under fire

Chapter 616 Let's talk about pensions first

Chapter 616 Let's talk about pensions first

The cold wind howled and took away the heat generated by the fire, and the desolate and desolate ravine was rumbling loudly, with a small tent mixed in it.

Xiao Hongying had disheveled hair and was wearing a short jacket, her chest was wrapped in a down sleeping bag that was only successfully imitated by a garment factory recently.

There is a shortage of chickens and ducks in the mountains, and the production of down sleeping bags is extremely low, and they were abandoned in the end.

There was an unpleasant smell of feathers in the tent. Xiao Hongying was skillfully fiddling with the big-eyed gun, and with all her strength, she dismantled the gun in her hand into a pile of fragments again, and vented fiercely: "I must go to the county seat!" , Liu Manhe that little bastard, he clearly looks down on me, sister Erniu, help me find a way!"

"Girl, Staff Officer Liu is the person in charge of the operation. It's not good for you to say that about him. I'm so stupid that I can't figure it out!"

The girl changed the subject: "Hey, that Erniu sister, have you really been a bandit before?"

"How is it possible! Don't talk nonsense." Er Niu's dark face showed a trace of imperceptible panic.

"Then why do you know how to ride a horse...and so well?"

"I have been riding since I was a child."

"Gee, when did you teach me to ride a horse?"

Er Niu suddenly changed the subject: "Staff Liu's way is not going to work, why don't you go to Captain Liang to discuss it."

The girl inserted the clip into the handle, pulled the trigger, loaded a bullet, pulled the trigger again, pressed the trigger back and frowned: "Him? He also looks down on me."

"What looks down on you? It's to protect you. It's love. Do you understand?"

"Hey, sister Erniu, don't talk about love. Then why don't you say Mule doesn't want to be with you?"

"Don't tell me about this, I want to make progress now, and I won't be as knowledgeable as that shameless person who kills a thousand knives."

Xiao Hongying rolled her eyes at Er Niu: "If you can't enter the city, you can't live this day."

Er Niu suddenly laughed: "I said girl, it's actually not difficult to enter the city."

"Why don't you say it quickly?"

"Think about it. Chief Lin, who is in charge of intelligence, is being watched by the enemy. If he sends someone else, one more person will definitely be exposed. Wouldn't it be a good time for you to go?"

"I've contacted County Magistrate Liu,"

"That won't work. You have to ask Company Commander Hu to agree first. If he doesn't nod, it's useless for me to say anything."

"They've been muttering about meetings and can't find an opportunity."

"What county magistrate Liu said just now shows that section chief Lin is an important person sent by the superior. In order to ensure her safety, company commander Hu arranged for you to come to the city to meet her. Isn't that all right?"

"I just want to kill the enemies of the advance team, I can't do the work of supporting them."

"Come on, you just want to be with the company commander, who do you think doesn't know?"

Comrade Hongying's small face couldn't hold back anymore: "Hey, you can see this too?"

Er Niu's black face was a bit lonely and unnoticed: "You think we are all two hundred and five, and we are fools?"

The girl didn't notice Erniu's expression: "If I can enter the city, I'll deliver the letter to Section Chief Lin and then go to the fox. There is no rule that I can only follow Section Chief Lin. There is a reason for this."

After finishing speaking, put away the gun, put on clothes and leave the tent to look for opportunities.

At the foot of the mountain, there are loess gullies all over the hilly area.

Head Ma led a company of security forces and hurriedly advanced towards the southeast mountainous area.

A village appeared ahead.

Captain Ma didn't even know how many times he had been here.

As in the past, with an order, more than a hundred people immediately deployed and surrounded the village first.

Then send people into the village to let the villagers gather, and then ask the villagers one by one, and check if there is anything going on recently.

The slow-moving security forces searched the nearly half-empty village like a routine, making a fuss.

The exercise before the new year was more like going out to visit relatives, not a military operation at all.

The maintenance president hurriedly spoke good words to the police investigation team to intercede, and sent chickens and eggs, just begging these scourges not to set fire to the house.

