under fire

Chapter 615 Time is approaching

Chapter 615 Time is approaching
The sun is still high in the west, and the cold wind howls in the barren valley.

Near a depression on the mountain wall, several bonfires were blazing, and a circle of figures were sleeping beside the fire, with the neck guard on the hat covering the ears, and the mouth and nose were tightly wrapped in towels.

A puff of white air continued to emit from the mouth and nose of the towel.

The cold wind howled in the ravine, and got into the gaps in the clothes of the soldiers hugging each other.

Occasionally, the smell of barbecue drilled into the nose, and the continuous march did not wake up the sleeping people.

Tens of meters away from those fires, two gray tents leaned against the mountain wall quietly.

In a larger tent, five people sat huddled inside, seriously studying the battle plan.

Pu Buhuan frowned, and unconsciously rubbed the gun cocoon on his hand with a small stone and did not speak.

Hu Yi frowned, thinking about the problems he was facing now. The task assigned by the superior to the student team was to support the secret service team's assassination advance team.

Until now, he hadn't even thought of a way to enter the city. Although he had a detective certificate, he could only bring a gun into the city at most.

Dozens of detectives in the city have been successfully lured out, and now they have to make up their minds as soon as possible, whether to hide this group of advance teams and enter the city with makeup, or find other ways to sneak into the city.

County Magistrate Liu said again: "If we want to get rid of these detective team traitors, I think there is still no way. The people in the county detective team must know each other when we come to the county town. We will have to reveal our secrets when we show up at the gate of the county town. Moreover, devils are everywhere now. Putting up the phone, impersonating the detective team is definitely not going to work."

"Then we can only use the most old-fashioned way to sneak into the city in batches."

Captain Liang immediately denied: "It's also very difficult. Among other things, the most direct way for the detective team to investigate our Eighth Route is to inspect the gun cocoons in our hands. This matter cannot be resolved now."

Liu Manhe smiled: "The chief has considered this issue a long time ago. The soldiers have hardly touched their guns since a month ago. Before they set off, the calluses on their hands were worn out again. In order to deal with this situation, we have been prepared for a long time. .”

Park Buhuan stopped what he was doing: "You mean... people from your secret service team entered the city? Are we staring outside the city?"

Liu Manhe raised his eyebrows: "If you can get in, I have no objection."

County Magistrate Liu had a toothache just thinking about it: "This is a fucking model county for law and order, and the investigation is really strict."

Captain Liang glanced at Liu Manhe: "This plan is too risky. Without enough weapons, it is impossible to complete the mission."

"It's better than sending a large army to attack by force. Moreover, if we attack by force, it will not achieve the effect of us assassinating the devils and deterring the devils."

Hu Yi, who was pondering next to him, suddenly said: "Among our student team, there are a few people who meet the condition of not having spears in their hands, but their combat effectiveness may not be strong, but there is no problem in supporting them."

Park Buhuan thought that he would not be able to enter the city, so he simply stopped thinking about it: "I think, although Staff Liu's idea of ​​using cold weapons is unreliable on the surface, it is the only thing we can do at present. The skills of the fighters are definitely not a problem, in my personal opinion, you can give it a try."

County Magistrate Liu shook his head: "Devils and traitors have New Year's Eve dinner together. They will definitely bring weapons. We use bare hands and knives to deal with enemies with guns. I think you are really crazy."

"Needless to say, you don't know the skills of our comrades in the secret service team. Now that the problem of weapons can't be solved, let's have a hand-to-hand fight with him, the little devil. Think about it, the little devil is indeed a training He is well-trained and has strong combat effectiveness. However, what we are doing this time is an assassination, and it is in a restaurant where there are tables everywhere. No matter how good his marksmanship is, in that complicated environment, he can still beat the old men The white knife goes in and the red knife comes out?"

Pu Buhuan didn't know what was wrong, so he suddenly opened his mouth to sneer at the county magistrate Liu: "Hey, you, the county magistrate, are really wronged. Not only can you not even get a hand grenade in the city, but you can't even get a shell gun. No, you might as well use a kitchen knife to get those 'single ones', I really don't know how you carry out your work."

County Magistrate Liu is not a light-hearted person, and immediately became angry: "Instructor Park, don't talk nonsense if you don't know the situation. The former county head of the Anti-Japanese Government in Qi County defected to the enemy and betrayed our Eighth Route Army Independent Battalion. After I came here, I finally arranged for people to take root in the city. This mass base and intelligence work are not just talking about you, and can be established in a day or two."

Park Buhuan's basic understanding: "Everyone knows that the joint anti-Japanese democratic government established with the reactionaries is unreliable. Can't you be more careful?"

County Magistrate Liu felt that it was necessary to do some ideological work for those who only knew how to kill devils: "Our strength is weak, do you know how many troops there were when we first came to Taihang?
Let me tell you again: your teachers only have 1 people in total!If we only rely on our Eighth Route Army, and the devils plus the security forces, there are hundreds of thousands of troops in North China alone, and our equipment is poor, many soldiers have only three bullets in their guns!
Besides, more than 1 of us surrounded more than 1000 devils who took advantage of the terrain, and we couldn't beat them!

For so many years, we have relied on the masses, and the team has grown to tens of thousands of people. Do you know that nearly half of the soldiers in our army are fighting devils with spears and swords?

If we don't unite to fight against Japan, but rely on ordinary people, where will our guns come from?Where does food come from?You have to make it clear that the superiors have long since stopped mentioning the allocation of land!What should we do with a democratic government? "

Captain Liang saw that everyone was angry, so he quickly pulled County Magistrate Liu: "Hey, I said County Magistrate Liu, you are an old comrade, don't get too excited, we all know what's wrong with this forest There are birds, and it's not your responsibility, let's talk about business now, the situation is in front of us, and then you can talk about the situation in Dadexing Restaurant."

County Magistrate Liu stared at Pu Buhuan and snorted coldly: "Dadexing Restaurant is actually not big, it's just two floors with four front rooms, no private rooms, the kitchen is on the first floor, and the downstairs guests have a small place to eat. There are only a dozen small square tables, and the upper part of the second floor is half larger than the first floor, with more than 30 tables, and people with status usually go to the second floor to eat."

Captain Liang immediately raised a new question: "What if the devil takes over the restaurant?"

"Probably not. Many devils and officials often eat at the restaurant. Just because of the captain of the investigation team, Huang is not a big man in Qixian County. It's approaching the Chinese New Year. The biggest official of the advance team he hired is just a Lieutenant, I think the traitor weasel doesn't have that many abilities!"

Captain Liang continued to ask: "How to deal with Section Chief Lin?"

Liu Manhe finally said: "You don't have to worry about this, I will arrange someone to meet you when you enter the city."

County Magistrate Liu thought for a while: "Okay, since you are all so confident, then I also agree with Staff Officer Liu's battle plan."

Captain Liang considered it carefully for a while: "However, the details need to be improved."

A soldier was turned blue by the cold wind, and ran to the tent out of breath: "Report, an hour ago, a company of security forces came out of the city and spread the word to the outside world, saying that it was going to be a drill, now go to our side coming!"

(End of this chapter)

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