under fire

Chapter 614 Bloody Case

Chapter 614 Bloody Case

New Years Eve is two days away.

Bitter cold winds were howling, and even with the sun shining, the sky was gray.

Su Qing took Wang Xiaosan and his party, all wearing the uniforms of the Security Force, and the team trotted all the way into Xujiagou.

The public security soldier leading the way at the front raised his hand and pointed: "Not far ahead is the township Zhencun where the accident happened."

Su Qing looked up, and there was still black smoke floating over the village in the distance.

After a while, a group of people came to the deserted grain drying field outside the village.

There are forty or fifty corpses at the entrance, without exception, they are all old and weak, women and children.

Soldiers are still carrying the corpse out of the village.

"Captain Su, only one surviving little girl was found." Director Zhang, who arrived first, had red eyes and a heavy heart.

Su Qing was in a very sad mood: "What's going on?"

Director Zhang has been busy since midnight until now: "According to that child, a group of bandits suddenly surrounded the place after dark yesterday, and then killed everyone they saw."

"Probably. How many folks died?"

"Almost all the people who died here were ordinary people who fled here, about 80 or so, and the specific statistics are still being counted."

"Are there any survivors?"

"Only the little child, asked her that she didn't know anything, and she escaped by hiding in the cellar. We found her not long after we came here. She would have been scared to death. If we hadn't discovered it early, she He also froze to death, and now he is sleeping in the village." Director Zhang shook his head.

Su Qing thought carefully, and was silent for a while: "Even drinking water is a problem here, and people can't survive at all. We have sent most of them past the blockade. Why are there so many fellow villagers here?"

"Earlier, the enemy deliberately let go of the blockade. The purpose was to drive those old and weak women and children into the mountains, in an attempt to let the common people drag down our team in the mountains. Therefore, many ordinary people who could not survive got the news and ran to this area, intending to escape from here. Cross the blockade to our base.

But a month ago, the devils suddenly strengthened the blockade. Many villagers who didn't know the situation continued to come here. The county government hadn't had time to organize them to cross the blockade, so they stayed here. "

"Are you sure it was the hands of the devil?"

"Probably not!" Director Zhang shook his head: "Most of the puppet troops guarding the blockade in this area are puppet troops. Our public security team has developed some inside lines in the middle. According to the inside lines, the devils did not come out at night during this period. According to them Judging from the information provided, it is very likely that bandits did it."

"Bandits? Bandits are all profitless. They don't need to do anything to these poor people, right?"

"It's hard for me to say, but the reason is still under investigation, but it hasn't been found out yet."

"Which bandits are around here?"

Zhang Yi analyzed the possibility: "There are quite a few small groups of bandits. If they want to massacre the village, they probably won't be able to do it. Moreover, this Xujiagou is the hometown of the traitor Xu Jinsheng. With his friendship with those bandits, this happened. Such a thing is unlikely, unless it is seeking revenge."

Su Qing reminded: "Don't forget, the Ma Da gang, the biggest bandit leader nearby."

"Ma Dagang? It's not very likely. After he came out of the mountains, he joined the enemy. Some time ago, we arranged for someone to contact him. This guy is not the kind of stubborn and unyielding traitor. I talked to him about it." A few times, this guy was a bachelor, saying that he couldn't bear the pain of being an Eighth Route Army. After he arrived in Pingyuan, he was persuaded by Xu Jinsheng to join Wang Ziquan. "

Su Qing's memory is very good: "I have seen from our investigation of the enemy that it is not impossible that this big stick Ma is still doing evil after becoming the head of the township."

"After all, this is the hometown of the big traitor Xu. Since he has a relationship with Xu Jinsheng, logically speaking, it shouldn't be him. We warned him when we contacted him, and he promised not to bully the folks. Later, he restrained himself a lot. Occasionally, he also sells some urgent supplies to the guerrillas, I don’t think it should be him!”

Su Qing suddenly thought of something: "Whether it's him or not, check his activities that night, the bandit who came out of the mountain, he will never change his temperament, and we can't let go of any clues about such a big thing. .”

"I have arranged for people to inquire about the news. Regardless of the old and the weak, women and children, all of them were killed without exception. I always feel that this is a bit like a vendetta. It is impossible that there are no clues." Director Zhang suddenly remembered What: "It's strange, the person we arranged to inquire about, why hasn't he come back yet?"

"I remember that Xujiagou is the ancestral land of the traitor Xu Jinsheng. Such a big thing happened, why didn't you see anyone from the Xu family?"

"Uh, I didn't pay attention to this. If you say it this way, will someone seek revenge on Xu him? Then kill all the people in the Xu family?"

Su Qing gritted her teeth: "Take out the anger of the fleeing common people. No matter who it is, he must be caught and made to pay the price in blood."

Director Zhang nodded: "If you want to kill so many villagers, there must be a lot of people here. I have arranged to mobilize the people in the nearby villages to ask if there has been a large group of people here in the past two days. As long as we can find out who came here Come here, this matter will definitely be found out.”

Su Qing looked at the corpses on the ground, her face turned pale: "Okay, you arrange people to bury the corpses of these villagers first, and I will go to the village."

Under a hill in the south, a group of soldiers were trying to dig a hole. Director Zhang took a pen and paper and counted the corpses with several soldiers.

Wang Xiaosan followed Su Qing into the village: "Sister Su, Director Zhang has rich experience, he must have seen the situation in the village long ago, what's so interesting about us entering the village?"

Director Zhang is not in a good mood, maybe he has overlooked something.

"Hey, the ancestral hall of the traitor's family is not bad." Wang Xiaosan looked up at the stone archway in front of him and muttered.

"Ancestral hall?" Su Qing was stunned for a moment, and looked up for a while with her pale pretty face tensely: "Wang Xiaosan, let's go in and have a look!"

As soon as Wang Xiaosan waved his hand, a soldier behind rushed into the Xu family's ancestral hall first.

Su Qing looked at the empty and dilapidated scene in the house and was speechless in the cold wind.

There are no doors and windows, no need to think about it, it was burned by refugees, and there are no tablets on those stone shrines.

Nothing at all.

The Xu family has property in the county, perhaps the Xu family arranged for people to package and transport all the ancestral tablets to the city.

No, although the ancestral hall is dilapidated, the walls of the house are all made of stone and bricks, which is much better than the houses in the village I saw along the way. If the members of the Xu family are gone, there will be no reason for those who fled Do not enter the Xu family ancestral hall.

However, there was not even a trace of blood in the ancestral hall.

This is unreasonable. If the enemies of the Xu family were looking for revenge and killed so many people, there must be deep blood. It stands to reason that the Xu family's ancestral hall should not be let go.

Thinking of this, I turned my head: "Wang Xiaosan, do you know where Xu's ancestor's grave is?"

Wang Xiaosan was at a loss: "I don't know this. I'll ask Director Zhang. Some of them have been active in this area for a long time, so I should know."

"Come on, let's go and see."

Wang Xiaosan subconsciously asked, "What are you looking at?"

"Go and see if the Xu family's ancestral grave has been dug up." After Su Qing finished speaking, she turned and went out.

"Ah? What are you doing to see that thing? You don't want to bury these fellow villagers in the Xu family's grave, do you?"

(End of this chapter)

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