Since the news from the detective team said that the Eighth Route Guerrilla only had about [-] or [-] members, would it be stupid for him not to run away if he made such a big move?
It was more than a mile away from the village at the foot of the mountain, and the head of the horse team stopped moving forward. Who knew whether those eight roads were passing by or for other purposes.

Negative reconnaissance traitors popped up from various places: "Report to the captain, judging from the footprints in the mountain, it seems that there are more than twenty or thirty guerrillas here?"

"What are you talking about? Didn't tomorrow and the day after tomorrow say that there are only twenty or thirty?"

"My brothers took a detour to see them. They were hiding in the ravine. Many of them wore ordinary people's clothes. There were more than 100 of them."

"So many people? You, go back to the city and report to the gendarmerie." The security forces and the traitors of the investigation team found that if the eight-way activities were not reported, it would be a serious dereliction of duty. Of course, it also depends on the size of the guerrillas operating outside the city.


"Don't let me tell you that there are Eighth Route guerrillas and ordinary people operating in the mountains. The exact number is only twenty or thirty. If you report the full number, it will become a large number of Eighth Route groups operating near Qi County. This has to be kept to a small scale."

Captain Huang's idea was not complicated. He wanted to drive the Eighth Route Army away before dark. As for whether he could kill a few guerrillas, it didn't matter at all.

Model County does not mean that there will be no Eighth Routes. The criteria for judging are very simple. There will be no major Eighth Routes activities within half a year. Of course, the fewer the number of rebels caught in the city, the better.

Of course, the fact that no imperial army died is an important indicator. The criteria for judging model counties are very simple.

As for how many spies from the Eighth Route Army and the national army can be caught in the occupied area, it is also within the scope of the assessment. The reason for the Devils Command's judgment is simple: the fewer people caught, the better the public security situation!

But it is absolutely impossible to say that there is no rebel in any county.

The spy battalion was hidden on a hill not far from the foot of the mountain. The waiting security forces and traitors really left the city. More than ten people were quietly observing the movements of the security forces and the detective team at the foot of the mountain.

Now, the main purpose is to hold these traitors back, and they must not be allowed to return to the city, but they can't really fight, otherwise the devils in the city will definitely come out to reinforce, and in this way, the city will strengthen its guard. benefit.

Outside the security forces, there are devils backing them up, so it's okay to fight against the wind, but in terms of combat effectiveness, it's okay to bully the militia guerrillas, but it's really one-sided.

The Eighth Route Army guerrillas in the plains and hills even regarded the security forces as a transport team to deliver guns and ammunition to themselves.

Commander Ma only hopes to withdraw his troops sooner, who would want to come out and mess around during the Chinese New Year?

The appearance of guerrillas outside the city disrupted his account for the Chinese New Year, and it will be settled later: "Captain Huang, why don't we start attacking the mountains now?"

"Of course you have the final say on this matter. My brother has a suggestion. When we take some action, we will search the foot of the mountain and shoot a few shots into the mountain. What do you think?"

"Let's do things, even if we put on a show, we have to act like that, otherwise it will be heard by the Taijun, and this is not a bad thing!" Tuan Zhang suddenly felt that since everyone has come out, he must teach Balu a lesson.

In case these eight groups are looking for opportunities to fish in troubled waters outside the city all day long, some time ago, two of my subordinates were overshadowed by the guerrillas. Although my purpose today is to drive you away, but if you really want to do something, you will definitely not be polite to him .

Thinking of this, he immediately ordered: "Brothers, spread out the formation, attack from the front, outflank the two wings!"

Captain Huang was at a loss when he heard this: "Hey, Captain Ma, there is only one mountain road, how can you copy it?"

"Didn't your mother know that this was an exercise? Have you forgotten the tactics the imperial army taught us?"

"That's not what I meant. I mean, is our detective team just watching the excitement with you?"

"You? What else can you do besides watching the fun? Why don't I give up the main attack to your detective team?"

"Hey, don't play it for real. Don't really fight with the Eighth Route Army. If your subordinates are killed in battle, don't ask me for the pension."

"Are you stupid when you think of me? Do you think I'm the leader of the regiment?"

(End of this chapter)

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