be a military competition between the teams, and if the scene is bigger, the two sides will even have a military exercise, and then teach each other some unique skills and talk about each other's experience against the enemy, so as to benefit both sides to improve together."

The person next to him was a little puzzled: "Your words are better than your songs. I don't think it's as fun as fighting with live ammunition!"

"Why don't you go up and talk to the head of the regiment, and ask him to order you to compete with the reactionaries in singing folk songs, or you can compete with anyone else who knows how to hoe the ground!"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you look at what is hanging on his chest? It's called a submachine gun, and it can fire dozens of bullets with a pull of the trigger. In the past, Wang Xiaosan used to hang that wicked girl's submachine gun on his chest to show off. You The fire stick in this hand can only fire one bullet at a time, how can you compare?"

"Hmph, one day, I'm going to make one for fun."

"Why don't you go talk to the company commander and ask them to send you one?"

"Hey, that's what I said. By the way, we'll have a competition later. Have you signed up? Did you apply for stabbing or shooting?"

"Fucking ass with a knife, this time it's the horizontal bar, obstacles, cross-country, fortifications, shooting, throwing grenades, and mortars!"

"Mortars? Where do we have them?"

"The head of the regiment asked Jiulian to borrow it, saying that it was for the soldiers of the national army to guide and guide them."

Head Lu was accompanying the national army team who came to exchange on the way to the playground.

The messenger arrived at the playground first, and shouted, "All companies assemble!"

Sanjiaji is the resident of the second company, many people from the third company and the ninth company came, and a platoon was selected to participate in the official exchange.

There was a mess on the playground, and each of them found a team to watch.

On the edge of the playground, Lao Qin knocked the soot from the smoking pot on the soles of his shoes, and listened carefully to Wu Yan, Gao Yidao, and Hao Ping's discussion.

Hao Ping's eyes were red: "Wait a while, we must kill the vigor of those reactionaries!"

Gao Yidao made a serious suggestion: "Each company sends out eleven people to form a reinforced platoon. Let's start with our second company for stabbing, and the ninth company for the mortar competition. As for shooting, we Each company chooses two, what do you think?"

"What about the candidate for the platoon leader?"

"Of course we are in the second company."

"I knew you would say that, I disagree, and we will lead the team in three companies."


"Because you have always hated the reactionaries?"

"You don't have the ability to do three consecutive farts, and it's useless to learn!"

"Hehehe, I really thought you were trying to fight him desperately, I didn't expect you to be so shameless."

Gao Yidao didn't seem to hear, and suddenly turned to Lao Qin, "Old Qin, what do you think?"

"I've lent the mortars to the regiment leader. I don't understand what you're talking about, so you can figure it out." Lao Qin really couldn't think of any tricks. Hu Yi was not around. As an instructor, he usually did ideological work. Take care of the trivial things in life, for him, he can't do anything else except to keep Jiulian from falling apart.

After finishing speaking, Lao Qin shook his head as he watched Tian Sanqi, the general of the Ninth Company in the distance, forming a team.

With him or without him, the nine companies have the same results, except that the laziness is not the same as other companies, there is really no difference.

Gao Yidao suddenly said to Hao Ping and Wu Yan: "Since everyone wants someone from their own company to be the captain of this exchange activity, shall we vote?"

How to vote?If all three of us voted for ourselves, how would we decide?

Just vote, why so much nonsense?
The result was unexpected, and at the same time not unexpected, Tian Sanqi became the team leader of this exchange meeting.

"That bastard Gao Yidao has already thought of a countermeasure." Hao Ping looked at Wu Yan and smiled wryly.

"You have to agree. Lao Qin clearly had no idea. Seeing that we both voted for him, he thought that Gao Yidao would definitely vote for the second round, so he voted for himself. He didn't expect him to vote for the ninth consecutive round!"

"Hey, when have you ever seen an even number of people voting?"

"Is this a way for both of us to take a high shot?"

"Forget it, it's not a big deal. Half of the people participating in the exchange are ours. Let him be proud for a while. When Hu Yi comes back, I'll see how long he can be proud."

Seeing that the head of the group was about to come to the playground with his people, the four pillars came to Tian Sanqi and stood behind him.

Old Qin stubbornly asked: "Platoon Leader Tian, ​​have all the people for our independent regiment been selected?"

Tian Sanqi yelled to rest, and immediately turned to Lao Qin and raised his hand to salute, grinning: "Report to the instructor, the selection is done!"

Lao Qin asked again: "Can you sing that song?"

"It's all done."

"Wait a while for Officer Song to start, everyone will sing along."

"Yes!" Tian Sanqi is acting as the company commander, and when he saw Gao Yidao looking at him, he quickly saluted.

Gao Yidao was in a good mood, and assigned Tian Sanqi to Jiulian, but he didn't expect that now he would take his mortal enemy to Lianguo without bloodshed. Every time he thought of this, he even woke up laughing several times when he fell asleep.

"Company commander, what are you laughing at, so happy?" A squad leader next to him asked intentionally.


Those who were scolded felt more at ease, and those who scolded laughed more happily.

It's just a pity that more than half of the backbone platoon leaders under him have entered the Anti-Japanese University, and Hu Zaisui must be their leader. When they think of being taken away by their arch-rival Hu Zasuai, they feel uncomfortable.

After the orderly stood at attention, the playground was immediately silent.

"Comrades, the Chinese New Year is coming soon, friendly troops have specially come to our independent regiment to communicate, and we warmly welcome them."

The applause immediately rang out below, but the soldiers were different from the company commander, and the applause was quite enthusiastic.

"Now I would like to ask Staff Officer Li to tell you a few words."

Staff Officer Li immediately made a standard stand at attention, his momentum was so majestic that he almost swallowed mountains and rivers with anger.

"Brothers of the independent regiment, hello, this time I am honored to come to your ministry for military exchanges. I hope that everyone can cooperate sincerely to drive out the Tartars and return our lands and mountains. As soldiers, we should have the spirit of sacrificing our lives for justice, so , I hope that through this exchange, our combat effectiveness can be raised to a higher level!"

Seeing that the staff officer on the platform stopped talking, most of the soldiers who didn't understand quickly applauded.

"Hey, why can't I understand what he said?" A voice whispered.

"I can understand the first few sentences, but I don't understand the latter."

Staff Officer Li heard the muttering of the people below clearly, and smiled slightly: "In this exchange and study, we will not only practice traditional defensive military exercises such as concealment, fortification, anti-gun, anti-gas, etc., but also perform stabbing, throwing grenades, and three-position exercises." Shooting, ranging, reconnaissance, coordination, charging, firepower deployment, and finally, let's have another mixed combat exercise that includes tactics such as offense, blocking, and retreat.

The exchange time is tentatively set to three days. In order for everyone to practice better, we have asked head Lu to divide the brothers who participated in the exchange meeting from the independent group into groups. "

All the two hundred and five were dumbfounded. Half of them had heard of those words, but hadn't practiced them.

This chapter is over.

The piano follows my heart, canned fish: I can only use the word touched to express my feelings, thank you
 Commander Pang and Sun Dianying created friction with the Eighth Route Army, but sent people to the Anti-Japanese University to study many times

(End of this chapter)

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